Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

Your competitive spirits invigorate me. Team Nao-Jun-Dai might have gotten into a rough start, but don't underestimate them...*glances at Dai Dai and Jun warily*

No, one would be foolhardy to underestimate the Kiri trio: if anything, they may well have the home-field advantage. And think of it this way- better they get the tensions and such out of the way now so they can pull together when it counts most. I look forward to seeing their progress ^.^

And yea, I'm still not sold on White casting Yoshinori as a best boy, but I'm otherwise satisfied with how he's been portrayed thus far. Amongst all the crazy powerhouses of the Naruto-verse, I think you need a few more realistic/ everyday kinds of folks to juxtapose all that. If he's come across as even somewhat relatable, then it's been successful.

Would you rather have Makoto or Yoshinori advance to the next part of the exam?

I was surprised to see this get an anime adaptation. It's a pretty fun series.

According to White, there are a few surprises spread throughout the lands. Exploring them might be a good idea.

Probably Makoto, insofar as it means a great deal more to her than it does to Yoshinori. While he'd likely shrug it off with mild disappointment, she would be devastated, especially if someone like Kidazoa beat her to it. And depending on how much craziness/ danger he's exposed to in this next stage, Yoshinori might well quit before he makes it to the tournament (Though whether he's willing to leave Kouta and Tsuyoi in a lurch by doing so is debatable). There's other components to the story going on outside the actual exams which would be interesting to explore with him, such as the knights from the Eastern empires, so I could still keep him busy.


A road trip would be nice. If you're not a fan of urban areas, there are plenty green-spaces when you go up north and in Central Florida too. The environment can be really nice in some places. I am surprised it gets over 100 degrees there. I have been, but in Autumn and i don't think it ever reached 90+ =/. It was Montreal if that affects anything.

Iwa and Suna pairing in an alliance is something cool I dream about. In the original Naruto, they didn't touch on the countries much, hence why Konoha was largely non-existent in the first RP. It's interesting to get perspective from other Lands. Who knew Yugakure would play a big part in the story, or Amgakure would be a  historical site o the Kakureyami Queen's massacre. I love the highlighting of otherwise, shoved-aside Lands that never got their respect. The Darkness over Konoha is not lifted yet. The state of Kumo may or may not be discussed. I believe in everything not being 100% explored/explained, so if no one brings up Kumogakure, I am not going to somehow force it in their. I find leaving loose ends and throwing things up in the wind, a frustratingly-attractive piece to any good story.

I will root for Makoto's not not because of her, but because Sengun is one of my favorite characters.

I tend to prefer cityscapes since there's so much going on there (maybe because I grew up in a smallish town) but I'd definitely want to check out the nature and such- how could you not with the beaches and the everglades and so forth? Any recommendations on must-see places? Yea, the weather and temperatures fluctuate a lot season to season here. From July-August you're literally melting, especially in Ontario and Quebec (Gets as high as 110 F), and then from December to March it's freezing as anything. As I said before though, it's a lot milder year-round along the coast, and the weather's peachy rest of the year, so it's not so bad. We'll complain about it, but then you get used to it and life goes on.

If you were in Montreal during the fall, that's pretty normal temperature-wise: how did you like it?

Hmm, I agree- definitely good to explore the other nations. I get your point about leaving things up to the reader with untied ends, but I'd still be curious to see whether Kumo's position changes by the end of this story- maybe have them elect a Raikage so they've got a hope of getting back on track. Ah, we'll see I suppose.

-_-  Fine white-chan, be that way if you must- I already know you're gunning for Makoto's success and the rise of Iwa in general, so any comments implying otherwise shall be dismissed. ;p I do like Sengun so far as well- he's a good foil to all the rampant enthusiasm and hopefulness that many of the candidates seem to embody to some extent. I would praise Lao also, but seeing as he has yet to be properly introduced in the thread... *Nudge nudge*

@Kiyoko Tomoe

You tell 'em, rival-chan! Don't let White push you or your characters into ships you yourself are not sold on! Mio deserves only the best ^.^

Also, hey- how's it going? I feel it's been too long since I've done any proper rival-things... but rest assured, I shall renew my efforts going forth thrice-fold!

