Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Yup, I'm kind of stuck on two RPs waiting for more replies XD And for the life of me can't seem to find another good RP to join no matter how hard I try.

Well, if you can't find any additional RP's which suit your tastes, why not start one yourself? XP


Will go back in a bit, but to you, you can go ahead and post Makoto. Lao was coming semi-soon but it's nothing earth-shaking

Alrighty, good to know- will see about getting that up tonight or tomorrow just to get that moving and Team 1 into the actual exam. Then we'll deal with Yoshinori and the older Kurokawa's.
Well, if you can't find any additional RP's which suit your tastes, why not start one yourself? XP

Alrighty, good to know- will see about getting that up tonight or tomorrow just to get that moving and Team 1 into the actual exam. Then we'll deal with Yoshinori and the older Kurokawa's.

Best boys alert.

Would have Kouta be my cute little butler around the mansion and Yoshinori my lover who I -

Well, if you can't find any additional RP's which suit your tastes, why not start one yourself? XP

Alrighty, good to know- will see about getting that up tonight or tomorrow just to get that moving and Team 1 into the actual exam. Then we'll deal with Yoshinori and the older Kurokawa's.

I don't make a good gm tho =/
Best boys alert.

Would have Kouta be my cute little butler around the mansion and Yoshinori my lover who I -



Are you realizing your affections for Yoshinori through Dai-Dai? -_-

White-chan, you deserve so much more than him.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Then find someone who's better at GM-ing than you to collaborate with on the project (Yes, I realize this is easier said than done).
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@White Masquerade


FFXV is pretty comfy - even with their Nomura outfits it still ends up being far less edgy than you'd expect from a game starring someone named Noctis. There's only three party members and no one else, but the chemistry between these bros is just wonderful and organic. 

xD. I forgot you were into that Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

I watched the anime shorts they released for the game. I concur with you on that. It explored the history of them and how they grew up. I really enjoyed it. I remember what their talking about, lol. Too cute.

@Kalin Scarlet

Bwahahaha! His team is still there in the forest. They have another whole issue. Kazuma is so heartless. Don't try to pull that no one wants him around junk! Hanuka is an Uchiha and was already digging his heritage. If he was a proper boy, they would have been a ship already.


Dai Dai and Yoshinori. This is something you have to decide on yourself. Either he sees what's up or he doesn't. I will give no peeking.

Wait what?

?? I didn't say anything.
Hmm, soliek...uhm, Can Kazuma join any teams lacking members? I get the feeling his group has abandoned him and thats no bueno ;-;

Last I remembered, npc Neji picked a fight with a different team in the forest. I don't know what happened afterward.

Kazuma can choose to go find his current teammates, wait and hope for the best, or form a new team with the people already present at the beach.

The first option would give him more npc friendship points(whatever that's worth), the second option does nothing and is probably the worse one in my mind, the third option is the quickest way to passing the second stage if your character's goal is to win in the chuunin exam. White's goal is to cut down the number of people passing the second stage to 7 (or how ever many are in the tourney round). Therefore, not all the npc she controls are going to make it. Some will be a hindrance, some will be a useful ally in the final stage. As a pc, Kazuma should choose carefully if he wants to win~


I really didn't want to influence your character's decision, so I wasn't going to say anything, but....

Yoshi agrees to Dai Dai --> consequences.

Yoshi refuses Dai Dai --> consequences.

Yoshi dropping out counts as refusing Dai Dai, so he would still have the consequences, give up his chance of winning the chuunin exam, and make things a bit more difficult for Team 2(because they'd have to find another member). There aren't any choices without risks for poor Yoshi,'s really up to Yoshi's character at this point. 

From my pov, it's Team 6 that's falling apart. The alliance with Team 2 actually helps Team 6 because it allows more versatility in how the groups are formed. Basically, it makes things easier for my characters who have to deal with their uncooperative team terms of passing the second stage at least. Not necessarily in terms of character development.

Another thing to consider is that there's a limited number of characters that can actually pass the second stage...and then there's Team Soyoka^^ 
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Best boys alert.

Would have Kouta be my cute little butler around the mansion and Yoshinori my lover who I -

That's quite the fantasy.

