Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

@White Masquerade

No worries about the tagging and such- it happens to everyone ^.^ I have indeed seen the Lao post. Happy to see he's alive and present. Maybe it's just me, but the little interaction between them where he's touching Makoto's back was a little, intimate? :S  It's surely just me, right?

Also, if I may touch on the point made between you and Lucem, I think part of it is that they tried to work Obito's backstory such that it parallel's Naruto's childhood. I get what they were going for, but it was just so on the nose and the way they portray Kakashi and Obito's relationship (In comparison to Naruto/Sasuke), plus the way Madara manipulates Obito and uses Rin's death to forge him into a tool. It personally seems a bit cheap and lazy for the final bosses history and motivations. I kind of wish they just ended things with Might Guy dying to take down Madara forever- no oversized world-destroying tree, no insane reincarnates vs. goddess showdown: the shinobi who saved the world was an everyday dude who had a dream and worked his butt off to get there (As everyday as a shinobi can be at least), rather than some super-powered punks ordained by destiny.

Finally, would you rather I wait on Dai-Dai's response before tossing Yoshinori into the mix of Kou-Tsu-Yo vs. The Crazy Kiri-nin?

My sentiments exactly.


You're likely right in that I'm being overdramatic. It's just that everyone puts time and energy into writing and reading these posts, I want to make sure I match that same level of quality/ effort.

@Pequeno Burraidh

He's a big shark-dude wandering the woods at night stalking a bunch of genins (Well one specific individual, but you get the point): Timuga is going to be catching at least a few people's attention. It's a wonder Tsukiko hasn't intervened yet, or that no one from the opening ceremonies' area noticed him along with Masima.

I don't know what you're talking about Clarinetti, with Makoto's back o.O. I didn't read anything like that in the post. As for Naruto, yeah I completely agree with you. I couldn't really understand Obito's backstory and why they were trying to parallel him with Naruto T_T. Ughh. The story itself was fine but when they started to make it symbolic and dramatic to Naruto's own journey I was like, "What." I would even go one step further and say Naruto was good to end at the defeat of Pein. No just kidding, the Shinobi alliance was pretty cool, it's just what came after that, that made me sigh. Out of the big anime/manga names, One Piece is really the only one to stay coherent and have their characters grow like normal people. I don't read One Piece though. Too long  9_9

You can post for Nori-kun if you want. Next on the list is Rudy so I won't be there for a bit.

KouSuYoi! I forgot about the team names  :x . The kages are currently distracted. Baihua has seen things, but Tsukiko has no idea what's going on at the Village. It's the Chunin Exams so....I'll stop there!

Gah. Now that is my slice of life. There is NOTHING better than that. Pure work of art to me. I am going to wait until the weekend again to watch the OVA so I can enjoy it fully. I am so, so happy.

@White Masquerade I would like you to realize the issue with the snake climbing up Mio's leg... Mio's pretty much wearing a dress, thus it's kind of hard to climb up the leg without being underneath her clothing or dealing with clothing being parted around the snake, making both them uncomfortable. Want to change that? I personally think climbing up to Mio's arm via the staff would be a bit better to do in this case, since there's a bit more open air for the snake and less clothing to make either of them uncomfortable. If you keep it as-is though, I suppose I could do an easy fix of adding in a more appropriate to the ninja world combat attire to her wardrobe, although it would be odd to say the least, for royalty of the Sakurai Clan who would thus need nothing more than her current style of clothing plus her staff for channeling spiritual energy. (Though I suppose an addition to the wardrobe may actually make sense, given she's crossed into a completely different world thus would need clothing more fit to both the new landscapes and the fact she's not inside a castle channeling spiritual energy all day like a good princess of the Sakurai Clan.)

I'm okay with them both being uncomfortable. It'd be amusing for Mio to call the snake a pervert. I'd like to see a small post about her channeling spirit energy all day though. I bet sh looks so adorable in her sitting-down with eyes closed =). Mio is certainly Best Girl with each thing you tell me.

