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Fandom Naruto: Shinsekaichitsujo


Elder Member
By now, everyone should know how to post a CS or character bio but for those who don't for whatever reason;


Image: (not entirely necessary but would be fab)



Blood type:





Additional info:

Or something similar will do.

Sharingan and similar doujutsu (Mangekyo, Eternal Mangekyo, Rinnegan) are restricted jutsu types. You MUST apply before adding any of these things, we dont want an overpowered uchiha hyuuga who some how has all doujutsu cause why not?
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Name: Sosuke Fumetsu

Age: 27

Species: human

Gender: male

Blood Type: O negative

Birthday: may 2

Personality:Sosuke is a man of few words, although when he does speak his words are as sharp and kunai. He often uses people to fulfil his goals, and isn't one to lose his head in a crisis. He doesn't fear much and doesn't give in to others easily. He is a man who will protect his allies, and lead them through anything that comes their way. He is very good with people when it comes to getting what he wants, but he thinks himself somewhat of a god so in reality he thinks little of most people, even if he doesn't show it. He is very ambitious, and will do anything to fullfil his goals.

Good traits: Cool headed, intelligent, Loyal, brave, strong will, smooth/good talker.

Bad traits: God complex, dangerous, cunning, cold hearted, ambitious

Like(s): obedience, intellectual people, Justu(they fascinate him especially new ones he hasnt seen)

Dislike(s): idiots, disloyal people, weaklings who get in his way

Hobby(ies): researching different justu, and other things

Fear(s): that he will fail in his mission.

Strength(s): his summoning Justu ninjutsu and his mind

Weakness(es): he can break out of genjustu but he doesn't really have any particular resistance against it. Doujustu, Justu who's elements go against his own.

Personal Quote:"Crush me as much as you like, I'll just pick up the pieces and come at you again."

"For there best to be peace, first there must be blood shed."

History: Born and raised for a good part of his life in the village hidden in the Mist, Sosuke was a genius among ninja. He was raised by his mother and never knew his father. He only wished to be the best he could be to make both his mother and village proud. After long he became a member of the anbu black ops, and one of the villages elites. He was one of the most loyal believing his village was truely good and just despite what outsiders might say. Sadly when he was 10 his mother died. Upon dying she told him about his father. She told him his name and where his last known location was, but he decided to stay in the village as one of their best shinobi.One night at the age of 11 he and a few of his colleagues were given a secret mission. They were to wipe out the Kaguya clan. Sosuke wasn't sure what to think, was this right? There must of been some kind of mistake. But he figured their was good reason behind it. So they snuck into the village in the middle the night, and slaughtered the entire village men woman all of them. Afterwords he stood among the corpse of the Kaguya clan. He heard his colleagues laughing about it."How foolish of them to challenge the Hidden Mist. If they had just done as they were told they might not be laying dead in a puddle of their own bodily fluids." They laughed, and it all was made clear to him. He had been wrong about it all this time. His village was bad, corrupt, and everything that other villages had said it was. So he snapped, and slaughtered his colleagues. When he came go he saw what he had done and decided to fake his own death aswell. Using a transformations Justu to disguise a body of one of the Kaguya clan. Hopefully it would last long enough for them to bury the body. So he left in search of his father. Piecing together what his mother told him and info he had gotten from strangers along them way, he found himself at a temple. There his father greeted him with open arms. Apparently his father had left in order to escape the villages corruption aswell, and was now a monk at the temple and a followed of Jashin. Sosuke convinced his father to teach him what he knew, and his father agreed. It wasn't long before he was also a member of the church of Jashin and knew many of his father's Justu. One day he was out of the temple training by himself, when he heard screaming and fighting coming from the temple. Upom reaching the temple he found it on fire and littered with the dead bodies of Jashins followers and hidden mist ninja. Apparently they had found out about his betrayal. He ran to his father, but he was to late. His father was far to injured to survive, or at least that's what he told Sosuke. He then gave Sosuke a scroll, telling him of a ritual that would make him basically immortal, but it required a sacrifice. His father begged him to take his life so that he could make things right. So he killed his own father and taking the secrets of jashin along with him but refused the chance to become immortal. He then began his travels once again, and he vowed to unite the villages under his rule along with the help of those he'd recruit to his cause.

Clan Info

Clan Name: Fumetsu

Symbol: two arms interlocking


Specialty: summoning


Kekkei Genkai: Body alteration. In general they can regrow limbs and grow extra limbs. They can also alter their body in other ways for battle.

Status: all but extinct

Clan Appearance

[This is what members of your clan usually have, for example Hyuuga's usually seem to have paler skin,and brown or black hair, and of course their pale eyes ]

-Skin Tone: pale

-Markings:markings around their ribs

-Hair color(s): black and silver

-Eye color(s): blue and gray

Looks and Appearance:

Body Type/Looks: slightly above average

Height: 6'1

Weight: 160


Hairstyle(s):shown in picture

Accessories: none

Scars or Tattoos: Tatoo of the kanji for suffering on the left part of his chest, and the kanji for immortal on the right part of his chest.

Jewelry and/or Piercings: none

Skin tone: pale

Eye color: Silver


Parent(s): Dead

Sibling(s): Dead

Relative(s): Dead

Best Friend(s): Dead

Friend(s): Dead

Sensei(s): killed...by me

Student(s): wip

Crush(es)/Spouse/Bf/Gf: dead

Rival(s): wip

Enemy(ies): everyone who isn't on his side

Pet(s):[Not all ninja have pets] wip

Favorites/Least Favorites

Food(s): eats just about any food except vegies

Drink(s): drinks anything

Color(s): loves white

Season(s): winter

Time of Day: Dawn

Weather: cloudy

Flower: none

Animal: none

Ninja Information

Birth Village: village hidden in the Mist

Current Village: none

Academy Graduation Age: 8

Chūnin Promotion Age:9

Rank: last known rank was anbu, Jonin

Ninja Status: rogue

Are you in the Akatsuki?: no, and yes

Bijuu [Tailed Beast]?: maybe

Teammates: other members of his organization

Sensei: dead so it doesn't really matter

Nindo: Never quit, always

Chakra Element: water and earth

Weapon(s): metal wires he can control with his chakra


Reanimation justu

Curse technique: death controlling blood technique.

Summoning justu:(will be listed later)

Elemental justu:wip


1 - 5: Horrible

6 - 8: Below average

9 - 10:Average

11 - 13: Above average

14 - 16: Talented

17 - 18: Gifted [This is Sannin level]

Strength in Jutsu

Ninjutsu: 17

Genjutsu: 3

Taijutsu: 16

Kekkei Genkai: 13

Doujutsu: 0

Kinjutsu: 17


Strength in Missions


Wisdom: 13


Agility: 14

Dexterity: 14

Stamina: 17

Constitution: 18

Charisma: 4

Comeliness: 12

Chakra Control: 14

Cooperation: 13


Hatsuharu (Haru) Kaguya;

  • Name;

    Hatsuharu (Haru) Kaguya





    Blood type:



    October 27th Scorpio

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Name: Rin

Clan Name (Last Name): Hagane

Age: 20

Height: 5'5

Weight: 130 lbs

Attire Appearance/Clothing: Defer to above picture.

Alias/Nickname: N/A

Affiliation: Haganekagure

Rank: Kage

Personality: Flirty, cheerful, and generally a kind person. Extremely laid back, even when fighting. Unless of course you directly threaten her village or friends. In which case, prepare to get your ass kicked.

