Nazi School


New Member
Okay guys, so I just did a research project on schools in Nazi Germany and found out that there was this whole district type thing (NAPOLAs) of schools training the elite teenagers for the future and stuff, so I was wondering if there was anyone out there interested in doing a roleplay based in a Nazi School. Your character doesn't have to necessarily be enthusiastic about it, but if their parents are high ranking in the party or if they're stellar members of the HJ, they probably would've been accepted into one of these schools.

You'd be in a dorm with 3 other people of the same gender. They teach most of the normal subjects, but there's a lot of focus on physical and military training and stuff, also nearly every class is biased to teach Nazi ideals and stuff.

If you're interested, fill in the character skeleton below, you can have more than one character if you want :big grin: I personally intend on having three, but if there are a lot of people wanting to do this, i'll probably end up eliminating one.

Rules: Please, please, please, please PLEASE keep this PG-13. I know the site already says it but my parents monitor the computer and if there's anything on here with bad words or suggestiveness they will terminate my account. so PLEASE keep it PG-13, i'm perfectly fine on violence and meanness (its a Nazi school, that kind of stuff is kinda hard to not have) but PLEASE keep the sex to a none and language to a very very small amount (less bad words are fine, but its really bad ones that my parents'll get mad about). Put the word: 'Spiders' somewhere on the bio if you read this extensively long list of rules... :cool:

Character Skeleton-

Name: (it can be German, or not, either one works)

Age: (typically in the teens)

Parent's Occupation:







:big grin::big grin::big grin: 
My Characters-

Name: Dirk Klein

Age: 16

Parent's Occupation: His dad is a very high ranking official

Roommates: Elliot, Unknown, Unknown

Appearance: Tall, pale, slightly overgrown blonde hair, pale blue eyes, always wears uniform (I have a picture, but the stupid thing won't let me post it...:meh:)

Personality: Dirk is mostly just alive to have fun. He does truly care for the Nazi party and completely absorbs their ideals, but is in truth a genuinely friendly and nice person (to people that his idols believe are worth living) he's constantly cracking jokes and under most situations has a very easygoing and friendly personality. Typically, he's very loyal, but can occasionally be a little bit too overprotective (especially in the case of his sister), but absolutely hates being lied to, hates traitors and virtually anyone who doesn't agree, and hates, hates, hates 'enemies of the Reich'. Dirk cares a lot for his studies and stuff, but is mostly just doing this whole boarding school thing to have a good time. (And because his dad needed him to come to keep his sister in line.

Background: Dirk grew up in a... practically 'perfect Nazi family' except for his sister that is, he spent a lot of time hanging around in the HJ and with friends, and always got the best grades in school and best scores on sports competitions and whatnot. His parents think he's a perfect role model for his rebellious sister, and that's one of the reasons why they convinced him to go.

Major: Unsure, but thinking something to do with Leadership/control (possibly something in the military) or sports/athleticism (once again, something military like) but he's really good in the majority of his classes, especially biology.

Extra: Dirk is the most uncoordinated flirter in the world. On the sports field or looking at a test, or even in front of a large crowd giving a speech, he'll keep his cool, but when it comes to talking to girls, he's a complete and total klutz...

Name: Klara Klein

Age: 16

Parent's Occupation: her dad is a high ranking official

Roommates: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown

Appearance: tall, pale, helplessly curly long blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, typically refuses to abide by uniform rules and wears ripped jeans and a rebel t-shirt instead (once again, I have a picture, but it never works)

Personality: Klara is the ultimate rebel. She absolutely refuses to have anything to do with the Nazi party, and was actually at one point a member of the White Rose Society (an intellectual resistance group) before her parents had to go and move her away against her will. Klara really doesn't care at all about her studies and faces life with a 'why should I worry' motto. She is known to be fiercely loyal and casually carefree. Klara absolutely hates liars, traitors (by her own standards, not by the governments) and people who pretend to be something they're not.

Background: Klara grew up in an practically 'perfect Nazi family' but was rebellious from birth. She joined the White Rose Society at the age of 14 and will have nothing to do with any form of hate or propaganda the Nazis throw at her. At first, Klara was ready to commit murder in order to avoid going to this school, but eventually, her parents convinced her by saying this was the only way her younger (by 10 seconds) twin, Dirk, would be able to go, and Klara has a slight soft spot for Dirk so she allowed them to bring her to the school, but mentally refuses to believe anything any of her teachers say

Major: In the beginning, Klara really isn't good at anything in this school, but she soon starts to pass biology and it later becomes her favorite subject (Note: in these Nazi schools, biology was rewritten as a class where students learned how to identify 'enemies' by their 'racial features')

Extra: Eventually, Klara begins to fall into the Nazi's propaganda and gradually (to her horror) becomes less rebellious.
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[QUOTE="Sire Souriez]i'd like to join!

