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Fandom Naruto: Retribution - Characters


Shadowborn Omen

A White Wolf
Story located in the lore thread, listed below:

A like react from one of the game moderators ( Shadowborn Omen Shadowborn Omen or Hibiscus Hibiscus ) means your character has been accepted.

Name (Full):

Title/Nicknames: (Teacher, ANBU callsign, etc)
Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control:
Chakra Pool:
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Kitsune Touga

Identification Information
Personal Information
Combat Information

Kiyoshi Renku
Identification Information
Personal Information
Combat Information

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Name (Full): Kana Rikoto Inuzuka
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Biography: I'll write it after I make some din din

Title/Nicknames: Hokage
Rank: Jonin
Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc: Summoning Jutsu, fire, and wind release. The current Hokage Kana Inuzuka can use wind release and fire release, but this doesn't constitute towards his main arsenal. As a member of the Inuzuka clan, Kana has created bond with several Ninken throughout his life. Total he's grown close with three so far, Dai, Kei, and Nao; the three joining him everywhere he goes. However his summoning jutsu goes much farther then the Ninken of Konoha. Most of his adult life Kana spent traveling, during which times he's amassed a connection and agreement with many summons. In the frequent fighting of the times many of Kana's partners have been summoned since he's been back, including a giant snake, frog, boar, and owl. Despite his clan heritage and main companions, Kana is never without one more. A Nineko named Gurena with long whiskers, a lean spotted body, and a fluffy tail. However many argue whether or not he has more still hidden. (Of course he does, he's the Kage, got some unique ones under his sleeve ;))

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 10
Chakra Pool: 10
Strength: 7
Speed: 7
Durability: 7
Utility: 11
Total: 52

Name (Full): Madoka Ito
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Biography: Below
Title/Nicknames: Peacekeeper, Hokage’s Fastest Errandboy
Rank: Jonin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc: Madoka has an affinity for fire release, using this as a supplement to most of her fighting. However most of Madoka’s strength relies on her use of space-time ninjutsu, namely the Flying Raijin Technique. With use of seals applied by her hands or on thrown weapons, Madoka can teleport near instantaneously. This is most powerful in Konoha, the entire village and its surrounding area littered in her seals. While the 2nd and 4th hokage were able to pass many limitations on the jutsu, Madoka isn’t able to transport people or large objects with her.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 5
Chakra Pool: 5
Strength: 7
Speed: 10
Durability: 7
Utility: 3
Total: 37

Name (Full): Takara Ito
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Biography: I'll write it after I make some din din
Title/Nicknames: Ruby Dragon
Rank: Jonin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc: Takara, the Ruby Dragon, is known as such for his use of the Crystal Release. The nature releases that make up the Kekkei Genkai are unknown, but Takara attributes it to his fire and earth affinity. Takaraprefers his crystals in most combat situations, only using his other affinities for supplements. Using the crystal release Takara can create armor and weapons, both of which rivaling most metals, for any close range combat. Long range Takara utilizes the crystals ability to expand exponentially to control or damage large areas of the battlefield. Usually fighting alongside his sister, Takara will often shape the battlefield to give Madoka advantages and a more favorable territory for her teleporting. On his own Takara is where he earns his namesake, his unique fighting style that lies more in dance than fighting. While engaging the combatant close range Takara is still able to direct his crystal jutsu, namely the Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragons Dance (a mouthful!), attacking with them at the most opportune time. Still this means that Takara moves in unison with the jutsu around them, the dancing aspect, and a keen eye could punish him for each attempt to maneuver the crystal dragons.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 7
Chakra Pool: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 5
Durability: 5
Utility: 8
Total: 37

Biography (Both): In Konoha the family name of Ito can bring out many different thoughts depending on the person. For some they’ll think of the Daiymo of the Land of Fire, Ena Ito, the most prominent member of the name. Locally the Daiymo’s grandchildren, Tama and Mirai Ito, each hold their own greatness as a dancer and bar owner respectively. Lastly the youngest generation of Takara and Madoka have stepped past the civilian careers of their line, both becoming shinobi in the Anbu and as a sensei respectively.

The twins’ childhood was fairly normal, going to the academy during the day and each spending time with the parents after. Tama and Takara traveled all over the land when he had time, dancing in various festivals as he grew up. Madoka and Mirai spent most of the time in the bar, the homey atmosphere keeping Madoka busy helping her mother. The two wanted to enroll in the academy for different reasons, Takara to use his Kekkei Genkai to its limits and Madoka to find her place from her mother’s shadow.
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He of course doesn't wear the sigil of those damned Uchiha, and wears the traditional Konohagakure flak jacket, often unzipped when off duty. He wears his sword on his back, not wanting it to hinder his movement.
Name: Takeshi Suzume

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Despite his relation to the Uchiha clan, Takeshi is incredibly relaxed and carefree. He tries not to worry too much, mostly as a coping mechanism due to past traumas. He can also seem excessively jokey and sarcastic, again to help deal with the often brutal life of a ninja. He's usually the one to crack a joke to lighten the mood, even if it seems inappropriate. But all this bravado is false. He's incredibly anxious, often worrying over tiny things or overthinking. He has trouble making meaningful connections due to a chronic fear that he'll lose them, and can often become overprotective of the people he cares about. He also has PTSD from his experiences in the civil war between the Uchiha and their offshoot clans, and has an often irrational hatred for the former because of it.

Biography: Born into the relatively new Suzume clan, Takeshi was set to inheirit the leadership of it from his father, Shin Suzume. Takeshi was a rare genius, excelling in his training since he was a child. He was also one of the few in his clan to inheirit the Sharingan, something he didn't realize until much later. Using that with his natural speed and cunning, it wasn't long until Takeshi was a Genin. It seemed as if nothing could go wrong.

How wrong he was...

When Takeshi was just eleven years old, the Suzume and their cousin clans banded together, demanding to be offered equal treatment by the Uchiha's. All out war broke out soon after, and blood ran through the streets of Konoha. Takeshi was out on a mission when the Uchiha's raided the Suzume clan compound, slaughtering everyone in their way. The young ninja came home to the corpses of his family, a sight that awakened his Sharingan, and permanently scarred him. The war ended soon after with the destruction of many clans, and Takeshi was left in the care of a family friend. At first, he thirsted doe revenge, dedicating his body and soul to avenging his family. He even tried to go through with it, going so far as to sneak into the Uchiha compound at night, determined to slaughter then once and for all. But he stopped when the first building he entered had a family, much like his own. He just couldn't bring himself to do it, so he left before he was caught. After that, he decided to live for his family z and carry on their legacy. He became legendary for both his swordsmanship, and his skill with Lightning Release, even earning the title of "The Lightning Shinobi," and "Thunderbolt." For his exceptional service to the Leaf, he was promoted to Jounin several years after his Chunin Exams, and married one of his old teammates shortly afterwards, despite his trouble keeping relationships.

Title: "The Lightning Shinobi," "Thunderbolt"

Rank: Jounin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, etc:
Takeshi primarily uses Lightning Release alongside a select few Fire Release Jutsu to give him a bit more versatility. Most of his Jutsu focus on speed and precision, often with the aid of a bladed weapon, primarily the Kusanagi blade he began using after becoming a Jounin. He also has the rare Sharingan, and contrary to what many people think, there is no difference between his Sharingan and the one the Uchiha have in terms of abilities or strength. He can do anything a regular Sharingan user can, even obtain the infamous Mangekyo Sharingan, should he witness the loss of a loved one.

Chakra Control: 8
Chakra Pool: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 10
Durability: 6
Utility: 7

The mask she wears nearly at all times and uses a kusarigama, as well as the sword pictured. Her headband is tied around her neck and keeps shurikens hidden up her sleeves and down her knee socks.

