

A.K.A Nero


Demon Spiritual (Possible)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Hair: Brown, Side part

Eye color: Blue


135 Ibs

Power: Shapeshifter, Clairvoyant, Power of Manipulation 

Vices/Virtues: Sly, Opportunist, Crafty, Snakelike, headstrong, Traitorous, Arrogant, Unfriendly, Power hungry, Manipulative

 Moral alignment: Chaotic Evil (Does most things for his own benefit though)

Views on the opposite side: Nero despises many things in the world. However, it is none more than the Angels. His spite for them runs deep. Nero despises what they stand for and every Angel that he kills gives him unrivaled satisfaction

Views on the War: Nero has always enjoyed the War, however tedious it may be. It gave him a outlet to outright kill those he hates most. His main motivation is so that e can snag any promotion he can.

What he wants: The thing Nero wants most of all is power. He has always wanted it and will do anything to get it. 


     After Emperor Nero's suicide to escape execution by the Roman's, he was claimed by Satan. Granted Demonhood, Nero began to serve Satan. Nero was glad to be in a state of power again, even though it was truly a small role. However, he wanted more. He missed his status as emperor. He served the Princess of Darkness the best he could. But, he wasn't doing it for her. It was all for himself. He did whatever he had to do to gain power, from fame fellow demons, to sucking up to his superiors to assassinating his kin that were in front of him in the line for a promotion. When the war began, Nero knew that it was time for him to truly rise to power. He set to slay every Angel he could. This also gave him another outlet to lead fellow demons to death by assassinating them for promotions. Nero was one of the most corrupt under Satan's dominion. He even had plans to assassinate Satan for the throne to be his. However, his plans were foiled when he was discovered for his plot. He was sentenced to prison and execution. However, while awaiting his certain death, Hell began to freeze over. He saw this as his chance to escape and did so. He fled up to the surface of Earth and settled in the Town of Terth. little did he know that this would also be the site that many other Demons and Angels settle. In this town he laid low. He didn't want to be discovered by either force just yet. He also had the inhabitants of the town to deal with. He despised mortal, for it was they who condemned him to death. He now lays in wait, to enact his revenge on those who wronged him, and to kill the Angels that he despises. 






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