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Fantasy (Need more members) Life of a Werewolf


It's only forever, not long at all.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Okay! The RP can officially kick off when we have four members, not including myself. I'm very excited about this and please don't judge me too harshly this is only my third day and my first thread! Oh and please refrain from sexual scenes, those can just fade to black. And don't forget to make a character sign up sheet to be approved before joining!
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Oh and please be active on this RP, dead RPs are really sucky
Yea of course, we can just make our characters meet and get to know each other
DaManofWar said:
So, all our characters are naked?
No, Pia and Luna have clothes on. They haven't shifted into wolves at all yet in this RP
Yoooo @Mariam don't leave us hanging, there is only so much we can type before we have to wait on your response
I put up a poll for Alpha voting, you cannot vote for yourself, you can just not vote at all if that better suits you
Lol sorry I had to mention this, "perverted male"!!!!!!!! I was in tears when I read this. Good going @Nudge
Oh so how about the fact that I coincidentally made Luna come back exactly 20 minutes later? Lol
Was it really 20 minutes? Everyone is posting so fast it felt like five minutes. xD I can usually get a paragraph in each post but I have to do a sentence at a time to keep up T.T
Nudge said:
Was it really 20 minutes? Everyone is posting so fast it felt like five minutes. xD I can usually get a paragraph in each post but I have to do a sentence at a time to keep up T.T
Lol ikr
Maybe put this in interest check or put need members in the title. Our post count is high and people usually avoid joining RPs with large post counts...

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