Name: Sake Rai (Last name, first name)

Nickname/Alias: Painted

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Rai is a very shy woman often talking in a very short and quiet manner. She very rarely has much to add to a conversation and prefers letting someone else lead and come up with the ideas and strategies, she very rarely is the one to crack a joke and will often quietly giggle at someone else’s jokes. This quietness and shyness is actually just a front and keeps this mask in front of everyone she meets in truth she is actually a very cunning woman constantly trying to think 10 steps of her opponents and is constantly adjusting her plans when people do unexpected things, but still have the act of having no idea of what she’s doing, such as shaking all over to make them drop their guard. Whenever she comes up against someone that she can’t easily deal with she drops the entire shyness act and takes things super seriously. While not as obvious or as intense as other people who fought in the civil war, she has an extreme dislike for the Uchiha and it’s off shoot families. All this however is a second front for her, in truth she suffers from shock of seeing her parents die and whenever she has memories of the event or is inflicted with a genjutsu that forces her to relive those memories she suffers from a mental breakdown and starts crying and the only way to snap her out of it is to give her a nice heavy slap and start getting her to realize where she is

Biography: Rai was born to a loving family and had no problems as she grew up….is what I would say if there wasn’t such a thing as a civil war. Rai was born to a normal ninja family, who had no stakes in the Uchiha clan civil war, unfortunately for them because of them the Uchiha clan accidentally killed her parents, it was a tragic event that Rai has blocked from her memory. After the civil war was over Rai was handed over to an older ninja, he was a drinker, a pervert, a man with a great sense of humor and a surprisingly great father when it came to raising Rai. Despite wanting to rename her Rai, refused any new first name given to her wanting to keep the name Rai, eventually he just gave up and her name was Sake Rai. The man wanted her to be a ninja and Rai agreed to that even if it was more wanting to honour her family’s memories.

The old pervert started training her to become a ninja, teaching her mainly teaching her techniques that didn’t deal direct damage as that’s how he was taught, she learned to be smarter and sneakier than anyone else her age, to hide her identity at all times, starting to give the name of Painted to keep her name a secret, she learned how to be as sneaky as possible. She became known for how she become known for how she moved like lightning and how sneaky she was when it came to fights, despite the fact that she has helped the village many times she has often refused the chance to become anything higher than Chunin to throw opponents off their game and think they are dealing with a less experienced ninja and from what people have seen of her body, she has yet to be married.

Title/Nicknames: “The Painted Ninja”, “The Nameless Ninja”

Rank: Chunin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:

Rai uses only Lightning Release techniques, along with some distraction techniques. A majority of her techniques are to deal with distracting enemies, recon for enemies, confusing the enemy and a tiny bit of speed. These techniques include but are not limited to the Lightning Transformation Technique which transforms her into a bolt of lightning that bounces off of boulders, trees and such until it hits a person, the Static Strings Technique which are almost invisible strings that if someone passes through them, Rai can tell that they did. The Hidden Painting Technique which isn’t really any sort of jutsu that takes chakra but by making realistic paintings and hiding behind them she becomes almost invisible. She also can use both Lightning Release: Lightning Magnet which alters the trajectory of any metal projectile, as well as the Lightning Release: Static Force which makes nearby things float to her hands or repel things away. Currently her final technique is a bit of a perverted one, it’s the Sexy Jutsu: Onnanoko-Tachi Jutsu, by summoning a shadow clone Rai and her clone become two different women with focus on the figure, breast and waist with smoke covering just enough to not be too inappropriate. Of course, Rai can use the standard the standard techniques as well. The non-standard techniques she either learned how to do by herself or was taught to her by her perverted foster father


Chakra Control: 6

Chakra Pool: 7

Strength: 4

Speed: 10

Durability: 5

Utility: 10

Total: 42
(gave up on drawing he looks like dazai now with blue eyes woosh)
Yakari Kedouin

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Yakari is an expert bystander. While he works well in groups and has no problem socializing, he has a quiet and sensitive side to him. He’s rather submissive for a male, and tends to just agree with others to avoid complications. Yakari finds humor in sarcasm and poking fun at others mishaps, however is typically not too harsh about it. His humor himself is often witty and well thought out, though doesn’t crack jokes that often because he thinks too much about them. Yakari is also very ‘religious’ (more in bio), and prays for the well being of others around him every night (I am not religious myself however trying to branch my RP skills out to an even further extent). He’s a great friend to have, though can sometimes feel distant when trying to form a strong bond.

If you couldn’t tell already, Yakari is a rather feminine name. His foster parents gave it to him at birth, due to his deep blue eyes (As Ri means lapis lazuli in Japanese). He is quite embarrassed of this name...


Yakari grew up on the outskirts of the hidden leaf, raised by the few stragglers of the Kedouin clan. His parents were killed off in the civil war, beings that the Kedouin were often times recruited as spies for their ability to take on others appearances* (I can assure you this is in the anime*). He was raised by a religious group and foster parents who viewed the Hokage’s as disciples of god, and was taught to worship them as if they were gods messengers. As Yakari came to the age of 11, he was becoming rather suspicious of his religious group. People in his village were disappearing month after month, and the explanation was unknown to him. After months of spying and nosing around, he was able to decipher that the religious branch he had been raised under for all of his life, was actually a cult, hell bent on the idea that if the Hokage were to survive, they would need a sacrifice of 1 clan member a month to ensure their survival every year. Yakari, having some sense in him, was quick to realize that this was absurd. Scarred from the sacrificial executions [which accounted for the clans low population], Yakari slashed his belief of a god, thinking “How could such a ‘great’ being need this false sense of reassurance?” He was soon to shift into the idea of transcendentalism, believing that all people were bound to each other by an oversoul. Due to this emotional imbalance, Yakari was determined to find a way to escape. He joined the academy at a late age [12], however progressed through the ranks rather quickly due to his go-with-the-flow nature, often times displaying remarkable skill without realization. He was unable to achieve the rank of Jonin due to his lack of leadership and confidence, however his ranking of Special Jonin has turned out to be a decision for the best. This does not disable Yakari from working in Chunin/Genin squads.

Title/Nicknames: Yari (removes middle syllable), ‘Chameleon’

Rank: Special Jonin (All special Jonin means is that his official rank is Chunin, however he is respected as a Jonin and can take on higher ranked missions. It also enables him to take on missions that are unique to his capabilities)

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:

Releases: Yakari makes very little use of chakra natures when fighting. He only has the ability to use earth release, and even then is it nowhere near perfected. In fact, Yakari’s earth release ninjutsu arsenal is limited to Doton Henge [Earth release transformation], where he can manipulate the earth around him to provide camouflage for himself, and Doton: Bunshin no jutsu [Earth clone skill], in which he can produce up to 2 clones of himself with evenly dispersed chakra.

Kekkei Genkai: This is where Yakari becomes quite the specialized ninja. His families skill [Kedouin] allows him to manipulate the cell and genetic makeup of his body, creating an ability where he can take on the appearance of anyone he has seen, whether in person or through a picture. All physical traits and jutsu capabilities remain the same, it is just his physical appearance that changes.

Techniques: Because Yakari is not as adept in ninjutsu, he has worked tirelessly on his genjutsu, taijutsu, and kenjutsu. In terms of genjutsu, he has the ability to use
Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu: Can change appearance of nearby objects.
Narakumi no Jutsu: The world will remain normal for a brief period in time, and then slowly morph into the victims idea of ‘hell.’
Itsuwari Doton Bunshin no Jutsu: Creates an unlimited amount of earth clones, however still only the 2 and himself remain real, while the others are illusions.
Taijustu: Because Yakari is quite reliant on his weapon of choice, he uses a taijutsu method most similar to that of Kabuto’s. He infuses chakra with his hands, forming the chakra into a triangle shape with a razor sharp blade at the point. This is a last resort method and is not very affective unless used in an assassination manor.
Kenjutsu: Yakari’s weapon of choice is the Hamidashi Tanto (A miniature katana). He lets the sheathe hang behind him at the hip. Yakari chooses to use a Hamidashi on the small side, only coming in at 7 inches. He usually reinforces the hilt and handle with chakra to protect from someone slashing his very vulnerable hand. The Hamidashi that he uses is unique to the Kedouin clan, and is the only thing he chooses to keep that associates him with the bloodline. Yakari always keeps kunai’s on him for extra protection and attack capability.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra control: 8
Chakra pool: 3
Strength: 4
Speed: 9
Durability: 5
Utility: 10

Total: 39 (Though very specialized)
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Age: 12
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Sapphire

Personality: Daichi is a silly and hard-working kid. He works hard to prove that he can become a great shinobi without his father’s instruction. However, this has made the two grow apart. Daichi is under the belief that one day when he becomes a jounin, he and his father will be able to properly reconnect. He doesn’t want to embarrass him, and so he tries his best to excel. Due to this distant and empathetic behavior, Daichi has self-assessed that he is not as much of a violent ninja as he imagines himself being. When he lashed out at some bullies during his academy years, he felt only regret rather than satisfaction. His mother, Hana, has taught him some medical ninjutsu and while he hasn’t quite decided what route he wants to take in his career, the techniques he learned did come in handy during his genin exam.

