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Realistic or Modern Neighborhood

Endless Love

Reality TV Junkie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Welcome to Boca Raton, FL.


Yeah, it's a small town, and pretty diverse too. Home to the rich, and the...not so rich.

But when the previous inhabitants of the homes on Canal St are evicted, and new families move in, will everything change? Relationships, Quick flings, even enemies?

That's up to you to decide.

Alexis slammed her alarm clock off, a groan emitting from her lips as she rolled onto the lavender carpeted floor of her small bedroom in which she spent most of her time.What it was lacking in size, it made up for it by being cozy and charming. The walls were an off white, and a large bulletin board hung on the wall, on it hanging various photos from photobooths at the mall, and family christmas cards. Her bed was a queen size, and over it hung multicolor Christmas lights.

After apply her mascara and light pink lip gloss, Alexis took her white Coach bag, ((Which she had worked overtime at Hollister to earn) and headed outside, where her mom was waiting in the car. She smiled, buckling her seat belt in the passenger seat. "Where to, again?" Her mom asked, adjusting the rear view mirror and beginning to back out of their driveway. "Mall." Alexis answered, giving her mom a faint smile and tucking a strand of beach blonde hair behind her ear.


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Alec pulls on his hoodie and goes out for a jog, running past Alexis and Connor then turning a corner with his headphones on. He always found it easier to get into a rhythm during a run in the morning before he would waste energy or become to preoccupied. He turned another corner and ran a hand through his hair, ruffling the gelled spikes he has crafted in the mirror. Alec breathed steadily as his feet pounded down the street.

Miya crawled out of bed bleary eyed. She peered into the vanity mirror she had in the back corner of her messy room through her bedhead. She sighed and made her way to the bathroom where she proceeded to shower and rub herself down with strong scented body lotion to hide the lingering smell of beer in her breath and skin. She shook her hair out and dried it, then straightened it. After finishing her makeup, a long arduous process involving at least 5 different creams and powders. She pulled on a loose black top and slid into a pair of white denim jeans. Miya stepped outside and was automatically blinded by the sun streaming into her eyes.
Carson sat upright on the fountain at the park. The well trimmed bushes and flowers resting around him. He inhaled deeply, surveying the park around him. His lower lip stuck out and he placed he palms on the surface of the fountain. He kicked up his feet as he hummed the tune of "Hall of The Mountain King". He lifted himself up and strolled through the park until finally making a stop at a nearby gas station where he bought a bag of chips and a slim jim. Carson walked throughout the town, being new to the place he wanted to get familiar with his surroundings. He peered around at the passing buildings and cars until finally coming to a pause at the farmers market downtown.
Justin sighed, glancing around at the scheme of his room. He was actually quite agitated with the way his father had set ifpt up, for it was nowhere near to his liking. The sad thing about it, he himself was entirely too lazy to get up and rearrange it the way he wanted himself. At these thoughts, he rolled his hazeled irises, turning is gaze to his open window, watching as people below began to move about. Swing this he mutters under his breath. "Early birds..."
Darin blinked his eyes open, sunlight filled in. He had fallen asleep up on the limb of a tree. How much time has passed? He wondered to himself as he didn't bother moving. This is where he usually was, out and about instead of at home. Nothing good for him was there. His father had left at an early age and his mother was always emotionally stricken; constantly blaming him for his fathers absense. On several occasions he had slept overnight at several clubs and alley ways. He wasn't poor, his father had left them with quite a lot. He didn't like to embrace the fact he had a ton of money though. He didn't care for the stylish, lavishing life. This was fine for him, anywhere far from home.
Miya blinked furiously until her eyes adjusted to the light. She sipped her little bottle full of "water" and made her way down the front walk stepping over the jagged tiles on the steps. She started walking not caring where she was going.

Alec stopped ad gulped down air. He had lost track of time on his run. His eyes flicked down to the screen of his phone and back up at his new surroundings . He turned to head home from the market but ran straight into Carson. He hadn't really spoken to him since he had moved in but knew he lived a few houses down from him. "Oh umm... sorry"

London had arrived at the mall about 25 minutes ago. She was waiting for Alexis, her best friend. She was a bad influence to her bestfriend and had a feeling Alexis's parents weren't exactly fond of her. London had arrived wearing her usual makeup, dark winged eyeliner, dark mascara, and a shiny pink coat of lipgloss.

