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Fandom Naruto: The Academy


New Member




Sexual Orientation:


Good Trait(s):

Bad Trait(s):






Weakness(es): [Remember everyone has weaknesses!]

Personal Quote:


Clan Info

Clan Name: (Can be a clan within the series,. Just hope everyone doesn't pick Uchiha)





Status: [is your clan fully functional,In hiding or is everyone dead? ]

Clan Appearance:

-Skin Tone:


-Hair color(s):

-Eye color(s):

Looks and Appearance

Body Type/Looks:




Makeup/Facepaint: [if any]



Scars or Tattoos:

Jewelry and/or Piercings:





Best Friend(s):







Pet(s):[Not all ninja have pets]

Favorites/Least Favorites





Time of Day:




Ninja Information

Birth Village:

Current Village: [Could be the same as the birth village]

Sensei: [Could also be your OC's father/mother, or someone they look up to]

Nindo:[Your ninja way! EX.Kira's is = "Never give up, Never say never!"]

Chakra Element: [Earth,Wind,Water,Fire,etc]

Weapon(s): [sword,Shurikan,Kunai,Fan,etc]


[Post your OC's jutsu's here by name~EX.

Water Style: Water serpent

or a Kekkei Genkai....

Kekkei Genkai: Sudden Eclipse ]


[*Remember not to Overpower your OC or they will be considered mary-sue*]

1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]:

Genjutsu [illusion techniques]:

Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]:

Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]:
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Name: Kenji Kurama

Age: 13

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: gay


Good Trait(s):



-Happy go lucky

Bad Trait(s):



-day dreams often



-training his genjutsu

-hanging out with his friends

-the snow


-being told what to do

-people mocking him about how bad he is at ninjutsu

-the summer heat





Fear(s): the Aburame clan

Strength(s): Genjutsu and his speed

Weakness(es): ninjutsu and he can't take many hits

Personal Quote: You have to be and your strongest when you're feeling at your weakest

History: Wip

Clan Info

Clan Name: Kurama Clan


History: originally one of the more prominent clans in Konohagakure, but the number of ninja in the clan has severely dwindled.

Specialty: Genjustu


Status: Functional

Clan Appearance:

-Skin Tone: fair

-Markings: none

-Hair color(s): red

-Eye color(s): pale blue


Looks and Appearance

Body Type/Looks:

Appearance: the picture above

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 100 lbs

Makeup/Facepaint: none

Hairstyle(s): look at the picture

Accessories: shoulder pads and belt

Scars or Tattoos: none

Jewelry and/or Piercings: none



Mother: Sheri Kurama

Dad: Genji Kurama

Sibling(s): none

Relative(s): they live in the hidden mist village

Best Friend(s):(I'll wait for more people)

Friend(s):(I'll wait for more people)

Sensei(s): his mother

Student(s): none

Crush/Bf/Gf: (I'll wait for more people)

Rival(s):(I'll wait for more people)

Enemy(ies): (I'll wait for more people)

Pet(s): no pets, he does feed crows when he can

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): Crab and anything that comes from the sea

Drink(s): water or milk

Color(s): blue and white

Season(s): winter

Time of Day: noon

Weather: snow

Flower: wolfsbane

Animal: Crow

Ninja Information

Birth Village: Kohona

Current Village:Kohona

Sensei: his mother

Nindo: I can do anything I put my Mind to!

Chakra Element: water

Weapon(s): sword


Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Technique

Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique

String Bean Binding Illusion


1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 4

Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: 18

Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 7

Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: 18 (it directly relates to genjutsu)
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Name: Osoroshi Rida

Age: 16

Gender: Straight

Sexuality: Straight


Good traits: Uplifting, never gives up, motivational.

Bad traits: Messy, troublemaker.

Likes: Helping others, accomplishing things, eating junk food.

Dislikes: Mean people, quitters, people who want attention, judgy people.

Hobbies: Practicing his Jutsus, hanging out with others, staying home.

Fear: Not being accepted by others.

Strength: He's uses his words as his weapon. (He's persuasive to be clear)

Weakness: When he goes blind after using both his Sharingan and Buakugan.

Personal quote: Even if people hate each other, they can still forge unbreakable bonds.

History: Not much to tell.

Clan info: He was normally going to be a Hyuga but his mother married a Uchiha and had Osoroshi together. And after the incident with Itachi, they decided to not be apart of any clan and live a normal life.

Status: Working finely.


Hair: White long spiky hair.

Eyes: One Byakuga, other Sharingan.

Clothing: White coat, Hyuga clan uniform underneath, black pants, thick leather gloves, paleish skin.

Height: 5'50''

Weight: 160lb


His parents, Lady Tsunade (in a non friendly way), Kakashi, Boruto, Neji, Hinata.

