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Hello all! This is not my first time here on rpnation! I've had a few different accounts from the times I lost my passion for writing, I'm here now that my life is starting to get on track (tmi I know) but I'm proud of myself and hoping this is something I will be able to enjoy once again! In total I'd have to say I've been rping for a total of 9 almost 10 years now. I'm not one for humongous words but I would like to say I'm quite literate and appreciate proper grammar, I like to write as much as I can in my replies but sometimes if I'm not sure how to respond and keep the story going (brainfart basically) my response can be a bit shorter. A minimum of a paragraph at least as a response from me. Switching again to my interests and what I like to roleplay. I'm a huge horror fan and love anything creepy, gory, anything that most people don't believe in, I'm a huge nerd in general that loves many many books and I fill most of my time up with various genres of video games, from horror as you may have guessed, to Call of Duty and Skyrim.

I haven't been on here for a few years and not a lot of topics or things I want to start pop into my head but if at all, you're interested in starting something with me 1x1 or even if you want to direct me somewhere you think I should check out let me know! I not only love horror and gore, but also video games, fantasy, romance, literature (alice in wonderland is my all time favorite to rp!) and lots and lots of others, I like a lot of different stuff. I'm sorry if my rambling doesn't look that put together or professional but as I said, I have not roleplayed in a long while, but I am eager to get back into it and get my skill back(: take a chance on me!!


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