Need some artifacts and advice.

Need some artifacts.

I have a plot forked out that involves a death lord (still need to decide which) softening up the scavenger lands for invasion buy seeding wars fueled by “recovered first age artifactsâ€
I have read the book, I found it unfortunately light on single use artifacts. there are of cause good reasons for this (most single use artifacts where used long ago if they where ever made during the high first age) but this doesn’t serve my plot.

I'm picturing weapons that would 'accidently' do nearly the same level of damage to the people using it as it does to the enemy unless they are damn careful.  Hmmm.  Perhaps a mortar style weapon that fires multiple projectiles in all directions so it will hit your people too (unless you can set it off in the middle of the enemy and far enough from you).

Or a one shot weather controler to make a downpour drench your opponents and make them attack thru thick mud.  Nice defensive item that is fairly short term.  I can tell you from personal expierence in the Army that marching thru mud is just a few steps away from a neardeath moment as i'd like to get.
Sounds to me like the sinister underhanded work of the Lover, ensuring that her precious Abyssals that she so loves don't have to fight a very long war...
Indeed, take a leaf out of the Lover's book. See the "Legendary Warstriders" section in Wonders of the Lost Age; she seeded Lookshy with a cursed Warstrider.
Zombies dont need feeding, so anything with a side affect that wipes out agricultural produce within a many mile radius would seem to suit this deathlord's schemes quite nicely.
Eidolon Class Warstriders

Artifact level : ????

Taking the concept of Gunzosha armour to the inevitable conclusion, the Eidolon class warstriders are mighty engines of warfare and devastation. With an armoured exterior that is more a bone caprice than plates of magical metals, the Eidolon appears a bioengineered creature than artifact.

Still, its quasi-living nature means that it is more fluid in its movement and control. It also means that the Eidolon never needs repairs as it can actually heal itself at the speed of an exalt and that healing charms have full effect on it.

Because of their unique design, the Eidolons can enhance the effects of the charms and various magical effects that its user possesses, beyond what should be normally possible. For that reason, many dragonblooded suicide commandos in the Ursuption used such artifacts to deal with the Solar anathema.

All this power does not come at no cost. The Eidolon still needs to be attuned as normal for a cost of 15 motes, and one hearthstone from a level 3 manse for it to activate. However, there is a danger. Once the Eidolon is activated, the user can not deattune or leave the warstrider without dying.

Activation of the Eidolon requires that the user enter the dark spheric chamber where the heart would be, insert in the heartstone (there are enough slots for an additional four more hearthstones to be plugged in). Once the hatch is closed and the motes are being committed, the chamber is flooded with a vicious blood-like liquid. Immersion of the pilot in the liquid does not result in death, instead something else happens. The pilot's mind becomes one with the Eidolon, negating vision penalties, fatigue, or even mobility penalties.

Opening of the hatch or deattuning of the Eidolon always has the same tragic result, a outpour of crimson liquid from the chamber with the pilot gone along with any hearthstones in the chamber. The manses of the hearthstones start to regenerate their hearthstones as normal from that point.

The attunement of the Eidolon lasts as long as the pilot can maintain the motes or until the hatch is opened for any reason.


Height : 20 feet

Soak : 22 Lethal/Bashing/Aggravated

Strength : 15

Mobility Penalty : 0

Fatigue Penalty : 0

Built-in Weapons : none

Notes : User does not suffer perception/awareness penalties. Should the user of the Eidolon have their peripheral essence active, their anima powers are enhanced. The boost on Celestial Exalted's anima powers is unknown at this time.


Air Aspect : May move on air as if flying, takes no damage from falls

Earth Aspect : Additional Soak equal to essence, may move in the earth as if user is an earth elemental.

Fire Aspect : Immune to all fire, Anima aura does Essence x 2 damage. Unarmed combat adds that additional damage.

Water Aspect : Add essence score to all dodge/parry attempts (DV if 2e)

Wood Aspect : Immune to all poisons. Physical contact with Eidolon or anima aura poisons target and enviroment. Targets must roll Stamina+Resistence at (DB's 1/2 essence). Success results in 1L, and (DB's 1/2 essence) die penalty for scene. Failure results in (DB's essence) damage, and and (DB's essence) die penalty for scene.

