NDS games with lesbian options

Maiden of Law

Junior Member
So, I've recently got a new DS,and after playing a few games in it, I was wondering if there were any games that allowed a lesbian option. Could anyone perhaps pinpoint one for me?
You're asking a hefty requirement. Due to game companies not exactly wanting to be lambasted by moral guardians nowadays, i.e. HURRDURR GAY OPTIONS WILL TURN MY CHILD GAY, you'd be hard pressed to find a E or T game that has homosexual relationships. If you want Adult games, though, a simple Google search would suffice.

Though one game was said to have such options. Mass effect 3, I believe. SWTOR, too, I think? I'm not too clear about this subject. Try google. Answers everything.
AFAIK DS games only include lesbianism as a character trait for side characters and NPCs at best. I don't think there's a single DS game that allows the main character to have a lesbian relationship. You're better off checking other consoles or PC for that.
Unfortunately, the others appear to be correct. Nintendo is kind of super picky about what they'll allow to play on the DS, and even more about what will be allowed into the US as a port. I'm genuinely trying to think of anything that comes close and coming up blank. There should be some visual novels that might fulfill that need, though, if you do some research.
Um. I think there might be a Hakuoki game on the DS? though it might not be one of the romance route ones.

There's the Devil Survivor games, which do allow for some implied choice romances (you don't outright romance people, but you can guide the story in that direction), there's Rune Factory, Harvest Moon... Tales of the Abyss has a nicely developed romantic line, though you've got no choices in that at all.
Fire Emblem: Awakening has you being able to romance a feminine-looking priest, Libra, as a female. He's even voiced by a lady. That's possibly the closest you can get to intense same-sex romance for the DS.

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