Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

In order to start plotting white needs to post for lao :^( I'll post sasha sometimes soon. The blind bandit. i mean shinobi will save the day some how.

As for sengun ima target team 9
In order to start plotting white needs to post for lao :^( I'll post sasha sometimes soon. The blind bandit. i mean shinobi will save the day some how.

As for sengun ima target team 9

If she's making the rounds, I'll suspect she'll have something out for Lao either tonight or tomorrow: our patience shall surely be rewarded.

Is that so? Any particular reason why Sengun's gunning after them?
If she's making the rounds, I'll suspect she'll have something out for Lao either tonight or tomorrow: our patience shall surely be rewarded.

Is that so? Any particular reason why Sengun's gunning after them?

you gotta conquer the battlefield while you have a chance
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It's a game I know that.

@Hange Zoe

Lol. Your jeep.


Nice one.


From From Software, makers of Dark Souls, comes Bloodborne. It's basically Dark Souls with guns and a Victorian setting. Instead of parrying with a buckler, you shoot enemies to stagger them. Also, the weapons transform and change move sets. A Bloodborne-esque quest would be really cool.
you gotta conquer the battlefield while you have a chance

I get that, but what happens if he bites off more than he can chew and gets in a pinch? Also, if he starts causing trouble with the other participants (At least before the second stage formerly begins), I suspect Makoto's going to be none too pleased about it...
I get that, but what happens if he bites off more than he can chew and gets in a pinch? Also, if he starts causing trouble with the other participants (At least before the second stage formerly begins), I suspect Makoto's going to be none too pleased about it...

A demon shouldn't care about what they get into as long as its entertainment.

Yeah, no. Nintendo wouldn't just let one of their biggest money-making franchises end. They're going all out this year because it's the anniversary - we'll likely be getting a Pokemon launch title on the Switch.
@White Masquerade I'm having some trouble picturing the scene. How is Dai Dai stopping Kouta's movements?

Any support that Kouta or Chitose can offer which helps keep them alive, Yoshinori's going to be grateful for it. And at least while they're in a team, he'll be doing whatever he can to contribute as well, especially when some crazy Kiri-nin rushes in threatening one of his companions. ;)  

Yoshinori's contributions will be appreciated. Dai Dai overlooked something very important, so hopefully the situation won't be too difficult to manage.


From From Software, makers of Dark Souls, comes Bloodborne. It's basically Dark Souls with guns and a Victorian setting. Instead of parrying with a buckler, you shoot enemies to stagger them. Also, the weapons transform and change move sets. A Bloodborne-esque quest would be really cool.

A Bloodborne Quest seems like it would have a lot of potential. If Blood Echoes are used, participants could have a debate on whether or not to take the risk of trying to retrieve them.
Just now, GasMaskie said:

Yeah, no. Nintendo wouldn't just let one of their biggest money-making franchises end. They're going all out this year because it's the anniversary - we'll likely be getting a Pokemon launch title on the Switch.


If ya watch the videos, they bring that up

The number 8 represents REBIRTH / Ressurection

The idea - Generation 7 will be the last traditional pokemon generation before the game advances to a more mature theme with different gameplay to fit with it's now older audience, which that grew up with Pokemon are around at minimum the age 16... And most of nintendo's IPs are being reputed in ways recently
If ya watch the videos, they bring that up

The number 8 represents REBIRTH / Ressurection

The idea - Generation 7 will be the last traditional pokemon generation before the game advances to a more mature theme with different gameplay to fit with it's now older audience, which that grew up with Pokemon are around at minimum the age 16... And most of nintendo's IPs are being reputed in ways recently

I really doubt a mainline shift to a more mature theme - they've already done that anyways with Pokemon Colosseum with Maximum the Edge as the MC. The one IP that I can recall off the top of my hand that got messed with was Metroid, Star Fox was a pretty clear cut reboot that retained much of the same core gameplay and the tone of the original. With something as long-lasting as Pokemon, they can't afford to drastically change their formula. Not only that, but Digimon already has the mature audiences with their new games. Pokemon's biggest competitor right now in Japan is Yo-Kai Watch, they need to stay with the current young demographic in order to keep up with them. If anything, we might get another Colosseum-esque game for the Switch after missing out on both Wiis, but I seriously doubt that Pokemon will actually start getting darker in the next generations. Sun and Moon is definitely more story-driven than most Generations (5 comes pretty close though), but that doesn't mean it's going to translate to a shift in demographics like that.