Charms such as "refining the inner blade" will create weapons scaled to the warstrider, including stats.

Charms such as "portentous comet deflecting method" will function against charm enhanced attacks as well as sorcerous attacks.


Yeah... it's kinda overboard. But it's pretty much single use, by any given being. And I'm sure that there ARE command codes somewhere that pops open the cockpit hatch instantly.  :twisted:
Haku, you are one sick, twisted person.  I like that.   :twisted:
Haku said:
Yeah... it's kinda overboard. But it's pretty much single use, by any given being. And I'm sure that there ARE command codes somewhere that pops open the cockpit hatch instantly.  :twisted:
Why pop the hatch when you've got the command codes? Why not just activate Eva's sleeping mind and send it on a rampage?

You were thinking of Eva when you made this, right? :)

Cool idea!
Yes, I was thinking of NGE when I made this, the scary thing is... I HAVE the eidolons in one of my games, the only difference is that the pilots don't die... immediately.   :D

And as for awaken the sleeping mind... that's an interesting notion... yes.  :twisted:
Upon reading your request for artifacts I thought:

What if they were just cursed items. Made by the deathlord to look war-insiring, but really should anyone try to use it they blow themselves and their armies up.

I'm reminded of a game I played where the characters stumbled blindly on first aged ruins, and there found large panels (about the size of a car) that looked like a control station. Due to clever construction even our very artifact friendly Twilight couldn't determine if it was a defensive or offensive control panel, or if it even worked anymore. Perhaps something simular?
While back firing artifacts may sound fun they tend not to have a large effect on nations military, artifacts are usually tested in a relatively safe location in case it is faulty with age or the tech makes a mistake. And if your going to weaken the scavenger lands as a whole you want weapons that will inspire a nation to unjustified confidence rather than fueling last ditch efforts.
agreed, that's why the eidolons are scary... they don't backfire... they work beautifully, exactly as described.

Great power at great price.

Possibly just the thing that you stuff essence using mortals into if you have no ancient or sucidal DBs around... ^_-
If the Deathlord is going to be sending in ghosts and zombies lead by an Abyssal, then seed weapons that affect peoples mind and does not affect his/her troops.  Something that reduces the Valor of enemy troops, (perhaps by sacrificing the wielders compassion?).  Or even just Agies Inset Amulets so that mortals can wield artifact weapons because they will have a much harder time resisting Abyssal Social Charms and will become part of the Deathknights new army.  Then when they die in battle,they get a promotion to the ghost brigade.  :twisted:
How about a combination of horrific weapons that nobody in their right mind would use, accompanied by an incentive to be temporarily out of one's right mind? After all, a well-placed moonshadow in the court of a powerful king can make him to feel hemmed-in by enemies. If he becomes frightened enough that they might invade his land, perhaps he'll use that artifact weapon he found last season that releases a great plague under his direct control?

If you like plagues, I was thinking of a great sheet of soiled canvas which, when spread with the blood of a sick person, flattens out into a black ink map of the region, with little red beads representing those suffering from the illness in the region. Originally intended for diagnosis, pouring pure, freely given blood free of the disease over a region cures it of that disease. The tarp has been tainted by the deathlord so that pouring tainted blood over a region of the map will afflict that region with the disease. The blood is absorbed instantly by the map and transferred to the clouds of the region instead, to be rained upon them.

Plagues are great because they make shadowlands.
Plagues are great because Abyssals also have charms to make them almost immune to them.  Not to mention a zombie wouldn't care too much if he was infected with (yet another) disease.
I imagine the Deathlords would have loved HIV. I imagine they'd have made it airborne within weeks of its arrival, and screwed the world again.
Fire away! Don't forget the moonshadow, or the hapless king might bundle it up and never use it. It's pretty evil, you know. It makes shadowlands.
That's like the worst line ever.

"It's pretty evil...It makes shadowlands..."

Sounds like a bunch of Abyssals around the coffee machine trying to tell one-up stories about Evil or getting laid. :P
Yea, I had this chick in chiaruscuro. Used bone puppet dance. Oh yea, that puppet danced all right. All night long.

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