[Nations of Men] (OOC) Nations of Men: Story Suggestion


Code Monkey like you...
Okay, we all know its the 1920s but as we all know, History dose not flip the same way twice. Especially since we all ready know whats going to happen so we can fix those said mistakes.

Now many of you must be thinking, Story suggestion? Dose Freeman have a story at all? Well no, I have history but thats as close as i come to get. So instead of being cheesy as letting the Race invade in the 1940s, I need to know how this future should turn, I would like the players to think to help me out, because I do need it.

I am doing this because I would like to keep the game rolling, so post some suggestion. I am looking for suggestion of what random event should so happen in the future, what Wars should be starting, any need for a NPC enemy, or even give some suggestions as to what the NPCs are doing at this time.

Because News Update will either be posted today or tomorrow. Starting another year.
It depends on what you want to do, and what you want the players to experience. Some players, like myself, will set goals for themselves and pursue those goals. For example, I want to create a Siamese superpower. As such I pretty much guarantee my own activity because I have this goal.

But others might not have such clear goals. Some might have no goals at all. You should get a feel for what your players have in mind. Mindless wanton destruction doesn't really count as a player goal, either.

If you feel that your player base doesn't have the cohesion and goals that you find satisfactory, you should then consider inserting a story or some kind of mechanic that shakes things up. Until then, I think you have a strong setting, and you should let the players build the story themselves.

As such, I highly encourage my fellow players to state what their goals for this game are, and if you don't have one, let us know what some ideas you might have are. Remember, some goals don't have to be so bold as making a military superpower. You can aim for the moon, develop the internet by 1950, or something like that. That's the reason I insert that into my nation sheets, of nation goal. I want you to set ideas for yourself.

I believe Freeman should do the same.
Personally, I would like to see more from an NPC action for the regions that have been more active in the RP. Specifically China since it's been split and there are two active powers in Asia right now, it would give us both something to work against. It also gives Europe something to do because the only thing that buffers it from Germany and Spain is the Middle East. I also really really want to see something with a League of Nations forum, maybe an agenda setting or something that can set the stage for "international rules" to which player nations can choose to follow or not, or even just a forum to dump recognized treaties between nations.

In regards to a more threatening warlike approach to the RP, the tension needs to build before people start taking more coercive interactions and although there are enough players in each region to start interactions between playing characters, there still is a need for NPC countries as some sort of trigger; whether it will lead to tension or cooperation among player nations is left to the players to decide.

If you're looking for hints as to national goals, I'm going to say right now that I don't intend for Japan to be taken over politically by the armed forces and turn into a militaristic government like WW2 (that doesn't mean it's not going to try to take over territory though)--I want to experiment a bit with the imperial democracy thing and work a more docile approach to "converting" countries it believes need to be enlightened to the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. So I guess a basic goal for my country would be to expand and reform countries to its ideology throughout Northeast Asia.
Whatever path we're taken down is great. Politics are all reactionary anyway, right?

Mexico wants to regain its original territories, become a regional hegemon and establish an international organization like the League of Nations.
[QUOTE="Tea-cakes]Personally, I would like to see more from an NPC action for the regions that have been more active in the RP. Specifically China since it's been split and there are two active powers in Asia right now, it would give us both something to work against. It also gives Europe something to do because the only thing that buffers it from Germany and Spain is the Middle East. I also really really want to see something with a League of Nations forum, maybe an agenda setting or something that can set the stage for "international rules" to which player nations can choose to follow or not, or even just a forum to dump recognized treaties between nations.

Okay, your new, let me explain this. In the past NBRP, there have been a central international convention such as the League and the United Nations in several games. But at times, and no matter what have all ways been useless. It would turn in to a bickering ground for everyone. So thats is why I left the League of out of it this game. I figured if the Players did want to recreate it they can.

As for NPC that is good advice, but I don't honestly know how far I should take it. At the moment i been playing the NPCs by ear, there like Bee Hives, if you don't poke and prod them they will leave you alone. But if you do, you do it right, you might get honey, do it wrong your going to get stung. I have been trying to get the NPC active by have their actives and events recorded in the News Update thread.

As for Nation Goal, might be a good thing to add, but I imagine it all the same, expand.
well my goals are a little more broad. I Plant to keep my nation at the top of the Technological pyramid. Id like to try and see If i can actually advance the technology level over all. I also have every intention of getting ww2 stated, and coming out on top.

Though for storys, Id kinda like to see this o in a steampunk esque direction, or scifiish tech any ways.
As big a shocker as this may come to be, I intend on NOT becoming one of the three most powerful nations in the game in every regard. I'm planning on kicking ass in Africa and interacting politically/economically, but I'm looking to stay out of everybody's way as long as they stay out of mine. Which is weird... I don't think I've ever played that way before...
yea usually you've some how shoved your nose in some one elses business and started making outrageous demands of them
Its usually not outrageous... and usually I steer clear of making demands, more like... heavy handed pressuring with a possible threat or two.
Um, I don't want to make a conversation out of this thread, but HDL, I definitely disagree! I remember a certain disposed French monarch being put on the front lines against demonic soldiers... hmmm, yup. That waaaas you! :eek:
um.. he was italian...But i remember at least 2 times you making demands of me. One time you just walked into my nations embassy and started demanding i give you mining equipment for free during a ww2 game. Then there was the time in Mirror mirror you demanded i give you the necronomicon.... Witch I made viral and attacked the internet with and gave EVERY ONE the dammed thing.
[QUOTE="Comrade in the Shade]Um, I don't want to make a conversation out of this thread, but HDL, I definitely disagree! I remember a certain disposed French monarch being put on the front lines against demonic soldiers... hmmm, yup. That waaaas you! :eek:

Ahh that was Even, and he did it twice... Once as France and once as Poland...

Belial said:
um.. he was italian...But i remember at least 2 times you making demands of me. One time you just walked into my nations embassy and started demanding i give you mining equipment for free during a ww2 game. Then there was the time in Mirror mirror you demanded i give you the necronomicon.... Witch I made viral and attacked the internet with and gave EVERY ONE the dammed thing.
Ya I know and that was the best thing you could ever given me, gave me a guide book for Demonic and Cuthuluish...
French king was never put on the front lines so I'm confused where that came from...

And it was pretty thoroughly suppressed when you did that Bel. But from this point on, dead games from the glory days should be kept in the discussion thread.
... Remember Brazil and Italy had pushed back Germany from Southern and Eastern France and I wanted to re-install the French monarchy because he was family? You used him as a bargaining chip in our diplomacy/deal-making. Dirty, HDL! That man was Emperor Alfonso's great-uncle (and third cousin) forty-seven times removed D:
well what ever you do im sure we wont care so long as you JUST UPDATE REGULARLY! hell if you keep it a player dependent story, in that we creat all the events and you just keep track of the ripple effects then it would be cool.
Belial said:
well what ever you do im sure we wont care so long as you JUST UPDATE REGULARLY! hell if you keep it a player dependent story, in that we creat all the events and you just keep track of the ripple effects then it would be cool.
I can do that....

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