Yay! Just fill out the character skeleton!
My 3rd Character (if a lot of people join I might delete one, and i'll have to ask you guys who it should be, but so far, no one's filled out the character skeleton, so i'm just gonna go ahead and post this)

Name: Elliot Enzil

Age: 16

Parent's Occupation: Unknown, literally, he didn't know his parents for that long

Roommates: Dirk, Unknown, Unknown

Appearance: (once again with the picture that won't let me post) Tall, thin, slightly overgrown brown hair, hazel eyes, typically abides by uniform rules.

Personality: Elliot is externally shy and studious, but once you get to know him, he can be super nice and incredibly loyal

Background: He grew up with his one sister (Lisa) and two brothers (Arlo, Max) and had a lot of fun with them, but besides that he doesn't really like to talk about it that much.

Major: Art, but he's amazingly good at soccer

Extra: There's a lot of foods that Elliot refuses to eat, saying he's allergic, but Dirk just thinks he's some kind of a weird vegetarian that hasn't truly understood the 'true spiritual awesomeness of pork.'
sorry i forgot to post my charrie, i thought I did! I'll have it up sometime today! 
Name: Brenner Klaus

Age: 17

Parent's Occupation: Mother is the wife to a general, Step dad a general in the Nazi army.

Roommates: Dirk and Elliot

Appearance: Has thick swirly blonde hair, light grey eyes, 5'11, 172, Uniform

Personality: He's a bouncy guy with lots of energy. He loves to sit around and drink and eat food. He's a loyal guy but can be blunt and rude at times.

Background: He was forced to go into this school by his stepdad and mother. He doesn't support the Nazi army at all. He had many Jewish friends. His dad left his mother because she became a Nazi.

Major: Culinary Arts.

Extra: He loves puppies~

Character Skeleton-

Name: Elizabeth Beilschimidt

Age: 18

Parent's Occupation: Father owns a large metal work company

Roommates: OPEN



Personality: Elizabeth is an easily embarrassed and usually soft spoken young woman. She's very touchy about her tiny height and will get very annoyed if you tease her about it. Very smart, Elizabeth isn't very good at physical activities, but, she still tries her best. She's usually very kind and easy to upset.

Background: Elizabeth's mother died from giving birth to her, because of that, her father is very protective of Elizabeth. Growing up in a rich family, Elizabeth was very spoiled, but was taught to be polite and hold her tongue. Most of her life, Elizabeth's been sheltered from what was happening in the outside world, and so she's very oblivious and her curiosity can get her into a lot of trouble.

Major: Biomedical Engineering

Extra: She's scared of SPIDERS!! (haha see what I did there?)

Current roommates:

Boys: Brenner, Dirk, Elliot, (possible ?)

Girls: Elizabeth, Klara, ?, (possible ?)

Do you guys think i should wait for 1 boy and 2 more girls or just 1 more girl before starting? (3 or 4 per room?)

Also, you totally dont have to, but if you want to, feel free to make another character
Name: Karina Winterscheid

Age: 16

Parent's Occupation: Mom is a baker, Dad is an officer in Air Force

Roommates: Klara and Elizabeth



Personality: Karina has a rather strange personality, whether it's because she usually says the opposite of what she means, or if she tried to carry a sword on the first day for protection, but had it confiscated. She may look friendly and nice on the outside, but that's only a cover for the demon inside her. Karina enjoys gossip, though she isn't good at spreading it. She also has a love for horror novels with gore, typically anything else with vivid descriptions on how mass murderers and assassins do their job.

Background: Karina grew up basically scarring lots of people with the way she saw things. She saw that mortal things live just to die, and that God enjoys watching the beautiful crimson deaths the most, so he has others die to make room for more deaths. Because of Karina's innocent child looks, no one would ever think that she would have thoughts about something such as this, let alone say it. Karina sometimes would scare customers away as she played with her food, but considered anyone, who thought that what she said was horrid, as some one to cowardly and weak to face the truth. Karina was kept out of sight from customers, but eventually learned to hold her tongue around others, while in a restaurant or store.

Major: Physics as well as Criminal science and forensics

Extra: Spiders
Ene Kagerou

Accepted! :smile 2:

Okay, so now I need to know whether you guys want to wait for some more people or start...

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