Naruto: Corruption of Shinobi


Three Thousand Club

  1. All RPNation rules apply.
  2. Canon and non canon characters are allowed.
  3. this is a pg-13 thread, romance is ok, but nothing too sexual.
  4. mild language is ok
  5. mild sexual themes are ok
  6. no one liners, four sentence minimum.
  7. don't get all huffy if something about the story is off, it's fanfiction RP for a reason.
  8. try to keep canon's as close to the actual characters as possible, however OC for canons are allowed.

character skelly:

  • Name
  • Village
  • Affiliation
  • Ninja status(missing nin, jonin, etc.)
  • clan
  • age
  • appearance
  • kekkei genkai(if any.)
  • release styles
  • ultimate jutsu
  • backstory
  • personality
  • affect the chaos has on this character:

Update! Sorry but I'm gonna need some extra stuff. What I want is for every Rper to provide a description of how the events of the story are affecting each of your characters, and ranks and anything related to villages don't matter as this in this Rp the villages have been ruined, this is supposed to be out right chaos.

Name: Sasuke

Village: Konohagakure

Affilation: Taka

Ninja Status: missing-nin

Clan: Uchiha

Age: 16


Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan

Release Styles: Lightning Release, Fire Release, Blaze Release

Ultimate Jutsu: Kirin, Amaterasu, Susano'o


Sasuke as an infant.

Sasuke is the second and youngest son of the Konoha Military Police Force captain and Uchiha clan head:Fugaku Uchiha, and his wife Mikoto. Mikoto named him after the father of the Third Hokage in hopes that he would grow up to be a great ninja like his namesake.[4] As a child, Sasuke grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Itachi Uchiha who was an acknowledged prodigy viewed by the Uchiha clan as a genius, and whose work would further strengthen the bonds between the village and the clan. Sasuke's father in particular took an active interest in Itachi, thereby neglecting Sasuke. Itachi, on the other hand, was rather ambivalent and full of oddly conflicting undercurrents, acknowledging Sasuke by taking interest in his progress as a ninja and spending time playing with him when even their father did not. Even after Sasuke enrolled in the Academy, he was still unable to escape Itachi's shadow.[5] Despite consistently scoring at the top of every class, Sasuke failed to receive any recognition from his father, who defined Sasuke's success only in terms of his older brother.[6] Itachi acknowledged the rivalry Sasuke felt telling him: "We are brothers. I am the wall you must climb over, so you and I will continue to exist together." Nevertheless, Itachi deeply cared for his younger brother and Sasuke looked up to Itachi, wanting to be more like him.

Sasuke and Itachi when they were younger.

The relationship between Itachi and his father deteriorated further after Itachi was questioned by other members of the Uchiha clan regarding the apparent suicide of his best friend, Shisui. As Itachi's behaviour became increasingly bizarre, Sasuke's father began spending more time with Sasuke, and began teaching him the Great Fireball Technique, a common family technique seen as a sign of coming of age in the Uchiha clan.[7] When Sasuke first tried to perform the technique, he only produced a small flame and after that, some smoke. His father said that Itachi was able to do it on his first try at Sasuke's age, which disappointed him. Later, with one week of training, Sasuke (age 7 at the time) performed the technique in front of his father, proving himself a prodigy as well in his own right and finally receiving his father's recognition. Sasuke's father told him that he could now proudly wear the clan's emblem on his back. Following this, Sasuke also received a stern warning not to follow in Itachi's footsteps any further, surprising him as before, he was told to be like him; and his father showing he was proud of Sasuke for the first time the same way as he used to with Itachi.

At some point in the past, Sasuke joined Itachi on a mission to catch a wild boar. Sasuke was wielding a bow and was told by Itachi not to hit any vital points. However, Sasuke missed the boar completely. Eventually they defeated the boar and Sasuke apologised for being so off, Itachi responded by telling him that he needed to train more.[8]

On one fateful night, Itachi slew every member of the Uchiha clan, sparing only Sasuke, saying that he was not even worth killing. In addition, Itachi told him, "You've always wanted to surpass me. That's why I'm going to let you live… if you wish to kill me, then hate me, despise me… and by all means flee, cling to your wretched life." Itachi also revealed to Sasuke where the secret meeting place of the Uchiha was hidden, and suggested that Sasuke go there to learn what the true history and purpose of the Sharingan was. He told him that "to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan," he "had to kill the person he was closest to", and that "when we battle, we should have the same eyes". Sasuke thought he had fainted after this, but later remembered that he had managed to stand back up, awaken his Sharingan, and pursued Itachi. Upon reaching Itachi, he used knives to knock off hisforehead protector. Itachi was seen shedding a tear as he was picking up the forehead protector. He then proceeded to incapacitate Sasuke, who awoke in the hospital remembering only that which Itachi wanted him to.

Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry in the Academy.

When Sasuke first met Naruto Uzumaki in the Academy, they were matched to spar against each other. Naruto was excited at the opportunity to defeat Sasuke and become popular like him, but he was easily beaten. By looking at Sasuke's eyes, Naruto realised that they were so filled with hatred that it seemed that he wasn't even looking at Naruto. When Iruka told them to make the reconciliation seal, they both refused.[9] Up until his graduation from the Academy, Sasuke remained a loner and never acknowledged Naruto's attempts to defeat him, considering him a hopeless dead-last and as such, someone not worth his time or energy.

personality: When he was a child, Sasuke was very kind, loving towards his parents and older brother and respectful to his fellow clansmen as well as his teachers. He was even very proud of being Itachi's brother and Fugaku's son — famous for being devoted protectors of Konoha, and he desired to emulate them. His original dream was to join the Konoha Military Police Force when he grew up, like his father and as such greatly sought his father's approval and acknowledgement of his abilities.[10] After Itachi massacred the clan, Sasuke's ideals and personality changed drastically due to him suffering his clan's curse and became cold, indifferent, cruel, cynical, somewhat arrogant, unreasonable and devoted the next nine years of his life to kill Itachi.[11]

When first introduced to Team Kakashi, Sasuke displayed great indifference to his team-mates as well as others. Feeling superior to all of them, including his teacher, Sasuke was unwilling to cooperate with any of his team-mates, as he felt they would provide him no aid in furthering his ambition to kill his brother; this attitude affected his grades in the Academy after losing his clan, he had the lowest score in cooperation and second lowest in assertiveness.[12] However over time, as he interacted more with his team mates on a day-to-day basis, he began to see them as somewhat of a family and Sasuke started to lose some of his hatred, caring more about his team than his revenge. Sasuke even admitted to Naruto that he almost thought that he must forget about his revenge and instead focus on Team 7. However, Orochimaru branded Sasuke with the Cursed Seal of Heaven during the Chūnin Exams to help push him back into his desire for vengeance and to give him a taste of power. Although Kakashi Hatake sealed away the cursed seal, and taught him theChidori in the hopes of deviating him from the path of revenge, Sasuke began to draw more power from the seal in the hopes of getting stronger. This caused his previous ambition to be renewed while causing him to disregard camaraderie once again.

According to Kakashi, Sasuke has both a superiority and an inferiority complex, as he is unwilling to acknowledge when someone is stronger than him, but obsesses when he believes that they are. For example, he was complacent with his rivalry with Naruto when he believed he was the stronger of the two, but upon noticing Naruto's fast growth, showcased in his victory over Sunagakure'sjinchūriki, Gaara, who had previously beaten Sasuke, and his own quick defeat by Itachi on his return to Konoha, all culminated in his

defection to Otogakure to seek power from Orochimaru.

affect the chaos has on this character: when the villages fell into chaos and everyone defected, Sasuke didn't see it as his problem, however the constant having to defend himself and his team is affecting his personality in such ways that he doesn't get to sleep as much anymore, making him grouchy, more grouch than usual, he has less patients, and it's scarring him emotionally because he constantly finds dead bodies, though he pretends it doesn't phase him.
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Name: Zabuza

Village: Village Hidden in the Mist

Affilation: none

Ninja Status: S-class criminal, assassin, Seven Ninja Swordsman.

Clan: Momochi

Age: 21


affect the chaos has on this character: The Hidden Mist Village collapsing didn't make Zabuza morn. In fact he rather in joyed it. He maliciously laughed to himself as the great Hidden Mist was destroyed. He even partook in some of the destruction himself. Killing as many people as he could get his hands on.

