Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Uh-huh. Sure it is.

Certain characters, I imagine, would know right away if they've been marked with chakra. Baihua for one, since she has the byakugan. Sharingan users will probably be able to tell. Chiaki can smell chakra as a byproduct of being a Wolf Sage. Skilled sensory ninjas like Jun would be able to tell. Both Shinsei and Raina carry chakra/spirit detectors.

Nao visits when he can, because of the abundance of sharks, but he probably spends more time in Kiri's beach than the bay of another nation. I'm glad Rei marked Nao then. Though, it's not like Nao would lose to shark. He's a ninja that can turn his body to water =P  

Certain characters will know right away that they've been marked.

Ah, but she didn't mark the leaders with chakra, she just moved sand that is infused with chakra onto them. I probably should have been more specific on that. Actually marking someone is where she puts her chakra either on you or in you, basically infusion. Her whole sand thing? Well that's just so she can find herself to the location of anyone she's bugged, so the sand is infused, but the person the sand is on isn't. That said Rei can still summon herself to them, though if Tainan were to have, say, thrown his sash into the dirty laundry before she tried to summon herself to him, she would have come out of the deal with a pair of knickers on her noggin.

Up until it dried, the water on Kauri also had him bugged in it's own sense.

As for characters that would know they've been bugged with sand, well that's up to their writers onhow they handle that. I'd imagine Baihua would find the action interesting given Rei's non-violent and peaceful tendencies.

Sides, do you really think Rei bugged people for bad reasons? Pfft, please, outside of a well deserved kick she didn't even hurt Masima and he tried to kill Rokoriko.
Ah, but she didn't mark the leaders with chakra, she just moved sand that is infused with chakra onto them. I probably should have been more specific on that. Actually marking someone is where she puts her chakra either on you or in you, basically infusion. Her whole sand thing? Well that's just so she can find herself to the location of anyone she's bugged, so the sand is infused, but the person the sand is on isn't. That said Rei can still summon herself to them, though if Tainan were to have, say, thrown his sash into the dirty laundry before she tried to summon herself to him, she would have come out of the deal with a pair of knickers on her noggin.

Up until it dried, the water on Kauri also had him bugged in it's own sense.

As for characters that would know they've been bugged with sand, well that's up to their writers onhow they handle that. I'd imagine Baihua would find the action interesting given Rei's non-violent and peaceful tendencies.

Sides, do you really think Rei bugged people for bad reasons? Pfft, please, outside of a well deserved kick she didn't even hurt Masima and he tried to kill Rokoriko.

Nope, I don't think it's for a bad reason. I just think they're more than likely to remove it if they found out about it...which defeats its purpose. Raven will probably be mad if she finds out.

Must've been a hard kick if she kicked him all the way to the ocean.
Nope, I don't think it's for a bad reason. I just think they're more than likely to remove it if they found out about it...which defeats its purpose. Raven will probably be mad if she finds out.

Must've been a hard kick if she kicked him all the way to the ocean.

Nah, she kicked him a couple metres away. Then she picked him up and tossed him to the sea. 
Ahhh. My mistake =P

Still making a point to not hurt people too much though xD

I think the most fun I'm having with my characters is Kauri. He and Shinsei get a long better than I expected. Yea, he tried to pick a fight at the beginning cos he was bored, but now? Now he's realising just how much fun he's going to have hanging with Shinsei.
Still making a point to not hurt people too much though xD

I think the most fun I'm having with my characters is Kauri. He and Shinsei get a long better than I expected. Yea, he tried to pick a fight at the beginning cos he was bored, but now? Now he's realising just how much fun he's going to have hanging with Shinsei.

Chiaki doesn't like inflicting pain either. If he has to kill, he makes it as quick and as painless as possible. If he has a reason for not being a medic-nin, it's that he doesn't want to have to deal with bodies and blood. 

Jun is more like him in that regard. Her personality's a bit mean, but she doesn't actually like fighting, blood, or seeing people in pain. She's a sensitive soul. Nao, on the other-hand, is friendly and considerate, but also more cold towards killing.

I'm glad you enjoying rping him. I rather like rping Shinsei as well. It's very...liberating. Though I can't say which is my favorite, since I like Chiaki, Nao, Jun, and Raina as well. I haven't tried yet, but I think I'll enjoy rping Kailai too. 