Daichi has a big imagination and often imagines his future self to be some super-strong and bad-ass ninja but reality constantly reminds him that he is much softer. He isn’t as aggressive as the other genin, and when he fights, he is always thinking about not harming the other person too much. His instructors have already identified it to be an exploitable weakness, but Daichi hasn’t really figured out how to “fix” it if it really is one. He doesn't believe his considerate nature to be a weakness, and instead believes it to be a strength. Daichi has quite the personal journey ahead of him.

After he spent a good portion of his academy years being bullied for having pink hair, plus facing punishment from his father for beating his bullies to a pulp, Daichi learned to accept his trait as unique and is no longer bothered by insults to it.

Biography: Daichi has always been made fun of for his pink hair. As a child, he was often mistaken for a girl, and the bullying he faced at the academy made him beg his mother to help him dye his hair, thinking it would make the other kids leave him alone. Unfortunately, it led to them bullying him even more until one day he became so upset that he beat the bullies up. Daichi realized then the consequences of his rage. To see the bullies hurt and crying had made him feel great guilt, and all this time he imagined himself growing up to be a bad-ass ninja like his father. The regret he felt at harming others, even those who had harassed him, made Daichi feel unsure if ninja were supposed to feel such "weak" emotions. Regardless, Daichi was suspended for a while and his parents made him regret his actions, but not without a life lesson learned.

Daichi’s mother and father are Hana and Aito Kanno. Hana had red hair like the rose and his father white like the daisy. It is believed the two resulting colors were what led to Daichi’s pink head of hair. Hana is a medical-nin, while Aito is a famed jounin. Both Daichi and Aito often face ridicule due to Daichi being a genin and a great jounin being his father. Even when Daichi managed to earn his genin rank with his own hard work, other ninja believed Aito had somehow helped him progress even though Aito is not permitted to teach Daichi’s squad. While Aito is well-seasoned and doesn’t let the nay-sayers bother him, Daichi is still young and often becomes frustrated. Because of his father's reputation, Daichi often feels pressured to always exceed the standard. He is not thinking about how that leads to self-improvement, and is more focused on not trying to embarrass his father or his family name.

Title/Nickname: Bubblegum Head and Pretty Boy
Rank: Genin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques,etc:

Kekkei Genkai

Daichi's kekkei genkai allows him to concentrate his chakra into physical structures that resemble needles. He hasn't mastered being able to shape the structures into a shape that he desires, but he manages to shape his chakra into something that can be used like kunai. The structures are prismatic and resemble an icosahedron.


Daichi is a genin in training for the chunin exams, but he has started to see early manifestations of his kekkei genkai. Daichi first encountered his kekkei genkai when he was an academy student. At the time, he could shape and concentrate his chakra into a form the size of a pin. He used the pins as melee weapons in taijutsu, and if the pins succeeded in harming his opponent, then the pins would absorb some of his opponent’s chakra. There was a max volume the pins could absorb, which wasn’t much due to their small size. Daichi hasn’t fully understood their creation and is currently studying to learn more about them.

As a genin, Daichi has expanded on this ability. He can shape his chakra into prismatic shards six-inch in length and two inches in width and use them like kunai in his taijutsu.

Medical Ninjutsu. While Daichi hasn't learned any actual medical ninjutsu techniques, he did learn about human anatomy and the Chakra Pathway System (CPS). He knows how to assess a patient much how a normal physician would and apply first aid to stabilize a casualty.


Daichi possesses unusual strength, which is often only seen when he becomes overwhelmed with emotion either positively or negatively. He uses mainly his kekkai genkai coupled with shape transformation ninjutsu, which he calls his "Prism Jutsu" to form chakra shards that he uses as weapons (bukijutsu). He is unable to shape his chakra into a distinct form, but the pointed ends are just as effective as the tips of kunai. If under emotional stress, Daichi's taijutsu becomes dangerous for his abnormal strength becomes expressed through his strikes.


Daichi has not quite practiced genjutsu and as a young genin, this can be seen as a weakness.

Elemental Affinity: Earth
  • Earth Release: Earth Spear
  • Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

Chakra Control: 5
Chakra Pool: 6
Strength: 7
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Utility: 5
Total: 31
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Name (Full): Lunae Lunaekyo

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Personality: Lunae is abit weird. She often finds herself bored and tends to create mischief by teasing others. She can be very sarcastic and her own humor is often quite dry as a result.
Lunae is a precise and confident person who is well aware of her own capabilities and likes to observe others. She is very matter of factly and can often mock others when upset.
Not many truly understand her due to her complex and seemingly odd personality, deep down she just wants to be understood instead of coming off as a bored or weird person.

Biography: Lunae grew up as the daughter of the head of Lunaekyo Clan, a somewhat recent clan devoted to buisness and politics. Due to being a relatively recently formed clan, the Lunaekyo tend to be professional and often will go to lengths to improve the power of their clan, matchmaking their descendants to those they deem would provide strong heirs. Or making buisness agreements with other powerful clans or individuals. Lunae was unfortunate in her childhood due to her father desiring to have a son, her parents unable to have kids beyond her.
Due to this most of her childhood was somewhat abusive, constantly being drilled on mannerisms and training to become a strong future head of the clan, despite the elders disapproval of her seemingly uncaring attitude.

Much of her childhood was shrouded and well protected from the reality of the world ironically, despite constantly being forced through rigorous training and teaching.
Much of her training focused around leading the clan rather than combat or practical skills. Due to her upbringing she has grown to be somewhat odd.
At a later point of her childhood she was assaulted in a corner in her clan's grounds, to which one of the ninja of her clan had come to her rescue, a jounin woman, who fought off the assailants.
Lunae witnessed the woman effortlessly take down 4 men with ease and had decided she wanted to become a ninja too. Much to the anger of her father, he however agreed but said if she had failed to suceed on her own she would have to agree to lead the clan. Soon enough she had enrolled in the ninja academy and had even excelled enough to pass and become a genin.
She has since decided to participate in the chunin exams

Title/Nicknames: Bored Girl, Troublemaker
Rank: Genin
Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:
Lunae has all of the required skills to become a genin such as The Clone Technique, use of shuriken and Body Replacement Jutsu

Lunae has the Kekkei Genkai of Ice Release, something that is considered rare within the Lunaekyo Clan. With time this may become a much more powerful elemental release with the potential of new jutsus

Frost Flower Jutsu, a flower formed of ice appears on the ground, freezing anything inside the radius of the flower which is about 3 meters in diameter.

Frost Breath Jutsu, using chakra formed around the mouth, Lunae is able to shoot frost outwards, this jutsu is very much similar to The Uchiha Fireball jutsu.

Lunae also practices use of a scythe as a primary weapon, which she has gotten quite adept with and employs a few techniques related to the scythe.
Scythe Spinning Breeze: Lunae can rapidly twirl her staff to create gusts of wind, capable of blowing away enemies, this is similar to Temari's fan from the anime.
Scythe Balance: Due to scythe being much longer than lunae herself, she can stab it into the ground and stand on the hilt.

Lunae knows the Basic Healing Jutsu

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 6
Chakra Pool: 5
Strength: 6
Speed: 5
Durability: 3
Utility: 2
Total: 27

Name (Full): Hikari Dageki

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Hikari has an apparently carefree attitude towards life. Normally described as spontaneous and bubbly and sometimes childish, she's shameless enough to say whatever's on her mind without fearing what others think about her. She loves to joke around and pull pranks every once in a while, to the annoyance and amusement of her friends, but is also serious when she needs to be. But beneath her naive surface is an unwavering sense of justice . Hikari is unexpectedly sensitive about how the world is wracked with conflict, and she dreams to promote peace and trust between the Nations or influence someone to do so, which is her case. When pushed, her recklessness makes her willing to do anything to protect the people she's close to.