Ninja info:

Birth place: Konoha.

Current village: Konoha.

Chakra element: Lightning.

Jutsus: Chidori, Byakugan, shadow clone jutsu, 8 trigrams 64 palms.

Ninja stats:

Ninjutsu: 8

Genjutsu: 10

Taijutsu: 7

Kekkei Genkai: 11

Name: Rin Uzumaki

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality:Rin is a nice person when you get to now him, he loves training, reading and he is really smart. He prefers being alone but he appreciates the company of those who are willing to beat their personal records and improve everyday. He can be hard with his friends and teammates sometimes, especially when things are not done his way. Even do he seems a bit distant and has a cold temper, he is always going to be there for his friends.

Good Trait(s):

He loves helping others

He is always going to be there for is friends

Bad Trait(s):

He gets mad easily





People who give up without trying

Being interrupted while training


Collecting flowers

Fear(s): That he gets killed because of his abilities

Strength(s): Fuinjutsu

Weakness(es): He overthinks things a lot which can be a problem in missions sometimes.

Personal Quote: Never give up before trying

History: His grandparents escaped from Uzushiogakure to Konohagakure 2 years later his father was born, he was trained in medical ninjustsu by his mother, and fuinjutsu by his father. When he became joinin he married Harui Sarutobi and 3 years later Rin was born. When Rin was 10 he found his father's corpse in the floor and his mother crying by its side, Rin's mother said that ninja from Kumogakure entered the house and ambushed his father, she thinks they killed him because they feared his fuinjutsu. From that day on he started hating Kumokagure but when he learned 2 years later that those Kumokagure ninja were spies for Akatsuki he left his grudge on Kumogakure and started hating the Akatsuki and vowed to avenge his father under any cost.

Clan Info

Clan Name: Uzumaki


History: A clan that originated in, the village got destroyed and the survivors were forced to go to other places

Specialty: Fuinjutsu

Status: Most of them are dead

Clan appearance

-Skin Tone: Fair

-Markings: None

-Hair color(s): Red

-Eye color(s): Blue


Looks and Appearance

Body Type/Looks:

Appearance: Picture above



Makeup/Facepaint: No

Hairstyle(s): Picture above

Accessories: Belt where he carries scrolls

Scars or Tattoos: None

Jewelry and/or Piercings:None


Parent(s): Yukio Uzumaki and Sishui Sarutobi

Relative(s): None

Best Friend(s): When there is more people

Friend(s): When there is more people

Sensei(s): His father

Student(s): None

Crush/Bf/Gf: When there is more people

Rival(s): When there is more people

Enemy(ies):When there is more people


Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): Ramen and lobster

Drink(s): Apple juice

Color(s): Red

Season(s): Spring

Time of Day: Dawn

Weather: Cloudy

Flower: Sakura "Cheery blossom"

Animal: Red fox

Ninja Information

Birth Village: Konoha

Current Village: Konoha

Sensei: His father

Nindo:I'll never give up no matter what!

Chakra Element: Wind

Weapon(s): He carries several weapons in the scrolls he carriens in his belt


Adamantine attacking chains

Adamantine sealing chains

Adamantine chain formation: Barrier

Uzumaki sealing technique

Heal bite

Enclosing technique

Unsealing technique

Wind release: Air bullet

Wind release: Vaccum sphere

Wind release: Vaccum great sphere


[*Remember not to Overpower your OC or they will be considered mary-sue*]

1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]:13

Genjutsu [illusion techniques]:2

Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 13

Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]:18(Fuinjutsu)


Name: Melody Uchiha

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Melody is quiet and doesn't really make friends quickly, but she's kind towards others and helps when she feels like it. She does however will snap when you hurt those she cares about. Also has a soft spot for animals

Good Trait(s): Good fighter and puts others before herself

Bad Trait(s): Not good with teamwork

Like(s): Hanging around people she likes, shopping

Dislike(s): Bullies, people thinking their better then others

Hobby(ies): Writing books, drawing

Fear(s): Losing those she cares about

Strength(s): Is stronger when fighting alone.

Weakness(es): She will hesitate to attack if her friends or comrades are threatened to be killed

Personal Quote: "I will never give up, even if it costs me my life"


Melody never knew her parents as they died on mission, ever since then she has been living with her aunt and uncle, who happened to live in the same area, though the difference is the house size, her parents lived in a rather small apartment while her aunt and uncle live in a small house, they own a weapon store and she used to help there in her free time.

