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New Member
I'm here in seeking a roleplay partner to do a very specific idea of an idea in the Devil May Cry verse, which includes canon characters Nero and Kyrie.

Before reading below, my roleplay rules are as follows ~
-Roleplay through discord - for familiarity on my end.. not familiar in threads
-No minors, want to roleplay in similar age gaps
-Must have experience in roleplaying, semi literate to literate
-Third person writing only please
no one liners! Minimum four sentences (more the better!)

The setting of the roleplay is three years post DMC4, and about a month prior to DMC5 where Nero's arm was ripped off. This includes the okay of various themes involved - drama, slice of life, romance, action, fighting

Otherwise here's my roleplay idea..

Three years have passed since the fall of Sanctus, and the once broken town of Fortuna has rebuilt - the once religious ruling of the Order became a diplomatic one as it definitely had eased up for the lives of Kyrie and Nero.

Ever since being saved by Nero, the blooming of they're friendship to a more loving one, as well as the death of her older brother, Kyrie had begun to experience alot of traumas from it.. yet the one that really kept in her mind was the yearning of how to demon hunt.

Experiencing the fact of being hopeless and weak she couldn't get over the thought of another innocent person experiencing the same fate and her not being able to do anything.. and although Nero wasn't keen to it, in time he accepted the idea as mere 'self defense' for her.

With Nero starting his own Devil May Cry business alongside Nico, Kyrie had spent the time working at the orphanage and training through her long time friend from the Order.

All was productive - Kyrie and Nero having a life while he was home.. yet once he needed to leave for work, it was training and work for Kyrie.. but little did Nero know that soon Kyrie got the handle to demon hunting..and it wasn't until one faithful evening of Nero's arm being ripped off by a mysterious hooded figure that Kyrie had to become involved in it all.

If this is an interest to you, please request me a message (better if personally or replying to thread) and a sample of a response of yours

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