Nation ruled by de-powered gods


Queen of Senpais
My friend created a world that I thought could be a cool RP nation to play in. Basically the world is ruled by fallen Gods, like each territory/city is ruled by some god/goddess who long ago fell from the high heavens after one god become all powerful and so strong that he defeated them all who then sent them to earth chained and imprisoned. He told me that the primordial universe held a copious amount of deities who were all equal in power until one god somehow discovered earth and some how formed a religion that as a result, empowered him with strength, via the belief of his followers, that allowed him to defeat his fellow brothers and sisters. The god later sent all of them to earth and chained them up so they couldn't escape and return. And since so many gods are on earth, they couldn't gather the strength the other god mustered up because so many religions have formed to worship the other fallen gods. It sounds really interesting and I kinda wanna work on it a little more and try to make it mine as well, but idk where to start and I have ZERO experience in running a World Building RP thing... I was thinking maybe you can play the God/Goddess's avatar form but they'll be nerfed to the max and they can be like the leaders or something but idk... what do you guys think???
That sounds neat :)

Would the fallen gods seek to take back power, I wonder? What allows them to keep control over humans? How were they de-powered?
Arianrhod said:
That sounds neat :)
Would the fallen gods seek to take back power, I wonder? What allows them to keep control over humans? How were they de-powered?
The old gods will try to seek power probably using various methods like conversion or out right invasion. I was thinking maybe these gods could have human avatars that link them to the physical world and they can act as priests, rulers, co-rulers etc.

They're not really depowered. They have the same power they originally had before the great fall, its just that they're in prison and cant use all of their abilities as before. They can only make human avatars who are limited as well. Limited as in, since they're human, they'll have constraints as such.

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