Naruto Rebirth: Knights OOC

The Suna kids would be an interesting battle for Tetsuo, since sand is one of his main weapons. Their village is fine now, right?

Tetsuo has just as much care for Suna as he does the Land of Iron. He's not really that passionate about either of them, mostly trying to make his parents happy by showing respect. He prefers the Land of Light due to its weather. It's not extremely cold or hot.

Yes. The village is okay now. While i like his use of Sand, I excommunicate Tetsuo. He is not officially recognized or accepted Suna nin. And =/. Why do you always break my heart thinking something bad will happen? I've been on display for 1 year and a half. We came out okay, yes? We will be fine again!

LOL no

Definitely not with that emoji

What makes me laugh, is how when I read your messages to me, I look to the left and see a man holding a gun to my face.
Yes. The village is okay now. While i like his use of Sand, I excommunicate Tetsuo. He is not officially recognized or accepted Suna nin. And =/. Why do you always break my heart thinking something bad will happen? I've been on display for 1 year and a half. We came out okay, yes? We will be fine again!

Technically, he's not a ninja at all. He never graduated from an academy.

I'm naturally cautious when things seem to be going well. I know that calamity will strike as soon as I let my guard down.
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@White Masquerade

Likes: What do I like? A grand around-the-world adventure, of course! Visiting all the cities of the world, helping those who are in need, and even having lives put on for me out of gratitude! I wonder if maybe instead of a dragon, I was an angel all along?

Dislikes: What do I dislike? Things like swords that shoot out beams, or people who ride on horses despite being lancers! People who try and beat you up with their fists even though they're casters! I find that a liiiittle weird. It doesn't make any sense!

Grail: Holy grail? I seem to have picked up a lot of them, but were they actually something rare!? Really!?

Event: Seems like a special event has started. That's it for our rest. It's time to collect all those rare items!

Birthday: Happy Birthday! At any rate, putting on generations is a good thing! Doesn't your heart flutter just by hearing Eri-chan Fantasy 2, or 3?

Have Nero: Nero's here!! Fu, this is the best! The time has finally come! It was awful for me while I was a Lancer, but now we can finally have a fair face-to-face duel!

Have Gawain: Hey! Hey hey hey! I passed by an amazing servant in the hallway just now. He had golden hair, a kind-looking smile, was tall but quite solidly built, and silver armour... what, what an ideal prince he is! He must be that! You know, an elegant knight with 3 Artes cards! ... Eh? A Goritine* with 3 Buster cards? Haha, no way...
*An amalgamation of Gorilla and Galatine

Have Robin Hood: Master, I'm hungry. I wanna eat some delicious fruit, or something. That green archer is around, isn't he? Order him to prepare some. Even though he looks like that, he can do pretty much anything.

Have Tamamo Lancer: How shrewd of that fox, to have changed into a swimsuit like that! And she's a Lancer too!? ... Muu, when it comes to the cuteness of our tails I definitely don't lose!

Bond 1: The crimson heroine who has dashingly arrived during the world's crisis! Her name is, Heroine Elizabeth! I'm also aiming for a Hollywood adaptation someday, so in regards to that, please take care of me!

Bond 2: Ufufu, I honestly didn't know what to think when I became a Saber, but after trying it out, it's quite worthwhile in its own way. Or is being able to fight so comfortably thanks to you, I wonder?

Bond 3: Why don't you learn a recovery skill and become a Paladin, you say? As a celebrity, I say no thank you to that. A knight is one who serves another, right? I'm not interested in that.

Bond 4: My skill with the sword has improved greatly, my fame as a hero is on the rise, and on top of that you've also leveled up as my assistant! Ufufu, a 4-man party is the basics when it comes to being a hero, but once in a while it wouldn't be bad to have an adventure just for the two of us!

Bond 5: ... alright, it's about time to invite him. Summon your courage and invite him just like a heroine would! Listen, Master! It seems a dragon has decided to make some nearby cave its home! Let's go and defeat it together right now, and on the way back... wh... w-why don't we stay the night at an inn!?

Flat Dragon Girls are A-OK. But I still want Tiamat to be busty. It also seems like Archers are doomed to be caretakers - now Robin Hood has been cursed with this fate. 

WWW.Working!! continues to be good and it's just dawned on me that the two series are actually cat and dog themed. 


