Nerd Academy


Junior Member

Welcome Students

Today is the first day of the new school year at the prestigious Nerd Academy. All students should report to the gymnasium for check in. Parents may stay for opening speech if they would like, but should leave by 11:00. Lunch is served afterwards. Thank you all for joining us for this new school year, make memories, and have fun!



Spencer stepped out of the car slowly, taking in the sights of her new school. It was large, new, and quite nice. Plenty windows, modern styled. She made her way to the back of the car, her dad already unloading some of her luggage. She had packed literally all her clothes into her suitcases, every pair of socks, T-shirt and even some old, almost unwearable jeans. She sighed as she unloaded the last of her luggage. "Well..." Her dad said, approaching Spencer. "I'll miss ya!" He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into one last hug. "Love you dad." She said weakly, tearing up. "Don't you getting into any trouble now!" He laughed, kissing her cheek before getting in the old, beat up blue car, of which model and make Spencer was unsure. She turned around a took a deep breath. She grabbed her luggage and took the first, heavy step towards her new school, her new home.



Jason didn't have much luggage, he wasn't into "Fashion" or anything, but he had a nice T-Shirt collection, some from bands, TV shows or movies. His parent's didn't bother to help him, they just wanted of get out of there and leave Jason to himself. He packed his bags and set them on the curb, then walked to the window. "Alright dad, that's it." He said. "Have fun son! We'll see you later! Call us!" "Alright dad." He said, going to the curb to get his luggage. Before he had the chance to say anything else to is mother, or father, they were long gone, speeding down the road. "Yup, they hate me." He thought as he sighed and walked towards the school.

Tobi gave her Dad a hug, smiling nervously at him. "Good bye Dad, I love you. Tell Mom I love her too." She struggled with her luggage, having packed so much stuff. She sighed frustrated and waved to her Dad as he spend off with a quick "I love you," leaving her in his dust. She gazed up at her new school, becoming nervous. This place was huge. There was no way she was going to survive this school year.
Bridget had arrived at the academy around 7 that morning. Her parents had brought her early so she could set up and they could help her get all her stuff there. It was no about 9 in the morning and Bridget was standing in her doorway admiring the organizing she had done in her single room. The keyboard her father had bought her, because she couldn't bring her piano, sat looking out the window and next to her bed. There was a small vanity with an oval mirror that held her laptop on it and a few notebooks and pencils. Hanging on the wall were her pink bookcases that she had brought from home and held her most favorite documentaries and fiction stories. Her bed was made with a brown and purple blanket with matching little pillows. Her brown eyes sparkled with triumph and then her alarm would go off on her phone.

Bridget would pull it out quickly and silence it, it was time for the opening speech. She'd run to a shelf and pull her brush from her drawer to re-brush her hair quickly then check her appearance in the mirror. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans that had wholes in them with a black shirt that had pink polka dots and a little black belt that fastened above her stomach with a silver bow. She wore black flats on her feet and black earnings. Turning she would run out the door and head over to the gymnasium as quick as possible. She didn't want to miss anything about her new school.

Once she entered the Gymnasium she'd find a seat about halfway up the risers and pull out her journal. It was a bright blue book that had vines on both covers. She'd remove the pen from the middle of the spiral and turn to a clean page to being writing about her first day at the Nerd Academy. Her long brown hair would fall over her shoulders and cover her face.
Riley sighs as he hugged his mother and father. "Bye.. Love you." He mumbles quietly. He unpacks all of his bags and sets them on the curb. "Call us when you're settled!" His mother said with a smile and got into the car. He nodded and waves. "Love you son.." His father said. Riley nodded and waved again. His parents knew that it was hard for him to act social and.. well.. speak. "Bye.." He mumbled again and his parents left. He sighs as he grabs his bags. "Great... Now I have to meet people and make friends and... I can't do this!" He thought. He wanted to go back home, back to home school.

