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Fandom ♦Naruto - What the Future Holds♦

Obito Uchiha

Ten Tails Jinchuuriki

Character Sheet

Basic Information

Anime Picture:

Quote; (From your character)




Clan: (Custom permitted, please include a description)





History: (At least two paragraphs)


Weapons: (Ninja related weapons)

Jutsu: (Custom permitted, include a description, rank, and effect.)

Kekkei Genkai: (Custom permitted, nothing too OP)

Summons: (Only one type)

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Basic Information


Quote: "Be as flexible as the willow, but as sturdy as an oak!"

Name: Byakuyagani [??, White Willow], Kohaku [??, Amber]

Nickname: Ko, Haku

Age: 19

Clan: Byakuyagani

  • Clan Name: Byakuyagani

    Clan Traits: Dark skin and golden eyes.

    Clan History: Also known as the Samurai of the Willow Tree, the Byakuyagani clan are well known for their flexible bodies and distinct dual bladed kenjutsu style, Eda no Yure [????, Swaying of the Branches] with its fluid movements and dance-like structure. Masters are rumored to dance around their opponents before going in for the kill with a snap. The Creator of the style, Mayuri Byakuyagani had mastered the style to such an extent that he was known as the Blade Dancer whom could hypnotize his adversary with his movements before striking them down quicker than the crack of a whip.

    Clan Crest:



Tremki Kaguya, "The Angel of Bones"

  • Name:

    Tremki Kaguya


    The Angel of Bones


    Kaguya Clan


    16 (And a 1/2)

    Eye Color:

    Light/Ocean Blue





    Hair Color

    Snow White



    Ninja Rank:


  • Dance of the Willow -The first of Tremki's five dances. To perform this dance, Tremki grows several long bone blades from his body for use as weapons. There isn't any set form for the Dance of the Willow. Just like a willow that is shaken by the wind, the opponents attacks are simply parried and countered. Uncharacteristic of a willow, the hardened bones puncture and damage the opponents body. Though he primarily uses two blades grown from the palms of his hands, he also uses several secondary bones grown from his elbows, knees, and shoulders. This dance form is incredibly acrobatic, using spins, charges, and long sweeping slashes to make the strikes more effective and to evade opponents' counter strikes. Tremki can also extend his bones to attack his opponents without having to adjust his own movement.

    Dance of the Camellia - The second of Tremki's five dances, which he performs by modifying one of his upper arm bones to create a short, bone-hilted bone sword. He then stabs chaotically and continuously which causes the opponents eyes to lag behind. The speed resembles afterimages, the hand with the sword is again and again visibly projected. And yet the movement is irregular which makes it difficult to predict. With each thrust the sword's track is very capable of changing. The attack comes from unexpected angles, causing a person's delicate defence reaction to come off guard. Though one can have great reflexes and moving ability, it is next to impossible to keep dodging the fierce attack until it stops. Thus if one showed an opening, a finishing blow will be dealt by one stab in an instant.

    Dance of the Larch - The third of Tremki's five dances. From the body, several bones pop out all at once. The stronger the opponent's physical attack, the more powerful the counter attack is, dealing severe damage. The sudden defence, combined with the needle-like bones high killing ability, makes way for a technique which has great potential for battle. The bones can be used to block or trap an opponent's taijutsu strikes. In addition to being an unwelcome surprise for opponents, it makes him basically untouchable at close range. If an opponent would start to get close to him, he would begin to spin rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas

    Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets -

    Hardened bones from the fingertips are shot at the enemy, with a spinning motion added to the skeletal bullets. A direct hit will excavate skin, flesh, and bone. Since the bones of the user can be regenerated, the rate of fire from the user's arsenal is limitless. This technique is essential to Tremki for his long distance attacks. In the anime, these attacks were shown strong enough to easily pierce through the steel armour worn by the samurai.


    By one of his old friends he was taught how to summon noodles, which would often mean it was taken randomly from somewhere else, he genrally does this frequently and is the only summoning he actually knows. The noodles do nothing fancy at all, in fact they are just normal plain noodles.



    "If you're falling and pray to god for help. you'll still find yourself hitting the hard ground!"

    "I don't fight for glory or honor, I fight because that is all I know how to do...I fight because it's what I HAVE to do."