[SIZE= 10px]If you're still interested or even care about all that now that is[/SIZE]
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Poor Mio. Apathy is not a good sign. She needs a ship to open her heart :x


@White Masquerade and just in case you were wondering, I'm waiting on you to set the scene because the Uchiha is ahead of Spear
Water is one of the more interesting substances imo because it can be all states of matter...except plasma :P

If water is heated enough, it can reach a plasma state. Although, this doesn't occur naturally like the other three, as far as I know.

Unrelated question. Would Jun be disappointed after finding out Kouta doesn't know about her singing career?

I feel like Mio's going to be forced into the third stage just because White deemed her best girl... I don't think Mio even wants to make it to the next stage, all she cares about is getting the exam over to please her clan then proceed to do her own tasks.

If that's the case, Kouta and Yoshinori might make it to the final stage.

Probably Makoto, insofar as it means a great deal more to her than it does to Yoshinori. While he'd likely shrug it off with mild disappointment, she would be devastated, especially if someone like Kidazoa beat her to it. And depending on how much craziness/ danger he's exposed to in this next stage, Yoshinori might well quit before he makes it to the tournament (Though whether he's willing to leave Kouta and Tsuyoi in a lurch by doing so is debatable). There's other components to the story going on outside the actual exams which would be interesting to explore with him, such as the knights from the Eastern empires, so I could still keep him busy.

That's the case with my characters as well. Tetsuo doesn't care about the exam at all, but wouldn't drag down his team to get out of it.

Yoshinori is in a pretty dangerous situation without access to Chakra or spiritual abilities, so it'd be understandable for him to quit. Kouta has quite a few methods of support with his bat summon and medical ninjutsu, so hopefully that will help out to some degree.
If water is heated enough, it can reach a plasma state. Although, this doesn't occur naturally like the other three, as far as I know.

Unrelated question. Would Jun be disappointed after finding out Kouta doesn't know about her singing career?

Ah, didn't know know that. Water is awesome^^

Yep. My dear child will be doubly disappointed if she finds out that he's just a clone. Not devastated though, if that's your question. The extent of her fame only reaches Kirigakure, and maybe a couple other countries. 

No, one would be foolhardy to underestimate the Kiri trio: if anything, they may well have the home-field advantage. And think of it this way- better they get the tensions and such out of the way now so they can pull together when it counts most. I look forward to seeing their progress ^.^

And yea, I'm still not sold on White casting Yoshinori as a best boy, but I'm otherwise satisfied with how he's been portrayed thus far. Amongst all the crazy powerhouses of the Naruto-verse, I think you need a few more realistic/ everyday kinds of folks to juxtapose all that. If he's come across as even somewhat relatable, then it's been successful.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

I'm glad you think so.

If best boy is someone warm and sincere on the inside and out, I don't think Yoshi really fits the bill for such a character. I like him tho, the same way I think of Torune's pov. Never really thought Chiaki fully fitted the best boy title either, but then, I couldn't choose someone else more suitable in the last rp =/ I think Akago and Maika were the closest.

Raina would've been my normal in the exam, but then White had an age limit. Now, instead of dueling Nao, she'll duel Rudy...which I find just as interesting^^ She'll be rooting for Sengun, since he seems to be Tainan Army's only representative in the chuunin exam. And Yoshi of course.
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@Kiyoko Tomoe

-_-  Fine. Keep your character! I'll just keep my opinions to myself then! Let's see if they find a fulfilling relationship without my help.


Tch. Alright Quirkstar. I'm going to remember this. If you feel, go on ahead and make Sakuya's future CS. I don't think Eye would mind at all.