History: Rin is the second Haganekage following the early death of her father Kencho. She is by far the strongest in her family line despite her age, mastering the family technique a year ago, roughly around the time she was appointed Kage.

(Rest TBR. K tnx.)

Achievements/Crimes: First person in the Hagane Clan to fully master the clan technique.

Chakra Natures:

Steel Release

Fire Release

Lightning Release


Steel Release: Sen bur?do no dansu(Dance of a Thousand Blades):

This Jutsu is the Hagane Clan Jutsu, the creators of the Steel type Jutsu. After performing the correct seals, one raises their blade in the air and a thousand small almost indiscernable blades form in the air and poise themselves directly at the target the tip of the sword is lowered towards. The blades will relentlessly hunt their target down until the are incapacitated, dead, or the blades hit a solid object. The more chakra instilled into this ability, the faster and sharper the blades become. Able to pierce through wood at maximum effeciency.

Steel Release: Steel Wall:

Self explanatory. User forms a steel wall that juts out of the ground to block incoming attacks. This ability can also be used offensively as a means to knock an opponent off the ground. Walls may be thrown up in relatively quick succession.

Steel Release: Steel Embodiment

While active, rather than their skin hardening, their skin becomes extremely sharp. As such, they are able to use their entire body as a blade. Constantly drains chakra while active, however. Also, no hugs please.

Steel Release: Spikes

User is able to shoot extremely sharp steel spikes from their palm relatively quickly as well as summon massive steel spikes from the ground much like Steel Wall.

Steel Release: Steel Tomb

Self explanatory. User encases the opponent a nigh unbreakble steel dome. Opponent suffers no harm other than what occurs naturally from thirst or lack of food. Of course, it's entirely possible to dig your way out provided you're on soil. The proceedure used to make said dome is generally slow, unless you stand there gawking like an idiot or are heavily wounded you can generally escape it before it closes in on you.

Steel Release: Steel Rain(I legitamatetly could not resist)

A lesser version of the Hagane signature Jutsu. A hundred blades are formed and they do not follow the target, instead the speed at which they are propelled is increased significantly.

Steel Release: Shotgun Blast

A crude 'gun' is formed, which is really more of a way to more accurately fire the spikes, wherein metal spikes are fire in a 'buckshot' manner. Can be fired rapidly, slower fire rate will net greater accuracy whilst higher fire rate will net increasingly lower accuracy. Up to the point where you'd miss the broadside of a barn standing 5 feet from it.

Steel Release: Razor Barrier

A wall of tightly packed and extremely sharp razor wire sprouts out of the ground wherever the user deems. Mostly used defensively it is possible to use it offensively if timed correctly.

Steel Release: Steel Make

Grants the user the ability to make projectile weapons such as kunai, shurikens, and bendo. They must be manually thrown, however.

Steel Release: Spike Trap

Plain and simple, allows the user to place spike traps in the ground that when stepped on will fire a barrage of 10 spikes upwards out of the ground at the opponent. Takes a significant amount of time to prepare.

Fire Release: Fire Breath Jutsu

Users of this jutsu, breathes a powerful stream of fire from his or her mouth.

Fire Release: Fire Wave

A literal wave of fire is sent at the opponent offensively. Nuff said.

Fire Release: Meteor

A giant fireball equal in size to a meteor is formed above the users head and is summarily tossed with an overhead toss. Explodes on impact showering the area and victim in fire. Stance required leaves user highly vulnerable and generally takes a fair bit to charge up.

Lightning Release: Crackle

An extremely basic lightning jutsu. A low powered electricity bolt is shot at a target, or something embedded into the target. Aimed to either disable a muscle group or electrocute them VIA a bendo or other such strike point embedded into the body.

Lightning Release: Lightning Storm

A powerful lightning storm is summoned in the form of a massive black cloud over the opponent. Lightning bolts will strike down at the target and the cloud will follow said target until jutsu is dismissed or the cloud is destroyed.

Natural Skills/Techniques:

  • An expert in wielding a Katana
  • Reasonably skilled in dressing injuries, does not know healing Jutsu however.


  • High Chakra levels
  • Extremely high pain tolerance
  • Extremely high endurance


  • Is generally not serious enough
  • Is not that skilled in fire jutsu
  • Overly confident when she IS serious

Other: The blade as seen in the picture is dubbed 'The Moonlight Blade'. It is an enchanted blade possesing the power of granting the user an immense increase in speed at a moderate-high cost of endurance. The cost is halved under the light of the moon, the blade glows a more bright blue as well.


● ● ●

Tremki Kaguya, "The Angel of Bones"

  • Name:

    Tremki Kaguya


    Nine-teen (19, in case you didn't already get the idea :3)





    Blood Type:


    (I found out this is also my actual blood type and apparently it's the rarest? I thought that was cool xD )


    Septembder 21'st, Virgo


  • The fight was to no avail for most of the part, exchanging strikes seemed to come heavy on both sides and each took as many hits as the other. By this time, Tremki was no less than a bloody mess. From his mouth, eyes and head were dripping with blood and if you included the bleeding which came from the numerous cuts and strikes that he took from before-hand. Some would ponder how Tremki had still been standing by this point. It wasn't until the rouge leader noticed this and made one wrong move that the tide of the current fight would change. The rouge rushed at Tremki, this wild tactic was useless against someone like Tremki, and if the rouge had done what he done during the earlier stages of the fight it was very likely he would have won - this one wrong move gave Tremki the perfect chance to strike. Bones struck out from his rib cage and as the rouge rushed to attack him, he found himself impaled in his stomach and shoulders and being lifted into the air - slowly being ripped apart from the inside, Tremki arranged his bone structure to widen slowly and causing the organs and flesh of the rouge to slowly tear until a point where each of his limbs and torso seemingly flew off in seperate directions. Even once the rouge was dead, Tremki found himself in such a state that he repeatedly jabbed and struck the piled up corpses stuffing the room up. By the end, it was impossible to tell if Tremki was covered in his blood from head to toe, or if he was covered in the blood of his enemies...The last thing in which Tremki remembered from that day, was walking to one of the rouge's who managed to survive - and ripping the very eye from the man's head only to bring his leg up and repeatedly bash the shinobi's head in with his foot.

    Two months later, after Tremki escaped the underground hideout. He headed east where he found himself venturing from harsh, desert terrains into beautiful and lushes forests and river's which made every day seem like some sort of adventure. For the two months that Tremki travelled after his encounter with the rouge shinobi he met no one who had tried doing the same thing, and while still coming across several people none of which had any ill intent towards Tremki. While he wasn't able to stay in some towns because of the markings he bares and the fear it was able to spread throughout those towns made it hard for Tremki to truly find anywhere he could stay. It wasn't until he came across one of the major village's Amegakure that he was first accepted to visit and stay at the Village. While his presence still brang much attention, instead of simply outcasting the child they instead brought the boy in for questioning. Walking to the largest building near the center of the Village, the shinobi of the village lead Tremki through a vast building and at the very top - lead to a chamber that was the office and home of the respected Kage or in this case - Amekage of the village.


    After walking through a rather long corridor, Tremki found himself at a rather grand set of doors which seemed to open almost as soon as he approached. The kage sat there, as if he had been waiting for the child to arrive for quite some time and gesturing towards a seat before telling Tremki "Take a seat, child.." The kage was interested in knowing more about the Kaguya child, where he came from, what he had been doing for his life and most importantly - how he survived the harsh attack which wiped out the Kaguya Clan. Since this was the first time the Amekage actually met a Kaguya member in person - he was intruiged to say the least..