Switching up the gameplay for a mainline Pokemon game is a good way for Nintendo to shoot themselves in the foot, that's exactly why we have side games like Conquest and Pokken to explore different genres. They're fun but they don't interfere with the main games. There's a good reason why we reverted back to a young protagonist after teenagers for Generations 5 and 6 - Nintendo needs to reach out to their younger audiences to handle Yo-Kai Watch - it's not a Pokemon killer but it's definitely their biggest threat. Not sure how well it's doing in America, but in Japan it's Level 5's biggest franchise at the moment.   
@Pequeno Burraidh

Don't tell me Shinsei and Kauri are going to man-bond.

What's wrong with man-bonding?

I imagine Daradei, Hana, and Sakuya-getsu could girl-bond given the opportunity.

Koutas getting attacked D: 

Indeed he is. Dai Dai doesn't seem to like him very much. But, given his Kekkei Genkai, he should be fine. Probably. It's Dai Dai that in danger.

Personally, I hope she goes after Neji.


Lao is probably the only one who can stop Dai Dai without resorting to violence :x  
What's wrong with man-bonding?

I imagine Daradei, Hana, and Sakuya-getsu could girl-bond given the opportunity.

Indeed he is. Dai Dai doesn't seem to like him very much. But, given his Kekkei Genkai, he should be fine. Probably. It's Dai Dai that in danger.

Personally, I hope she goes after Neji.


Lao is probably the only one who can stop Dai Dai without resorting to violence :x  

But violence is always the answer.
A demon shouldn't care about what they get into as long as its entertainment.

Well, I suppose a demon can do as they please, so long as they're ready to get their ass whooped by a certain kunoichi. Maybe she'll just seal him up in a scroll until he's learned to behave himself and play nice with others. ^.^

But violence is always the answer.

-_-  Oh, so much to learn compadre- why resort to brute force when you can delight in manipulating your opponents into doing exactly what you want them to? The latter is much more satisfying, I assure you.

@Lucem Tenebris

Kouta is certainly capable of dealing with Dai-Dai himself, but he can't get angry if his teammates decide to get involved and take matters into their own hands. ;p


Hmph, Lao has yet to make an appearance in this tale, so until he gets his head in the game, he's benched :l . As to how this dilemma gets resolved, only time shall tell.
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Hmph, Lao has yet to make an appearance in this tale, so until he gets his head in the game, he's benched. As to how this dilemma gets resolved, only time shall tell.

You sound like you have a plan.

Lao's managed to calm Dai Dai once, so I figured he'd be able to do it again. But you're right. There are many ways this could end. I'm eager to read Yoshinori's response.
Is that so? I suppose we'll need a tighter leash to keep peace from running off. ^_^

Do your best Pequeno.

I have another npc to make. Then I'll write Chiaki/Shinsei's post =)

Fun fun, I'm really excited to see how Shinsei takes to a younger version on basically himself again.

As for my adversary... well... they can try. I have the advantage though.
Fun fun, I'm really excited to see how Shinsei takes to a younger version on basically himself again.

As for my adversary... well... they can try. I have the advantage though.

I do see some similarities between Kauri and the current Shinsei I suppose, but I don't really consider Kauri a younger version of Shinsei.

@White Masquerade

What do you think? Are Shinsei and Kauri alike?

Advantages are good. But I'd be careful regardless. It's easier to make war than peace =/

I should have a post up tomorrow after finally getting some sleep.

That's a good idea. Sleep first. Post later.
Thinking about revealing a surprise technique whenever sengun pulls out his sword. 

Insert his presence into the participants mind, and play all sorts of mind tricks. something a demon is famous of doing, probably gonna reveal his older self. 

I'm also not worried about sengun dying which he practically cannot die he'll just be put in a unconscious state and sent into his dimension via ring once it activates during a crucial moment. I can also reveal his older form while he's in their just to give you guys a taste of it.
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