Once he made it to his room, he pouts a bit, the room was so... empty. "Let's see..." He mumbled. He puts a few posters on the wall, and a few pictures of his family He then puts his blue and white bed sheets onto the bed. He runs his fingers through blueish hair and bites his lip. "Now what...?" He asked himself. He then grabs his guitar case and sets it next to his bed. He sat on his bed, pulled out his guitar and strums a few chords.
It was a long day and Thong has had the last straw with his single suitcase. The elevator to his room was broken so he had to haul it up the stairs with the little muscle mass he had. Finally reaching the last step to his floor, Thong laid on top of his suitcase like a pancake. He grumbled, " I left 3rd world country for a reason. And this is not," Thong gave the suitcase a final push "the reason! Whoooaaa!" Falling down the flight of stairs, finally reaching the base, Thong curled into fetal position on the floor with the items in his suitcase scattered along the floor.
His parents weren't there to see him off as they were back home where he wanted to go back to right now but evidently going here to this school was something that was going to help him. Help him with what? Help him to stand out? That was a laugh, he hated this country as he really stood out in a crowd, his face was different his height was extremely different as he stood among the tallest in the entire academy. In his years here he had never made a single friend preferring his own company then that of others. He grumbled as he remembered that he had to still call his parents and let them know he had arrived safety and so forth it wasn't like they could do anything for him anyway they were across the Atlantic ocean back home in Holland enjoying tea with their supper.

He had already unpacked and sorted his things in his room and arranged the room like he always had, he changed nothing he only added pictures that covered the walls like a panorama view of his favorite place to go. The sea, he had loved it since he was a child. He had stood inspecting the wall for a short period of time before looking for his cell and heading out into the hall closing the door behind him, since he was an upper class men he received luxuriates others didn't like a key coded door and so forth. It was nice and all but bothersome if you lost your key which is why he usually kept his window open. He walked around the halls looking for a quiet place to call his parents but he found none everywhere was filled with parents sobbing farewells to their children. He almost spat on the ground in distaste but he swallowed it. He walked around the campus until he reached the gym and he tested the door which usually was locked but he found it open. He walked in and went to a bleacher not looking to see if anyone else was in the gym or not. He then powered on the phone and began dialing the long international number.

The phone rang several times before he received an answer. " Hallo Moder, How gat het?" He talked fluently in the foreign tongue as he talked with his mother on the other side. " Yea mum dat heft ik all gedaan van daag... Yea... Yea dat sall ik later doon dan... Ya ik how van you ook." He snapped his phone shut grateful that the task was over with. Now finished talking on the phone he looked around the gym and noticed that another person was in the gym and he hurried out before they would catch up to him and begin bombarding him with their stupid questions. He hated that about this country it seemed like the loved foreigners because they had never seen one before. As he walked back outside he wiped his forehead clean of sweat as the temperature difference was that great and the humidity was unbearable. He swept his hair into it's usual position and walked into the crowd trying to make it back to his dorm hall and his room.((sorry if the dutch is abit off i'm writing this on my own without google translate, it's good practice, excuse any mistakes))
Now was a time of desperation. Thong was too tired, too skinny, and too lazy to haul the suitcase up the stairs again. But maybe he will, maybe this is the time to finally step up and actually do something seriously and worthwhile. It's not like he exercised much anyways, this might be a great work out. Looking up the last flight of stairs, light shone through the window giving it an angelic aura...for about 10 seconds. "Nope, not doing it." Out of frustration, he kicked the suitcase which caused it fall down another flight of stairs. "I can never win!" He walked down the stairs doing hand motion towards the sky, it was also a good imitation of Gollum or The Crypt Keeper. A janitor suddenly walked by with a large cart carrying some large items. Light bulb moment.

The janitor had left for the bathroom and had left the cart near the elevator used for staff to carry items up the building. Now was his chance, Thong swiftly placed the suitcase in a spot that blended it with one of the items. He managed to place himself along with his belongings in the suitcase and left it half open. His hand reached out and grabbed a box to place on top of the suitcase so the Janitor wouldn't notice. Hearing footsteps in the distance Thong put his hand back into the suitcase and zipped it. The cart had begun to move. His idea was success. So far at least.