Mhm. Shinsei is loads of fun. People either like him or hate him. Rarely is there any in-between. 
Chiaki doesn't like inflicting pain either. If he has to kill, he makes it as quick and as painless as possible. If he has a reason for not being a medic-nin, it's that he doesn't want to have to deal with bodies and blood. 

Jun is more like him in that regard. Her personality's a bit mean, but she doesn't actually like fighting, blood, or seeing people in pain. She's a sensitive soul. Nao, on the other-hand, is friendly and considerate, but also more cold towards killing.

I'm glad you enjoying rping him. I rather like rping Shinsei as well. It's very...liberating. Though I can't say which is my favorite, since I like Chiaki, Nao, Jun, and Raina as well. I haven't tried yet, but I think I'll enjoy rping Kailai too. 

Mhm. Shinsei is loads of fun. People either like him or hate him. Rarely is there any in-between. 

Rei won't kill, but that doesn't mean that you'll be getting away scott free. Dove was reverted to a human form after all, and not her original body either. You think Rei doesn't have plans for anyone else that reaches a point that their threat can't be ignored?

Kauri will kill. No issue with it, but with how apathetic he tends to be he won't kill unless he's got a reason to. It's also his hunter creed and rolls with his laws of the jungle, don't kill for sport, all that lot.

The Memoriam are taking more after Rei and Dove than they used to, reverse blade swords so that nonlethal is a primary, but if needed they can still kill with them.
Mind if I ask who I am supposed to respond to? I was busy moving the last few days, and I have no idea who I have to respond to @_@
@Kinzu Hekmatyar

Okay. Let's call a truce Kinzu. I'm tired of fighting with you. How about we just let our characters do the talking? I would like to have a tournament battle with Shingetsu, but any of your other characters will do.


Ah I saw that part! I unfortunately didn't finish the series but I may come back to it. It had a olden times vibe right? =P. I"m all about flash and advancement. Give me phase-shifting in my machines and Quadruple Chrome-Accented Turbo Red Backlit GN Drives  :x

@Lucem Tenebris

I don't think Oro can take Sasuke, but I think he could hold his own with Naruto. Lol, uncles have a bad streak and I do agree villains are not quite tested =/. If Naruto was a Seinin maybe it would have gone a little better. Not sure though as some Seinin I've seen have made no sense too.

You know what happens with friendly characters Lucem.  B| . They're cute and will likely be a "best," but their nature usually creates problems. I am open to rooting for any pure-hearted characters, but they will have to prove they have the nerve to stay selfless and take all that comes with it.

@Pequeno Burraidh

Good! Posting something random and unimportant is not the kind we are looking for here!


Quirk how long have you known me? >_>. You say it like I enjoy screwing things up. And I see you enjoy the little things =P. It was a cool moment for those 2 friends. The Shirotaiyo were really cool to do and it's nice to get some interaction between the living members all grown up.

@Hange Zoe

Is hiding in TUMBLR fun?


Okay. Daradei basically asked Muzi to go to the Knight and give nay help she can to those trying to contain that situation.

Daradei = Me

Knight = Me

Raina (Challenging Knight) - QuirkyAngel

Kagaku (Knight is choking) - HangeZoe

Jinn (Soldier Watching Nearby) - Gasmaskie

I will be posting for the Knight tomorrow so you can wait if you'd like until I do, then follow.


Clarinetti  :$  Do you have a budding rivalry with me? I get the feeling that you do. Well me and my characters are right here <3. If you want it, come and get it.  ^_^
Will have OOC replies later today. I see some White-badmouthing going on

No one is bad-mouthing you White. You should be pleased we consider you a threat :P

I can't say exactly how long we've known each other, but I remember the first time I met you, I had been trying to run a 14-people post order Fate rp. You don't like screwing things up, but you won't hesitate to write disaster when we do T_T

I do like the little things=) Though, in Daradei and Chiita's case, I just thought it was funny. I also liked Chiita's reply to Shinsei...
I just wait for things to respond to =P Someone go bother Rokoriko or Timuga xD

Also interested in seeing how Tainan responds to being 'bugged' and as I've already stated, loving the Shinsei/Kauri stuff.
I just wait for things to respond to =P Someone go bother Rokoriko or Timuga xD

Also interested in seeing how Tainan responds to being 'bugged' and as I've already stated, loving the Shinsei/Kauri stuff.

You can wait. Or you can take action^^

I'll write a post for Naogetsu/Jungetsu...after I relax a bit.   

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