Kekkei Genkai: none

release styles: Water release

Ultimate Jutsu: Hidden Mist Jutsu

backstory: During the term of the Fourth Mizukage,Yagura, Kirigakure began the practice of pitting Academy graduates against each other in death matches as a final exam with the exceptionally skilled students named prime candidates for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. After Zabuza, not yet a student himself, killed over one hundred of his classmates, the practice was discontinued and he would thereafter be known as the "Demon of the Hidden Mist".

personality: Zabuza was initially portrayed as aggressive, arrogant, cruel, cold and ambitious, willing to becomeGato's thug to gain enough funds to start a second coup d'etat on the Mizukage, and kill anyone who stood in his path, including plotting to kill Gat? once he had received enough funds from him. His reputation for cruelty and ruthlessness began as a child where he killed every single candidate in Kirigakure's Academy, earning him the moniker of "Demon of the Hidden Mist" (??????,Kirigakure no Kijin). He willingly uses his own men and others as pawns to fulfil his ambitions, as he raised Haku to be an efficient tool to be discarded when he had no use to exploit; although unlike future antagonists, he was blunt about the purpose that his recruits were needed for, lacking the manipulation of pretending to be benevolent to inspire loyalty.

He is an observant adversary who is able to analyse his opponent's techniques after seeing it once, but becomes overconfident if he sees the technique as useless. In his last moments, it is revealed that he cared deeply for Haku, and after being convinced by Naruto Uzumaki, he sacrifices his life to kill Gat?, and dies wishing he could join Haku in the afterlife. However, he seems reluctant to speak or hear about it, telling whoever does so to shut up. Kakashi has also noted that Zabuza had hesitated for a moment before the thought of slashing through Haku to get to Kakashi during their battle on the bridge.
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  • Name : Nix Nara
  • Village: Konoha
  • Affiliation: None
  • Ninja status: Joinin
  • clan: Nara
  • age: 16
  • appearance: image below ^_^
  • kekkei genkai(if any.)
  • release styles: Water Release/ Shadow Style
  • Ultimate Jutsu: Shadow Style: Shadow Thief
  • Back story: As member of the Nara clan Nix has taken up the Shadow Style and start training at 5 when he could take in information. His ability to take in information and use it to his advantage makes his father happy as well as his eagerness to master the Shadow Style.
  • Personality: A guy who really likes to mind his own buisness unless someone is being treating wrongly. His love for music helps out especially when he's angry. He doesn't like doing much except train and learn more jutsu. Also unless your a good friend of his don't judge him.... it's bad to do that
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Just so it is known I'm wearing the "Slade" helmet from my signature when I first join Akatsuki. For the reason to hide who I really am, and Deceive the others until my battle helmet is broken. And who breaks it is still undetermined. 

GoddessOfGod said:



Basic Information


♣ Name: Karin Uzumaki | 香燐♣ Nickname: Ginger

♣ Gender: Female

♣ Age: 16

♣ Clan: Uzumaki Clan (うずまき一族, Uzumaki Ichizoku)

♣ Looks:

Karin has red eyes, matching hair color, and an unusual hairstyle: her hair is short, pointy, and unkempt on the right side, while it is long, pin-straight and combed on her left side. She wears brown glasses, a lavender uniform common for Orochimaru's subordinates, short black shorts, and long black thigh high stockings with black sandals. Her chest, neck and arms are covered with bite marks that result from using her Heal Bite, and all of which are hidden by her uniform.

As she is allied with Hebi, Karin begins to wear a pouch around her midsection, and later a black cloak. When allied with Akatsuki, Karin wears an Akatsuki cloak with a hood instead of a high collar. After the fight with Killer B, Karin briefly put her hair in a ponytail.

♣ Personality :

Karin has a fluctuating personality; she will appear tough and in control at times, to the point of being violent and critical, and at other times will appear highly flirtatious. She annoys Suigetsu Hōzuki, whom she attacks whenever he voices his general opinion of her. She seems to be attracted to men based on their chakra quality, and claims that Suigetsu's chakra disgusts her. Sasuke Uchiha's chakra used to dazzle her, but it now scares her, due to it getting colder and darker from his hatred. Naruto Uzumaki's seems to calm and dazzle her as well, making her feel comfortable and relaxed due to it being warm and bright, though she also became scared after sensing an evil chakra within him.

