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Need name ideas


As seen on Youtube
A prologue for something I'm writing.

After the sixth world war ended in the year 2,506 the humans entered a long era of peace that lasted until 2,666, when the monsters began to arrive. Most countries began to build up their armies to fight the monsters, but usually ended up waging war with other countries out of fear of being attacked. The humans finally united in the year 2,695, 7 years before the war would begin. During those 7 years the humans gathered in large fortresses scattered across the globe. The monsters waited until the sixth of June to attack because their power increased greatly. Within that year half of the human fortresses were defeated, but the monsters weakness was discovered. The monsters were not able to enter churches. This fact kept the humans alive for 1,000 years before the monsters finally won the war. Less than 1,500 humans were kept as slaves. The humans grew in number again over another 2,000 years before the second human monster war would begin in the small town called Gryphon. During that time a entire monster society was formed. The world was divided into 25 classes, ranging from humans and other non monsters all the way to unslayable monsters who were believed invincible. The monsters built great cities like Gryphon and Medusa where monsters the lived as peacefully as monsters could.

I can't think of a good name for it though. Suggestions?
End of humanity?

The Era of Monsters?

The Rise of Monsters

2666 : It began

2666 : The arrival

( meh, they all sound kinda lame ^^)

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