No list of must-see places at all. It's up to whatever you are in the mood to see. Everything around here is pretty normal to me so nothing really stand out. I would say if you'd like a good view of the water to explore the Florida Keys. They're basically small pieces of Land in the middle of the Ocean. Horrible for hurricanes, but nice for sightseeing and relaxing. Montreal was a little bit chilly. Comfy temperature for me is about 80-105 degrees Fahrenheit. It must have been 70s the whole time there which made it a shock for my body. Still, putting on a coat was most days enough to keep warm.

I will be getting to Lao soon. I think he's one of my next upcoming posts.

Does anyone watch dbz?

I tried, but it was too much for me. It goes VERY slow  and I just don't find the non-saiyans interesting. If I see 1 more new transformation though, I am going to faint.


No problem. I thought that was the case. Thing should begin coming together for the characters soon.

So reading through the comments in the OOC today, I've decided to declare war on all of you. For the afterstory, I simply wanted to have fun and relax with all of you, but it's obvious I need to return back to my old ways. Just remember how you shunned my feelings and took my offer of kindness for granted as we move forward. 
@Kiyoko Tomoe

-_-  Fine. Keep your character! I'll just keep my opinions to myself then! Let's see if they find a fulfilling relationship without my help.


Tch. Alright Quirkstar. I'm going to remember this. If you feel, go on ahead and make Sakuya's future CS. I don't think Eye would mind at all.


No list of must-see places at all. It's up to whatever you are in the mood to see. Everything around here is pretty normal to me so nothing really stand out. I would say if you'd like a good view of the water to explore the Florida Keys. They're basically small pieces of Land in the middle of the Ocean. Horrible for hurricanes, but nice for sightseeing and relaxing. Montreal was a little bit chilly. Comfy temperature for me is about 80-105 degrees Fahrenheit. It must have been 70s the whole time there which made it a shock for my body. Still, putting on a coat was most days enough to keep warm.

I will be getting to Lao soon. I think he's one of my next upcoming posts.

I tried, but it was too much for me. It goes VERY slow  and I just don't find the non-saiyans interesting. If I see 1 more new transformation though, I am going to faint.


No problem. I thought that was the case. Thing should begin coming together for the characters soon.

So reading through the comments in the OOC today, I've decided to declare war on all of you. For the afterstory, I simply wanted to have fun and relax with all of you, but it's obvious I need to return back to my old ways. Just remember how you shunned my feelings and took my offer of kindness for granted as we move forward. 

Well that's not fair, I was still being nice to you =P
@Kiyoko Tomoe

-_-  Fine. Keep your character! I'll just keep my opinions to myself then! Let's see if they find a fulfilling relationship without my help.

I mean, you know I approve of your shipping, soo... I was simply saying I don't think it's in your job description as the ship-maker to force people to sail those ships. go ahead and make them though, I'll be more than happy to use the ones that work.
Ah, didn't know know that. Water is awesome^^

Yep. My dear child will be doubly disappointed if she finds out that he's just a clone. Not devastated though, if that's your question. The extent of her fame only reaches Kirigakure, and maybe a couple other countries.

Any substance can reach a plasma state, but water is still pretty cool. It's my favorite of the four natural elements.

It may be a clone, but it still has Kouta's will. Maybe Jun can put on a performance for a closing ceremony. If we reach that far.

If I see 1 more new transformation though, I am going to faint.

Future Trunks got a new transformation recently and there will probably be more to come.

Also, I was in favor of a relaxing afterstory. No need to declare war.
@Pequeno Burraidh

I know Pequeno. And that's why it pains me =/. But do your best. All this means is I'm going to go to the same level as it did last RP. Most made it out through that okay, so it should be fine. It is better things end this way. Rebirth started off intense, so it's only right to end it that way.


There was Blue + Kaoi-Ken, then Saiyan Rose. Now Future Trunks has this yellow/green colored form. It's too much.



