Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Also, general question for everyone: Out of curiosity, what kinds of RP's (Fandom/ Non-fandom) are people craving/thinking about once this is finished up?

A functional RWBY RP would be cool, like Masque said coming up with unique abilities is cool and Semblances can be just about anything.

Other than that well I've finally managed to get in an AoT RP.

Non-fandom RPs are something that I don't go for that much since the quality of the setting can vary massively and it's more difficult to imagine the concept in action
8 hours ago, White Masquerade said:


Understood Quirk. Raina stayed because she had the hots for Rudy. Don't cover it up.


Space Buddhists??? T_T I don't even want to ask about that. I do think the Atlas looked very nice. I've always been drawn to the advanced machines the Earth Alliances always have. The "unnatural" people's machines are always odd looking to me. Hate Zakus.

That warning picture you put up, lol. I think I did say all of those lines in the mess that was the last RP. XDDD. Raina's promotion chances is the real problem??? As for re-doing the post, maybe. I will see once I read Mizu's post.

@Lucem Tenebris

I agree, but only in darker RP atmospheres. In another life, Dove/Rei/Kouta would have been hailed as leaders of the world with tons of people aspiring to be like them. Right character, unfortunately wrong RP.


Lol. You have a good head, Clari-chan. I think your OC's appreciate that. Up to you about Torune.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

No I wouldn't break my truce with you. We won't be buddies until Han apologize to Shirokko but I think we can get along okay. You are pretty cool.


You see i don't think you have the same rights to as for a apology after you atempted to kill Han . 
Also, general question for everyone: Out of curiosity, what kinds of RP's (Fandom/ Non-fandom) are people craving/thinking about once this is finished up?

I'll likely be focusing on the other rps that I'm in, which I've put on hold, because I lacked the time and attention span to handle multiple rps at once while retaining interest. 

Either that or drop out of those rps and start something new. I'm craving a bit of maybe Harry Potter...

@White Masquerade

I apologize for making you self conscious. That hadn't been my intention.
44 minutes ago, clarinetti said:

@White Masquerade

If my characters are going to die, they'll do it when the time is right. Getting killed by a crazy Kiri-nin at this particular moment isn't in Yoshinori's destiny.

@Hange Zoe

Well, don't keep us in suspense ;p.

Also, general question for everyone: Out of curiosity, what kinds of RP's (Fandom/ Non-fandom) are people craving/thinking about once this is finished up?


Hrm no clue i'll  likely follow after folks definitely after white some one gotta keep her in check 
Also, general question for everyone: Out of curiosity, what kinds of RP's (Fandom/ Non-fandom) are people craving/thinking about once this is finished up?

>Implying that this will ever finish up or end

I'll definitely run that RWBY Quest in December regardless of whether or not this wraps up. Otherwise, a Code Geass RP would be fun since I'm feeling nostalgic.
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Lmao. Blind is a minor inconvenience? From that list, I think I need to find out more about the series. I remember you telling me about it before. They need to do an anime!

xD  It fit, so why not throw it in there? This won't go into January I promise, haha. It is d-o-n-e!

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

But. Who started this? That's the key question.

And Kinzu, I like to be kept in check. I welcome you with open arms.

@Hange Zoe

Hange you know I'm messing with you. You can say it if you'd like, unless it's something to bother me like I think it is.


Bahaha! Me self-conscious? Don't worry Quirk. 95% of what I say here, I say with a huge smirk. I always laugh when you say you have an attention span problem. The wording is just so funny.
@White Masquerade

I can't wait for shit to go down, literally just waiting on a response from Raina that changes the setting before Jinn starts shit-talking the Eagle Empire. 





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@White Masquerade

Hmm, a Bleach RP could be interesting- it seemed to have a relatively rich lore to build upon, though I didn't get very far in the anime.

Yes, I too have been pondering doing something along the sci-fi/ futuristic vein for a while now. In the spring/summer a few friends were starting up some threads that looked very promising, but never got off the ground :/, so since then my craving's gone unfulfilled. As for fantasy RP's, I get what your saying: a lot of the ones I've seen are loosely-structured so as to allow the players freedom to interact and such, but they only get so far, and I like threads to have a direction. I think it ultimately comes down to having a well-outlined story and maintaining a sense of progression while still leaving room for the characters to explore as they please and for players to make suggestions to enrich the plot. It's a lot of work I suspect, but the results speak for themselves.


I've admittedly yet to see RWBY... is it really all that its hyped up to be? I've heard good things about Code Geass, but haven't gotten around to seeing it.

And congrats on the AoT thread IG ^.^


Ah, that's understandable- this thread does have a tendency of sucking up a lot of one's time ;p. What else are you currently involved in- you were doing the One Piece/ Soul Eater hosted project at one point, yes?
@White Masquerade

Hmm, a Bleach RP could be interesting- it seemed to have a relatively rich lore to build upon, though I didn't get very far in the anime.

Yes, I too have been pondering doing something along the sci-fi/ futuristic vein for a while now. In the spring/summer a few friends were starting up some threads that looked very promising, but never got off the ground :/, so since then my craving's gone unfulfilled. As for fantasy RP's, I get what your saying: a lot of the ones I've seen are loosely-structured so as to allow the players freedom to interact and such, but they only get so far, and I like threads to have a direction. I think it ultimately comes down to having a well-outlined story and maintaining a sense of progression while still leaving room for the characters to explore as they please and for players to make suggestions to enrich the plot. It's a lot of work I suspect, but the results speak for themselves.


I've admittedly yet to see RWBY... is it really all that its hyped up to be? I've heard good things about Code Geass, but haven't gotten around to seeing it.