    "Your style was interesting, but I'm afraid that you're just another loser waiting in line behind me."

    "Love and hate are two sides of the same coin"
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Red throat, you're accepted. Sinister, I have but one issue. Doesn't a Chunin with a powerful kekkai genkai, IQ similar to Einstein , expertise in taijutsu, and possesion of arguably the most powerful swordsmen blade seem OP to you? I'm going to have to ask that you nerf your character

Basic Information


"Whats life without a bit of fun Stitched into it."

Kuragetsu H?zuki






H?zuki Clan









Cocky people

Overly-enthusiastic people


Bad food


Fire/other hot substances.


Kuragetsu is a very foul-mouthed and disrespectful individual; he frequently used profanities and complained at allies and opponents alike. Kuragetsu has absolutely no moral restraints regarding the people he attacks; he considered slaughter a calling. He firmly believed that shinobi were meant to kill and revel in violence, and found his village's deterioration into peace and disarmament to be infuriating, resulting in him slaughtering his parents before defecting. Kuragetsu is sadistic and enjoys messing with his opponent.

Kuragetsu shows respect to no one unless he feels like they deserve it, this does not mean by rank he needs proof and not just words that other people have said he needs to witness it himself. Kuragetsu does not believe in anything like fate or luck he thinks everyone's life is run how the person runs it themselves, he despises people who think their life's are all run by destiny or fate. If someone gains Kuragetsu's respect then he becomes more lighthearted and slightly more respectful towards the individual, he still keeps his foul-mouthed nature but he says it in a more goodnatured way rather than the mean-spirited way he usually says it in.


Kuragetsu was not fully raised in Kirigakure, he was raised in the very...very outskirts of the village and only by his father and grandfather, he never met his mother nor grandmother which was rather strange but Kuragetsu never really paid much attention to it. Kuragetsu's great grandfather never liked nor agreed with the peace between the villages he enjoyed the idea of the villages being at each others necks, the idea of the villages being able to break out in a war at any moment and it seemed to have been passed onto Kuragetsu's grandfather who also passed it one Huragetsu's father and guess who get it passed on next Kuragetsu.

Kuragetsu was raised to do one thing and that was kill. With his father and grandfather both wanting the villages all to get back to how their grandfather/father once told them it was. He was trained in Kenjutsu by his father who was one of the members of the last generation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Of The Mist and the last user of Nuibari. His grandfather taught him the Hydrification Technique and the jutsu's derived off it along wit the Hiding in the frost technique. He began his training at age five and continued training until the age of eighteen in which he killed both his father(who was not a H?zuki turns out he got that from his mothers side) and gained the Nuibari blade. He then proceeded to kill his grandfather with some help from a Ninja with the Lightning nature style who did it in exchange for the Nuibari blade.

Once the fight was over Kuragetsu handed over the Nuibari blade and waited as the ninja turned around, within the same second Kuragetsu hands reached the back of the mans head and used the Drowning Water Blob Technique and knocked out the ninja taking back the sword, he decided not to kill him since he did help out after all. Kuragetsu along with Nuibari left Kirigakure before he even became a ninja there. He took a ship and left the Land of water since he didn't have a reason to stay.

Kuragetsu traveled for a year before he finally picked a place to settle down, he settled down in Kumogakure and requested to become a Ninja.At first the Raikage was skeptical, someone who wields one of the mists seven sword wanting to become a Ninja for Kumogakure but after having a meeting with Kuragetsu, who explained his story and while he didn't wish to become a Kirigakure ninja and what he had done (killing his father, grandfather and nearly another ninja) not to meantion telling the Raikage about what his father and grandfather tried to install in him the idea that the villages should go to war. The Raikage decided to let him stay after all Kumogakure was known for its Kenjutsu and adding a ninja using Nuibari to its collection was a good thing.

He was put briefly through Ninja academy but passed it within the first few days since he already knew it all. He was assigned a team that had lost a member during as mission while not fitting in he made the team complete since now it went back to having four members. He was left out of all the team strategies mostly since the team already could work well together. However Kuragetsu was always the one finishing the mission. If it was find someone he found it, fight someone he find and fought them and won. He alone could have completed most of the missions.