@Hange Zoe

A banana
Definitely. There's a certain power and allure to just being bare and straightforward. Low-key, get to the point, and nothing extra or fancy. I'll be honest in saying I felt no connection to Obito or his story at all, but his battle with Kakashi was well done. I felt the story of both Naruto vs Sasuke (kind of) and their battle looked cool, but ehh...sometimes you get tired of the over-top and just want simple things you know what I mean? Don't get me wrong I still love my bombastic characters with flashy skills, but in Naruto it went way, way too far =(. Going through the lore, it was trying to keep all his forms straight. 9-Tails Chakra mode. Tailed Beast Mode. Dense cloak mode. Translucent Cloak mode. Sage mode. Kyuubi Sage mode or something >_>. Six Paths Sage mode. Six paths Sage mode with Yin-Yang chakra Kyuubi mode.  9_9

I don't know the first thing about a Mangaka's job, but I always wonder why they either go off track or let producers mess with their work.

I think part of the allure is that you get to see ninjas being ninjas, rather than almighty wizards. It also takes more skill to choreograph a fight scene without the use of giant lasers and explosions.

I didn't feel anything for Obito. His character was never appealing to me, since it his obsession with Rin drove him to start another World War, even if Madara did have a part in manipulating him. I wasn't a fan of how he was redeemed at the end and how Naruto described him as "the coolest guy". It wasn't that long ago that he helped kill Neji and was responsible for the death of his parents. Obito contributed to a majority of the terrible events in the series. I had hoped he would've stuck to his convictions, rather than lose to Talk no Jutsu.

Also, if I may touch on the point made between you and Lucem, I think part of it is that they tried to work Obito's backstory such that it parallel's Naruto's childhood. I get what they were going for, but it was just so on the nose and the way they portray Kakashi and Obito's relationship (In comparison to Naruto/Sasuke), plus the way Madara manipulates Obito and uses Rin's death to forge him into a tool. It personally seems a bit cheap and lazy for the final bosses history and motivations. I kind of wish they just ended things with Might Guy dying to take down Madara forever- no oversized world-destroying tree, no insane reincarnates vs. goddess showdown: the shinobi who saved the world was an everyday dude who had a dream and worked his butt off to get there (As everyday as a shinobi can be at least), rather than some super-powered punks ordained by destiny.

Might Guy and Rock Lee seemed like more interesting characters to me, since they represented Kishimoto's original theme of hard work and effort over natural talent. The message was eventually lost as Naruto was branded as "the chosen one" and became Ninja Jesus after being handed power. His Uzumaki heritage also gave him a pretty big bonus as well with the large chakra reserves, which sort of blurred the differences between him and Sasuke's bloodline powers.

I think the series should have ended with the defeat of Madara, since he had some setup from the early parts of the series. Kishimoto said he had no idea how he could be beaten by Naruto and Sasuke while he was drawing the fight, so that may have contributed to his decision to bring out a new villain with a natural weakness to the abilities they had.
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ROFL. That is a good one Gas. I have no comment at this point, lol. Let's just see where this goes. Raina is doing pretty well.

@Lucem Tenebris

Right??? I don't know how people can become friends so fast after an incident like that. Either he really didn't care much for all those people that died, or Naruto is mentally unstable.
@White Masquerade

The way this is filmed, you'd think that it's a psychopath's snuff film. This is Redman, another one of Tsubaraya Production's toku heroes (created Ultraman which was the inspiration for Evangelion and Attack on Titan). In Japan, he's gotten the nickname of Red Phantom Killer (赤い通り魔) for his brutality and the fact that he literally pops out of nowhere to senselessly murder kaiju. 

Right??? I don't know how people can become friends so fast after an incident like that. Either he really didn't care much for all those people that died, or Naruto is mentally unstable.