    Tremki however, had a much different outlook on people - after being attacked and locked in a cage by the bandit-nin, even inside a Village like this which seemed so secure - Tremki had little trust in anyone within the room or the village itself. He did not speak and simply pushed the chair aside as if to gesture that he would rather stand. The Amekage make little reaction and if anything, was amused by the boy. Moving over to his desk, he took out a single document after shuffling through his drawers and placing it on the desk "Do you know what this is, kid?" the Amekage asked the Kaguya child, who glared at the documents in complete confusion and awe.

    "No.." Tremki said with a quiet tone, he had almost no idea where this was leading but a feeling in his stomach told him that it wasn't anything good. The Amekage only replied with a simple nod, his expression dulled and in a sense darkened as he went on to talk "This is the document, containing the information we know about complete annihilation of the Kaguya Clan..Yet..Here you are." the amekage intertwined his hands as he rested them on the desk before him - seeming to contemplate about the whole situation. Tremki was left in a state of shock however, the new found knowledge that his whole Clan had been torn apart, destroyed with nothing left. For a moment, the Kaguya child didn't believe the man - standing up he began shouting at the Kage as he clenched his fists "WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? YOU CAN'T JUST SAY EVERYONE IS DEAD? WAS IT YOU!!!?" he lost control, his eyes were filled with fury and the Amekage became slightly weary of his presence - gesturing towards the Shinobi under his rule to move in. This was a bad move on his part as Tremki in the light of rage, reacted without thought or hesitation. Bone's ruptured out from his back, chest, arms and Tremki came rushing at the Shinobi looking to contain the Kaguya child. Only to find themselves becoming impaled by several long and sturdy bones. The Amekage still sat in his chair, seemingly un-fazed by what happened and instead just letting out a sigh as he tilted his kage hat down. "I should have expected this would happen with one of your kind, you don't exactly know this but many people consider it a good thing that the Kaguya Clan is now out of the picture for good." The Amekage's words caught Tremki's attention, who than turned around to face the Amekage with dead-serious eyes filled with lust for blood. "Are you..Going to kill me too?" he asked with a dark and deep tone in his voice. The Amekage kept in his eased posture and shrugged his shoulder's while tilting his head side to side "I'm thinking about it still..That's why I brought you here Mr. Kaguya." the kage said with a fairly polite tone - not seeming to really care about the dead Shinobi who were guarding him and died under his order's. Tremki took in a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh, moving the seat and sitting down on it - his bones simutaniuosly retracted back into his skin rather slowly; as if they were ready to pop out again if anyone tried moving too close to him. The Amekage could sense within the child that he had no qualms about killing anyone that he found fancy but he couldn't help but believe there could be a core reason behind it - what came as more of an interest was the Kaguya child's display of using Shikotsumyaku, as a Kage of a rather oppressed village he felt that he could really use someone like Tremki. Being only a child the Amekage felt it possible to mold the child into the perfect tool to claim more land and bring in more funds and resources to the Village. The Amekage began to develop a small plan, one which heavily involved the Kaguya Child. He first started by trying to get along with the child first - they sat there for a few hours just learning more about each other. Although to begin with Tremki was rather shy and serious, being fairly short-spoken with most of his answer's eventually the Amekage was able to slip himself inside the heart of Tremki by simply saying "Would you like revenge?". Tremki knew exactly what the Amekage meant by revenge; since the topic earlier was about the death of his Clan things seemed to become slightly more clear in Tremki's head, he didn't know why but it appeared that the Amekage actually some what cared about the Kaguya Clan, at least that were Tremki's thoughts for the time being. Replying with an eager nod Tremki became convinced into staying inside the Village for a while.

    For the first night, the Amekage placed the Kaguya child within one of the inn's in their Village. The room was nice, and the bed sheets were warm and the food which came in that night was something out of this world for Tremki at the time who only knew so little about food. It was everything a child like Tremki could ask for at the time - the second day. Tremki found himself yet again at the top of the very tall kage building in Amegakure.

    Once entering in this time however, the Kage office was now filled with a dozen other tough-looking Shinobi in the presence of the Amekage who sat at his desk just like the day before with a smile on his face "Today, will be the start of your basic education..After you finish that you will be starting your training." The Amekage spoke as if the Kaguya child already knew all of these things were happening but the truth was he had no clue at all and was actually left baffled by the situation. "I don't understand" he said in reply, looking towards the others who he assumed would be his teacher's. Tremki had very little interest in participating in whatever the Amekage had in store for him "What if I don't want to do this? I never asked for it.." he said, trying to explain his situation however little reaction was made by those who would be named his mentors or the Amekage himself. "I understand you are unsettled, but I see a lot of potentiel in you..We are able to give you a very comfortable home here, but you have to comply with no questions asked." all of this wasn't very convincing to Tremki, especially the moment when the man flexed his tone in the word 'comfortable' as if he weren't even able to lie without making such obvious notions - or perhaps the Amekage was confident more Shinobi at his defense than last time. Tremki took a better look at the Shinobi, most of them seemed smart despite that obvious tough appearance and at the time, they weren't even wearing their proper uniforms and wore similar uniforms only with an additional waist coat on the vest.


~Character Quote(s)~

"If you're falling and pray to your 'god' for help, you'll still find yourself hitting the cold ground.."

"The world is cruel..And the only morality in a cruel world is change."

"Love & Hate are two sides of the same coin.."
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Don't even get me started....

  • Name: Ryu Kumasawa

    Age: 19

    Gender: Born Female, Identifies Genderqueer ("weren't expecting that, were you?")

    Species: Human

    Blood Type: B+

    Height: 5'2"

    Weight: 114 lbs.

    Birth Date: April 29

    Astrological Sign: Taurus



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Clan Name (Last Name)




(He looks surprisingly young)




146 lbs

Attire Appearance/Clothing

Defer to above picture.


"Konoha's Fury"

"Blooming Seed of the Leaf"

"Ryouichi of a Thousand Skills"








Chakra Natures

Water Release

Earth Release

Fire Release

Lightning Release

Yang Release

Kekkai Genkai

Wood Style

Kekkei Tota

Spore Release


Wood Release: Wood Clone Jutsu - A clone that is created by altering the user's own cells with chakra. It has more endurance than the normal Shadow Clones and doesn't disappear when hit by the enemies' attacks. Moreover, since it has the ability to merge with plants and trees, it is also great for reconnaissance missions. They have the ability to travel far distances from the user and are able to communicate with the original. The clones can be as simple in function as a wooden dummy for use in the Body Replacement Technique.

Wood Release: Tree Limb Technique - The user summons forth five thick tree roots from the ground. These roots can then be used to shelter, shield, or impale, depending on the user's whim.

Wood Release: Great Forest Technique - A technique that changes one's own arm into big trees. Using chakra, the tissues are transformed into trees at the cellular level. Then, by activating the trees, stimulating them to grow rapidly, they lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. It is possible to capture the enemy with these branches and at the same time, if one changes the ends into sharp stakes, turn them into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons. This technique has also been used to break through stone walls. When a small hole is found the tree will squeeze in the hole and grow into a square shape and increase the size of the hole so a human can pass through

Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique - This techniquetransforms the user's arm into several wood tendrils which can be used to capture and restrain an enemy. This technique can be made large enough to capture a giant enemies or a mass of normal sized ones.