London sat on a bench outside the mall bored. She had out her iPhone and scrolled through her contacts. They consisted mostly of guys she met at the club. Those guys she barely knew and probably slept with. She deleted a few contacts. She needed more space for new guy's she'll meet. London was naturally a guy magnet. She was a flirt. She was known across town as a she-player. Guys couldn't resist her, and she took advantage of it. She didn't need others to teach or tell her what to do. No one has ever taught her what to do, and she had never taught anyone how to get guys. Everything she did was legal. She wasn't involved in prostitution. She broke rules that involved alcohol and drugs though. London glanced over to see a few hot guys checking her out. She smiled flirtatiously before and looking away. It was ironic that she was best friends with such a good girl. London waited a few more minutes. She became a bit impatient. When will Alexis arrive? She dialed her best friend. "Hey, Lex, ya here yet?" she asked bluntly.

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Lucas and Jonathan were at their dad's. It was his weekend to have them, not like he really wanted to see his queer and mentally handicapped sons. Adopting Lucas was their mother's idea and Jonathan...well he was just a freak of nature now. Lucas sat on the lawn in the backyard next to Jonathan. His older brother was pointing at clouds and asking Lucas if they looked like certain things. He tried to ask yes or no questions that Lucas could easily answer. When the answer was no Lucas would look at the cloud in question and try and formulate a one to three word sentence. Jonathan loved holding his brother and showing him how much he cared for him. Lucas loved the hugs, they were soft and warm. He never initiated hugs or gestures because he was never sure what to do in social situations. Lucas held Tyson, his plush tiger, in his arms and rubbed the soft fur against Jonathan's nose. It ticked and caused Jonathan to laugh a little. "Hi Tyson," Jonathan said petting the stuffed animal as if it was real. Lucas smiled at this and sat up. He stood up and twirled around with his arms out, soaking in the sunlight.

Jonathan smirked at him and chuckled,"You a ballerina?" Lucas stopped spinning and looked at Jonathan.

"No," Lucas said making a slightly pouty face,"I flower."

"You a sunflower?" The older asked.

Lucas nodded and Jonathan got up and took Lucas's hand in his.

"Want to go shopping with me? Mom gave me money...We can get you a new stuffed animal if you like," Jonathan said swings their arms forwards and back a bit. Lucas beamed. Another stuffie?! The boy was bound to have an even larger collection before it made Jonathan bankrupt.
Elizabeth gave her graffiti some finishing details before putting her spray can in the floor and admiring her master piece. She was proud of her work and happy that her step mother and father or the cops interrupted her. She started walking home until she remembered her parents had an interview at home and the last thing she wanted was to appear in live t.v. She stood outside her home and grabbed a rope that hung out of her bedroom window which she always used to escape. Elizabeth climbed the rope and as soon as she entered her room she saw some cash and quickly grabbed it. She got out of her room using the rope and started walking towards the mall.

Elizabeth entered the mall and started looking for the music store until she saw some guys checking her out and rolled her eyes. "Not happening assholes!" She yelled at them as she continued walking.

Lilian Esme Nóta

Lilian groaned when she heard her bedroom door open, quickly throwing her bed covers over her head. She knew exactly who it is. "Lily, get up. We've been here for a few months now... almost a year, and you still haven't made any friends," Andrea, Lilian's mother, said. I've got to remember to lock my door, Lilian thought to herself. She hated hearing her mother's every day lecture on how to make friends. The thing was, Lilian was fine with being alone. She didn't want any "friends," especially not any from Boca Raton, Florida. "Seriously, Lily," Andrea continued, "Your apa and I didn't come to the United States for you to be a.. what do they call it here? Loner?" Lilian sat up from underneath the covers and gave her mother a look that showed she didn't want to hear what she had to say. Andrea shook her head and left Lilian's room before saying, "Get up, Lily. Get prepared for the day." I'm eighteen and she insists on treating me like I'm still ten, she thought to herself. Lilian looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It read 2:56pm. Lilian frustratingly snatched the covers off of her body and got up. She knew that if she didn't, her mother would be back in her room with another lecture. She put her hair in a messy bun and proceeded to the bathroom for her daily morning routine.

When she finished getting "prepared for the day," Lilian walked down the staircase in her house. "Ah, someone's up earlier than usual!" She heard her father, Abel, say as she entered the kitchen. She gave him a half-smile and went into the refrigerator and got herself some water. "Good, you're finally up, Lily," Andrea said, entering the room, causing Lily's half-smile to diminish. She knew she had to get out of her house and quick or else her mother was going to annoy her more than she'd already been. She quickly walked up to her room, water in hand. Lilian put on shoes and grabbed her paint, water, paint brush, and fresh white board. She closed her bedroom door behind her when she left and sneaked past her parents, trying to avoid them. Closing the front door quietly behind her, Lilian sat down under a tree across the street, making sure her parents wouldn't see her. She then looked around her neighborhood and noticed different people. Some she knew, some she knew of. She didn't bother to speak to any of them, though.
Friends? Who needs 'em, she thought to herself as she proceeded to put her board in front of her and paint.