She, like many girls in Konoha before her, had been infatuated with Sasuke since they first met; when he saved her during the Chūnin Exams. In the anime, she has a flashback of when Orochimaru sends her to assist Sasuke in capturing a horde of escaped prisoners. There, she is captivated by the level of Sasuke's chakra and develops an infatuation with him. Karin's infatuation bordered on obsession to the point of fanaticism. For example, when Hebi was recuperating after Sasuke's battle with Deidara, Karin was planning to drug both Suigetsu and Jūgo and then "ravish" Sasuke's unconscious body and it was later revealed that she had kept one of Sasuke's sweat-drenched shirts. Karin didn't make much of an attempt to hide her feelings, frequently suggesting to Sasuke that they should spend time alone. Karin was very angry when the Fifth Mizukage flirted with Sasuke, and called her an "old hag" for it. Despite Sasuke's chakra becoming increasingly "darker", she still found him attractive. However, after he stabbed her in order to kill Danzō and tried to kill her, Karin stated that she no longer cares about him.


Village Information


♧ Village of Birth ♧ ♧ Village of Alliance ♧

Kusagakure Sunagakure


Rank//Chakra Information


♣ Ninja Rank: Kage

♣ Specialty: Mind's Eye of the Kagura | Chakra Suppression | Boar Summoning

♣ Elements:

• Katon → B-Rank (In Progress)

• Doton → B-Rank (In Progress)

• Suiton → C-Rank (In Progress)

• Futon → C-Rank (In Progress)

♣ Techniques:

• Kenjutsu → (In Progress)

• Ninjutsu → E-Rank (Basic)

• Summoning → Boars

♣ Karin's Techniques:

Chakra Henkanshi no Jutsu | Chakra Sensing Technique

Rank: C
Type: Supplementary

Range: Short - Long

Chakra cost: 15

Damage points: N/A

Description: This is a very advanced of advancing the ability to feel chakra. The technique allows the user to concentrate and detect someones chakra. Using these technique sensors can tell when the enemy is approaching and can easily track down targets. (Techniques activation lasts 5 turns)

Note: Can only be used by bio with sensory ability

Chakra Yokuatsu no Jutsu | Chakra Suppression Technique

Rank: C

Type: Supplementary

Range: Short

Chakra cost: 15 (-10 per turn to keep active)

Damage points: N/A

Description: This ability allows the user to suppress their chakra to the point that it is completely undetectable. This makes it impossible for chakra sensory-type ninja to track them via their chakra signal. However there is some downside to the technique, whilst suppressing their chakra they cannot use any of the ninja skills.

Note: Cannot prevent doujutsu users from detecting them.

Chiyu Hitonomi | Healing Bite

Rank: A

Type: Supplementary

Range: Short

Chakra cost: 30

Damage points: N/A

Description: Karin can heal others wounds by having them bite into her skin and suck out her chakra. In addition to rapidly depleting her chakra reserves, Karin is left with a permanent bite mark every time she uses it. Due to this depletion of chakra, it is dangerous for her to use this ability more than once a day.

Note: Must possess Karin bio

Boar Summoning

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kiba Buta Joutei | Summoning: Tusk Boar Lord

Type: Summon
Rank: S

Range: Short

Chakra Cost: 40

Damage Points: N/A

Description: User bites there finger drawing blood then preforms a row of 15 handseals then slams their hand to the ground summoning the Boars Tusk Lord from where ever he maybe. The Tusk Boar Lord is a huge boar standing 10'4"ft (just over 3.4 meters i think) from huff to arch in his back. the Tusk Boar Lord is a master of Genjutsu and Earth jutsu's he can preform up to A-Rank and down Genjutsu with little effort. Tusk Boar can only use Earth jutsu C-Rank and down more effort than his Genjutsu. The Tusk Boars Lord has a thick hide capable of blocking C-Rank and down elemantal jutsus, along with having a strong mind due to extensive training with Genjutsu capable of blocking Genjutsu B-Rank and down.

Note: Tusk Boar Lords Genjutsu counts as a move.

Note: Tusk Boar Lords Earth jutsu's count as a move.

Note: Tusk Boar Lord summon only lasts 3 rounds.

Note: Can only be summoned twice per battle.

Note: No other summon can be done in the same battle.