Wood Release: Entering Society With Bliss Bringing Hands - This technique utilizes the power of the Wood Release to forcibly suppress a tailed beast's chakra. The user would produce the seal "seat" (座) on their palm, and touching the tailed beast's chakra with their hand, the user then suppresses the chakra of the beast. Used in conjunction with the wood human technique, Ryouichi can channel this jutsu' chakra through the golems body in order to suppress it.

Wood Release: Unbreakable Dome - The user makes hand seals and then summons extremely flexible wood around them which forms into a protective dome. This dome is capable of not only blocking attacks, but also deflecting them as the wood easily flexes and then rebounds knocking the attack away.

Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees - Taking advantage of the innate properties of Wood Release — to be able to force trees to grow on any surface in an instant — the user creates a dense forest of flowering trees. The pollen produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and when inhaled, renders any afflicted target unconscious. With enough willpower, it is possible to regain consciousness. However, in order to counter the technique fully, either the trees themselves must be destroyed completely or the target must continue to remain elevated above the dispersed pollen.

Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees - The user forces trees to grow on any surface, and can easily create a dense forest anywhere. The technique can be used to bind an opponent and alter a battlefield for one's own uses.

Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique - The user creates a gigantic wooden dragon, which they can use for a multitude of purposes including restraining a target, or for offensive purposes. The dragon that the user creates can vary in terms of appearance. While both instances created a serpentine dragon, chinese, though the first had a short trunk-like nose, while the other two later created did not. It also has the ability to absorb chakra from its target, slowly rendering them unable to use techniques by biting into the target and draining them almost in a vampiric fashion.

Wood Release: Wood Human Technique - After forming the required hand seals, the user creates an enormous statue-like creature out of wood. This humanoid creature with a full body and an oni-like face is usually created with a wooden dragon wrapped around its torso, and is generally used in battle as an avatar. The wooden dragon can be multiplied and be used to attack its enemies directly as well. This creature is stated to be as powerful as the Nine-Tails and could catch an uncompressed, uncharged, standard tailed beast balled fired by the latter. If the user doesn't have enough time to manifest the entire body, they can manifest a limb or two first to buy enough time for the full body to form.

~Spore Release~

This release is a Kekkei Tota created by Ryouichi himself. It revolves around the uses of spores to either poison, burn, and paralyse any opponents. The spores flood the air and upon making contact with someone, it's harsh abilities can begin to take effect. If inhaled, the spores effects are doubled and even more excruciating. Due to the harshness of this release, it has been dubbed a Kinjutsu and thus Ryouichi can only use it in events of great danger, or in circumstances of which he deems it suitable to use it.

Spore Release: Infinite Poison Multiplication - Ryouichi releases a purple haze filled with thousands and thousands of tiny spores that each hold incredibly poisonous properties. When the spores come into contact with the opponent, they stick to him/her and pierce their body, injecting a lethal poison into their bloodstream and giving the person large blotches and boules all over their body. The poison gives the opponent huge discomfort and leaves them writhing in agonising pain. If the spores are inhaled, the spores explode and fill their body with a poisonous gas that can kill in seconds. Using his medical ninjutsu skills, Ryouichi had made it so that every single spore is filled with a different poison with the same effects. This means that it is practically impossible to cure.

Spore Release: Hellish Incineration - Ryouichi releases a yellow haze that fills the surrounding area with thousands of spores. Each spore is extremely corrosive to the touch, and whatever the spores touch, burns away in seconds. When the spores come into contact with a person it's so corrosive that it can burn their skin down to the bone in a blink. If inhaled, the spores burn them from the inside out.

Spore Release: Lightning Absorption - Ryouichi releases a black haze filled with thousands of tiny spores that hold immense electrical properties. Unlike the other two, this jutsu can only work on other people. When the spores come into contact with another, they send an agonising shock throw ones body and target the opponents chakra stream directly. The spores literally suck out the chakra from a living being, as well as weakening them continuously by sending shocks through their body to make the process easier. Of course, this jutsu can only lead to the death of the opponent if all of their chakra has been drained.​

~Sage Art~

Sage Art: World Alteration, Ruptur - Using his inhuman physical strength, Ryouichi slams his fists onto the ground and sends a shockwave that destroys anything in its path. The shockwave seemingly explodes out of the ground and literally tears away at anything in its perimeter.

Sage Art: World Alteration, Quaking Fist - Using his inhuman physical strength, Ryouichi punches the ground in one quick strike and causing a tremor reminiscent of an earth quake. If the punch is landed directly on a person, it completely shatters them.

Wood Release - Sage Art: True Several Thousand Hands - A technique that allows the user to create an incredibly large wooden statue that can tower over many things, literally dwarfing a full body susanoo and even the nine tails. All of its hands can be controlled by the user to create a brutal assault.

Wood Release - Sage Art: Dance of a Thousand Petals - A technique devised by Ryouichi himself. The user summons 10 large rose like flower that all seemingly explode into a flurry of razor sharp, incredibly fast wooden petals that can cut and pierce through nearly any material.

Sage Art Ultimate Technique - Strength of a Hundred: Fury of The Hidden Leaf - A technique devised by Ryouichi himself. His body becomes covered in dark brown patterns filled with an immense level of chakra, increasing all of his abilities be it his reflexes or power by a phenomenal amount. It's main improvements lie with his strength, speed, and even grants him the passive ability to heal without forming seals. Much like Tsunade and Hashirama. This technique essentially combines the famed Ninja Art Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique as well as sage mode chakra. Making it much more advanced than its counterpart. Upon using this technique, the markings on his body give him an immense boost of chakra, a chakra so monstrous that it's reminiscent to that of a tailed beasts.

It's this technique that gave him the alias of the "Konoha's Fury"

~Medical Ninjutsu~

Ryouichi is also an extremely accomplished Medical-Nin, having mastered the Creation Rebirth Technique much like Tsunade Senju before him.

Natural Skills/Techniques

-Phenomenal physical strength (Surpases Tsunade)

-Phenomenal skill with medical ninjutsu

-Excellent tactician

-Natural born leader

-Incredible speed/agility



-Pride of his heritage

-His kindness (supposedly)


-Inability to back down

-Over protective over those under his care




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Basic Information

Name: Shishido Hatake

Part I Age: 15-17

Part II Age: 18-19

Gaiden: 20

Gender: Female

Height: 5’8

Weight: 96lbs

Birthdate: May 9th

Occupation: Chuunin Exam Instructor, Teacher, Sensei

Ninja Rank (I): Chunin

Ninja Rank (II):Jonin

Gaiden: Tsuchikage

Nature Type: Lightning Release || Fire Release || Earth Release

Personal Information



Witty || Admirable || Clever || Focus

Shishido is witty, she quite so often, being funny, and showing humorism even in serious situations, in her early years she always like to play around, and hyper, but when maturity came around the corner her personality began to change somewhat once she became a chunin at the age of 15, show more of a leadership side of herself, but still kept her witty self in check.

Shishido is admirable, but doesn’t demand too much admiration she is somewhat praise worthy in her village hidden in the rain, which is where she had come from, born, but raised in the land of fire. Most of her colleagues enjoyed her company, and her looks, she did indeed started dating during the chunin exams, but she decided not to date, because love distracts people, expectually ninja’s such as herself when in missions.

Shishido is a clever woman, displaying her intelligence, and giving out useful information during her academy days. She was the brainy one in her team, and was advise as the leader of her team.

She stays focus a lot, reason why she gets high scores, and acing the chunin exam written test, without having to cheat.



