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Multiple Settings Need a longterm romance roleplayer-


The Savior of the Twilight
Yo! I just wanna relax, man. I’m not really interested in a deep and serious narrative or really big and bombastic character arcs. I just wanna have some nice, silly fun.
That’s not to say any plot that we do has to be ground in any sort of realism;

You wanna be the newly wed elven king and queen learning to balance our arranged marriage with castle life? Rad.

You wanna be two yakuza underlings, living it up in seedy 80’s tokyo while dodging bullets and any sort of upwards progression in life? Hella.

You wanna be childhood best friends who fight demons and sometimes kiss? Sounds awesome. Hit me up and we can figure something out.
You never replied to me, and never gave notice of leave after a very forgiving period. The RP barely started and you already ghosted me. not impressed. -rep
Hello lovely, I’m a huge lover of darker themed stories. I prefer writing as female oc’s and having lots of side characters of all genders. If maybe you’d like to discuss ideas let me know!!

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