Note: Only Itachi.. can summon/teach Tusk Boar Lord.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Hogosha Buta | Summoning: Guardian Boar

Type: Summon

Rank: S

Range: Short

Chakra Cost: 40

Damage Points: N/A

Description: The Guardian Boar is the strongest of the Boars, he has had years of training in Taijutsu and Defensive Fighting along with his Element of Lightning. Guardian Boar stands at 7"5' (Just over 2 meters tall) he wears a Round Iron sheild around his right shoulder which he uses in battle. Guardian Boar is able to use A-rank Taijutsu and down along with B-rank Lightning jutsus and down with easy. Do to Guardian Boars extensive training in the Lightning Element, his Hide is able to block Lightning jutsu's C-rank and down.

Note: Guardian Boars Taijutsu counts as a move.

Note: Guardian Boars Lightning jutsu's count as a move.

Note: Guardian Boar can be summoned twice per battle.

Note: Guardian Boars summon lasts for 3 rounds.

Note: Only Itachi.. can use/teach the jutsu.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Koichi & Koji | Summoning: Koichi & Koji

Type: Summons

Rank: A

Range: Short - Mid

Chakra Cost: 30

Damage Points: n/a

Description: Koichi and Koji are the first two sons of the great Tusk Boar Lord. They both look much alike one another except that Koichi has a tattoo on his right shoulder and left shoulder (?- Right shoulder, meaning courage & ?- Left shoulder, meaing respect), Koichi has the ablitiy to use his fur as an attack (like Jiraiya useing his hair againist Pein) extending his hair to stab the opponent with his thick course hair. Koji wears a large scroll on his back because he is the scroll keeper for the contract for the boars, under the rope he uses to carry the scroll Koji wears a shoulder plate on his right shoulder. Koji is able to summon either signers of the contract or other boars, by slapping his hoves againist his belly, where he has a summoning tattoo for the boars.

-Koichi & Koji are able to stay on the feild for aslong as the person who summoned them is still awake.

-Koichi's hair has the same power as a sword that can cut and slice the opponent. (also counts as a move for the summoner of C-Rank.)

-Koji's summoings will bring forth either a summoner who has signed the boars contract or another boar. (Koji's summoning count as a move for the summoner.)

-Must have signed the Boars contract.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Zenkaku Buta | Summoning: Emboar

Type: Summon

Rank: S

Range: Short

Chakra Cost: 40

Damage Points: n/a

Description: The user will focus their fire chakra into their hand then slap their hand down on the summoning tattoo they have on their body. Once the tattoo is touched, Emboar with emerge from a large cloud of smoke. Emboar is a tall boar that has learned how to walk up right. He is larger than any of the other boars, he carrys a large spear, with which he is able to release blasts of fire from, that would do A-rank damage to an opponent.

- Can only be summoned once per battle.

- Can stay on the field up to 5 turns.

- Emboars fire blasts count as a move for the summoner.

*Karin has this tattoo on her left hand, under her palm backside*

Karin once traveled around the world as a youth in order to learn new techniques and gain strength and wisdom. In her quest for a new power she came upon a forest deep into the south. In it she came upon the Village of the Boars. After spending some months with them in seclusion, she befriended them and they were kind enough to allow her to sign a contract with them. Her bond with them became so great that they, in time, came to respect her so to call her Sama (teacher). Whenever Karin summons a boar, they arrive quickly to aid her because as a friend, Karin would do the same if they were in danger. Also Koji has developed an even stronger bond with Karin that their conversations tend to be more relaxed yet formal.


Background Information


♣ History ♣

As a child, Karin lived in a small village that was burnt to the ground during a war. She was the only survivor and was completely unharmed. Orochimaru found her afterwards and asked how she survived, to which she answered that she could tell that huge groups of people were coming. Orochimaru then brought her to Otogakure, where she served as a jailer at one of his bases. Karin eventually took part in the Chūnin Exams that were held in Konoha, with her forehead protector stating her affiliation with Kusagakure. During the second phase, taking place in the Forest of Death, she lost track of her team-mates and was attacked by a large bear. She was saved by Sasuke Uchiha who was disappointed to find she had the earth scroll as well, but she was able to catch a good glimpse of him before he left. She remembered the smile that Sasuke gave her.

