Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Not even one crack episode?

Never. Somebody here corrupted Lucem.

Okay, so out of Rei Manami, Rokoriko Manami and Kauri Brehm, what is your most liked thing and least liked thing about each of them?

And which NPCs interest you the most? Memoriam members? Timuga? Masima?

Haha, you asked for a full essay Pequeno T_T. Can this be narrowed down some?
Hmph, here I was trying to be productive, and now we decide to do a Q&A and discuss shipping? Oh well.


Yes, you caught me: I just was mulling over whether I should respond or just continue to watch things proceed whilst attempting/ failing at doing work.

Yea, White and I have addressed Makoto and Lao a few times, but as she noted, there's things which would need to be addressed. I think if we had more time to do that it could become a reality, but given the remaining time, I suspect it's highly unlikely (Admittedly though, I remain vaguely hopeful). I also think there are other characters that each of them might pair well with, but again I don't think its realistic at this point to hastily attempt something.

As for ShirokkoxAkagoxAkane, well I thought we left that behind in the last RP. I'm neutral: I'm not opposed to it (Though it may be confusing for folks who weren't involved in the previous thread), and I agree it be an enjoyable crack episode/ subtext if nothing else, but clearly White has a strong opinion on the matter, so yea (And again, time. It could be done as a gaiden though, which would circumvent that issue...).

JunketsuxKouta could be endearing, but whether that's something that will naturally develop in the course of a month of writing is debateable.

ShinseixRaven was unexpected (For me at least), but I'm not mad at it. It will however complicate matters though in terms of international relations/ diplomacy.

On a personal note, I'd like to see how Yoshinori handles being in a relationship, but it seems that, given Dai-Dai's fixation, doing so would only put himself and said potential love interest at further risk of decapitation.

There are other characters whom I could see complementing each other well, but none of them seem likely at this point. In an another life perhaps, but alas.
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@White Masquerade


Yeah, a line of figures that cover stuff like Gundam. Though there was an AGP for the BURNING LOVE shipgirl from Kancolle. It's strange but definitely real.


Halfway. I am still taking questions but doing a post too. I am loving these kids now that I'm doing work for them.


She can't even see xD

They're an amusing bunch of rascals, hm?

I'm curious whether any characters (Both your own as well as others) have defied/ exceeded your expectations in how you perceived them when looking over the CS's, and if so how (In as much or little detail as you want).
On a personal note, I'd like to see how Yoshinori handles being in a relationship, but it seems that, given Dai-Dai's fixation, doing so would only put himself and said potential love interest at further risk of decapitation.

Yoshinori seems to be one of the characters with the worst luck so far.
Yoshinori seems to be one of the characters with the worst luck so far.

I should have expected as much when making a regular old human character. Look at what happened to Keitaro after all in the first thread. Yoshinori's got at least a tin shield of plot armor though, and so long as he plays his cards right I think he can survive the exams.
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It's a clever design, I'll give them that. Destroy Mode lifts her bangs.



That is amazing. I was about to ask what happens with that mode on ~_~. Too good, haha. Little details like that are marvelous.

They're an amusing bunch of rascals, hm?

I'm curious whether any characters (Both your own as well as others) have defied/ exceeded your expectations in how you perceived them when looking over the CS's, and if so how (In as much or little detail as you want).

If I pick one, I'd say Tsuyoi. I really like her. She is extremely Tsuyoi. When she slapped Yoshinori in the back and complimented him on a job well done, that was gold. Simple perfection. She's so great. I wouldn't mind seeing her get with Yoshinori to be honest. I think she'd be a great catch and match for him. I am sure if there was an opportunity to see a big part of Tsuyoi, she'd be a very refreshing character. Though she's already affected me a lot in the short bursts she's been in.

@Lucem Tenebris




Kouta was the one that brought Dai Dai over though.

@Pequeno Burraidh

When I've posted I'll get to yours!
Psh. If you need to talk out loud to sort your thoughts, go and do it. If you mess up something by keeping quiet who is the blame gonna be on? You! It's just how some people work; no shame in that. Personal assistants are handy. Normal people don't but the idea is a nice one.

Heh. Shingetsu does have feelings below that rough exterior. She just has to find the right ship to draw it out.  =). You know, Chiaki talks all the time, thinks, and worries about Han, how come Akago hasn't done any of that yet?

Aiolos needs to do a little bit more before I consider that a ship.

Stop this 
That is amazing. I was about to ask what happens with that mode on ~_~. Too good, haha. Little details like that are marvelous.

If I pick one, I'd say Tsuyoi. I really like her. She is extremely Tsuyoi. When she slapped Yoshinori in the back and complimented him on a job well done, that was gold. Simple perfection. She's so great. I wouldn't mind seeing her get with Yoshinori to be honest. I think she'd be a great catch and match for him. I am sure if there was an opportunity to see a big part of Tsuyoi, she'd be a very refreshing character. Though she's already affected me a lot in the short bursts she's been in.

@Lucem Tenebris




Kouta was the one that brought Dai Dai over though.

@Pequeno Burraidh

When I've posted I'll get to yours!

Tsuyoi is beauty, tsuyoi is grace. She'll deck you in the face.
I should have expected as much when making a regular old human character. Look at what happened to Keitaro after all in the first thread. Yoshinori's got at least a tin shield of plot armor though, and so long as he plays his cards right I think he can survive the exams.

I don't think Yoshinori will meet the same fate as Keitaro. He doesn't seem like the type to become obsessed over someone. 

@Lucem Tenebris




Kouta was the one that brought Dai Dai over though.

It was Yoshinori's misfortune to be on his team. Nice characters often bring trouble.
1 hour ago, White Masquerade said:

Lol. Good question. You don't want to know the dirty things I see in my head Hudhouse.

xD IG42. No further questions.


...I have multiple ideas, and we have legitimate ways to reminiscent any part of Japanese comics...

That picture went above my head O.o

@Hange Zoe

Who I really want the most has been already conquered *sigh*

@Lucem Tenebris

Haha, at least you know!


Lol. Don't even start!

@Pequeno Burraidh

Out of Rei, Rokoriko, and Kauri, you tell me which one to pick. Timuga interests me the most because he's a shark man. It's a cool concept I got to play around with and think he's a unique piece to the RP. Masima I don't really know/seems rude, but Timuga is someone I can see myself opening up to.

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