Justin mumbled as he slowly rose from his seated position in the windowsill. At the time, he was aimlessly watching the outside world around him. He knew it was stupid to do so, but all in the same, it was better than nothing.

Having nothing to do, he decided he should attempt to go out and explore the rash amount of neighbors he had. This not meaning he would talk to or approach them, but in the least, he would see proof of their existence.
Carson spun around, his mouth filled with chips. "Oh,uh its okay." he said with a mouthfull of potato chips. He swallowed a chips and cracked a smile. "Chips?" he smiled as he held out the bright yellow bag with the lays logo plasted across the bag.
Gilmoregirl12 said:
( wanna catch up the working girl )
Death to all betrayers
((Nobody's interacted with anyone yet, half of us are headed to or are at the mall.))

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alexis got the message just as she walked into the mall. She immediately saw London, and he lips curved up into a childish grin. London was looking her usual self, pretty and mysterious. The boys were all over her and Alexis just didn't know how she could pull her look off flawlessly. If she tried to be wild and rebellious she'd just seem like an idiot by showing up five minutes after curfew. Even her parents would occasionally tease her. "Londie!" Alexis called out, her face cheerful as she speed walked over to her friend and gave her a quick playful hug. "Ready to hit the shops?" She asked, her dark blonde brows quirked. London was pretty stylish, and it was sometimes challenging to impress her because of her perfect fashion sense. She was like some kind of critic on a fashion show, but it was actually pretty fun to try to find something that could even impress her, someone with a wardrobe anyone would envy. Her parents were rolling in the dough, so her limits were probably pretty high, if at all.​
Alexandria had been asleep. She woke up and sighed as her alarm went off. She was tired and really not in the mood to meet up with her agent at the mall in this town. She had just moved in and her modeling agent had kept her up late then asked her to go to a meeting today. She went and showered and dressed. Alex went to her car and started to drive to the mall. She walked in her sunglasses on.She put them up and looked around for Starbucks. She hated public places as a well known model many stopped and starred at her. She walked to Starbucks and sat down.

Her manger walked up as she was on her phone.She looked up and spoke in Russian. She told him she hated being in public. She sighed as the man they were meeting came up. She shook his hand and gave him a winning smile. She talked to him for a bit. They smirked and laughed as they drank there coffee. She had seen a few glances from the other's, but she shrugged it off. She probably go shopping after this and get some new clothes. Alex tapped her fingers on the table and sighed. She was tired of the pointless meetings, but it kept her in business. Alex nods agreeing to model for him and shakes his hand as he stands. She had given her manager an annoyed look and they talked for a small amount of time.

Death to all betrayers
"You said you would take me to the park," Nico said in his young, boyish voice. Roman shook his head in frustration, mostly because of himself. "Sorry, Nico. Can we do that tomorrow? Fratellone overslept and now he's late for work," Roman quickly explained, trying to fix his hair so that it at least looked presentable. He ruffled his little brother's hair affectionately, hoping Nico would take his apology. He knew playing scrimmage for three hours straight earlier that morning would be a bad idea, but those neighborhood kids knew how to play good soccer. He'd crashed when he came home after that, and now he was paying the price dearly. He checked the time again. Yup, still an hour late. Nico seemed to get bored of watching his big brother panic and left the room, Roman soon following after.

"Ehi, Papa!" He called out to his father, letting him know that he was leaving for work. Just as he closed the door behind him, he noticed the unusually empty driveway. Wait, that's right, his car was in the shop. His mother was probably using the other one, so that meant... Roman groaned. The bike. Quickly, he took it out from the garage and pedaled for his life towards the mall, almost running over a girl who was walking from her house in his haste. "Sorry!" he shouted his apology, eyebrows furrowed slightly at the way she walked. Was she drunk? He waved the thought away. Fifteen minutes later, he'd chained up his bike safely and was jogging through the mall entrance, only slowing when he'd reached the coffee shop. After clocking in, he smoothly stepped into his place behind the counter and smiled at the next customer, pretending not to notice the judging stare his boss was throwing at him. "Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?"
London looked up from her phone when her embarrassing nickname was called out. She rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide the smile forming on her lips. "How's it going, Lexi?" she asked Alexis with a smile. The cheerful blonde ran toward her with a joyous smile. London chucked to herself. She hugged her bestfriend. London didn't understand why her friend admired her. She wondered if Alexis had ever thought of her as a bad influence. "Yeah, lets go shop. I'd say we head to Forever 21. You?"