At some point, she was involved in experimentations on Jūgo and Kimimaro. Her impressive healing abilities were studied by Orochimaru and Kabuto with the latter successfully being able to replicate it. Unlike the rest of Taka, Karin was genuinely loyal to Orochimaru, going as far as to refuse to release Orochimaru's prisoners and, in the anime, having them killed for speaking of his death, even after his defeat.
♧ Itachi Pursuit Arc ♧

Sasuke recruited her as a member of Hebi. While Sasuke admitted that she might be troublesome sometimes, he also noted that her special abilities made her useful. While Sasuke tried to recruit her, she tried to seduce him. Once the team was completed, Sasuke sent Hebi out in multiple directions to try and locate Itachi Uchiha. While on the search, Karin passed Sakura Haruno, although the two did not acknowledge each other. After Deidara's suicide explosion, the rest of the team regroupedand took Sasuke to an inn to recover. When Karin went out for supplies, she sensed the Eight Man Squad approaching, and warned the team. It was her plan to use Sasuke's old clothing as a means to distract the squad from catching them. When they finally got back on Itachi's trail, Karin stayed behind with Suigetsu, Jūgo, and Kisame as Sasuke went ahead to battle Itachi.

♧ Invasion of Pain Arc ♧

Hebi, now renamed Taka, later began working with Akatsuki. They were sent to Kumogakure to capture the Eight-Tails' jinchūriki. When they found him, Karin stood on the sidelines and watched the others fight Killer B. When Sasuke was mortally wounded fighting Killer B, Karin immediately rushed to pull the dying Sasuke out of the fight, as Suigetsu and Jūgo kept Killer B busy. As she pulled the swords out of Sasuke's body she exposed her right arm, riddled with numerous bite marks. She then told Sasuke to bite her arm, and as he did, her Heal Bite healed his wounds.

As Killer B got bored and attempted to leave, Karin used her Mind's Eye of the Kagura to locate him. Killer B then used his demonic chakra to charge at her, Jūgo, and Suigetsu, but Jūgo rocketed them away to safety. After Sasuke was yet again critically wounded by Killer B, Karin insisted on reviving Sasuke again. She was stopped by Jūgo, who claimed she didn't have enough chakra to save Sasuke again, so Karin watches as Jūgo transfers his flesh to Sasuke to heal him. When Killer B fully transformed into the Eight-Tails, Sasuke used Amaterasu to quell it. Karin quickly moved all of her team-mates out of the way of one of Killer B's tentacles, but this resulted in her being hit by one, and some of the black flames spread to Karin's cloak. Sasuke used his Mangekyō Sharingan to put them out. Karin was carried to safety by Jūgo.

While the team was recovering, Karin briefly put her hair in a ponytail. She noticed that something was wrong with Sasuke, but as he brushed it off, she detected an enemy outside their base, which Sasuke and Jūgo went to investigate.

♧ Five Kage Summit Arc ♧

After Taka recovered, they moved out for Konoha. Along the way they are stopped by Tobi, who convinced Sasuke to go after Danzō Shimura at the Kage Summit. When they arrived in the Land of Iron, they decided to wait until the meeting was over before they attack. Zetsu soon revealed their presence and the Kage mobilise against Taka. When the battle got under way, Karin noticed that Sasuke's chakra was now darker than when in his cursed seal level two state.

When the Fourth Raikage arrived, he instructs C to locate and eliminate Karin, Taka's sensory ninja. Karin hid her chakra to avoid detection, and once C was defeated by Sasuke she again began to look for Danzō's location. By the time Sasuke is able to elude the Raikage, Karin had found Danzō. She informs Sasuke that Jūgo and Suigetsu are still alive, but he said to leave them and had her lead him to Danzō. Danzō fled as soon as they arrived, and Sasuke was forced to fight the Fifth Mizukage and the Third Tsuchikage before he could follow. During the brief confrontation Karin grew concerned with Sasuke's deteriorating chakra levels. When his chakra signature disappeared, she broke into tears, believing him to be dead, with the Tsuchikage turning his sight on her.

Tobi soon appeared with Sasuke in tow before he sent them both to a different realm so she could heal his wounds. He later returned and released them in front of Danzō so that Sasuke could fight him. Karin observed the battle and tried to determine how Danzō was able to survive a series of apparently fatal injuries. She immediately ruled out genjutsu or a clone technique, and eventually noticed that the Sharingan embedded in Danzō's arm closed one by one as the battle progressed. Coupling this observation with frequent descents in Danzō's chakra levels, she learned the secret of his technique. She told Sasuke about it and advised that he keep his distance until Izanagi expired.