Shishido was born in the hidden rain village, but was raised in the land of fire, deep within the hidden leaf village. She had started school at the young age, during her time at the hidden rain village, she was well known in the village during her time at the academy, but made enemies along the way to become a ninja, she lose some, win some before acquiring proper training once she required genin status, she was well trained by her personal teacher.

She had adapted herself in taijutsu before moving along to other difficult areas such as ninjutsu, from their her skills began to increase by day in taijutsu, her teammates, and sensei was rather surprised, and didn’t expect her to master in taijusu that quick, she was then questioned how’d she did it, and gave off a simple answer, she’s a quick learner, despite being from the hatake clan.

Once the chunin exams were held she had already learned one lightning release technique, but had decided to save it for last, with ease she had pass the written exam, during the real test to rank up to chunin, she was struggling a little bit, but her teammates help her out by giving her hope, and win. Several months after the chunin exam she became absent for a few weeks, reason being is that she had to go to the hidden rain village to check on her parents to see if they were alright still, though her mother suddenly passed away during the chunin exams, and felt very surprised by the sudden news. She swore to keep up with her training, and seek vengeance upon whomever killed her mother.

On her 18th birthday while she was hanging out in the hidden leaf village her training was soon enough to be finished, and decided to have a celebration with her, and her teammates, after that she secretly sought out the killer of her mother, and found out that their has been a group that was formed by the man that killed her mother, she was utterly disappointed, and decided to fall back on this private mission, and began to wonder through the land.

During some time away from both the hidden rain, and the leaf she had been hanging around in iwagakure once she had became a jonin. She didn't know what to at the time, so she began to stay, and learn some earth release technique's. This feild wasn't her favorite, but since she's in a village filled with earth style users why not learn a few. A couple of years teaching at the academy in iwagakure an unexpected call came through she didn't notice, but she was already known in iwagakure she was surprised to hear about that there was a spot meant to be taken which is the tsuchikage.

She agreed to these terms, and then became the tsuchikage of iwagakure.

Jutsu List


Lightning Blade - This is a advance lightning technique which was used by kakashi hatake, and some other known lightning based users. The ability can be used by hand seals, or none at all, but this is only for those who have mastered the lightning release area's. The limit of her usage in this is four times a day.

Lightning Beast Running Jutsu - By manipulating lightning chakra into their hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound remains connected to the user's hand, allowing them to control it during its attack.

Lightning Ball - By gathering
chakra from both of the users hands, shishido can create a ball of electrical energy, and direct it's attack on said opponent.

Lightning Release: Lightning Rod - After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.

Lightning Release: Lightning Stream - The user gathers her chakra, and a surge of electrical energy would be displayed, this jutsu can be used while using Lightning blade/Lightning Cutter. The user would aim at the ground or water. The technique would then catch the opponent giving him/her an after shock.

Lightning Release: Demon circle teleportation charge - The user throws a special made round like throwing weapon that is coated in blue and black, once in a decent range the user would do one hand sign which is a rat to activate said item that would randomly open up a portal to an unknown location.

Once back, the opponent would be stunned for a few seconds.

Fire Style: Phoenix flower Jutsu - This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled individually with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation - A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface.

Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu - A basic fire style technique, the user would shot a round medium size shape fire ball to said opponent.

Fire Style: Fuma Shuriken Blaze - While throwing a demon wind shuriken the user would then quickly do a hand sign to cast said jutsu, before doing this the user would transfer chakra to said shuriken, and then delivers a fire ball covering both the shurkin, and the fire ball with it. The fire ball would begin forming into a shurkin but wider.

Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu - basic Fire Release technique, where the user exhales a flame breath from their mouth. this technique can be used in conjunction with Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet to ignite the projectiles fired by the latter technique, making it more devastating.

Earth Style: Earth Wall - Earth Style earth wall is a basic earth style technique, as the user would make a wall made from the elements of the ground for defensive purposes.

Earth Style: Assimilation Rock Blizzard - After performing the
Assimilate All Creation Techniqueto fuse with an object, Nagare controls the rocks that make up his "body" and pelts his opponent with the rocks able to regenerate immediately after any attack.

Universal Assimilation Jutsu - The
Assimilate All Creation Technique enables the user can take on the properties of a nearby object, material, or substance, and any of its special characteristics.

Doton: Chidōkaku - This technique grants the user the ability to lower or raise the ground in the surrounding area, allowing them to create giant holes or elevations in the ground. The size of the affected area as well as the depths that it is lowered or raised to is also up to the user. With precise timing, this technique can be used to evade incoming attacks, as well as to endanger opponents by moving them into the path of an oncoming attack reducing their reaction time as well as knocking them off balance, making it even harder to avoid the attack.

~Secret Techniques~


Secret Technique:
Flash War Cry: Thunder Beast Battle Form - Upon release a huge column of electrical energy is released. When the energy disappears Shishido has taken on the form of a hybrid feline Her feet become clawed cat paws, this form clads her arms and legs in electricity covering her forearms past the elbow and her legs up to her thighs, each ending with claws made of electrical energy. The energy forms her hair into the form of cat ears and she grows a tail. This form sheaths her in an aura of electrical energy.

Ninjutsu: 15/25

Dexterity: 19/25

Taijutsu: 25/25

Intelligence: 17/25

Dojutsu: ?

Chrisma: 20/25

HandSeals 23/25


Nuibarai - The blade itself assumes the form of a narrow "
longsword" (長刀, chōtō) that greatly resembles a large needle, with a long length of thin wire-mirroring thread, tied through the eye located at the base of its hilt. This sword is said to possess the ability to pierce all and stitch them together, demonstrated through its ability to effortlessly penetrate multiple targets in a single thrust and then quite literally stitched them together in substantial bundles, by simply pulling the attached wire taut.

Fuma Shuriken - The
Fūma Shuriken (風魔手裏剣, Fūma Shuriken) is a large, four-bladed shuriken possessing pre-eminent sharpness and lethality. This type of shuriken is considered characteristic to the famous Fūma clan, after whom they were named and who possibly developed them. However, their use is not limited to this clan. Its four blades can be collapsed for easy storage, leading to its nickname Shadow Windmill (影風車, Kage Fūsha).

Explosive Tag -
Explosive Tags (起爆札, Kibaku Fuda) are scraps of paper inscribed with a special writing, centring around the kanji for "explode" (爆, baku). Infused with chakra, they will explode after a set amount of time, remotely, or after being ignited by flame.

Scrolls (3) -
Scrolls (巻物, Makimono) remain one of the most important pieces of equipment in a ninja's arsenal. The average-sized scroll is small enough that several can be carried at the same time, either in a flak jacket or in a pouch. Larger scrolls are usually carried on the ninja's back, In addition to writing on scrolls, ninja use them to summon creatures, people, and items, making transportation easier and providing more options when on a mission. Some techniques can also be stored in scrolls


~Notable Quotes~

"Maybe being a kage is more fun then just being a simple ninja"

"As a tsuchikage I'll protect my village, I won't make the same mistake as the previous one did"

"These Female Shinobi's are all talk, and no muscle. Looks like I have to teach them how it's done"

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Tamekaki Saitoru


Age: 19

Species: Human

Blood Type: AB


June 23, Cancer


Saitoru, or 'Sai' as he prefers to be called, is a very gentle and kind young man for a majority of the time. He always offers his assistance to others around the village, and never shrugs off someone who is talking to him. He enjoys assisting others, and wants to always believe what he is doing is bettering the lives of others. He puts his friends and allies before him a lot of the time, and sometimes suffers quietly because of it.