Clan Info

Clan Name: Ichiha






Status: some are alive, most are dead

Clan Appearance:

-Skin Tone: pale

-Markings: none

-Hair color(s): Black(her hair is pink

-Eye color(s): black(her eyes are red)

Looks and Appearance


Body Type/Looks: pretty slim and athletic

Appearance: picture above



Makeup/Facepaint: None

Hairstyle(s): long hair, mostly hanging lose


Scars or Tattoos: has a scar over her right eyes and one across her stomach

Jewelry and/or Piercings: necklace


Parent(s): she doesn't remembers

Sibling(s): none

Relative(s): her aunt and uncle (Karin and Leo Uchiha)

Best Friend(s): no one yet

Friend(s): no one yet

Sensei(s): her uncle

Student(s): none

Crush/Bf/Gf: PM me

Rival(s): PM me

Enemy(ies): none yet

Pet(s): A small black fox that has seven tail

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): anything sweet

Drink(s): Tea, strawberry juice

Color(s): black, red, purple

Season(s): winter

Time of Day: night

Weather: snow

Flower: lily

Animal: fox

Ninja Information

Birth Village: Konoha

Current Village: Konoha

Sensei: Uncle

Nindo: Doesn't give up

Chakra Element: Fire

Weapon(s): Sword and sometimes fight with fans


Fire Style: Flaming Phoenix


1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 17

Genjutsu [illusion techniques]: 6

Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]: 16

Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: 18
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Name: Akio Kita

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Akio's personality is very cold. He doesn't show much mercy towards his enemy. Akio has confidence but a lot to learn about life that he doesn't even know about. He views anyone who is stronger than him or has a gift is a challenge worth taking.

Good Trait(s): Akio's calm, and can be nice when it's needed.

Bad Trait(s): Can be too straight forward,Brutal while fighting

Like(s): A challenge, practicing his byakugan ability.,making some friends

Dislike(s): Loud people, people he feels aren't worthy to fight him, being provoked for a fight

Hobby(ies): Not much, other than practice, you can find him around the village looking around in the nature.

Fear(s): Losing to a gifted ninja

Strength(s): Doesn't fear much and has a strong will/pain tolerance

Weakness(es): Ninjutsu attacks

Personal Quote: "If I am to die, I'll die in battle. Protecting my honor"


Akio was raised in the Hy?ga clan. When Akio was born, they promised to the clan he'd be a strong ninja. At 5 Akio was being taught how to use his clan's ability. The Byakugan was their clan's talent. Since he was taught at a young ago. Well they attempted to teach him at least. He used it pretty well for being such a young age. His taijutsu training is where they targeted to show him the pressure points during his younger years. All the way up to where he is now. He didn't have many friends. So his social skills aren't the best. Hopes he'll make some friends or at least improve a lot more within this training.

Clan Info

Clan Name: Hyuga




Arguably, its greatest ability is to see chakra to a greater degree than theSharingan: it can identify chakra by the specific individuals it originates from, determine when genjutsu is being used, and discern certain types ofclone from the real thing. The Byakugan's ability to see chakra is so acute that it can actually see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that run along it. The Hy?ga have devised a style of combat known as the Gentle Fistthat specifically takes advantage of this, wherein they strike an opponent's tenketsu to either seal or forcibly open these tenketsu, thus giving the user complete control over their opponent's chakra.Prolonged use of the Byakugan causes temporary but severe eye-strain, temporarily leaving wielders unable to properly perceive targets

Jutsus/Techniques: D?jutsu

Status: Functional

Clan Appearance:

-Skin Tone: White


-Hair color(s): Black

-Eye color(s): White

Looks and Appearance

Body Type/Looks:


Height: 5'6

Weight: 178

Makeup/Facepaint: [if any]

Hairstyle(s): Blac Messy

Accessories: None

Scars or Tattoos: None

Jewelry and/or Piercings: None


Parent(s): His whole clan took care of him.

Sibling(s): Not sure


Best Friend(s): PM ME

Friend(s): PM ME

Sensei(s): PM ME


Crush/Bf/Gf: PM ME

Rival(s): PM ME

Enemy(ies): PM ME

Pet(s):[Not all ninja have pets]

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): Sushi

Drink(s): Water


Season(s): Winter

Time of Day: Evening

Weather: Cold

Flower: Doesn't care

Animal: Any

Ninja Information

Birth Village: The Hidden Leaf Village

Current Village: Never left!

Sensei: His whole clan

Nindo: Same as my quote

Chakra Element: Earth

Weapon(s): Kunai and wire


Akio's Jutsu:

8 Palm: Cuts off 8 chakra points

16 palm:16points

32:Cuts off 32 chakra points.


[*Remember not to Overpower your OC or they will be considered mary-sue*]

1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10: Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu [ninja techniques]: 7

Genjutsu [illusion techniques]:8

Taijutsu [martial arts techniques]:17

Kekkei Genkai [bloodline traits]: 15

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