I enjoyed the post with Soyoka. I had planned to include her in the one with Tetsuo, but wasn't able to.

@White Masquerade


FFXV is pretty comfy - even with their Nomura outfits it still ends up being far less edgy than you'd expect from a game starring someone named Noctis. There's only three party members and no one else, but the chemistry between these bros is just wonderful and organic. 

I look forward to carrying Carbuncle over from the demo once I get the full game.

Anyone else ever watch this?

I liked the music and visuals in this. It reminded me of some of the projects shown in Japan Animator Expo.
@White Masquerade

@Lucem Tenebris

It made me think of an interesting thought for a SOA stylised RP, sort of going along what was said before and also inspired by Twilight Town from KH2. Imagine living your whole life amongst peers when odd glitches start happening, people freezing all around, or speeding up, and there's only a handful of you left unaffected. As the world you've known starts to unwind slowly but surely you'd all wake up in a similarly post apocalyptic styled earth, maybe not to the extreme that you see in most genres, but enough that there is an issue.

I dunno, I threw the idea together in like, a minutes =P
That's quite the fantasy.

I enjoyed the post with Soyoka. I had planned to include her in the one with Tetsuo, but wasn't able to.

I look forward to carrying Carbuncle over from the demo once I get the full game.

I liked the music and visuals in this. It reminded me of some of the projects shown in Japan Animator Expo.

Carbuncle only shows up on Easy Mode so don't get your hopes up. Oh, and the occasional photo. Otherwise you'll only see him in the tutorial.

@White Masquerade

The game is fun, though it's sort of like a slower Kingdom Hearts. I thought this was going to be some bland yaoi-bait but it's actually a great game. The open-world aspect is great and there's nothing better than cruising around in the regalia with Noct's crew.
@White Masquerade

@Lucem Tenebris

It made me think of an interesting thought for a SOA stylised RP, sort of going along what was said before and also inspired by Twilight Town from KH2. Imagine living your whole life amongst peers when odd glitches start happening, people freezing all around, or speeding up, and there's only a handful of you left unaffected. As the world you've known starts to unwind slowly but surely you'd all wake up in a similarly post apocalyptic styled earth, maybe not to the extreme that you see in most genres, but enough that there is an issue.

I dunno, I threw the idea together in like, a minutes =P

The idea reminds me of the Matrix. Kirito is like the Neo of SAO, so it works out with the style inspiration. 

Carbuncle only shows up on Easy Mode so don't get your hopes up. Oh, and the occasional photo. Otherwise you'll only see him in the tutorial.

That's a shame. I was looking forward to having him around with the rest of the gang. I'll probably play through the game again on easy after clearing everything else.

Lmao. No, no. Dai Dai is there for an entirely different reason. I won't be spilling anything on anything about that.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Yeah you do

Of course not, because what would be the fun in that? ;p No worries, I'm willing to wait and see whatever it is you have in mind with her.

Last I remembered, npc Neji picked a fight with a different team in the forest. I don't know what happened afterward.

Kazuma can choose to go find his current teammates, wait and hope for the best, or form a new team with the people already present at the beach.

The first option would give him more npc friendship points(whatever that's worth), the second option does nothing and is probably the worse one in my mind, the third option is the quickest way to passing the second stage if your character's goal is to win in the chuunin exam. White's goal is to cut down the number of people passing the second stage to 7 (or how ever many are in the tourney round). Therefore, not all the npc she controls are going to make it. Some will be a hindrance, some will be a useful ally in the final stage. As a pc, Kazuma should choose carefully if he wants to win~


I really didn't want to influence your character's decision, so I wasn't going to say anything, but....

Yoshi agrees to Dai Dai --> consequences.

Yoshi refuses Dai Dai --> consequences.

Yoshi dropping out counts as refusing Dai Dai, so he would still have the consequences, give up his chance of winning the chuunin exam, and make things a bit more difficult for Team 2(because they'd have to find another member). There aren't any choices without risks for poor Yoshi,'s really up to Yoshi's character at this point. 

From my pov, it's Team 6 that's falling apart. The alliance with Team 2 actually helps Team 6 because it allows more versatility in how the groups are formed. Basically, it makes things easier for my characters who have to deal with their uncooperative team terms of passing the second stage at least. Not necessarily in terms of character development.