At times, Sai can be rather stubborn when he is assigned something to do. He will not stop until what he has to do is finished, sometimes resulting in him getting stuck in undesirable situations. But Sai is not afraid to fight someone if he absolutely needs to. He enjoys challenges given to him, and enjoys training with other shinobi.


Sai was born in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, but not much is known about his parents. No traces of them having ever lived there exist, so he was taken in as an orphan. He was sickly through most of his childhood, so he tended to wear a surgical mask to prevent himself from getting any other child sick.

As he grew up, Sai was believed to not become a shinobi, which many orphaned children tended to do. His internal organs were weak, though he practiced hard to keep a tougher physique about him. He showed a lot of interest in reading and writing, so the belief he would be a scholar or inventor was not out of the question. But Sai always saw himself becoming a shinobi one day.

Sai enlisted himself into the Academy in the village, and to everyone's surprise, passed many assignments with flying colors. He was highly skilled in taijutsu and ninjutsu, and was very wise in a fight. The only thing that held him back was his illnesses, but he found ways to overcome them and continue on as a student, though he always seemed to be suffering.

Sai graduated from the academy and soon became a shinobi for the village. He is not the first choice to send out on a mission, due to the fear of his illnesses harming him in a battle, so he stays mainly as a guard for the village. He spends most of his free time tutoring students at the academy in tai and ninjutsu, and also tries to find to keep himself healthy in case a mission comes up for him.


Highly skilled in taijutsu, most of his skills revolve around quick and lethal strikes, or hard-hitting and flowing jabs. Many of his arts come in the form of his fingers bent like a bears paws, with him chopping with the side of his hand or jabbing with the palm of his hand. He also has basic skills with a sword, kunai, a shuriken. As for ninjutsu, Sai can use Swift Release to reach insanely fast speeds, making him a formidable taijutsu user. He also has begun learning Steel Release arts to help further his taijutsu skills.​

(Is this alright? Am I missing anything? Is something not good or wrong? I'll change whatever needs to be.)
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Okay jounins fine with me, CS approved :) you can join in when you like since we're already in konoha
Name: Suzukage


Age: 21


Blood type:

May 17th

Explosion release – Earth and Lightning releases

Speaking sarcasm as a second language with an unyielding love of watching others suffer; Suzukage would aptly be described as cold and calculated with a strong desire to see the world crumble. He enjoys sleeping and making things; namely people, explode.

Bio: Originally from the Hidden Stone, Suzukage was a student under the tutelage of the Tsuchikage and hailed from one of Iwagakure’s most prominent families. Hailed as a genius from an early age, Suzukage was notably proficient at chakra control and as such, he came to possess nature transformation techniques; notably the Explosion Release.

Graduating the academy proved to be an easy task and Suzukage served as a member of the Explosion Corps before becoming a personal guard to the previous Tsuchikage.

Suzukage was left dismayed by what he heard and saw as he travelled with the Tsuchikages guard and as such; assassinated the Tsuchikage by ways of explosions.

He is currently classified as an S class missing nin.

Additional info:
Suzukage possesses two chakra natures; Earth and Lightning and uses these, through nature transformation, to form the Explosion Release. He is also an accomplished swordsman who frequents the theatre on Fridays.
Name: kaden Ketsueki


Age: 18

Species: human

Blood type: ???

July 4th

Jutsu: (blood style): Kaden is able to shape and harden his blood using his chakra. Using his ability for too long can leave Kaden extreamly weak. He can increase the rate in which he creates blood cells. Increasing the rate too much leads to him being incapacitated and nauseous.

-grand lightning spears: Kaden creates an orb of lightning. The orb then sends a barrage of lightning spears at his opponent

-tiajustu: hand to hand combat

Personality: Kaden is arrogant but knows he still has much to learn. He's battle hungry and is always looking for a fight. He isn't good with people. He keeps his distance from most and rarely talks. If he does speak its usually to say something rude or sarcastic

Bio: Born in Kumogakure, Kaden had always had a talent for fighting. His clan, the Ketsueki clan were proud and fierce fighters so it was only natural he excelled in combat. Being the son of the head of such a clan, everyone had high expectations for Kaden. He exceeded them. He graduated at age 6 and became a chunin by age 14, when his kekkei genkai showed itself. Its clan has the ability to manipulate their blood and use it for offense and defense. Kaden quickly mastered this technique and bacame a jonin at age 16. He was offered the spot of an anbu but denied it. If he stayed a jonin then he could travel without restrictions. Now Kaden has surpassed even his father and is sent on secret assignments for the village.

Additional info: Kaden carries a black katana that is wicked sharp.
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Mezzaluna said:
KG is approved, but please apply limiters such as him suffering from bloodloss if overused or something along those lines otherwise good job, blood is creative if not very messy lol
Thank you. xD I've made the necessary changes
femjapanriceball said:

Don't even get me started....

  • Name: Ryu Kumasawa

    Age: 19

    Gender: Born Female, Identifies Genderqueer ("weren't expecting that, were you?")

    Species: Human

    Blood Type: B+

    Height: 5'2"

    Weight: 114 lbs.

    Birth Date: April 29

    Astrological Sign: Taurus

Approved -w-


● ● ●

Erīto Sōgyō-sha, "The Mysterious Man"

  • Name:

    Erīto Sōgyō-sha

    Name Meaning:

    Elite Founder


    He is known as mostly some myth, the 'mysterious man' is a fairly common name within the minor village's of the continent and many also hold the belief that his appearance is a sign of bad omen.


    Specific Age isn't known but those who have seen him say he looks between his early twenties to his later twenties


    While it hasn't been completely confirmed, he appears fairly human



    Blood Type:





~Character Quote(s)~

"To stop questioning is to stop learning, and that's ignorance."

"Never argue with dumb people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience~"

"When you dodge, don't let them cut you..When you attack, you kill."

"Don't mistake silence for weakness, smart people don't plan big moves aloud."
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Name: Kiari Ketsueki


Age: 21

Species: Homunculi

Bloodtype: ???

Birthday: June 29th

Height: 5'6

Weight: 136lb

Body type: slender and toned.

Jutsu: Ketsueki clan's blood manipulation. (Can manipulate her blood, either hardening it or using it as a deadly whip. Unlike the rest of her clan, Kiari can even give her blood the appearance of creatures she chooses. For this she must feed off the blood of either Hunan or animals.)

Lighting style: Grand lighting chariot(Kiari raises summons storms clouds that sends three bolts of lighting down at her opponents before a forth, more powerful bolt Strick's down.)

Fire style: fire dragon justu(enhales then exhales, send a giant dragon made of fire at her opponents)

Fire style: Fire ball jutsu(spits a giant fire ball at her opponents)

Lightning style: Lightning fang jutsu(swings her arm in an arc, sending a arc of lightning at her opponents)


Personality: Kiari is full of hate. She's a spiteful and twisted young woman. Kiari is cruel and will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Even if it means going against her family. She is quiet and finds talking to be troublesome. Like most members of the Ketsueki clan, she prefers action. She will mercilessly take down anyone if they stand in her way. Even I'd they were comrades. She had no soft side except when it comes to one person. Kaden Ketsueki.