And congrats on the AoT thread IG ^.^


Ah, that's understandable- this thread does have a tendency of sucking up a lot of one's time ;p. What else are you currently involved in- you were doing the One Piece/ Soul Eater hosted project at one point, yes?

First two seasons were sub-par, it really only got good with season 3. It's got a lot of potential but as @Pequeno Burraidh has mentioned, the fanbase is usually too immature or produces poor players who cannot sustain a group-based RP.
@White Masquerade

I can't wait for shit to go down, literally just waiting on a response from Raina that changes the setting before Jinn starts shit-talking the Eagle Empire. 




LOL. Gas you're nuts.

I see Dante has gotten even more huggable.


The funny thing is, I came to the site looking to do fantasy roleplays, but discovered a love of FANDOMS. You are correct on what you say about fantasy. It's the lore that will kill a person though. Making a whole world lore from scratch is asking for an early death. I've met people who can do it, but they gooo waaaaaay too deep and can't RP it right cause they're so fixated on the lore they built. They make lore for books, not RP, and that is not a good.

It is good you didn't get far in the Bleach anime. You saved yourself. I will admit the only reason I want to do something bleach related is do through "leveling up." I like having the chance to level up  :x

Which is why I for the longest died, for an SAO RP. I want to have skills and use them =(. You plan on making a roleplay, Clarinetti? Oh By the way, I see Makoto has found her struggle ~. So now the teams will come to form throughout the month of November!! Even I do see Makoto as a kid that has to prove herself, I wish her luck and root for it.
lol. Wow. were you rooting for Ryuu x Kiyomi? That was very rude to Keitaro. Was one of my favorite characters. Kiyomi was a fool for ignoring him.

I didn't really have a preference for ships. Keitaro could have been the next Obito with his obsession for her making him crave more power. In the end, he contributed to her suffering that seemed to never end.

Also, general question for everyone: Out of curiosity, what kinds of RP's (Fandom/ Non-fandom) are people craving/thinking about once this is finished up?

Fandom-wise, I'd like to see something set in a world like Berserk, or Fallout. I think there's potential in something like that. An RP based on Jojo seemed interesting to me, since there's opportunity for a lot of creativity with Stands.

I'd also like to see something based around Magic or advanced technology.
All is going as planned, yet I still feel a sense of impending if Raina's death flag had yet to disappear...

@White Masquerade

I can see why that Rudy post made you loopy.

*tilts head confusedly*...'attention span problem' is funny..?


I'm also in a ToG rp and YYH rp. Atm though, I have no desire to post for either of them...


I'll probably have Raina's post up Sunday. Lay on the shit-talking. Rudy deserves it T_T
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First two seasons were sub-par, it really only got good with season 3. It's got a lot of potential but as @Pequeno Burraidh has mentioned, the fanbase is usually too immature or produces poor players who cannot sustain a group-based RP.

Hmph, I see. If that's the case, I might well just read the summaries for the first few seasons and jump into season three, see how I feel about it then. I suspect you'd be a pretty good GM, so surely your Quest RP shall fare well- keep us posted on it, hm?

@White Masquerade

You mean levelling up as in your writing skills, or your character's abilities?

As for Makoto, I wouldn't say that's her main struggle, but it's the one she's going to have to face during this portion of the exams. In Iwa, she'd be known amongst her peers as being one of the more capable genin despite her age (Which she strives for to earn the respect of others and debunk the mixed reputation her clan has accumulated), but amongst the other examinees she likely just appears to be a chatty little kid. And that's just going to fuel the fire in her belly all the more ;p. My only concern is that she comes off as being whiny or like an impudent child.

I've been mulling over that for a while now: I've got a few concise ideas in mind, but am always curious what other people are interested in playing with. If I were to do such a thing though, I likely wouldn't be able to get any major work started until December when the term's done. We'll see what happens.

I didn't really have a preference for ships. Keitaro could have been the next Obito with his obsession for her making him crave more power. In the end, he contributed to her suffering that seemed to never end.

Fandom-wise, I'd like to see something set in a world like Berserk, or Fallout. I think there's potential in something like that. An RP based on Jojo seemed interesting to me, since there's opportunity for a lot of creativity with Stands.

I'd also like to see something based around Magic or advanced technology.

Hmm, Berserk would be cool, keep things nice and gritty. And both that and Fallout have a fairly developed lore/setting which offers much to be touched upon, particularly the themes which could be explored. I do not know this Jojo's however :/- what's it about?

Playing with magic is fun, but to touch on what I mentioned earlier with White, I think it's one of those things where the parameters and limitations of it need to be laid out to avoid it devolving over time. Technology is similar, but because it's man-made (Unless we're going into extra-terrestrial tech) there are inherent flaws with them which keeps the power in check, at least in theory.


...But why would you want ice-cream particularly when its cold? Don't get me wrong, it's a delectable treat year round, but that seems slightly counterintuitive. Making me chilly just thinking about it >.<
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...But why would you want ice-cream particularly when its cold? Don't get me wrong, it's a delectable treat year round, but that seems slightly counterintuitive. Making me chilly just thinking about it >.<

I get hungry when I get cold. Then I start craving sweets. Oddly enough, ice cream is the first thing that comes to mind for me...probably because I'm used to eating lots of ice cream in the winter. It's a snack my house always seems to have in stock. 
I was going to go out today than the base gets a lock down because someone got a tattoo on their smallpox and spread it to the DFAC aka (Cafeteria)  patrons . Now were on lock down to contain the plague i think   . 
I was going to go out today than the base gets a lock down because someone got a tattoo on their smallpox and spread it to the DFAC aka (Cafeteria)  patrons . Now were on lock down to contain the plague i think   . 

That...doesn't sound good. I hope you're alright =(

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