Naruto suffers from the same problems that many shounen protagonists suffer from. He's far too forgiving, which makes it seem like his comrades don't actually matter, claiming that they're not really dead because they "live in his heart". The case with Obito is close to his confrontation with Nagato, despite having killed his Godfather. If not for his ridiculous reasoning for leaving the village and choosing to destroy it, I would find Sasuke to be far more appealing.

On a somewhat related note to being too forgiving, Orochimaru got away with everything.
Naruto suffers from the same problems that many shounen protagonists suffer from. He's far too forgiving, which makes it seem like his comrades don't actually matter, claiming that they're not really dead because they "live in his heart". The case with Obito is close to his confrontation with Nagato, despite having killed his Godfather. If not for his ridiculous reasoning for leaving the village and choosing to destroy it, I would find Sasuke to be far more appealing.

On a somewhat related note to being too forgiving, Orochimaru got away with everything.

Pic Related

@White Masquerade I'm honestly afraid of the possibility that I won't be able to meet your expectations of my Mio as your pick of best girl, as this whole playing the best girl ordeal is a new thing for me. Please do let me know if I ever do mess up, so I can improve on anything next time so I can at least try to meet the expectations set upon my Mio.
Timuga may not hide his presence, but he hasn't done too much to overtly draw any attention either. I don't think, unless they were really trying, that the kages noticed Timuga due to Rei's confrontation with Masima.

Chiaki's noticed. The Hokage probably did to...since she seems to see a lot of things.

@White Masquerade

@Lucem Tenebris

I imagine that's why many prefer slightly darker shounen protagonists. Constant optimism, positivity, and a limitless capacity to forgive can be a, unrelatable, and maybe a bit psychotic. Given Naruto and Sasuke's personality, I'd say Naruto's the type to 'care' a bit less than Sasuke. I liked Sasuke when he was a kid. Less when he grew up. I also found Sasuke's goals, while he was consumed with hatred, to be a bit...all over the place. From wanting to kill Itachi, to destroying Konoha, to becoming Hokage. Naruto was straightforward in comparison T_T


I'll do my best not to let that happen. At least not in Kirigakure.      
I imagine that's why many prefer slightly darker shounen protagonists. Constant optimism, positivity, and a limitless capacity to forgive can be a, unrelatable, and maybe a bit psychotic. Given Naruto and Sasuke's personality, I'd say Naruto's the type to 'care' a bit less than Sasuke. I liked Sasuke when he was a kid. Less when he grew up. I also found Sasuke's goals, while he was consumed with hatred, to be a bit...all over the place. From wanting to kill Itachi, to destroying Konoha, to becoming Hokage. Naruto was straightforward in comparison T_T

Naruto was pretty simple, since he had a goal that's common for protagonists, wanting to be the best of whatever the setting revolves around. Sasuke's reasoning for leaving the village was a bit odd, but it was somewhat understandable, since he wanted to get revenge. Although, I'm not sure why he thought destroying the village his brother died for was a good idea, even if he was upset.
Naruto was pretty simple, since he had a goal that's common for protagonists, wanting to be the best of whatever the setting revolves around. Sasuke's reasoning for leaving the village was a bit odd, but it was somewhat understandable, since he wanted to get revenge. Although, I'm not sure why he thought destroying the village his brother died for was a good idea, even if he was upset.

He blamed Konoha for the Uchiha massacre. He probably also blamed Konoha for Itachi's death since Itachi killed his own clan, became an Akatsuki, and died for it. Itachi chose Konoha over his family. Therefore, Sasuke hates Konoha, because, in his mind, Konoha took away his family. It think at some point, Sasuke admitted that it wasn't for Itachi that he wanted to destroy Konoha, but for himself...simply because he hated Konoha. 

Not that I think his logic was sound by any means...but I can somewhat understand. What I didn't like was how he swapped from hating Konoha to wanting to be Hokage.    
In the end, Tobirama was justified and the massacre was the fault of the Uchiha. If there hadn't been one, they would have revolted anyway, which is why Itachi and Shisui tried to use mind control on the clan before Danzo stopped them. Sasuke knew this, but still thought attacking Konoha was a good idea. 