Biography: Hikari was born to jonins Zinato and Karui Dageki as the little sister to Haruki and the older to Otoro and grew up as normal as a genin could live until the whole Uchiha war started, and ended up with the deaths of many of her loved ones, including her best friend friend and crush , Toshiro. This led her to hatred the Uchiha and her determination to become stronger to be able to protect her loved ones and prevent another war from starting again. Hikari got trained privately by her parents, her mother taught her the arts of hiding, disguise, stealth attacks, genjutsus and acting, while her father taught her ways to end fights quickly and quietly with her jutsus and heped her improve her taijutsu. Some years later, with some tricks on her sleeve, stealth and a bit of luck, Hikari became a chunin and became an Academy teacher when she was 20 after two years of C to B ranked missions.

Title/Nicknames: (Teacher, ANBU callsign, etc) Hikari-sensei, Actress, Quick Striker, Kari.

Rank: Chunin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:

Releases: Hikari uses water release, wind release in a normal fight, usually to hide herself, to distract or to confuse the enemy. She likes to make a Water Clone come in fight in her place while she hides from somewhere close like trees, and attack once her clone is gone or trap the enemy in a genjutsu before the fight to make them think they're actually fighting her. She uses Lightning release jutsus when she needs to since it's her strongest Release, often making a combination followed by her other jutsus, taijutsu or with her primary weapon, a kusarigama.

Kekkei Genkai: The Dageki clan has some naturally strong lightning release jutsus, but that's not their Kekkei Genkai. Storm Release is their specialty, Hikari is good at it, but still needs to practice some more. The Storm Release jutsus she's mastered are

Storm Release: Shadow Clone:
This technique is quite literally a shadow clone created with Storm Release. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance; and also evenly distributes the user's chakra to each clone. This shadow clone, being made of Storm Release, can shift its body to form Storm Release techniques that the user can do.

Storm Release: Dragon Combination: Two Storm Release user combine their chakra, performing the hand signs before joining their hands at the end. From their joint hands, a thick beam of energy is produced which shoots upwards quickly before sharply descending, taking the form of a dragon with its jaw open which heads towards the enemy at high speed. Hikari has done this jutsu with her dad only. She is currently training her brother into mastering it. It's still unkown if someone has done this jutsu alone.

Storm Release: Dragon Blast : Rings of energy are generated from the user's hands which quickly join together, forming a large dragon before aiming towards a desired spot which can be controlled by the user. The "dragon" then hits the ground exploding into several laser beams which can injure multiple enemies at once.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 6
Chakra Pool: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 6
Durability: 5
Utility: 6

Total: 35
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Name (Full): Sensõ Iyasu
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Taught the importance of love and happiness by his father, Iyasu is a surprisingly joyful and bright man. Outgoing and somewhat flirtatious, he is well liked by both men and women in Konoha and has captured the hearts of numerous women. Despite this, he has never been in a relationship.

Taught by his mother to take the duties of a shinobi seriously, Iyasu is deadly serious when acting as a shinobi. The difference in his demeanor when on and off duty shocks even those who know him, respecting the words of his mother greatly, he treats even the most mundane missions as seriously as if the lives off the entire village were on the line.

Biography: Sensõ Iyasu, the child of famed S-class ninja Sensõ Heiwa and Sensõ Ai, was raised in a loving home. His father taught him to enjoy life, and of the importance of love. His mother taught him to take the duties of a shinobi seriously, and made him appreciate the skills of medical-nin. Inspired by his mother, Iyasu decided to follow in her footsteps.

At the age of eight, Iyasu graduated from the ninja academy and became a genin. He was placed on a team with Uchiha Iwa and Shõgeki Nami, and it was his father that served as their team leader. Iwa, graduating late at fourteen, disliked the idea of the boy almost half his age being in his team. Nami, on the other hand, was delighted to be placed with both Iyasu and Heiwa.

Unfortunately, the team was attacked while carrying out their first mission. A group of missing-nin led by Iyasu's uncle, Sensõ Ketsueki, had come after Heiwa. As a Chūnin, Heiwa had been implanted with a pair of Byakugan eyes from his dying teammate after being blinded by an acidic attack. Ketsueki killed Heiwa to steal the Byakugan, but only succeeded in taking one eye before being fought off by a squad of ANBU that had been hunting him. The other was implanted into Iyasu, who willingly had his own eye removed by his dying father to receive it.

Fortunately, Heiwa had been the only casualty on the mission. With help from Hyūga Ani, the brother of the woman Iyasu's eye came from and a close friend of his parents, Iyasu was able to adjust to using the Byakugan. However, he could not stand to use it without his left eye being covered. To fully utilize the Byakugan, he was trained in the Hyūga's gentle fist style by Ani. However, this training focused on using the gentle fist alongside the Byakugan and left Iyasu unable to properly use the style without using the Byakugan as well.

Iyasu, Iwa, and Nami remained a team and took the Chūnin Exam together two years after becoming Genin. Iyasu and Iwa passed, but Nami remained a Genin. As Iyasu and Iwa grew further and further beyond Nami's skill level, the three began to distance themselves from each other and soon disbanded the team.

As a descendant of the Senju clan, Iyasu possessed a naturally high chakra pool, and also displayed the coveted Wood Release Kekkei Genkai of his ancestor Hashirama Senju. These, along with years of training from both his mother and father, led him to be chosen by the Hokage for the ANBU Black Ops at the age of fourteen. A proficient healer, Iyasu was placed in the Frog Division of the ANBU originally.

When Iyasu joined the ANBU, his mother decided it was time for his training as a medical-nin to progress to the next level. Ai sent her son to the Shikkotsu Forest, where he met the slug Tatsuyu. Here, Iyasu made a contract with the slugs allowing him to summon Tatsuyu. Upon his return, his mother had him begin to store chakra in a Strength of a Hundred Seal.

Introduced to the art of swordsmanship in the ANBU, Iyasu was instantly taken with the weapon. Even going as far as to travel to the Land of Iron in order to train with their Samurai. Here, he learned the Samurai way of Iaidõ from a man named Heiwana Tetsuishi.

After three years in the Frog Division of the ANBU, Iyasu returned as the only survivor of an assassination mission having successfully assassinated the target single-handedly using Chakra Scalpel as she slept. For this, he was placed into the Cat Division where he remains to this day.
Title/Nicknames: Hõritsu [healer] (Anbu callsign), Uragirimono no Isha [traitor doctor] (nickname)
Rank: Former Frog Division ANBU (healers), Cat Division ANBU (Assassination), Special Jounin
Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:
Releases- Earth and Water (Affinity)
Kekkei Genkai- Byakugan (right eye only), Wood Release
Taijutsu- Gentle Fist
Jutsu- Creation Rebirth, Chakra Scalpel, Healing Technique, Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing, Medical Ninjutsu: Strong Flash, Medical Water Release: Jellyfish, Medical Water Release: Water Mosquito, Medical Water Release: Water Scorpion, Mystical Palm Technique, Cell Activation Technique, Wood Clone Technique, Various Water, Earth, and Wood Release Jutsu
Kenjutsu- Iaidõ
Summons- Tatsuyu
Other- Strength of a hundred seal

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control
: 10
Chakra Pool: 9
Strength: 5
Speed: 8
Durability: 4
Utility: 10

SEI: 46

Name (Full): Jin Yamanaka
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm, quiet, and reserved though surprisingly has a sharp sense of humor. Is fanatically loyal to the village and is willing to take any target, and has a bit of a xenophobic streak when it comes to other villages. During missions Jin is cold and ruthless, going great lengths to accomplish his tasks by any means necessary. Is generally kind and polite to his subordinates, however there's a silent understanding that out in the field Jin expects his subordinates to risk their lives in order to complete the mission. Anything less is considered an insult to the village and isn't tolerated. That being said, he is sympathetic when it comes to failure as long as he knows that the person did everything they could.

