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Help Need an update on this

Hello there,
Tabs are currently not available due to various reasons. We are hoping for their return with the release of xF 2.0.

Right now, if you were to look under a main RP forum, you'd see some subforums for OCC, characters, and extra pages.

Hello there,
Tabs are currently not available due to various reasons. We are hoping for their return with the release of xF 2.0.

Right now, if you were to look under a main RP forum, you'd see some subforums for OCC, characters, and extra pages.

View attachment 302360
Yeah that's what I really meant. I'm havin a hard time findin them on this RP I'm creatin. If I hafta set em up, I'd like some pointers on howda do that.
Well, firstly, you need to decide what section it fits into best. The RP Forums are explained in the FAQ, so you may want to check that out.

You just create the RP thread in the main forum. So, for example if you have a Fandom RP, you'd create the thread where everyone RPs in "Fandom."

You'd need to create additional threads in the sub-forums; Fandom Out Of Character Chat (OOC), Fandom Characters, and Fandom Extra Pages (for things like Lore and such).

Each section you'd need to create a new topic thread for your RP.

You can directly link all these threads inside of their posts. So, you could link any of the OOC, Character, and Extra Pages into the RP post via the bbcode URL tag:
[url=URL HERE]link text[/url]

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