Bio: Kiari isn't human. She never was. She is a product of a jutsu. She was created by Kaden's father with the help of other members of the Ketsueki clan. The clan wanted to create more capable fighters. Why? To overthrow the Riakage and take the Village of Clouds for themselves. While the clan was indeed powerful, they didn't have enough of their own military might to take on an entire village. Though the jutsu successfully created a newborn with potential that exceed anyone's expectations, the jutsu took two human lives in the process. It was too risky. The project had ended with the creation of Kiari. For the moment.

The head of the Ketsueki clan and Kaden's father had taken the homunculus in. His wife, had no idea who the child was or were it came from. She didn't know her husband was playing god and planning a coop. He'd told her that he adopted a child and she didn't question it. She instantly took a liking to Kiari, treating her like she was her own.

The child was to began training to be a koinichi as soon as she was of age. She was a prodigy. Even the Riakage took note of her skill while she was still just at the academy. By the time she was 16 she'd already been assigned a spot on the Anbu black ops. By this time, Kaden was 13. She and Kaden had a very close bond. Both of them believing that they were really siblings. Kaden admired and adored his sister. Kiari loved and took care of her little brother. She would find time to help with his training and schooling. She'd take him out to eat when he'd past missions when he first became a gunin.

Things were going well for Kiari. Not only did she find love and become the head of the anbu, but she would be appointed the next head of the Ketsueki clan. That's not all. Kiari was a prime candidate in being the next Jinuuriki of the hachibi. She was the pride of her clan and it felt good.

Then everything changed. Her father, the head of her clan had told her whor or rather what she was. She was a product created for war. Now that she had the village's trust, now was the perfect time to strike. If she was to become a jinuuriki then the co'deta would begin. She would use the power of the hachibi and help her clan take over the village. Kairi didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to think. She took some time to herself, even keeping her distance from her beloved baby brother. One day when Kiari had returned from a mission, the woman who'd raised her like a daughter, was laying on the floor. Her face was twisted with fear and shock as blood pooled around her. Her mother was dead and get father stood over her, blood staining his arm and clothes. He had told Kiari that he had to kill her. She'd found out about the coop and was planning on reporting it to the Riakage.

Kiari then knew what she had to do. She ran. She ran fast and didn't look back. She couldn't stat there. She couldn't live with that man. He was cruel and evil. He only cared about ruling the village through any means. The girl knew she couldn't report what she'd learned to the Riakage. He'd have the clan slaughter. Everyone would die, including her beloved baby brother. So to keep him safe, she left him in the dark.

Since then Kiari has been traveling, observing the cruelness of the world. Even in these so called peace times, there was still cruelty and death. Nothing had changed. The world had not changed. She would change it though. She'd change it and make it better for her brother no matter what.

Additional info: Kiari was the one who gave Kaden his black katana. She uses two ivory daggers shapes like katanas.

Strong points: tiajutsu. Her incredible speed along with her Kekkie genkai make her more deadly than most ninja her age. She is incredibly agile with great reflexes. She is very potent with her kekkie genkia. She also has an incredible growth rate.

Weak points: while kiari is very much capable at using ninjutsu, she still lacks greatly in that area. (Not counting her kekkie genkai) she can only do four at the moment.
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can heal self but only minor and light same for healing others, basic energy transfer

Personality: Violet can be a real cow sometimes, foul mouthed and unlady like in all ways but she also knows how to be lady like but you have to be dam special to her for her to make the effort.

Bio: violet and her sister sapphire are training under Ryouichi to become a master medical student she doesn't remember much of her past, but she knows all of people close to her with exception to her younger sister are dead because she lost control of her powers and went on a rampage and killed her whole family when she was snapped out of by her sister shocking and sealing her to the ground till all the darkness was pushed back inside her.

since then she vowed to only use that power when she learned to control it and would use it protect her sister and the ones she loves.

Additional info: she's about 130 kg which is heavier than many girls because her body is muscular but not in a creepy way, this also makes her far stronger and durable that most other girls. Even though she doesn't look it she can be nimble when she needs to be and specializes in duel wielding swords.

Name: Kia Moonsone

http://media.photobucket.com/user/xxzimixx/media/hahaha.gif.html?filters[term]=anime ninja women&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=21


Species: human

Blood type: unknown

Birthday: september 18


blood type: o

Jutsu: lightning/earth

Lightning Strike Armour

Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning

Earth Release

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

history: As stated above in the big sisters bio

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Name: Gonbara Yamamoto

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/320084.png.d2a5e989fbade27577555ce6faadb88b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/320084.png.d2a5e989fbade27577555ce6faadb88b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

mizukage outfit:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/hideaki_robes2.jpg.186ceefc161eb80962678de8b3b5b058.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/hideaki_robes2.jpg.186ceefc161eb80962678de8b3b5b058.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 29

Gender: male

Height: 6'0

Weight: 170 lbs

Sexuality: Straight

Species: human

Blood type: A positive

Birthday: March 18


Steam Release (Kekkai Genkai)

steam release: steam clone

Steam release: scorching wave

Steam release: hot box: this is a genjustu that traps the opponent in a cloud of steam impossible to see out of, it can cause hallucination, and severe dehydration if the person stays in there to long. Unfortunately this move exhaust Gon greatly as it takes much focus that he doesn't posses. Also if the person manages to inflict enough pain to themselves they will be temporarly broke out of the genjustu, if they manage to escape from the steam cloud they will be safe(its not all that hard to escape) if not the Genjustu will once again tighten its grip around them.

Fire release:wip

Water release:wip

Wind release: wip

(May add more later and finish the wip)

Personality: like most of his clan, Gon is somewhat bipolar, but this only really shows when he's in battle. He doesn't seem to take much seriously, and is often found day dreaming carelessly. He doesn't like the elders although he does what they say, and there are few he truly respects. While he doesn't seem to care about much he does still care enough about the safety of the village to act if it's in danger. And hes far more intelligent that he appears.

Bio: Gon was born to the head of the Yamamoto clan, and as such became responsible for leading it in the future. So his father constantly trained him to be the next leader. Although Gon wasn't really fond of training, he preferred to play with the other kids, but they all seemed to fear both him and his father. As a result he became somewhat of a well for lack of a better word asshole. One day though his father saw that his son was miserable. So he brought him to a friends for training after he had taught him all he could. The man was a Senju that his father had known from the fourth great ninja war. He had a son name Ryou, and they quickly became great friends. He trained day and night. Now finding it fun since he had a friend to train with. But eventually his father returned for him and he was brought back to the hidden mist. Soon he was grown, and became the head of his clan, and not long after he was made the Mizukage. He was less than enthusiastic about being Mizukage, so he let the elders basically control everything using him as a puppet. He didn't mind all that much as long as the village was safe, and he was to hassled although his father did insist on him keeping in shape. Eventually the elders came to the decision to have a squad of Anbu slaughter a clan known as Kaguya. He didn't think much of this at first being as he had heard they were savages. Then a girl was brought to him, a Kaguya girl who he was somewhat smitten with. But he knew this was something he couldn't have, so he forced himself to see her as nothing more than a object for him to use as he wished, and so far this has worked well. He's also technically one of the seven swordsmen of the hidden mist wielding samehada with superb skill.

Additional info: his clans symbol Is a steaming a figure who's body is half Demon and half God. The clan is usually comprised of bald men(they shave there heads for reasons) but when they let their hair grow out its a crimson red.



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? ? ?

Santeru Ishumari "The Crimson Moon"

  • Name:

    Santeru Ishumari







    Blood Type:



    January 25th

~Character Quote(s)~

"I am many things, a lying cheating degenerate is one of those many things my dear."

"I forgive no one, I only forget."