Biography: At a young age, he was recognized by the elders of his clans as a prodigy. Graduating from the academy at the age of nine and becoming a genin, Jin lived out an ordinary life carrying out missions though he was secretly being scouted by the ANBU. At the age of eleven Jin passed the Chunin Exams and was the only genin on his squad to do so, causing a rift between him and his teammates as he'd frequently be assigned more higher ranking missions as time went on. A year later, he'd become skilled enough to start training in order to be a member of the ANBU Black Ops and by the age of 14 he became a full fledged member of the Bird Division. Months later, civil war broke out and Jin's missions consisted of gathering intel on the descendant clans that were revolting against the Uchiha. After a botched stealth operation, Jin and his team were found out by a group of "branch" Uchiha. Being immediately attacked and with his back against the wall, Jin used his wits and cunning to turn around the situation and slaughter the group of rebels. After the combat prowess he displayed during that incident, Jin was transferred to the Cat division, spending the rest of war assassinating targets and stamping out rebellion. After the civil war ended, Jin went about his life completing missions and honing his skills. He eventually became an Anbu Captain at the age of 18.

Title/Nicknames: Tenko - ANBU callsign

Rank: Jonin, Former Bird Divison ANBU (Intel), Cat Division ANBU Captain (Assassination)

Overview - Is a skilled sensory type ninja, being able to sense targets from a great distance. Jin is capable of recognizing and differentiating between the chakra of his allies and can notice disturbances within an individual's chakra. Along with his sensory abilities Jin is known within his unit for his genjutsu prowess, primarily using his skills for deception, misdirection or for setting traps. Jin is also a skilled Kenjutsu user, using his short sword as his main tool in close combat. Has an affinity for Water Release Ninjutsu and can perform low-mid level water release techniques. For mid-level jutsu he prefers to have an active water source, otherwise it'll quickly drain his chakra.

Yamanaka Clan Jutsu - Even amongst his clan members, Jin is extremely skilled in the use of his clan's mind transfer jutsu. He can use the Mind Body Switch Jutsu to transfer his consciousness towards a target and the Mind Clone Switch Jutsu to transfer it to multiple targets. However, using this technique leaves the user's body defenseless and any damage inflicted on the target is transferred back to the user, making the primary use for this jutsu to be intelligence and reconnaissance. Jin can also use the Mind Body Disturbance Jutsu which allows him to take control of targets without transferring his consciousness, by simply sending his chakra into their nervous system. While less risky this jutsu cannot be used for gathering intelligence, but is better to use in combat situations.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 10
Chakra Pool: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 9
Durability: 6
Utility: 10
SEI Total: 47
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Name (Full): Aragi Onigake
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: While Aragi is an intelligent person, he often acts like an idiot, expressing a more outgoing personality. He can appear to forget things, and is very playful with everyone around him, even if he doesn't known them that well. He tends to come up with nicknames for people as soon as he hears their names or learns some of their tendencies. Even during combat, he keeps up this light hearted tone, even with his opponents. However when playing Shogi (and during serious moments), he becomes completely focused and his intellect becomes apparent, only interpreting what matters most, and to him that is the match itself.

Biography: Aragi was born to the hard working, calm Arami and a quiet, intelligent shinobi father; at least that's what he's been told. According to his mother, his father had died during a mission he had been sent on when the boy was extremely young, leaving Arami to raise Aragi by herself. There was not much to the small family's name, being a no-name clan that had no connections of any kind or any unique kekkai genkai that made them stand out. So throughout his childhood, his mother had taken up multiple jobs to support the two of them, eventually gathering enough money to make a ramen shop in the main market around the time Aragi was 6 years old. It was at this time that the boy would spend an inordinate amount of time helping around the shop, carrying out orders and cleaning tables whenever he wasn't carrying in deliveries. For a while, things had been good until the Uchiha Clan had started their civil war, causing havoc and ruining business for them, many of the deliveries and patrons that they had usually been expecting began to dwindle; putting them on the brink of financial ruin. Though they were able to survive, it had left a permanent mark on them, the two scratching by every month to make ends meet.

Around this time, Aragi had a habit of watching many of the old men and off duty shinobi playing games of Shogi, quickly becoming interested and soon after obsessed with the game, finally invited to join by a kind old man that had always seen him staring. Of course, he had lost his first game, but after challenging the man over and over again, the boy had one by his tenth game. With that win, the had been extremely eager to play, challenging everyone who would play in their shop until he had beat EVERY single one of them by the age of 9, and he had received his moniker the King of Games. With that moniker had come a small amount of fame, and challengers were coming from across Konohagakure to challenge him to a match, bringing in many more customers then ever before to eat and watch these matches. In that time, he had lost only one, to a Chunin that had came to recruit him as an academy student.

For the next three years, he had learned the ways of the Shinobi, under the promise that the man would play him in Shogi everyday. In all of that time, he had never beaten the Chunin, usually losing by a large margin, frustrating him greatly. But with all of that training he had easily passed the examination to become a genin. By that time, they had 1035 matches, and even though he was not Aragi's master, to encourage more training from the boy, the man had offered him a better deal, train three times as much as he normally would, and he would be able to challenge him twice a day. With a vigor, the boy trained and trained, making sure that he was the best of his group, always wanting another match. Still after 4 years of this, he had never won a match, even after passing the Chunin Exams with flying colors at the age of 16;showing exactly how much his training had paid off with his masterful taijutsu and, amazing chakra control. From there, he had taken on mission after mission, getting stronger and stronger, continuing to challenge the man that had beaten him. To this day, he has never won a single match.

Title/Nicknames: The Red Gale, King of Games, Crouching Moron Hidden Master
Rank: Chuunin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc: Aragi heavily focuses on Taijutsu, lightly supplementing it with Ninjutsu. In this vein, he has extensively trained to open and utilize the Eight Gates, supplementing it with wind release techniques as a last resort. Because of it's difficulty and strain on the body, he can only open up to the 6th Gate, the Gate of View; and focuses on utilizing Taijutsu and Wind release Ninjutsu in most combat scenarios, and due to his astonishing chakra control, Aragi is able to create his own techniques utilizing the Eight Gates and his wind release nature transformation. His personal techniques go as follows:

Taijutsu Techniques
> Cerberus Barrage - To call this taijutsu technique a flurry of blows would be a huge understatement. The Cerberus Barrage is more akin to relentless assault of many wild, unpredictable attacks that target the shoulders, heart, pelvis, and knees in order to put the opponent at an extreme disadvantage
> Shogi Based Techniques - An array of attack and defense techniques that are based on different pieces from the game, Shogi. The Fuhyo Combination is a straightforward 3 strike attack focused on destroying an opponents balance. The Crushing Hisha and the Kaku Hook are two different techniques that utilize a single chakra infused strike (the former using elbow strikes while the latter uses hook kicks) to push the opponent in a desired direction, mimicking the movement of the shogi pieces. The Flying Kyosha and the Kei-Ma Shift are two techniques that focus on closing the gap between Aragi and his opponent, the former using a chakra infused superman punch while the latter feigns an jump kick with one leg and follows through with the other. The Gin-sho Guard and the Kin-sho Bulwark are both defense techniques, with the former focusing on deflecting a quick flurry of attacks or strikes from more agile fighters while the latter has Aragi concentrate on deflecting attacks from more strong enemies. The eighth and final shogi based taijutsu technique is the Gyoku Palm, which is a finishing strike, amassing chakra within the palm of his hand and releasing it upon striking the opponent.

Wind Release Jutsu
> Wind Release: Fujin Armaments - This Jutsu creates two opposite spinning winds over different parts of the body, granting a similar effect to that of a barrier. Aragi utilizes four variations of the jutsu, each covering certain parts of the body: the first is Tekkō (covering the arms), the second is Suneate (covering the legs), the third is (covering the torso), and the final is Ō-yoroi (covering the whole body).
> Wind Release: Layered Gale Drill - This jutsu allows Aragi to create multiple layers of gale winds localized to his hands and feet, each rotating in different directions similarly to the Rasengan. The jutsu amplifies the strength and piercing power of each attack using it, the winds 'drilling' through the target upon contact with high velocity and high power winds.
> Wind Release: Air Sickle - This jutsu is another simple one, with Aragi creating and launching a sickle of wind at an opponent via a kick or hook punch. However, using his chakra control, he can create a larger sickle by kicking and/or punching the sickle multiple times, holding it in place with one hand before letting it rip.