@Kiyoko Tomoe

Aye. There are bigger things than shipping though. I will point out anything I see that may work though.
I know Pequeno. And that's why it pains me =/. But do your best. All this means is I'm going to go to the same level as it did last RP. Most made it out through that okay, so it should be fine. It is better things end this way. Rebirth started off intense, so it's only right to end it that way.

I'm leaving now if that's how it's gonna be. I'm still trying to help my characters recover from the last part of this RP, so there's absolutely no way I'll be able to survive a second wave of it :/
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@Lucem Tenebris

=P There's nothing you need to worry about.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Lol. Do what you got to do Tmo. All I can say is if you do remain, don't purposefully put your characters in dangerous situations and you'll be absolutely fine.


Haha. I could never allow myself to get that smug. I am a "light-side" person. A smug smirk like that can only come from evil.

Tch. Alright Quirkstar. I'm going to remember this. If you feel, go on ahead and make Sakuya's future CS. I don't think Eye would mind at all.

Remember what? What did I say? I don't remember =P

I'll need to look at Sakuya's old cs to make a new cs for her. In the meantime, I'll make the Kakureyami character I originally planned to start with...the one that was replaced by Shinsei for pc =)

It may be a clone, but it still has Kouta's will. Maybe Jun can put on a performance for a closing ceremony. If we reach that far.

Also, I was in favor of a relaxing afterstory. No need to declare war.

She probably will if the Chuunin exam ends peacefully. If not...she'll be singing war songs T_T

Haha. Let's just hope no war is declared.

I'm leaving now if that's how it's gonna be. I'm still trying to help my characters recover from the last part of this RP, so there's absolutely no way I'll be able to survive a second wave of it :/

Relax Kiyo. We can survive if we work together.
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don't purposefully put your characters in dangerous situations and you'll be absolutely fine.

"Purposefully." You mean like last time? When I tried to keep Shinobu out of dangerous situations yet she had her mind completely torn apart and forced back together by you? you mean like how Toshiro literally just stepped outside and way above everyone to see what was going on and suddenly lost all his limbs? Yeah, I remember those characters being absolutely fine after I did nothing to really give them such horrid treatment xD
@Kiyoko Tomoe

-_-  Fine. Keep your character! I'll just keep my opinions to myself then! Let's see if they find a fulfilling relationship without my help.


Tch. Alright Quirkstar. I'm going to remember this. If you feel, go on ahead and make Sakuya's future CS. I don't think Eye would mind at all.


No list of must-see places at all. It's up to whatever you are in the mood to see. Everything around here is pretty normal to me so nothing really stand out. I would say if you'd like a good view of the water to explore the Florida Keys. They're basically small pieces of Land in the middle of the Ocean. Horrible for hurricanes, but nice for sightseeing and relaxing. Montreal was a little bit chilly. Comfy temperature for me is about 80-105 degrees Fahrenheit. It must have been 70s the whole time there which made it a shock for my body. Still, putting on a coat was most days enough to keep warm.

I will be getting to Lao soon. I think he's one of my next upcoming posts.

I tried, but it was too much for me. It goes VERY slow  and I just don't find the non-saiyans interesting. If I see 1 more new transformation though, I am going to faint.


No problem. I thought that was the case. Thing should begin coming together for the characters soon.

So reading through the comments in the OOC today, I've decided to declare war on all of you. For the afterstory, I simply wanted to have fun and relax with all of you, but it's obvious I need to return back to my old ways. Just remember how you shunned my feelings and took my offer of kindness for granted as we move forward. 

I was thinking about doing a dbz roleplay once i finish my drifters one
@White Masquerade


The Japanese class I'm taking is pretty handy. I can understand most of this since it's just Hiragana and Katakana. Even though Mimikyu doesn't evolve, I might still end up using it because it's cute and sort of depressing.
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Also, for people waiting on the answer to the Stage 1 riddle? You want the explanation here or in the RP? If it's in the RP, it will probably be near the end, or never.

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