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Nation-States: Empires of Valinor


Recently Resurrected Divine Feline Entity.
The continent of Valinor is the most populated in the world and home to a myriad of nations, each competing for limited resources. Some of these nations are greater than most, and the greatest are seeking to carve out empires.

The dawn of the 19th Century has brought new opportunities and new challenges to the old continent, and each nation must struggle to survive and to thrive.

As the leader of one of these emerging empires, you will balance military spending, commerce, technological development, growth and expansion, and diplomacy, with each action affecting your nation in a tangible way.

Note, involvement in this RP involves math skills, good grammar, and the ability to keep track of things on paper or otherwise. If you cannot meet these requirements, go elsewhere. If I haven't scared you off by now, welcome to Nation-States: Empires of Valinor.

In this RP, you have a select number of nation to choose from. You may edit them, but their traits, names, and basic history MUST stay the same. This rip will be played through turns and an in character IC for character interaction and letters, etc.

We currently have 6/8 players and therefore only 2 nations are open for players to pick from.

((Remaining nations are bolded))


The KINGDOM OF PRAUSTEIN is a growing principality with a storied tradition of military service as soldiers for hire in various continental wars. After the Princely Reformation, the House of Wallenstein was overthrown and replaced by the House of Vulkar, a much more militaristic family who want to see Praustein rise as a global empire and a force to be reckoned with.

Nation Trait: Militarists (High Morale, Military Techs 3/4 cost)

The REPUBLIC OF FARFAX is an emerging nation that recently deposed its monarchy in the Bloody Revolution. Farfaxian patriotic sentiment is high, but they face distrust from more established autocracies on the continent.

Nation Trait: Democratists (+1 Commerce per Port, +2 per Aerodrome. Increases chances of political unrest in bordering autocracies.)

The FOURTH REPUBLIC OF RUMANKA is a republic in name only. For the past fifty years, a military junta has controlled the country. Rumanka is by far one of the poorer regions of the continent, and thus has seen extensive political unrest as two socialist revolutions have tried and failed. Rumanka's future is uncertain, but it is often said that the people of this downtrodden nation could achieve great things if inspired.

Nation Trait: Thrift (Recruitment Costs for Armies 3/4. 1/2 Upkeep Costs.)

The KINGDOM OF SLONIA has always been a culture apart from the rest of the continent. Since they arrived from the Far Lands, the Slonians have felt out of place and have often been the target of ethnic cleansing and discrimination. With a new king in power, the Slonian people look to expand their influence and prove themselves as an advanced nation to the rest of the continent.

Nation Trait: Expansionists (Captured neutral territories produce points on the same turn, Civil Works 3/4 cost.)

The KINGDOM OF OSPIEL is an overlooked nation that has not participated in many continental wars over the years. Ospiel's claim to fame is its brilliant minds, scientific geniuses that are the envy of world governments. Ospiel's new monarch has ascended the throne, and the people question whether their nation's abundance in intelligence can translate into a glorious empire.

Nation Trait: Technologists (Research Institutes yield +1 Research Points.)

The IMPERIUM OF UBRESH is a nation seemingly as old as time itself, standing as the oldest bastion of civilization on the continent. The Ubreshians are known for their dedication to art and culture, but also for the memory of their long-collapsed empire. A new emperor has ascended the throne, and there are echoes in the streets that the days of that vast empire are not numbered.

Nation Trait: Craftsmen (Ships, Armor, and Air Units build with one lower industry level than shown, are more rugged and durable.)

The KINGDOM OF ARSTOTCHKA is a small, isolationist kingdom that has recently reformed its monarchy and thrown off the yolk of their former colonial masters. Always distrusting of outsiders, the Arstotchkan community is close-knit and cultural heritage is a huge part of every Arstotchkan's life.

Nation Trait: Protectionists (Morale boost when defending, Ports and Aerodromes produce +1 Commerce for every Closed Border.)

The LUSWESTEIN CONFEDERATION is a loose collection of peoples who can trace their lineages back to the ruling House of Wallenstein of Praustein. Because of their pride in their bloodline, Luswesteinians and Prausteniens are often at odds with each other. Luswestein is barely thirty years old, but the young nation has already achieved substantial feats, such as circumnavigating the globe and mapping the Far Lands. With a new Consul-Regent being appointed, some wonder whether the young nation can turn its successes in navigation into an empire.

Nation Trait: Navigators (Ports yield +2 Commerce, Ships and Airships more effective in combat, 3/4 build cost.)

This rp is somewhat complex and therefore we have made tutorials to explain everything. All info is in the overview; see main thread: Nation-States: Empires of Valinor


It's like legit awesome.

We need two people. Currently the nations of Slonia and Farfax are open.
Due to some drop outs due to finals and whatnot, there are three openings in this RP which I would like to fill quickly. We have a dedicated core of players, so the game isn't going to fizzle out. Open are the nations of Slonia, Ubresh, and Ospiel.

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