Eight Gates Techniques
> Red Gale - Aragi's ultimate and last resort technique, is an Eight Gates amplified version of the Wind Release: Fujin Armaments Jutsu which can only be used after opening the Gate of View. The technique utilizes the Fujin Armaments' Ō-yoroi variant, covering the entire body in multiple layers of rotating gale winds, and easily amplifying Aragi's speed, strength, and durability. It obtained its moniker from the red blur that people have seen when he used it
> Elephant Palm - An Eight Gates variant of the Gyoku Palm taijutsu technique that takes full advantage of the Eight Gates' amplification of the user's strength and speed to drastically increase the destructive capabilities of the original move. This version can only be used after opening the Gate of Limit and has been noted to leave behind small crater sized palms where the technique had been used
> Raging Cerberus Barrage - An Eight Gates variant of the Cerberus Barrage which can only be used after opening the Gate of Life, exploits the increased blood flow to add more attacks to the massive amount already performed when using the regular technique. The moniker of the technique came from the 'enraged' look of Aragi after opening this gate in tandem with the blind flurry of attacks throw in this technique.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 8
Chakra Pool: 4
Strength: 7
Speed: 6
Durability: 10
Utility: 3

SEI: 38
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Name (Full): Tazuma Akuma

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Personality: Tazuma is a diabolic piece of shit. His title as Devil Child isn't just for show, he is truly quite harsh. He has a childish sense of humor so he loves pranks, but even above that is his constant hunger for power and attention. It's why he steals, why he picks random fights, why he's so much trouble. So everyone's eyes will be on him. His arrogance stems from the fact that he seems to exhibit a superiority complex. His delusion of Greatness as he calls it is so great that he constantly gives out autographs that nobody wants. His catchphrase is 'I will be the man who will surpass God,' which speaks further towards his arrogance.

His arrogance develops into a constant hunger for power, and is slowly growing further. His arrogance can also hinder him as he is short-tempered and uncooperative when it comes to team battles, as he always tries to take the lead when the most important thing is to cooperate with each other. He accuses the people around him for being sloppy instead of admitting that he is the one getting frustrated. Exactly where he gets all his confidence though, is unknown to anyone.
Another thing is that he is incredibly tactless, and can sometimes be disrespectful, even insulting to his friends and even his superiors. He often has an informal way of speech and behavior, even towards people of a higher rank than him. He's also quite Greedy, he hates sharing things. Be it food, his friends, or power, his greed is unsurmountable. All of his methods of going about solving anything are generally headstrong and dependent on physical strength. From time to time, he will abandon his allies if they tell him to hold back or run away, which ends him up in a worse situation. This might come from people mostly seeing him as a Devil Child and judging him on that rather than his own actions. He does not like to dwell on the past, and is, therefore, quick to forgive people.

Despite his rather large ego, there are more positive sides to his personality. Although it is hard to tell through his arrogance, he does genuinely care for his friends. He always arrives at his friends' aid if they are in danger, seeing himself as a protector of the people whom he classes as weaker than himself. It is shown in team battles, that he views the safety of his friends as a priority. However, he will also take his friends' wishes into account and will step back and allow them to fight alone if they want to. He also has a determination that knows no bounds. He constantly trains to become stronger and is dedicated on his goals, putting all of his effort in everything he does (this has its downsides, especially when Tazuma develops tunnel-vision on pursuing something that is wrong, being too stubborn to see the wrongness of his aims). He prefers to go his own way, which sometimes involves going against orders. Despite his determination, he always fails at tests of intellect regardless of the effort he spends in studying. He never forgives the people who hurt his friends, setting off immediately to get revenge in order to defend or restore respect to his friends. This combined with his recklessness and single-minded focus tends to results in him charging into dangerous situations.

He also has a very positive and upbeat temperament (although he has his short-tempered and cheeky side) often laughing and smiling even in the glummest of situations. His cheerful demeanor can sometimes act as a support to others when they are down. At times, Tazuma seems to be aware of this and outwardly hide any negative emotions. He is also very honorable, not wanting to take any credit that he does not deserve.

Biography: Tazuma is a member of the Akuma clan, a strong Shinobi clan full of monsters of ninja. Tazuma and his parents were one of the remaining members alive. The number dwindled and lowered once again around 7 years ago. Tazuma has always been a weird kid, many of the adults always thought he wasn't... right in the head. He was cocky, aggressive, and extremely violent. In the neighborhood, he wasn't allowed to play with the other children, because whenever he did, someone ended up hurt. So to some, it didn't even come as a shock when his parents ended up dead, and he was put up on trial for their murder.

Tazuma doesn't remember it himself, exactly what happened. He eventually came to the conclusion that his Kekkei Genkai activated, so harsh to a point that he can't even remember what happened. But he knows, he knows he didn't kill his parents. He may not remember what happened that night, but he knows it wasn't him. He knows it. After that night, with no parents to act as his guardian he was placed under the protective eye of child protective services, and all allegations against him were cleared. But it didn't change anyone's perception of him. To most, he was still seen as the Devil Child, Tazuma the Unwanted, the kid the others weren't allowed to be around. Safe to say, life was hard for Tazuma. And yet he never let it show. With his willpower and unrivaled stubbornness, Tazuma always kept a smile on his face. As such he was a very problem child, he was harsh, violent, and just as aggressive, if not more, than when his parents were alive. He became such a problem that the authorities had to step in multiple times. Things seemed to be going downhill for Tazuma, until he met Aragi.

It was just another day on the training grounds, and Tazuma found himself infatuated by Aragi's strength. He challenged him to a fight, and obviously, lost. He kept challenging him though, every single day, over and over and over. And slowly and surely, Aragi became his teacher. Even more than that, he became his Mentor. Their relationship strengthened, and he became the one person Tazuma cares about in the world. He's the reason he became a Shinobi, and he's the reason he wants to get stronger.

Title/Nicknames: Devil Child/Tazuma the unwanted

Rank: Genin

Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc: Tazuma has a natural talent for Fire Release, although most of his techniques come from Taijutsu and Kenjutsu.

Kekkei Genkai
Tazuma is a member of the Akuma clan, although practically extinct now. The Akuma clan is known for it's unique and dangerous Kekkei Genkai, although not a Kekkei Genkai per se, it's a subconscious ability that the Akuma are born with. When overcome with emotion, the chakra in their bodies heats up, causing steam like sweat to pour from their bodies, as well as causing their eyes to churn blood red. This causes their power to increase and removes their ability to feel pain, as well as makes them much more bloodthirsty. Although it can't be just any emotion, for each member it's a specific emotion, with slight differences between its effects for each member. For Tazuma, it's the feeling of excitement. Although at the cost of a temporary boost in physical power, it eats through his chakra rather quickly, the more steam around his body, the more chakra it eats.

