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Multiple Settings Nenma's FxF craving search

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
Like the title says got a craving for some fxf and also got some potential plots. If any of them peak your interest just shoot me a pm and we can discuss them from there.

My lover is the demon lord-It's been about a year since you began living with your lover it's everything you've dreamed of. The two of you have been spending a wonderful time with one another. They are the perfect lover and make you're day everyday. One day as you wake up you turn to you lover who is staring up at the ceiling deep in thought. Worried you ask what is wrong they turn to you sitting up slightly and say. "I think I might be a Demon Lord?"

The Demon lord is bored-Being the Lord of all demons is hard, having so called heroes busting down your doors every other day is annoying, and sitting all alone in a room by yourself is just so boring. Being the demon king is just soooooo boring I bet bakers have more fun then a demon king does, or a blacksmith hell even being a hero would be better at least ya get to travel places. Being anything but the demon king would be so much better huh what's that sound? oh just another hero here to try and kill me.....wait a minute if they did kill me that'd be the end people wouldn't think to search for a dead man free at last! Now then.......what's the plan?

Her highness- Due to family problems one must work for the royal family in order to keep their family out of debt. Alone in the throne room with the empress she steps down from her throne and holds out her hand. With a face of pure confidence she proclaims. "Be mine!"

Harmless teasing-Kids will often tease those they like in order to get their attention. When most grow out of such childish behavior some do not, but what happens when innocent name calling become hurtful verbal abuse? What happens when playful hits become actual blows? What happens when cute teasing turns into full blown bullying, what happens if the feelings that started all this never went away? What if you wanted to stop but every time you saw their crying face you couldn't help but fall in love all over again?

I'll be your white knight!-"I'll always protect you!" "I won't let you feel lonely!" "You can hold my hand if you're scared!" "I'll fight off all your bullies!" "I'll be your white knight!" Those words typically come out of a handsome guy's mouth but what do you do when a girl is the one who says all of this? When your knight in shining armor turns out to be a girl when the one being swept off their feet turns out to be you!? When the cutest girl in school is the one who is saying all of this to you!?

Long Gone-When you found someone you love and mean the world to you it can be hard to move on after they pass. What can be even harder is when other people and things keep reminding you of them. But what if you found someone who looked just like your deceased love only, they aren't anything like them. Can you learn to love again and can you even handle looking at their face.

I love the idea of you-You could watch them for hours and have, you get so lost just seeing them be so well amazing. Their just so cool their exactly what and who you wanna be. Your heart can't stop beating so fast around them that you're afraid it'll explode. Finally you tell them, "I love the idea of you."

Accidents Happen-Here you are the roof of the school waiting for your crush to come up. You finally worked up the courage to ask them out and this is your chance to finally tell them how you feel. Just as you're second guessing yourself you hear the door open. You can't stop yourself the words just get blurted out. "I like you go out with me!?" You close your eyes and you hear it. "Yes." You can't believe you actually did it and they said yes but as you open your eyes it's none other than one of school's most notorious delinquents well accidents happen.

The Blurred Line-You can't believe how angry they make you even after knowing them for years they still know just how to piss you off. Everyone keeps joking about how you two are some old married couple but you can't see it. There's no way you like them, you constantly talk about them but only to complain about them. You stare at them but only cause they won't stop making faces at you in class. You go over to their place a bunch but only because they won't shut up unless you agree to help them study. You absolutely hate them....right?

Beethoven-You've never been one for music but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate it. Everyday you eat lunch in the same spot just down the hall from the music room to hear the beautiful music that is played. For the longest you were sure it was a recording but after talking to some other students you found out that wasn't true. The music is actually coming from someone playing it in the room themselves. Many think their amazing including yourself they're even nicknamed Beethoven not only because they are amazing but because similar to him they too should have much more difficulty playing so well. Afterall they are blind completely in both eyes you decide during your next lunch period you should stop by and get a close up view at this Beethoven.

How dense can you be?-You and your best friend have a joke you do a lot where you say and do couple like stuff. Blowing kisses, giving each other compliments even telling each other. "I love you." But your friends has seemed down recently and you can only wonder why? "It's been a month now and this dense idiot still thinks I'm joking."

White Knight and The Wicked Witch-A white knight is known to sweep princess off their feet and take them away to get married and live happily ever after. Wicked witches try to make sure this doesn't happen with their magic. That's how it's always been yet what's a witch to do when the white knight wishes to instead marry them.

Senpai!-Being the only senior in a club can be hard having no club members doesn't really help out either. Yet it's a new year so it's time to get some new members too bad no one seemed intrested. Except one freshmen this your chance you gotta make this one count you start by asking why they joined and they answer. "Cause your cute senpai!"

Cool Beauty-They sit alone all the time with a blank look on their face. Expressionless and emotionless, that's what everyone says about the new kid in your class. Yet that isn't true at all you know for a fact it can't be. After all you've seen them smile right after they knocked out the teeth of a guy trying to mug you.

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