Minority of One
Theme Music

A new fantasy world drifted into my thoughts this morning. A place filled with mythology, primative settlements, romantic cultures, and dangerous predators. The people are simple, tribal, but carry an air of nobility. And the wisest among them receive visions from their long dead ancestors.

They pay honor to the mountains, the trees, and the creatures that share their world. Anything less would be an insult to the Great Spirits. Like the natives themselves, their land is beautiful; it's also ripe with adventure.

Magic flows and forks like a river. It is channeled in song, craftsmanship, and sorcery. But while much of it sacred, some of it was forbidden. Unfortunately, wicked hearts wouldn't be deterred.

Beasts of the Dark
The consequences were unimaginable. Evil, never one to miss an opportunity, clawed its way into their world. To go against the tenets of the Great Spirits was to lose their favor. One can only hope the natives can save themselves from their new horde of enemies. And maybe, if they're lucky, reclaim their harmony with the spirit world.
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