Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC


Asking you since you're up, what do you think of the going on's of the latest post?

I think we're seeing a different side to Rei.

I also think the Kiri ninjas won't be very happy if Rei brings in the Peacekeepers...any more than they're happy with Tainan bringing in his soldiers. But then, the Chuunin Exam became a public event, one open to the world, so anyone can basically come if their excuse is going to watch the chuunin exam.

I'll sleep eventually. Most likely on Friday.

I pray for your sake that Friday comes soon.
@Pequeno BurraidhSo Rokoriko is the target? It's interesting to see two sharks chasing down a cat.

Two fish chasing a cat, yes, quite humorous.

I think we're seeing a different side to Rei.

I also think the Kiri ninjas won't be very happy if Rei brings in the Peacekeepers...any more than they're happy with Tainan bringing in his soldiers. But then, the Chuunin Exam became a public event, one open to the world, so anyone can basically come if their excuse is going to watch the chuunin exam.

I think it's very easy for people to totally forget that it's been fifteen years since they've seen Rei, or even just thirteen or so since the Sister's Crescent incident. Besides, Rei doesn't want to bring in any of her Peacekeepers, but she is not pleased with the threat to Rokoriko. She planned for Chunin examinations and the risk it would impose, but for someone to personally hunt down and assault her child?

Displeased is a bit of an understatement.
Two fish chasing a cat, yes, quite humorous.

I think it's very easy for people to totally forget that it's been fifteen years since they've seen Rei, or even just thirteen or so since the Sister's Crescent incident. Besides, Rei doesn't want to bring in any of her Peacekeepers, but she is not pleased with the threat to Rokoriko. She planned for Chunin examinations and the risk it would impose, but for someone to personally hunt down and assault her child?

Displeased is a bit of an understatement.

I don't blame her for being upset.

This is Chiaki's first time meeting Rei, so he's just beginning to form an opinion of her. Shinsei, on the other hand, would be very amused should he see the spectacle. What Rei wants and what she does will ultimately determine what sort of character she becomes and what sort of friends/enemies she'll make. I look forward to seeing Rei grow as character =) 
I don't blame her for being upset.

This is Chiaki's first time meeting Rei, so he's just beginning to form an opinion of her. Shinsei, on the other hand, would be very amused should he see the spectacle. What Rei wants and what she does will ultimately determine what sort of character she becomes and what sort of friends/enemies she'll make. I look forward to seeing Rei grow as character =) 

I think Chiaki will be glad to know that his son Nao was being protected by a woman that can throw people leagues away and into the sea xD
I think Chiaki will be glad to know that his son Nao was being protected by a woman that can throw people leagues away and into the sea xD

Chiaki's not all knowing. He knows Rei's chakra is on Nao every time the boy visits Hato no Tochi. He knows it's not malevolent. Quite the opposite. But he doesn't know what its purpose is...and is a little wary that Rei's marking his son with her chakra.

But yes. Should Chiaki find out that Rei is protecting Nao, he would be very relieved. The boy tends to get himself into lots of trouble with his wandering ways.   
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Chiaki's not all knowing. He knows Rei's chakra is on Nao every time the boy visits Hato no Tochi. He knows it's not malevolent. Quite the opposite. But he doesn't know what it's purpose is...and is a little wary that Rei's marking his son with her chakra.

But yes. Should Chiaki find out that Rei was protecting Nao, he would be very relieved. The boy tends to get himself into lots of trouble with his wandering ways.   

All Chiaki needs to do is ask Rei what it's for  xD

Even with her rant, her sole baseline is that she wants to protect people, so I mean, yea lol
All Chiaki needs to do is ask Rei what it's for  xD

Even with her rant, her sole baseline is that she wants to protect people, so I mean, yea lol

Yes, Rei is on Chiaki's list of people he wants to talk to. Along with: Tainan, Soyoka, the Hokage, Daradei, Haruto, and possibly Mitsuzune. Currently he's enjoying the enjoying the festivities with his wife, who's his priority at the moment. I can't say who I'll have him interact with next. Though I'm leaning towards either Tainan or Soyoka. Depends on whether I feel like getting into deep conversations or more light-hearted ones.  
Yes, Rei is on Chiaki's list of people he wants to talk to. Along with: Tainan, Soyoka, the Hokage, Daradei, Haruto, and possibly Mitsuzune. Currently he's enjoying the enjoying the festivities with his wife, who's his priority at the moment. I can't say who I'll have him interact with next. Though I'm leaning towards either Tainan or Soyoka. Depends on whether I feel like getting into deep conversations or more light-hearted ones.  

I do get a personal kick that the most open and friendliest place is the one the people have the most questions about xD
Well, not so much friendly anymore. I wonder if Rei's outburst will draw any animosity.

There may very well be, though anyone who can fault Rei for being angry at the lack of security that let a hulking shark-man assail her daughter clearly would have no children themselves. Would Chiaki or Kouki or any other parent from Rebirth have taken such an action towards their child so lightly?
Well, not so much friendly anymore. I wonder if Rei's outburst will draw any animosity.