Tazuma has a large pool of Chakra, fairly large for someone his age. Although it never truly comes to fruition due to his skill in Chakra Control. He has problems controlling his Chakra in the way he wants to, which was very evident in his school days, it's what drew him to Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. Currently, he is capable of using a few Ninjutsu, but he still focuses on Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. A list of his jutsu goes as followed.
  • Fire release: Fire Ball Jutsu |A Simple Jutsu, the user churns heated Chakra in their stomach and releases it in the form of a large ball of fire. Burning all in its way until exploding.
  • Fire Release: Blazing Step | Tazuma focuses fire at the heel of his foot, and charges that flame before letting it release. It pushes him in a certain direction with incredible speed and power, allowing him to dash in a certain direction extremely fast. He can also use this to travel long distances quickly, and even launch himself into the air.
Tazuma has always been naturally physically strong. As such, he's skilled most in hand to hand combat. He's always been one to deal with things close up, hot-blooded and quick to jump, he's the type of guy to drop his weapons and deal with things with his fists f he gets annoyed enough. His skills were, however, fine-tuned by his Mentor and Teacher, Aragi Onigake. Aragi is the one who taught him how to truly fight, as well as introduced him to the Eight Gates Technique. Something he still has trouble activating. His taijutsu skills are further enhanced by his Kekkei Genkai, which activates whenever he gets excited. For now, he's capable of opening up the 2nd gate and can enter the 3rd, although with much trouble. His Taijutsu Techniques go as followed.
  • Cerberus Barrage: Tazuma learned the Cerberus Barrage technique from his mentor, this technique is akin to the relentless assault of many wild, unpredictable attacks that target the shoulders, heart, pelvis, and knees in order to put the opponent at an extreme disadvantage.
  • Devil's Straight: Devils Straight is a taijutsu technique used with Blazing Step. The user utilizes blazing step and rushes forward, with the carrying momentum they slam their foot into the enemy as a powerful kick, sending them into the air.
  • Tiger Barrage: Another Barrage attack, although is focused on the user of the user's feet to kick an opponent around their body multiple times, and then it finishes with a powerful kick above them that sends them crashing into the ground. Tiger Barrage is used in combination with Devils Straight most times.
Bukijutsu is a ninjas capability to utilize weaponry in battle, such as Shuriken, swords, Kunai, etc etc. RIght next to Taijutsu, it's what he's most skilled in. He specifies in the use of two butcher knife type weapons, each around the size of his abdomen. The end of the swords are pointed inward as well. The swords are lightweight and sharp, which works with his extremely fast-paced fighting style. His jutsu is as follows.
  • Shadow Shuriken Jutsu: The user places two Shuriken together and throws them both at a target simultaneously; the larger the shuriken that are thrown, the greater the necessary skill. The goal is for targets to focus their attention on whichever of the two shurikens is on top, not noticing the second shuriken traveling below it. Ideally, targets will dodge the upper shuriken in such a way that they are left unable to dodge the second. If targets do at any point realize there's a second shuriken, the technique is rendered ineffective.
  • Manipulating Shuriken Technique: With this technique a translucent string, both elastic and highly durable, is attached to a shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it. An expert will have the ability to freely glide the shuriken in any direction with just a single movement of their fingertip. The first attack, challenging the enemy, is avoided and after a time-lag of several seconds, it will come from behind. Depending on the performance, possible tactics can be infinite.
Chakra Control: 2
Chakra Pool: 4
Strength: 7
Speed: 6
Durability: 8
Utility: 5
Total - 32
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Name (Full): Otoro Dageki

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm and yet somewhat distant, Otoro is a kid of few words by speaking when needed to or often letting his actions speak for his words. He, like his sister Hikari, has a sense of justice but unlike her, instead of influencing others to promote peace, he wants to promote it himself. Otoro dislikes conflict and tries to avoid it, but isn't afraid to use violence when the situation calls for it. Unlike his sisters, he can control his emotions very well and rarely gets angry. When he does, he doesn't go on a full on rampage, instead he expresses his anger in a calm way. Otoro is quite intelligent and prefers to do things with a plan and in order, so when there's no plan whatsoever, he will get confused or try to come up with one.

Biography: Otoro was born as the youngest sibling of Hikari and Haruki and stayed most of the time at home. Despite being considered 'special' for being the only one to inherit his mother's looks, he had a normal childhood but was put in the same class Hikari taught. Hikari began giving him private lessons on mastering his Kekkei Genkai and was soon suspected of favoritism by her students and some teachers. In the end, he proved everyone wrong. When he was 9, he graduated from the Academy and his eldest sister Haruki, who is a medical nin, and took him to her house for as a celebration. After the visit, he later then asked his parents if he could live with her, and they agreed. Now, Otoro is exited for the chunin exams and is training hard for them.

Title/Nicknames: (Teacher, ANBU callsign, etc): Toro, Quiet Kid, Otto-Chan (By Hikari only)
Rank: Genin
Releases, Kekkei Genkai, Techniques, etc:

Releases: Because he was trained by Hikari, they both use similar jutsus but Otoro learned some jutsus from his father and unlike Hikari, he needs to practice his genjutsu. Otoro prefers to use taijutsu in a defensive way, to then finish the enemy off with a ninjutsu, or vice versa. He uses Wind release and Fire release on normal fights, but, like Hikari, uses Lightning Release in emergencies. He also fights with a tanto which was a gift for graduating by his parents and knows basic medical jutsus because of Haruki.

Kekkei Genkai: Because he is from the Dageki Clan, Otoro's lightning release is stronger and he can use Storm release and uses the same Storm Release jutsus as Hikari, except for Storm Release: Dragon Combination, which needs two Storm Release users. He hasn't mastered it yet.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control: 6
Chakra Pool: 6
Strength: 5
Speed: 4
Durability: 5
Utility: 6
SEI: 32
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Name: Okita Yoganken
Age: 25 (assumed)
Gender: Female
Okita Yoganken is a teacher first, a soldier second. Even though she has retired from the Anbu Black Ops, Okita keeps a strict and rigorous lifestyle full of training and practices for wellbeing. As a teacher, Okita is caring towards her students. Their safety is her primary concern, and she will do anything to make sure they stay safe. She also wants to make sure that they learn how to handle themselves in the future, when there won’t be any teachers or adults to walk them through life. She did this in part to follow in Akira's footsteps, but also to prevent others from going through the same hopeless situation she went through.

She always has a smile on her face, small it may be, it's there. She doesn't like to see any one of her students suffer, and makes it one of her primary concerns to help them with their troubles, even if she never encountered anything like it. She's soft spoken and calm outside of her line of work and active duty. She doesn't yell or even raise her voice when annoyed by her students in class. This doesn't mean they won't get in trouble; future tests and quizzes just become harder. When it concerns her students, Okita doesn't hold back. She is a teacher, and while other may not think, she's a damn good one (or so she says).

Outside the classroom, Okita is a soft spoken chunin with an ice queen like demeanor. She puts off a strong vibe of independence and individuality. She doesn't take shit from no one, unless it's a direct order, but she's been out of active service for a bit. She has tough skin and shrugs off most demeaning comments and insults, and even sometimes fights back with her own words. She, however, makes it a point to not raise her fists against fellow shinobi for such simple slights.

On the battlefield (or when she gets out there), Okita takes a follower like position. She very much rather follow than lead, thinking she doesn't deserve to be put in charge. While this may contradict her being a teacher at the academy, Okita's main reason is she wouldn't be able to lead knowing the lives at stake. She, herself says she'd crack under the pressure and make a mistake, It's why she likes teaching so much. While she can instruct the next generations, she knows there are jonin senseis and other mentors for her students once they graduate the academy. Otherwise, in battle, Okita is a mistress of battle, flowing through combat like a dancer on stage. Fierce and controlled, Okita relentlessly combats her enemies to ensure her own comrades' safety,

"There once was a girl named Okita, who only knew that was her name. She was a rodent on the street, a girl without cause, without a gift or a use, and no reason to live on that way. She saw that she was nothing, and fought her way to be something. The people who saw her rise began to take notice, and so too did they envy her talents. As she made friends, so did she enemies, and people showed her how they were vain. She was unaware of there conspiring until it was too late. She suffered the consequences, but it was all too late. The people she trusted stood with her, but even so, in her story so far, all she saw was fire, destruction, and pain." - Anonymous

That is the tale of the Ashen Oni, of Okita Yoganken, a girl who became lost in the world too early. An orphan on the street, Okita barely remembered er life before the streets, or if she even had a life before the streets. Her earliest memories of her scrounging for left overs in the trash cans and dumpsters behind restaurants, hiding from drunkards, and trying to keep warm during the cold nights and long winter days. She never admitted herself into an orphanage because she didn't know what an orphanage was. She was a young girl, alone, cold, tired, and hungry. It wasn't until she was 10 (or so she assumes as she doesn't know her birthday or actual age), that she entered the academy for the first time.

When Okita entered the academy, after a fairly confusing and grueling process (she didn't know what paperwork was), she noticed people had skills already developed. Some of her fellow classmates could throw kunai and shuriken, control their own chakras, and sometimes even use jutsu. She, on the other hands, had no idea what was going on half the time. On the end of the first day, as her classmates were picked up by parents or siblings, Okita stayed behind, until even some of the teachers left, barely batting and eye. It was until one teacher, Akira Sojiro, stopped and noticed Okita huddled by the front door. When asked why she wasn't going home, Okita responded, hopelessness filling her voice, 'I have nowhere else to go'. Akira hearing this, decided right then and there to get to the bottom of Okita. Within the ensuing month, Akira had adopted Okita as her own daughter, and began to teach her how to read, write, and even some of the basics of chakra control. Okita, wanting to at least repay the kindness afforded to her by the person who took her in, tried twice, no thrice as hard to get things right. Within the first year of the academy, Okita had a basic understanding of reading and writing, of chakra control, and of public ettiquete. She wasn't the same hopeless girl.

