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Futuristic Need assistance hosting this!


Suffers from Selective Memory
So I've got this kick ass RP that I've never been able to get running due to the size of it, mainly due to lack of interest on the sites I've been on and the size, it's too big for just me to run alone.

So first I'll post it below in a spoiler and if anyone is willing to help run it let me know!

And then this would be a standard interest check!


Interstellar Nation RP

Table of Contents

1 = | Introduction | =

2 - | Combat Ships | -

--ADP Ships

--Interstellar Union Ships

--Special Ships

3 = | Rules | =

4 = | Sheets | =

5 - Additional Notes

6 – Additional Description of gameplay mechanics

= | Introduction I =

The year of 2230 was marked by the collapse of the Interstellar Union's hold on the Andromedan colonies as a result of a 150-year civil war. The Interstellar Union was still a powerful entity, but the outer colonies were now independent, and the Interstellar Union would leave the the galaxy of Andromeda alone, allowing the colonies to grow and prosper.

But peace wouldn't last forever, the Interstellar Union did not forget their crushing defeat and would eventually return with a large invasion force to retake Andromeda.

What remained of the colonies had splintered into several different governments that held onto their territory heavily, untrusting of the others. They formed a weak coalition called the Andromeda Defense Pact, in order to combat the IU's considerably stronger armada. With their combined resources, the managed to beat back the IU's initial assault, but it was a savage wake-up call to the IU, who began planning a significantly larger invasion, exponentially larger than the first.

-| Combat Ships |-

Uniform Ships are provided so that people don't go off and start making a billion different variants that are difficult to keep track of.

--Starships | Andromeda Defense Pact / Non-Interstellar Union Ships | You can build these for your own fleets, but the process of creating new variants is extremely time consuming and you'll often find that the provided designs are more effective.

Anima-Class Corvette - One post to build four corvettes

Cutlass-Class Frigate - One post to build two frigates

Sabre-Class Heavy Frigate - One post to build one heavy frigate

Karta-Class Freighter - No minimum for civilian variant, three posts to outfit for combat.

Lumina-Class Destroyer - Two posts for one destroyer

Tachyon-Class Cruiser - One page for three cruisers

Aegis-Class Heavy Cruiser - One page for two heavy cruisers

Simona-Class Carrier - 5 Pages to build from scratch,

Valkyrie-Class Dreadnought - 10 pages to build a single dreadnought from scratch, 5 pages to repair a wreck.

AP-2 "Cutter" Fighter

AP-1E "Cobra" Interceptor

RC-3 "Broadsword" Heavy Multi-Role Craft / Bomber

KA-H3 "Lifter" Heavy Dropship

KA-H2 "Eagle" Dropship

IA-B2 "Robin" Gunship

CC-7 "Striker" Attack VTOL

--Starships | Interstellar Union - These are NPC ships that can be captured in limited numbers, the Pact's warships easily match the Union's ships, but the Interstellar Union has a significant advantage in numerical superiority, and they are able to respond to attacks faster.

Candor-Class Corvette

Stalwart-Class Frigate

Paris-Class Heavy Frigate

Paladin-Class Destroyer

Eclipse-Class Cruiser

Crusader-Class Heavy Cruiser

Vanguard-Class Carrier

Titan-Class Dreadnought

SN-F97 "Phaser" Fighter

F-132 "Viper" Interceptor

FB3-1 "Raptor" Heavy Multi-Role Craft / Bomber

SN-CR6 "Albatross" Heavy Dropship

CK-7 "Hawk" Dropship

CK-7G "Dagger" Gunship

CK-10 "Fireblade" Attack VTOL

--Starships | Special/Advanced/Pre-war - These ships cannot be built, you have two options when you recover one of these ships; you can salvage the ship to build more ships, or you can repair the ship to include in your fleets. These ships are much more powerful and vastly superior than their lesser cousins, but these ships are becoming increasingly rare. All Pre-war ships have stealth capabilities, but these measures are less effective on larger capital ships, like cruisers. This list may be expanded in the future, but these are the known classes at the start of the RP.

Sentinel-Class Advanced Corvette

Spectral-Class Advanced Frigate

Phantom-Class Advanced Destroyer

Phasmata-Class Advanced Cruiser

Zephyr-Class Advanced Heavy Cruiser

Procyon-Class Supercarrier

Nyx-Class Super Dreadnought - The rarest and most powerful of them all.

MRCC-mk3 "Caliber" Interceptor

M-7 "Blackbird" Multi-Role Fighter

M-10 "Solomon" Heavy Bomber

< Rules >

1. No Godmodding, Metagaming, Powergaming, etc. This means that performing tasks like creating 30 Carriers in two pages, which is not feasible in the first place, will be frowned upon and you will receive a strike for this. With that aside, you MUST follow the production times for the ships in the thread. The antagonist faction, The Interstellar Union, is probably the only faction that has immunity from this rule, but regular players aren't allowed to be a part of this faction anyway.

2. If necessary, a player can start a vote to dismiss an overpowered post made by another regular player. This requires a majority vote to pass and an admin can dismiss or support the vote. These votes will be handled in the OOC Thread and not the IC Thread.

3. Keep OOC posts in the IC thread to a minimum, a discussion should be carried over to the OOC thread if it continues to persist past two or so posts.

