Need to get this sh*t outta my head [ rant ]

Don't mind me here. I'm just pissed and heartbroken and trying not to fall apart at this point.

(Basically me just ranting).

Trigger Warning: Heartbreak and Cheating

(Just in case; better safe than sorry, right?)

So. Where the hell do I even begin?

I met him last year. Let's just call him Todd. Todd found me one day, introduced himself, and we instantly clicked. It felt like we had known each other before we had met, if at all possible, and I felt like he understood me without me having to say anything. We became good friends over a few months, and I opened up to him. I told him everything. Like, everything. I told him my fears, my thoughts, and quirky things from my childhood. I told him things I have never told anyone else. We could laugh when sh*t hurts, and we could tell each other anything and everything. Now, you may ask, what happens next?

He asked me out about a year later. I, of course, said yes. We fell in love. Todd loved me. I loved Todd. I know, it's cheesy as sh*t, and I know most people look down upon a fourteen year old falling in love with a person two years older than them, but I said, f*ck it. I loved Todd. He understood me. He loved me for who I was, and he loved my flaws along with my strengths. He held me when I was falling apart from stress of life. Todd was a shoulder I could lean on. He was everything to me.

Fast forward to present day. Todd tells me he has something to tell me. I tell him he can tell me anything, and he says he knows. I of course know something is up, and sit down with him while fear blooms inside me.

Turns out Todd was cheating one me with a few girls this past week.

Three girls, to be exact.

At first, I thought he had to be joking, or pranking me. The Todd I knew and loved would
never do that to me, no matter what. So, of course, I burst out laughing and tell him that he's a good actor. Todd stares at me, not moving a muscle. It was then I realized he wasn't kidding. He had cheated on me. He went into explanation of why he banged the three girls. Told me he'd never do that, blah blah blah.

I freaked out, and ran away from the house. This was yesterday, actually. For the longest time, I just numbed myself from all emotion. I refused to believe it. I didn't want to. So, naturally, I didn't feel anything for a long time. After an hour or so lying in bed, the affect hit me. Hard. I sobbed for God knows how long, and convinced myself I was fucking worthless. I told myself I was a piece of shit, and that it was MY fault. I told myself I wasn't good enough, otherwise he would have never gone to other girls. I actually fucking believed he loved me. I feel STUPID for believing he had.

Today, I woke up this morning. Told myself everything I told myself last night, and tried carrying on. My panic attack didn't exactly help, either. I felt like I was suffocating. The worst part is, no one noticed. No one noticed the fucking panic and guilt and heartbreak eating me alive. Why the fuck could nobody see me? I'm falling apart, and I feel alone. There's no one to pick me up anymore. Todd was the only one that could do that. Now I don't have Todd.

Love is a bitch.

How the hell can I trust anyone else anymore? I mean, I have a hard enough time opening up with friends, but now this shit happens? I feel unworthy. I feel naive, stupid. Maybe dating isn't meant for fourteen year olds. Maybe dating isn't meant for

Very true, very true. I guess I have a tendency of blaming myself for something happening before actually looking at what the situation is. It's really difficult to let him go, but I really do see your point. I thought about this a lot this morning, and I've decided I need to let it go and move on. It wasn't my fault, and there's nothing I can do to change anything. Of course, heartbreak still hurts (like, a lot), but I need to move on. I'll probably talk to my close friend (she's a girl), and possibly my older brother. You're absolutely right. Thank you so much for helping me see that I have people that care about me; I guess in the moment, I felt alone because I was too afraid to talk about it. Thank you, again. We need more people like you in this world!
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You deserve so much better. You're also fourteen, and have a lot of life ahead of you.

Here's the thing: you will fall in love again. That may seem impossible right now, but it will happen. Likewise, you will also get your heart broken, again.

But you will survive and come out so much stronger and wiser.

Someday, you will find a guy who is CRAZY about you and thinks you hang the moon. He'll be so in love with you, that no other girl could compare. Oh, sure, they might be pretty and all, but they won't be you. You'll be the only girl he wants; and you'll be so in love that you will forget about all the boys whoever mistreated you and sadly didn't see the treasure they had in front of them, because you are a treasure.

Right now, you'll need time to heal. That may look like eating ice cream out of a carton, crying as you watch a sad movie, rocking out to your favorite angry break up song (Kelly Clarkson anyone?), or whatever you need to heal.

But girlfriend, you will move on, and you will find love! (:
Oh my god. This really touched me. I just wanna hug you right now.

I think everyone deserves much better, yes. I guess this is a learning experience, and after this has all blown over, I'll come out stronger, and stand a little taller (yes, all dem song references).

Gahhh, this like made my day. I really do hope that one day, I will find him, whoever he is and wherever he is right now. I have constantly been thinking about this, and Todd, and I've decided that someday I'll find someone that's perfect for me, and I'll be perfect for that special someone. Though, I still need a
lot more time to heal, but I'm pretty confident that this was just a learning experience, and now I'll be stronger; no pain, no gain, right?

But thank you so much, gurly. You really put a smile on my face, and I just wanna hug you right now. Do virtual hugs count? They do now! *hugs*

Well, the whole crying and eating ice cream out of the carton while watching a sad movie sounds good right about now. I might do that. Maybe watch a cheesy love story and cry my eyes out. That sounds really good right now. I always have found that when I'm upset (heart broken in this case, but same difference), I feel way better when I put on a good romantic movie or just a sappy movie, and bawl until my eyes are red. It really releases pent up emotions, and I feel better all together. Ice cream always helps, too. Oh, and I'll listen to Kelly Clarkson on repeat. x3

Girly, thank you so much again. I just wanna hug you right now. Like, really badly. Someday, girly, you'll find love too, and then we can pretend to go on double dates and we'll cry our eyes out while watching a romantic film, okay? Okay.

c: *hugs again*

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