"I have done things not for the right reason and not for the wrong reason, I made those choices simply because I could and because it seemed like it would be fun."
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We are taught never to shed tears. For to shed tears means that the body has been defeated by emotion. And to us, this simple act of crying proves, without question, that the existence of emotion is nothing but a burden.
Rukia Kuchiki


Basic Information


Name: Hayakawa Uchiha

Age: 18

Part I: 13-14 (Genin)

Part II (Shippuden): 15-17 (Anbu-Chunin)

Gaiden: 18

Species: Human

Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan

Gender: Female

Blood Type: AB

Birthday: December 12th

Clan Info: The Uchiha are descendants of Indra Ōtsutsuki, the oldest son of the Sage of the Six Paths. Through Indra, the Uchiha inherited the Sage's "eyes", granting them powerful spiritual energy and chakra. As part of the so-called "Curse of Hatred" first displayed by Indra, Uchiha are subject to powerful emotions: these emotions typically start as love for a friend or family member that then become overpowering hatred when the object of their love is lost. This loss, whether actually experienced or merely threatened, awakens an Uchiha's Sharingan. It is due to the Sharingan that the Uchiha have received much of their fame and notoriety.

The Uchiha have been fighting the Senju clan for centuries, a rivalry that traces back to the days of Indra and his younger brother, Asura. When the Sage of Six Paths was dying, he selected Asura as his successor, believing Asura's desire for peace through love was better than Indra's peace through power. Indra, driven by his Curse of Hatred, fought Asura to claim what he believed was his birthright. The Uchiha and Senju, descendants of Indra and Asura respectively, continued their battle through the centuries, though none still remembered this reason for their conflict.​

Affiliation: Konohagakure (Former) Iwagakure (Current){/slide}

Personal Information



Hayakawa had no interest in sharing her perspective in life, while undergoing training she never onced had opened up to her comrades nor her sensei, she herself didn’t know what her goals are, and therefore lied a mystery within her.

Being in the uchiha clan she takes a huge pride in it, she has a dislike about people talking down on the clan, despite the fact of all the unbelievable having a bad name due to some individuals that give the uchiha a bad name.

Hayakawa successfully tricks others because of her personality, though she may seem nice, and kind, but she can get rough on the edge’s. She’ll take out anyone, and everyone who crosses the line, if it were to be a simple punch in the right spot, or an attempt to poison food, or drink.

After the abduction hayakawa had turned cold, and careless, though still have little to know feelings of wanting friends, she’d rather have a small circle of friends every now and then.

Nature Type: Fire Release, Blaze Release, Lighning Release


Appearance: Short and petite Hayawaka Uchiha has light skin and purple eyes. Her hair is black, with several strands of hair always hanging between her eyes, Once she turned older hayakawa wears her hair cropped into a bob which hangs about her face. She wears a fingerless white tekkō, which extend above her elbows.


Biography: Being born in an infamous clan “Uchiha Clan” her father was quite strict, but always seemingly cool, and gentle to hayakawa during her childhood. She was the only child in her family, she was also strong, and determined. Before she had turn 13 she was self-taught at basic education skills, such as math, reading, etc. Her father wished the best for her in life. Her father, and mother decided that it was the right time, to put her to school. After some months within the academy, she would’ve graduated at the age of 13, and move towards the genin rank, a fresh start of becoming a shinobi.

Hayakawa’s father reminded her that everything isn’t easy, and work shouldn’t be done fast, or slow, but at a decent pace. At the age of 14 she would have already know a few jutsu’s, and successfully unlocking her sharingan during a critical mission that almost caused her, and her comrades life.

Her father was proud of such a development that his daughter is witnessing, though not to long ago her mother had died. She was kidnapped, and slaughtered by a group of rouge ninja’s. Their next target was hayakawa. But soon enough they would have realized that she would cause them to much trouble, because of her sharingan, and her incredible abilities at such a young age. Though they didn’t hesitate to do so.

Long after hayakawa’s abduction, her teammates, and father was on a rescue mission to save her. Several months after the deduction her father had witnessed some changes with her, Her father sworn to murder the rouge with his bare hands, years past, and soon enough she turned 15, and finally a chuunin. Her father passed away, she didn’t want to partake in the chunin exams, and an unexpecting offer came about, she then unlocks the sharingan while abducted.

An anbu leader requested her to join, without hesitation she did just that. Hayakawa witness several bad ends in the anbu squad, witnessing deaths, killing off fellow villegers that are now missing nins. She spent most of her life under the anbu until she turned 18 she was still secretly in the anbu, and moved to iwagakure, as she met a lady that would be the tsuchikage of iwagakure. Surprisingly she figured out that hayakawa was an anbu member, and offered her to be the tsuchikage’s assistant. And that she did, so, starting out her life in iwagakure as the tsuchikage’s assistant.​

Jutsu List


Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi - Converging the flames in front of the user, a barrier of spike-shaped flames can be created that not only shields her, but also pierces and burns any opponent that touches it.

The user can wield the flames in their hand without being incinerated, as well as manipulate them into a flexible sword which launches spike-shaped projectiles when swung.

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique - The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object, which rushes forward in straight line catching the enemy on fire. A line of enemies can be used as the conductor as well. The flames are meant to target, and assault the enemy's upper body just like a projectile weapon.

Fire Release: Exploding Flame Formation - After placing their hand on the ground, the user releases a large number of explosive tags that stream towards the target, before wrapping themselves around the victim from the feet upwards. Once in place around the target's legs, the tags detonate simultaneously, engulfing them in an enormous explosion and burning them with flames.​

Fire Release: Heavenly Prison - is an imprisonment technique (禁錮術, kinkojutsu) The ones who are subjected to this technique have a formula applied to them, which will prevent them from moulding chakra and from using techniques. It will also drain them of their chakra at a slow but steady rate. However, for people with high amounts of chakra, they can still mould chakra and use techniques to a certain extent. The techniques used, however, will be severely hampered, and the seal will cause the user in question intense pain, as though their bodies were on fire; if too much chakra is forced out, the formula will set the victim ablaze.

Heavenly Prison Fire Sword - The user brings up a large flame in his right hand, which soon after takes the form of a sword. If someone is hit by the sword, they will be engulfed in flames. The sword can also easily pierce flesh.

Blaze Release: Great Fire Ball Technique - he user launches a fireball at the opponent, with the black flames enveloping the orange-coloured fire for increased substantial damage.

Extra Info


Kote - The Kote (小手, Literally meaning: Forearm) is a "Science Ninja Weapon" (科学忍具, Kagaku Ningu) developed by Katasuke of Konohagakure's Science Ninja Weapon Team.

As its name suggest, this tool is worn on the forearm. The user initiates one of their techniques before sealing them into a
scroll. The scroll is then shrunken to pill-size and is put inside the Kote. Afterwards, they can release the scroll and use the sealed technique. To use an elemental technique, the user apparently needs to form the corresponding seal first. Because using the Kote doesn't require chakra the user can gain an advantage in battle by releasing normally chakra-taxing techniques while saving their chakra or continuing to use techniques when low on chakra, thereby keeping the user rested and less-likely to endure exhaustion.

Tanto - A
tantō (短刀) is simply a small katana. Several chūnin, medical-nin, and shinobi of Konohagakurewhen going into battle wear them strapped to their lower backs. The version Root uses are double-edged and have no tip, meant only for cutting and defence. They carry the tantō vertically on the back specifically behind the shoulder.

Character Song: Come & it Goes by Nero

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