The Chunin exams came about, the first stage was easy and he passed it with flying colors along with his two teammates. The second stage was a search, destroy and take type of stage. The mission was to find another group beat them and take their scroll. As usual the other two members decided they could do it by themselves and got beat however the test required all members to be present to complete it so Kuragetsu tailed the two and once they were beat, he beat the people who beat them, took the scroll and ended up being the first team back and completed the stage. The other two work up confused only to figure out that Kuragetsu had completed the test for them.

The last stage came about a fight and well...for his teammates it went badly one was pitted against a leaf ninja classed as a Genus and lost to the utmost degree of the word and his other teammate was pitted again Kuragetsu due to the bad luck of neither being picked before hand. It was a one sided fight and Kuragetsu won. This left Kuragetsu the only Chunin in his team but not for long as the idea of teams being made up from various villages came about and as a newly made Chunin Kuragetsu was put up for the "trade".



Kuragetsu is the current wilder of Nuibari however as he left never joined the Mist village he is not one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of The Mist. Other than Nuibari Kuragetsu only carries wire strings and paper bombs with him to further assist him in using Nuibari to its fullest abilities, he uses paper bombs to bunch Nuibari off surfaces or to set traps using Longsword Ninja Art: Earth Spider Sewing and mixing it with paper bombs making it so that even if the originally the Jutsu gets countered they is a back up plan already in place.



Hydrification Technique:

The Hydrification Technique is a protean, whole-body technique whereby the user can liquefy their body at will. It is the signature technique of the H?zuki clan.

Water Balloon Technique

After using the Hydrification Technique to form a pool of water at their feet, the user then produces bubbles which float upwards from the ground. These are then launched at targets with such speed and force that they can cause great blunt-force trauma.

Drowning Water Blob Technique

After liquefying a portion of his body, Kuragetsu manipulates the resulting water to surround his target's head, preventing them from breathing in order to either: render the victim unconscious or ultimately kill them if the suffocation is sustained.

Water Gun Technique

The user mimics a fire gun with his hand and, through the Hydrification Technique, compresses a drop of water in their index finger, firing it with tremendous force and speed similar to a gunshot.

Longsword Ninja Art: Earth Spider Sewing

Using the Nuibari, the user buries the sword's attached razor sharp wire string underground. Once a person stumbles into the area, they pull the string to trap their feet in a formation of wire, cutting them off. The power and force behind the wires can be controlled by the user by applying additional strength.

Longsword Ninja Art: Wire Crucifixion

Using Nuibari and wire strings, Kuragetsu strings his opponents in a way that leaves their bodies looking as though they were crucified. The final blow is given by piercing them with Nuibari, leaving his opponents to die a slow painful death.

Silent Killing

As the name suggests, this technique is simply a very quiet method of killing an opponent, usually from behind with a blade. Additionally, because the user moves silently, the attack cannot be anticipated and defended against. The user will often slit their opponent's throat, preventing any cry that might give them away.

Hiding in Frost Technique

The Hiding in Frost Technique produces a visually clouding frost by causing the temperature of air to fall below the freezing point, effectively freezing any ambient water vapour in the vicinity. The frost allows the user to become transparent within it. Upon being struck with an attack, the user becomes visible. The mist is visible to the naked eye, but since the user is transparent it voids that sense.

Kekkei Genkai:



Kuragetsu can summon piranhas in any water source including himself. This allows him to just his Hydrification Technique as a summoning place for the piranhas or as he likes to do use the Drowning Water Blob Technique on an opponent then summon piranhas inside of that.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/qqq.jpg.4e978ce46902fd096f902d5e38d13ed5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/qqq.jpg.4e978ce46902fd096f902d5e38d13ed5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Basic Information

    Quote; " Being a ninja is not about completing missions, but to protect others"

    Name: Kaito

    Nickname: Hakeda

    Age: 16

    Clan: Hakeda


    The Hakeda clan, is a clan from Sunagakure that master magnet release.

@Obito Uchiha



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Himawari Senju / Senju Himawari


Wari / Blue Princess [???]





Himari belongs to the famous Senju clan, one of the founding clans of Konohagakure, the other being the rival Uchiha Clan. They are distant relatives to the Uzumaki clan and have been known to marry between clans to continue their tight alliance. Perhaps one of the most memorable members would be Hashirama, the first Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. They are known for their expertise in all ninja skills. They are strong believers that peace can be achieved by love.