Sasuga Takatsu. 
I ship Tatsuo and Shingetsu.  :x

It will continue during December. It won't continue after December. After December, I will have no plans whatsoever. If I find some good roleplays I'm interested in, I may be around.

I hope you find some good roleplays then. Tbh, I've never held much interest in Naruto until Rebirth. Even now, I hold more fascination in the story of the rp and the direction you're taking it rather than the fandom itself.

Technically, he's not a ninja at all. He never graduated from an academy.

I'm naturally cautious when things seem to be going well. I know that calamity will strike as soon as I let my guard down.

Chiaki's a ninja and I don't believe he's ever graduated any academy.

Well that was a fun post =P

Did Rei's fight with the shark-guy happen before Tsukiko left the village or after she left it?
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I ship Tatsuo and Shingetsu.  :x

I hope you find some good roleplays then. Tbh, I've never held much interest in Naruto until Rebirth. Even now, I hold more fascination in the story of the rp and the direction your taking it rather than the fandom itself.

Chiaki's a ninja and I don't believe he's ever graduated any academy.

Did Rei's fight with the shark-guy happen before Tsukiko left the village or after she left it?

Did Tsukiko leave and I forgot? If so which post was it?
Chiaki's a ninja and I don't believe he's ever graduated any academy.

Does he have an official title now that he's working as a diplomat for Kiri? He took the Jonin exams, so I'd guess that would include the knowledge someone would learn in the academy in order to become a ninja.
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Does he have an official title now that he's working as a diplomat for Kiri? diplomats have titles? He's got plenty of nicknames, but I haven't really thought of an official title.

Oh, that was about a week ago then, yea I likely completely forgot. Well let me just see what else I can figure then and in the mean time Rei's words are sort of in limbo.

Ah okay then. For a while I thought you were retro-posting, which I do tend to do when the rp gets too far ahead. diplomats have titles? He's got plenty of nicknames, but I haven't really thought of an official title.

Ah okay then. For a while I thought you were retro-posting, which I do tend to do when the rp gets too far ahead.

Too late in the time stream for a retro post, but yea, over a week ago I just forgot that she left. diplomats have titles? He's got plenty of nicknames, but I haven't really thought of an official title

They're sorted by ranks, rather than titles. Things like Ambassador, Minister, etc. It was a poorly phrased question. I haven't slept in quite a while.
 He took the Jonin exams, so I'd guess that would include the knowledge someone would learn in the academy in order to become a ninja.

He learned how to be a ninja from Sumire, then enlisted in the Kumo refugee camp at the age of 15 for a couple months before the whole thing with Kumo Castle. Did a lot of self-studying to become like his parents.That was how I started him off. I don't know how ranks were determined in the camps.

As for the Jonin exam in Kiri...I took a bit of liberty with that =P Though I figured Kiri would be eager to fill up their ranks and promote more ninjas after the Kakureyami war. 

They're sorted by ranks, rather than titles. Things like Ambassador, Minister, etc. It was a poorly phrased question. I haven't slept in quite a while.

Lol. Sleep Luce.

It's a fair question. Tbh, I hadn't really thought about Chiaki's rank. Position-wise, I imagined he'd be closer to an Ambassador...though I'm not sure if Kiri has that many Minister?
@Pequeno BurraidhSo Rokoriko is the target? It's interesting to see two sharks chasing down a cat.

He learned how to be a ninja from Sumire, then enlisted in the Kumo refugee camp at the age of 15 for a couple months before the whole thing with Kumo Castle. Did a lot of self-studying to become like his parents.That was how I started him off. I don't know how ranks were determined in the camps.

As for the Jonin exam in Kiri...I took a bit of liberty with that =P Though I figured Kiri would be eager to fill up their ranks and promote more ninjas after the Kakureyami war. 

Lol. Sleep Luce.

It's a fair question. Tbh, I hadn't really thought about Chiaki's rank. Position-wise, I imagined he'd be closer to an Ambassador...though I'm not sure if Kiri has that many Minister?

I always wondered how the ranks functioned within the camp during the beginning, since I joined during the six month time skip. I figured that people were assigned to their ranks based on how well they performed in combat, or something along those lines.

I'll sleep eventually. Most likely on Friday.

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