4. You cannot build any Cruisers/Heavy cruisers while you are building a dreadnought or carrier. This rule does not apply to repairing wrecked dreadnoughts.

5. You are not required to be a part of the ADP in the thread, but you cannot join or be affiliated with the Interstellar Union at all, because while the Interstellar Union canonically has a limited amount of resources, they are virtually infinite in the RP. tldr; You can only be INDEPENDENT or ADP.


7. Administrators have the power to ban players with a vote, void posts, void regular-player events, and they also have the ability to create their own events, including Interstellar Union raids, but not full-scale invasions. Administrators will be appointed throughout the RP.

8. Research is extremely limited, so you won't be able to create anything revolutionary like drastic changes in weapon systems, or new combat spacecraft/aircraft designs.

9. While this isn't really a rule, trading and diplomacy should take up as much of the thread as combat would; internal politics should also be a factor, and your economic status should affect the readiness of your faction. Everyone will start with a single planet at most.

10. You must describe your new technology or military equipment when it is researched, and you cannot have some sort of secret technology.

11. Debuffs are going to be issued on each Dreadnought deployment.

12. Additional amendments might be made to the rules as time goes on.

< | | Sheets | | >

Faction Sheet

Faction Name:



Largest City:

Other Major Cities/Ports:

Government Type:

Faction Territories (Planets included):


Military Size:

Military Branches:

Official Language:

Main Religion:



ADP Member (Yes or No):

Faction Description (Optional):

Stats (1-100):

(Economy is how good trade and productivity are.)



Shipyards (default 1):





Planet Details

Planet Name:

Planet Size (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Giant):

General Climate:

Orbiting Moons/Asteroid Fields/Space Stations:

Gravity (Earth is 9, Moon is 1.5, the higher the number the more stress and pull you will feel, the lower the number the easier you can jump and less you weigh):

Planet Population:

Date Founded (Not Before 2160):

Independent Squadron

Independent Squadron Name:

Squadron Nickname (Optional):

Ships (No more than 30):

Personnel (No more than 120):

Ship Types (Mainly Corvettes, Frigates, and Fighters, a Cruiser at the best):

Role/Purpose (Support, Offensive, Defensive, Engineering, Research, Merchant):

Description (Optional):

Wealth/Budget (1-100):

Independant Ship

Independent Single Ship Name (Name of the ship, because you only own one ship):

Ship Type (Corvette, Frigate, or Destroyer only):

Leader/Captain of Ship:

Crew (Name the crew and elaborate on them if you wish, crew limit is 10 not including captain):

Role/Purpose (Support, Offensive, Defensive, Engineering, Research, Merchant)]

Additional Notes

Advanced/Pre War Ships will only appear in events. Pre War technology is especially lucrative because it is more advanced than Interstellar Union and ADP technology.

The Interstellar Union will occasionally make incursions into player territory, but most of the fighting is somewhat far away from the sector where the player factions will be located.

Dreadnoughts are the only ships that can receive crippling damage that would completely destroy other ships and survive.

The Nyx Dreadnoughts are indestructible and can only be controlled by admins. They're titanic in comparison to the other dreadnoughts, around 5x the size.

Gameplay Mechanics

Starting Fleet

Starting Fleet

20 Corvettes

15 Frigates

10 Heavy Frigates

5 Destroyers

3 Cruisers

No Heavy Cruisers

No Carriers

No Dreadnoughts

1 starting Shipyard for producing ships

-Every 10 pages the amount of ships in the original starting fleet is doubled; for example, at 10 pages, the number of starting Corvettes will be 40, and at 20 pages, it will be 80.

-After page 10, new players will get a choice between dreadnought or a carrier.

-After page 20, new players will automatically get a dreadnought AND a carrier.

Buff/Debuff system

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, therefore based on the actions you take you may earn a buff or a debuff.


Example: Corvettes as suicide bombers will equal a debuff on stability.

Extreme ship making will debuff economy

Lack of combat or patrols will debuff military, drills will mitigate this.

Failed or extremely long research will debuff technology

A military that is too high in a democratic nation will result in lower stability.

Flagship destruction would remove your flagship buff

Too many shipyards on one planet will result in damaged environment=damaged stability

Buff example:

Home field advantage: buff to military

Trading: Buff to economy

Alliances: Buff to stability

Flagships: +5 to all stats

Researching: A successful research endeavor will buff the technology stat the amount of pages it took to research.

Shipyards: Each shipyard takes 5 pages to build and requires you to use another shipyard to build, ceasing ship production on a single shipyard.
Hey Soard, this is nothing I'd ever join due to lack of knowledge on the topic, but I wish you best of luck since it seems pretty well structured.
This sounds interesting. Regarding the timeframes and the Post requirement, what is relationship? What are the nature of the Posts and their contents?
[QUOTE="Jeopardized Jake]Hey Soard, this is nothing I'd ever join due to lack of knowledge on the topic, but I wish you best of luck since it seems pretty well structured.

I'd help if you'd like me to.
Johnomono said:
Hm? Elaborate, I missed your meaning.
As in, how would you intend for the RP to function? What would people actually post? Are we to maintain our own excel sheets on this or is there a viewable public google doc?
That's completely up to you.

It'd be easier to maintain your own and it'd give the RP a sense of secrecy I think which would make it a bit cooler.

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