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Basic Information

Anime Picture:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/retio.jpg.aaa1cd217dd11deeaaa37002c8405254.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/retio.jpg.aaa1cd217dd11deeaaa37002c8405254.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Quotue:Its all according to plan !




Height :5'0

Weight :105lbs

Clan: N/A




Seven swordsmen


Cake& Black tea


Being out planned

Being played for a fooled


Personality: calm often than not but can flare up from time to time from either frustration or by being teased by others though this takes a bit of effective prodding to do so. cunning and reasonable, the makings of a strategist this being the main thing at controlling her rage flare up.Though she speaks usually in a blunt manner, she tends to mean well for the most part and tends to have an average sense of humor about most things.However due to her history, she tends to be a bit standoffish when new people come around though after awhile she may warm to the new faces showing that she is flexible within reason.

Born to a pair of Kirigakure hunter-nin , though this led to a fair about of salutary neglect. Though it wasn't to say her parents didn't care , but rather it was work over family at times. So, in the end, she was brought up by family friends, though mainly with her "Granny Yasashii" the pair spent a lot of time times playing board games namely Shogi and Go. This sharpens her young mind for such tactical matter of a ninja though also being exposed to this older woman she would be told the wild story about the Kirigakure legendary Corp knows as the Seven swordsmen. A from then onward she would be inspired by each of the most recognized generation, she would inspire to become a legend like them, though, to be honest, it would be an uphill battle, to say the least.

She would soon apply for the title not to long after she graduated to a Chunin she would have begun to difficult training. Though it was toned down compared to the great generation, but it was fairly rough as Jonin watching over these exams would only stop a battle if some were knock out or cripple to bad to keep fighting. By the end of these exams she would have score high enough to receive the Kiba blades and had begun start her training with her these legendary blades,though she was soon put up to the test as she was chosen to go to the Leaf village as a show of force and strength while also showing that the Kirigakure stilled valued its alliance with the Leaf and thus she would set off to the Leaf . With the burden of the first impression on her new teammates, while also carrying the new titles as a member of the newest generation seven swordsmen.

Her heart would be set on the Kirigakure, Ameyuri Ringo, and her blades Kiba and would start out the gate dual wielding short katanas to mimic the iconic ninja in hopes of expanding her own dexterity to wield two blades at once. Her teacher of the Kiba blades would retire before sending Reito onward to the Land of Fire a fter the pair shared a meal they had been training together for about two years. Her sensei was proud in sending her off telling her to keep up the good work , telling Reito he would be rejoining the Hunter-nin corps as a trainer. And with that Reito would finally set off with the weight on her shoulder to bring pride to her village.


Weapons: Kiba ( Kiba (swords) )


(When Wielding Kiba )

Lightning Release: Depth Charge

After enveloping themselves with lightning chakra, the user can inflict damage to the opponent by either touching or emanating a powerful bolt of electricity from any part of their body.

Lightning Release: Lightning Fang

using Kiba user sends bolts of lightning to electrocute their enemies.

Lightning Release: Thunder Gate

the user first buries the blades into the ground and then sends out an electrical charge towards the sky which in turns causes lightning to fall from the sky and decimates the immediate area around the user, burning everything to a crisp

Thunderswords Technique: Thunderbolt

holding Kiba swords over their head like birch rods, the user summons a bolt of lightning from the sky to shock anyone in their immediate vicinity.

Fangs of Lightning

can send an electrical essence into the clouds, allowing her to create lightning strikes in any desired location as long as it is in vision.

Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning

thunderbolts that cut through the ground until they hit the enemy

Lightning Strike Armour

By combining kiba at their hilts and rotating them, the technique is used to surround the user with electricity. The intense electric field protects them by electrocuting anyone who makes contact with it, but only works for one attack.

Hiding in Mist Technique

where one causes a mist to spring forth by either lifting up water from a pre-existing source, or expelling water from their mouth.They can then go in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm.

Water Release: Wild Water Wave

is a basic water release technique which has many variations. Water gushes from the user's mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases.

Silent Killing

s the name suggests, this technique is simply a very quiet method of killing an opponent, usually from behind with a blade. Additionally, because the user moves silently, the attack cannot be anticipated and defended against.

Kekkei Genkai: N/A

Summons: N/A



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