By the time Okita graduated and became a genin, Okita would have discovered her own elemental affinities, and in a chance to stand out from her classmates, chose her weapons of choice, the chains daggers. She would spend many hours a day honing her ability to fight with these, until she made a decision to incorporate her lava release into her fighting style. It ended horribly. Okita lost control of her lava release and her weapons, burning her hands and wrists severely. After recovering from the pain and spending weeks to months without use of her hands, Okita's hands were permanently scarred. She would wear gloves to hide her shame, and she would fall into a depression. Her teammates were worried, her jonin sensei was worried, and Okita fell deeper into despair. It wasn't until Akira Sojiro, once again told Okita to not give up. After days of comforting and persuasion, Okita took up her chains once again, hoping she wouldn't fail. In time, she would master her abilities and her weapons, earning her first title and her last name, Yoganken (Lava Fist).

At the ripe age of 20, Okita joined the Anbu Black Ops at the request of her jonin sensei. She was, however, only a chunin at the time, and the thought boggled her. After some consideration, she would join and become a member of the Falcon Division. She would go on many assignments and tales of her hunts would gain her an entry into the Bingo Book, as the Shackled Akuma for her use of chains and fire, and as the Ashen Oni, where her victims would only see her pale skin as a demon descended upon them to kill. After serving her time in the corps, Okita would retire from the service, going back to her previous rank of chunin, and rejecting the promotion to jonin. She instead would take up a teacher position at the academy.

Titles: Phoenix - Former Anbu Callsign, Shackled Akuma, Ashen Oni
Nicknames: Okita-sensei, Kita
Rank: Chunin (Former Anbu - Falcon Division and Owl Division)
Releases: Fire Release and Earth Release
Kekkei Genkai: Lava Release

Fighting Style: Assassin’s Chains - Rooted in the use of chains as an extension of a person's body, this style was specifically created and designed for Okita. Utilizing both her natural affinity for fire and lava type ninjutsus, and her proficiency and martial prowess with two chain daggers, Okita's fighting style is a quick and ruthless dance of steel and fire. Furthermore, while it may seem her fighting style is impractical at close range or close quarters, Okita can quickly change from and extended chain, to simply holding the daggers in her hands, and fighting as if they were kunai or trench knives.

Hail of Fire - User creates multiple spears of lava in front of them, launching them individually as they are punched by the creator. On impact, each spear will explode if desired. Chains can also be attached to the end to allow grapple hook like mobility, or retract spears from targets.

Burning Maiden - User creates an earth clone that when hit, will explode in a flurry of molten hot chains. Anyone too close to the initial explosion can be caught and wrapped in burning chains.

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control:
Chakra Pool: 8
Strength: 5
Speed: 8
Durability: 7
Utility: 6
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Keno 'disgust' Saito



Title/Nicknames: The Bastard Shonin of Iwagakure, Jack of All Trades, Mr. Unpredictable
Rank: S-Rank, Missing Nin, Mercenary Ninja


Keno is a wild individual, and has grown unpredictable. He
is generally light-hearted and gregarious, making jokes at his own expense and giving a mirthful laugh about it afterwards. In his interactions with others, he likes to pretend to be smug or selfish, upsetting them so that he could further rile them up with his humour. Even when entering combat he does not miss an opportunity to be flashy and over-the-top. Keno is quick to express his annoyance at whoever was responsible. Friends and foes alike are fond of Keno for his eccentricities, admiring that somebody so seemingly childish could in actuality make an extremely deadly shinobi. After the death of his mentor, Keno has grown darker and more sadistic, and favours his selfish intentions over the greater good of his village or teammates. His unpredictability is at an all-time high, with a gray area dividing whether or not he's chaotic good, or just a neutral.

Despite being seen as an eccentric troublemaker in his youth, Keno proves to be an exemplary and competent Shinobi. He is also capable of coming up with quick gambits and new strategies in the middle of battle based on his keen observations, and out-of-the-box thinking.


Keno was once an orphan of the Iwagakure, and in the orphanage was insulted and abused by the stewards. The boy was named Keno for 'disgust' due to his unnatural blue hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was isolated from the rest of the other children, and rumors filled Iwagakure of the child's existence, so much so, that it swayed people's interests not to adopt him. Keno was never aware of his own potential shinobi proficiency, but during the civil war 14 years ago, Earth village ninja searched high and low for hidden shinobi, enemy agents, and potential recruits to reinforce their armies and win the war. Only aged 7, sensory ninjas detected a vary high chakra signature in one of the Iwagakure orphanages, and soon Keno was taken from the orphanage, and placed under the wing of the Earth Village Jounin, Minata Watanabe. The Tsuchikage saw great potential in Keno, to be both a weapon for years to come, and perhaps even Tsuchikage if the time came.

As a child, Keno was recluse and quiet, and hadn't many friends in the orphanage or outside of it. He never tried to make friends at an early age due to the rumors that spread about him, but having the mentor Minata watching over him, that all changed. The Sensei grew to be a great father-figure to Keno, paired with being his mentor, and aided in raising the boy's self-esteem. Minata would later adopt Keno as his own, and offered to have his name changed, which Keno denied. Wearing his name as a badge of his past rather than an insult. Keno was taught all that was needed to in Earth ninjutsu, and because of his natural excellence, and prowess, was an Earth kingdom chunin by the age of 10. From there, while carrying out B-rank, and some S-rank missions alongside Minata, Keno realized his affinity for more chakra natures, and trained to be an even more deadly ninja. He picked up the nickname, "Jack of All Trades," due to his unpredictable fighting style, and the merciless approach that came with it. But as he grew, Keno became less and less of a recluse, and isolate, and used the attention thrust upon him to make people laugh, and cheer, like Minata would.

Fast-forward years later, Minata and Keno would be known as the Iwakagure duo, a deadly collection of ninjas that performed both Anbu, and solo missions together. Minata's calculative approach, and foundation-focused use of ninjutsu and bukijutsu paired well with Keno's creative use of ninjutsu and shurikenjutsu. Together, they were unstoppable, and seemingly nothing could stop them from defending the Earth village. Besides illness. Minata fell ill around the same time as Keno's 20th birthday. Months after battling the strange ailment, Minata fell into a coma and died shortly after. Keno lost the only family he knew, and because of it, also lost his sense of meaning and belonging. He'd joined the shinobi world, trained, mentored, and guided by Minata, and at his loss, Keno was distraught and confused.

As a cause of this, he went rogue and left the Earth village, and has since been dubbed the "Bastard Shonin of Iwagakure," and though he does have a wild personality and tendencies, plenty stories have been falsified against him by the Earth village officials to make him look bad for leaving their government. Still, part of Minata's soul rests in Iwagakure, and in spite of their current hatred against him, Keno would return to protect them if need ever rose. For now, he wonders the ninja world now, looking for a place to stay and call his own.

Releases: Earth, Fire, Lightning (Keno is naturally proficient in Earth jutsu, whether or not his biological parents had anything to do with so. The Tsuchikage was so impressed at a student to excellent, he was privately trained by Iwagakure's best jonin, in hopes to be their greatest weapon yet. Keno was able to adapt with years of training, developing affinity to fire and lightning chakras, and with time, obtained their respective Kekkai Genkai. Concerning his Earth technique training, Keno is versed in plenty of the taught jutsus, and is not as well-versed in fire and lightning as he is earth.)

Kekkei Genkai: Lava Release, Explosion Release

Keno fights primarily with his ninjutsu and kekkai genkai techniques, but due to his adept control over his chakra, and the surplus in his amount of chakra, Keno also utilizes shurikenjutsu to further enhance his fighting ability.
Lava Release:
1. Lava Release: Raining Debris
2. Lava Release: Slaying Fire Dragon Jutsu
3. Lava Release: Intense Flow

Explosion Release:
1. Explosion Release: Shadow Clone
2. Explosion Release: Cards of Hearts
3. Explosion Release: Exploding Palm
4. Explosion Release: Explosive Eruption
5. Explosion Release: Bombshell
6. Explosion Release: Landmine Fist

Ratings (0-10)
Chakra Control:
Chakra Pool:
Total: 42

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