Alexandria went to grab another coffee as her manger left. She waited in line texting her boss about the party tonight. She didn't want to go, she didn't have some one to go with.She sighed as she made it to the counter. She saw Roman and smiles. "Hi may I have a white chocolate latte please. Skim milk."She said. Alex said."The name is Alexandria. "She said. She slipped her card across the counter.

She smiles gently, he was cute and seemed nice enough. Alex watched him with bright blue eye's. Maybe she had found someone to go with. He looked old enough. She had a ticket for a man to escort her tonight. She told London, she take her tonight as well, but she needed a guy to go with her as well. She sighed. She might ask him, she see there wasn't a line behind her not yet atleast.

Death to all betrayers
Waking up had never been a major talent of Eddie’s, and this morning was no exception. The blaring alarm was met by a half muffled shout as his hand stuck out of the covers and began to flail wildly, searching for the snooze. His fingers eventually came into contact with the smooth plastic button and he was given blissful silence. It was shot lived as his phone began to screech horrible into his right ear as well. Swearing under his breath he propped himself up on his forearms and took the device in his hands. It was nothing more than a second alarm.

Resigned to his fate Ed crawled out of bed and dragged himself into the shower. Several minutes later he was walking into the dingy kitchen of his new apartment, a lit cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. It had been cheap, or cheap enough for him to afford on his budget. Turns out the previous owner had gone missing so he ended up with all of his furniture as well, a welcomed piece of luck, for Ed at least. Pushing the thoughts aside he swiftly made himself some toast, eating the cheap bread wordlessly. Checking his phone he noted the several missed calls and messages, mostly from people back in England, checking on him, some still wondering why he left. Ed ignored them, he could always reply later. No today he had something to actually do.

He left the house wearing a pair of converse, baggy jeans and a hooded coat. Though the weather seemed pleasant enough he still took one out of habit. He lit another cigarette as he walked, breathing in the fumes deeply as he approached the mall. He had just moved out to this obscure little town and was forced to leave his guitar at home. He had decided to treat himself to a new one alongside a few other necessities he had yet to stock his house with.
Elizabeth walked inside the music store and smiled at one of the employees who saw her entering.

"Well, it's been a long time since you stopped by Blackwell "

The employee said with a big smile on her face, Elizabeth was a regular and she knew every single person who worked there.

"I've been really busy"

"It's alright, what can I help you with?"

"I need some new strings for my guitar"

"Sure, follow me"

Elizabeth followed the girl until they reached the stand full of strings. She took one and started walking towards the check out
It didn't take Ed long to stock up on toilet rolls, shower gell and three months worth of pot noodles and soon he was wandering the mall looking lost. It was nothing like the shopping centres back in the UK, bigger and filled with all kinds of shops. I guess it didn't help that he came from a rather rural area. Still it took him a while to finally stumble upon a music store.

He took one last deep inhale of the nicotine tainted smoke before he ground his cigarette against a wall and dropped it on the floor. Exhaling with a sigh he waved away most of the smoke and entered the shop, simply browsing the isles.
Hinata had been up for hours before she actually left the house. She'd been reading for a while before she actually got up and began to get dressed. As she got dressed, she worked out that because she'd gone to bed at eleven and woken up at six, she'd had approximately seven hours sleep. That wasn't bad for her. She tied her shoelaces in a neat bow before she headed outside.

She was headed to the mall for one reason and one reason only: shoes. It was an incredibly girly thing to need- it was definitely a NEED, she didn't WANT new shoes at all. In fact, she quite liked her shoes. But anyway, she wasn't normally the kind of girl that spent about ten hours picking out posh high heeled shoes that were coordinated to match her hair grips- actually, scratch that, people that wore posh high heels rarely wore coloured hair grips.

No, she was only looking for shoes because she only had three pairs. She had the white sneakers that she wore to school; she had the black boots that she wore to perform; she had the ugly greyish lace-ups that she was wearing now. The only problem was her boots were falling apart. And she really needed new ones. It wouldn't do for her to perform in broken boots, she could injure herself. So, she headed to the mall.

Hinata got there quite quickly, as she walked quite fast and didn't take time to look around at her surroundings. She was just entering the mall, when she stopped where she was and ran both hands through her hair, pulling a little too hard on her dark hair. She winced and let go of her hair. She'd only been to the mall once since returning to Boca Raton as she hated shopping and her mom normally did it for her. Now, she was a little torn on which way to go. She bit down hard on her lip.

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