Another thing to consider is that there's a limited number of characters that can actually pass the second stage...and then there's Team Soyoka^^ 

No, I'm always interested in what others think or have to say about an issue, though ultimately my priority is that I'd still want to ensure that the characters decisions are consistent with their personality. White's got him in a pickle though, that's for certain. In terms of the exams, Yoshinori never cared that much about becoming a chuunin anyways, doing it more for Torune's sake than his own interest. As for Team 2, he'd probably feel kind of bad for leaving them in a jam if he left them/ dropped out, but it wouldn't bother him so much knowing they could just join forces with Nao and Jun. Then again, he's not safe from Dai-Dai either way (Unless she manages to wrangle together another team to take the test with while he drops out, but even then that's a temporary fix). As I said, it's something I'll need to mull over a bit before posting on, but I'll try not to keep you guys waiting too long.

Anyone else ever watch this?

I did see this not too long ago- I enjoyed it as a music video, but strangely enough dirt gets in my eyes whenever I watch it...

Also, that's not a bad idea for a thread right there- you'd want to build on it obviously, but there's potential.
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The idea reminds me of the Matrix. Kirito is like the Neo of SAO, so it works out with the style inspiration. 

That's a shame. I was looking forward to having him around with the rest of the gang. I'll probably play through the game again on easy after clearing everything else.

Well I felt SAO failed horribly when it went harem and strayed from emphasising his friendships and his relationship with Asuna.

My thought are more like, the earth wouldn't be entirely ruined, and there would still be pocket factions, but your characters would be amongst a group of children that had been set in machines that would say, flex their limbs and keep them healthy whilst they were under, but lived lives in the simulation. 

Then, as per Shelter, the simulation could be failing for it's own reasons, it's controlled by the mind of another who is in distress, perhaps someone who has a key to help fix the planet, and so they must be located. Their distress is why the system started to fail, which is a bit of an ode to .hack: Sign as well. Our characters would have to flip from the real world to the virtual one at times to try to track down and find this NPc to try to fix the world, or at least that would be the generalised idea of it.
Well I felt SAO failed horribly when it went harem and strayed from emphasising his friendships and his relationship with Asuna.

My thought are more like, the earth wouldn't be entirely ruined, and there would still be pocket factions, but your characters would be amongst a group of children that had been set in machines that would say, flex their limbs and keep them healthy whilst they were under, but lived lives in the simulation. 

Then, as per Shelter, the simulation could be failing for it's own reasons, it's controlled by the mind of another who is in distress, perhaps someone who has a key to help fix the planet, and so they must be located. Their distress is why the system started to fail, which is a bit of an ode to .hack: Sign as well. Our characters would have to flip from the real world to the virtual one at times to try to track down and find this NPc to try to fix the world, or at least that would be the generalised idea of it.

I admittedly never watched SAO so I can't judge based on personal experience, but I've heard similar comments when people critique the series. Again, the fusion between VR/AR and real life is an interesting concept, but it seems difficult to pull off effectively. I watched the first arc of Log Horizon and thought it did a good job of setting the scene, but was eventually turned off by the characters (Who seemed a bit one-dimensional to me).

Anyways, if you were seriously considering making something of that idea, I would be interested in helping however I can (If you want that is). Until the 14th things are a tad chaotic, but after that I'd have time to properly brainstorm/ work on stuff.
Might play with the idea for a bit, see what loose plot I can get from it. Mayhaps if it can string itself together there may be aught to make of it if the right people get involved...
@White Masquerade

I'm fairly sure I would die in the military.

@Pequeno Burraidh

That doesn't sound like a criminally bad plot to me. The only thing it lacks is details. What's wrong with the world and what is the 'key' to fixing it? Why is the npc special?

Mystery rps are nice and fun, but I imagine they'd be hard to do...cause it's a lot of work for the gms. And players don't always see clues even though they're laid down. 


Take your time.  

I can understand what you're going through. Shinsei's post is hard for me as well.

@Lucem Tenebris

Tetsuo's first question to Soyoka should be 'What was your answer for the 1st Stage?'

The second can be 'What are you doing here?'...but only if he's curious.

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