A shark-man did just try to kill her daughter, so the reaction is understandable.

There may very well be, though anyone who can fault Rei for being angry at the lack of security that let a hulking shark-man assail her daughter clearly would have no children themselves. Would Chiaki or Kouki or any other parent from Rebirth have taken such an action towards their child so lightly?

There are some pretty strong parents in this RP. Masima got off very easy with Rei just tossing him in the water.
A shark-man did just try to kill her daughter, so the reaction is understandable.

There are some pretty strong parents in this RP. Masima got off very easy with Rei just tossing him in the water.

He's lucky he's got naturally tough skin and can survive high pressure, cos he's gonna hit the water bloody hard xD

But it is a very Rei thing to do. She doesn't get mad or angry or upset, but even when she does, she kicked him once and then tossed him. She's still super nice about things. Kouki would have killed him though I'll bet, or just hurt him real bad.
I'm not sure if he would have killed Masima. He's killed a lot of people since he was a child and has tried to avoid taking lives over the years. If Kouta had actually been harmed, it would have been an instant death.
Fair enough I suppose. No death unless harm befell the child. Though Rokoriko has a couple perks to being her that let her avoid trouble. 

Honestly one of the things I've found myself enjoying the most already is how our characters have changed with their children and new responsibilities and the like. It's really nice. Even Shinsei's grown up a bit, and that's saying something xD

Now we just need to explore our new characters, and we're all going to have a blast.
There may very well be, though anyone who can fault Rei for being angry at the lack of security that let a hulking shark-man assail her daughter clearly would have no children themselves. Would Chiaki or Kouki or any other parent from Rebirth have taken such an action towards their child so lightly?

Mhm. The security provided by Tainan's men might be put into question. Which may or may not lead to interesting consequences.

I don't think anyone will fault Rei for being angry. The ones that do get upset, if they get upset, would probably be more annoyed because of who she chose to vent her anger on.

It'll depend on the situation. And who's attacking Nao/Jun/Shingetsu. This is the chuunin exam after all. If his children make it to the tourney, Chiaki'll be watching his children get attacked a lot (by other children). Whether or not he interferes largely depends on the severity of the damages done.
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Mhm. The security provided by Tainan's men might be put into question. Which may or may not lead to interesting consequences.

I don't think anyone will fault Rei for being angry. The ones that do get upset, if they get upset, would probably be more annoyed because of who she chose to vent her anger on.

It'll depend on the situation. And who's attacking Nao/Jun/Shingetsu. This is the chuunin exam after all. If his children make it to the tourney, Chiaki'll be watching his children get attacked a lot (by other children). Whether or not he interferes largely depends on the severity of the damages done.

Well, they are all the ones in charge, and Tainan did seem to bring the most extra security =P
Fair enough I suppose. No death unless harm befell the child. Though Rokoriko has a couple perks to being her that let her avoid trouble. 

Honestly one of the things I've found myself enjoying the most already is how our characters have changed with their children and new responsibilities and the like. It's really nice. Even Shinsei's grown up a bit, and that's saying something xD

Now we just need to explore our new characters, and we're all going to have a blast.

It also depends on the severity as well. You never know what the decision will be until it happens.

It's nice to explore the old characters while still focusing on the new ones. I look forward to seeing where it all goes.

Mhm. The security provided by Tainan's men might be put into question. Which may or may not lead to interesting consequences.

I don't think anyone will fault Rei for being angry. The ones that do get upset, if they get upset, would probably be more annoyed because of who she chose to vent her anger on.

It'll depend on the situation. And who's attacking Nao/Jun/Shingetsu. This is the chuunin exam after all. If his children make it to the tourney, Chiaki'll be watching his children get attacked a lot (by other children). Whether or not he interferes largely depends on the severity of the damages done.

I think Tainan can deal with Rei's frustrations calmly, but I'd like to see what reactions will come from the other Kage. Everyone isn't exactly on good terms either. Peace and unity are a big focus for these exams, but it could easily fall apart if certain buttons are pushed.

I'm sure there will be some drama. There's already problems cropping up in a lot of places.
It also depends on the severity as well. You never know what the decision will be until it happens.

It's nice to explore the old characters while still focusing on the new ones. I look forward to seeing where it all goes.

I think Tainan can deal with Rei's frustrations calmly, but I'd like to see what reactions will come from the other Kage. Everyone isn't exactly on good terms either. Peace and unity are a big focus for these exams, but it could easily fall apart if certain buttons are pushed.

I'm sure there will be some drama. There's already problems cropping up in a lot of places.

I can see things falling apart too. It usually starts with one person putting the blame on another. Then more pointing fingers. Then chaos.
Pfft, please, it's not like Raina had her own shark person to deal with, and what's Shinsei's problem? It's not like his past has stalked up on and confronted him or anything...

Haha, right? It's totally not their fault if the shark-man managed to sneak into the courtyard and tried to harm one of the chuunin exam participants xD  

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