Finally the cart stopped, it seemed like the janitor had left so Thong stepped out and investigated the scene. He was on the roof of the building. "I want to cry." The building had 5 floors and he was on the second. Looking down the dark spirals of stairs, it had started to look more like an abyss. "Well, at least it's easier going down." He placed the blanket at the bottom of the suitcase and curled back into position with pillows on both sides of his head. "Here's to laziness." Thong pushed off the stairs by his hand against the door frame and began to tumble. This was repeated until he got onto his floor.
Bridget was engulfed in writing in her journal about her first few hours at her new school. Her pen moved so quickly in her beautiful script writing as she tried to master every detail of her room and her surroundings. A person speaking in a foreign tongue would pull her from her thoughts after about ten minuets of her concentration. Dark eyes would look up to see a boy with blonde hair. She immediately would look down and let her long dark hair cover her as a shield. ~Of course the first person in this school that I would see would be a guy~ Bridget would close her journal about the time the guy had closed his phone and tuck it away into her bag. It seemed as soon as he had seen her that he had taken off in another direction. With a silent sigh Bridget would stand and run her pale hand through her thick dark hair and begin walking from the gymnasium. It seemed that she was too early for the ceremony? Or perhaps she had had the day wrong. Whatever the case Bridget began walking in the direction the boy had gone, with no intentions of really talking to him, but she did like the way his native tongue brushed from his lips. Just as handwriting could be beautiful Bridget liked the way languages sounded when used in the appropriate way. Bridget herself knew two other languages, three if you counted American Sign Language, but Dutch was not one of them. As she was walking and thinking about learning Dutch if she ever had the time she'd completely forget to watch where she was going and walk right into someone. The guy would stumble forward and then turn around "Hey watch it" Bridget lowered her eyes quickly and nodded her head "Oh I am sorry... really...I didn't-" But the guy had already turned around and went about his business. Bridget would walk to the wall and lean against it, once again running her hand through her hair with a deep breath.
(I will be on, but very rarely these next few weeks, I am at my grandparents and am unable to connect often! Sorry guys!)

Spencer finally lugged her suitcases into her new room. It took her a while, but she did. She was on the 4th floor of the girls dorm building, and it was quite a trek. She sighed, dropping all her bags to the floor. Spencer evaluated the room carefully, mapping I her head what she was going to put, and where. The room was quite dull at the moment, plain egg-white walls with a few dents and scratches here and there. It was much like her own room, except with less. Stuff.

Within 45 - 60 minutes Spencer had finished unpacking all her items. Her clothes all had fit into the provided wooden drawers nicely, with her dress clothing in the small closet. Her stereo sat on the bedside table, along with some other nick-naks from home. She hung a few of her favorite posters on the wall, which included superhero posters, as well as a few of her favorite bands and TV shows. it was quite a sigh to see, and now looked more like home. While she was sorting through her supplies an intercom came on with crackle an spoke: All students are to report to the gymnasium for opening ceremony at this time. Thank you. The speaker clicked off and Spence sighed, checking her room one more time before leaving and attempting to find her was to the school's gymnasium.


Jason was already in his room, just finishing setting up everything. He had his Star Wars figure collection on his window sill, his bed made with it's dull blue plaid spread and his clothes shoved messily into his drawers. Everything else was still in it's bags. He didn't really want to bother with it. Right now he was focusing on the important things. Then, just as he finished placing Darth Vader into position on his window, he heard an announcement. All students are to report to the gymnasium for opening ceremony at this time. Thank you. Jason panicked slightly, as he had only seen the gym once, and wasn't exactly sure where it was. He looked out the window, but all he saw was some other classroom buildings and the girl's dormitory. He gathered his stuff frantically and headed out the door.
i forgot to watch the thread so i didn't get alerts sorry)) 
Just as soon as he had walked into the courtyard he had heard the announcement and he turned around and walked back to the gym heading to a secluded place waiting for everyone else to come in and he walked in heading to his appropriate section and sitting down with the rest of the juniors waiting to be dismissed after the long and boring speech he hated the speech. As the rest of the students shuffled out of the gym after the welcoming speech he walked off to the soccer field and sat in the bleachers looking at the field before he looked around the bleachers and spotted a old ball which he took and tossed into the field below. He took off his coat and placed it on the nearby bench and he then kicked the ball around getting warmed up and then ran around going through the drills he used to do and then he simply kicked a few free kicks and then stopped after kicking the ball back into the bleachers where it had been when he found it he breathed evenly for a bit and then wiped the sweat from his forehead and went to retirve his coat and he then went to walk around the campus one more time before sitting on a bench in front of his dorm and relaxed for a little while before the bell for supper was rang.

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