His goal to become Hokage seemed to come out of nowhere and made his reappearance come off as comedic, rather than something to be taken seriously. His idea of a Hokage was different than others and the plan behind it made some sense, but having him stick to his hatred would have been much simpler.
Sasuke wasn't thinking with his head. He was thinking with his darkened heart. That, and he seems the type to choose family over village--regardless of which is more justified. 

Can't argue with that. Part of me believes, Kishimoto threw in the whole Hokage business just so Naruto and Sasuke could clash. If Sasuke had won, a darker Konoha would've been born. 
@Lucem Tenebris

Haha. Orochimaru I can kind of understand. I'm sure they weren't actively trying to kill him because that is a very hard thing to do. They just tolerate the immortal.

And let's just say, the late Sasuke wasn't a favorite of anybody  B| . He did draw hate well, I will give it that.


Murdering Kaiju is an outstanding public service though. This is good stuff.

@White Masquerade I'm honestly afraid of the possibility that I won't be able to meet your expectations of my Mio as your pick of best girl, as this whole playing the best girl ordeal is a new thing for me. Please do let me know if I ever do mess up, so I can improve on anything next time so I can at least try to meet the expectations set upon my Mio.

:x  Tmo. Of course I'll let you know if Mio is doing something shady. For now she is good. The only thing that might put her off, is if she was seriously evil, but from what I know, I don't think that's the case.


I liked them both as kids and semi-teens. Their competition of power was great up until the Extra Susanooness and Extra Kyuubiness.

You're right Sasukae was thinking with a clouded head but damn. It's been clouded for a good 5 years despite the evidence against it not being clouded.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar

@Lucem Tenebris

Haha. Orochimaru I can kind of understand. I'm sure they weren't actively trying to kill him because that is a very hard thing to do. They just tolerate the immortal.

And let's just say, the late Sasuke wasn't a favorite of anybody  B| . He did draw hate well, I will give it that.


Murdering Kaiju is an outstanding public service though. This is good stuff.

:x  Tmo. Of course I'll let you know if Mio is doing something shady. For now she is good. The only thing that might put her off, is if she was seriously evil, but from what I know, I don't think that's the case.


I liked them both as kids and semi-teens. Their competition of power was great up until the Extra Susanooness and Extra Kyuubiness.

You're right Sasukae was thinking with a clouded head but damn. It's been clouded for a good 5 years despite the evidence against it not being clouded.

@Kinzu Hekmatyar


Willing to feed my need white?
31 minutes ago, White Masquerade said:


Kinzu, you know I'm here to embarrass your country any chance I get. It's not hard but I still put the effort. Just for you.


I would say the same thing if the Suna had any thing to embarrass but after being Razed once i can't do much
Haha. Orochimaru I can kind of understand. I'm sure they weren't actively trying to kill him because that is a very hard thing to do. They just tolerate the immortal.

And let's just say, the late Sasuke wasn't a favorite of anybody  B| . He did draw hate well, I will give it that.

I'm sure that Naruto or Sasuke could take him out without problem, since they're the gods of the ninja world. His change of heart was pretty sudden after being revived and I still don't understand why everyone was fine with it, especially after he was responsible for Hiruzen's death. The villains in the series get away with things pretty easily.

I've also noticed a separate trend. Uncles in Naruto have a high death rate.

Also team 7 lets get the lead out we gotta get moving !

I think we're still waiting on Ren.
@White Masquerade

Thought about doing a post for Timuga alone, but really what's there to say outside of "He's tearing through the forest making a beeline for his target"? So really just waiting for responses to Rokoriko and Kauri, or someone to involve Rei with something.
@White Masquerade

Thought about doing a post for Timuga alone, but really what's there to say outside of "He's tearing through the forest making a beeline for his target"? So really just waiting for responses to Rokoriko and Kauri, or someone to involve Rei with something.

Akago spoke to Rei, pretty sure I remembered to tag you

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