Once Sasuke mortally wounded Danzō, Karin healed his injuries. Danzō then took Karin hostage as he refused to die. Karin called to Sasuke for help, but Sasuke stabbed her through the chest in order to pierce Danzō's heart. Sasuke simply commented that, if she can be taken hostage so easily, she was now only a burden to him. Karin collapsed and Tobi suggested that Sasuke finish her off since she had some knowledge of their plans. As Sasuke walked towards Karin, she has a flashback of her first encounter with him at the Chūnin Exams and remembered his smile. She took one last look at Sasuke, wishing to see his smile one more time, before he was about to kill her, but he was interrupted by the arrival of Sakura.

Sakura insisted that she wanted to be with Sasuke no matter what, leading Karin to realise that Sakura too loved Sasuke. Sasuke ordered Sakura to prove her loyalty by killing Karin. This, however, was a lie to make Sakura drop her guard. As Sasuke prepared to kill Sakura, Karin managed to mutter a warning, before Kakashi Hatake arrived to counter the attack. After it became clear that not even his words can alter Sasuke's motives, he ordered Sakura to take Karin away from the area and heal her enough to talk. While still barely conscious, Karin looked up at a sobbing Sakura and pleaded for her to hold in her tears. A tear fell down Karin's face as she sensed a further change in Sasuke's chakra, stating that Sasuke is no longer the person that Sakura once knew. As she asked Sakura what she will do, Sakura didn't respond and, emotionally unstable, returned to the fight despite Karin's warnings.

Later, when Sasuke prepared to fight with Naruto, Karin, sensing that Sasuke is going to over-exert himself again, dwelled on the fact that she was only able to heal him a little from his earlier skirmishes, before catching herself in that thought; in light of the fact of everything that Sasuke had done to her, Karin decided to herself that she was now done with Sasuke. After Sasuke left, Kakashi told her that she was coming with them to Konoha; Karin resigned to her fate as she had no choice, being warned by Kakashi not to try anything. As Karin left with them, she made a special note of Naruto's character, apparently hearing of him before.

♧ Confining the Jinchūriki Arc ♧

Later, she is interrogated by Ibiki Morino in Konoha to get information on Akatsuki, Sasuke and Kabuto Yakushi. Though she initially wove a tale in which she was a victim of both Orochimaru who she claimed had forced her into hard labour and Sasuke who had unreasonably demanded too much from her, Ibiki saw through it immediately and Karin switched tracks, insisting to be fed a bowl of deep-fried pork cutlets before she would talk. While the other two fussed over making preparations however, Ibiki remained stone-faced. Karin later noted that all the people in Konohagakure seem to all be cheerful and warm, just like Naruto.

♧ Shinobi World War Arc ♧

Having been jailed some time after the interrogation, Karin talks to a portrait of Sasuke, first stating that he was cool and then immediately throwing down the picture and cursing him for trying to kill her. This erratic behaviour seemingly has been going on for a while, bewildering the guards. This, however, is revealed to be a ruse, as Karin uses the guard's distraction to pry open the portrait with a hidden blade in her glasses, revealing a lock-pick set.


Other Information


♣ Karin's Abilities:

Karin has been praised by Tobi as being "helpful" for her abilities. They were also the reason why Orochimaru took her with him after he found her. Despite being mostly a non-combatant, Orochimaru had enough faith in her to put her in charge of the Southern Hideout's prison, since her abilities made escaping practically impossible. As a direct descendant of the Uzumaki clan, Karin has a remarkably powerful life force. This grants her immense potential longevity as well as equally strong vitality.

♣ Sensing:
Karin possesses a unique sensory ability known as the Mind's Eye of the Kagura, which allows her to track any targets through their chakra signature. Noted by Kakashi as a particularly skilled chakra-sensing ninja, Sasuke goes on to state that her ability to sense chakra is unlike anyone else's. She can greatly expand her range to detect the presence of others and could easily discern whether or not a specific individual are among a crowd, pick up chakra from long distances, and determine if targets are approaching her and how many or what species. She can also determine the size of a target's chakra reserve and potency, even notice changes in an individual's chakra which allowed her to tell whether or not someone was lying through the fluctuations in that person's chakra made from dishonest emotions. She can also find out if an enemy is using a clone technique and indicate if someone, including herself, is trapped in genjutsu. She can, similarly, conceal her own chakra from others. However, doing so will render her unable to use chakra, thus disabling her Mind's Eye of the Kagura technique.

♣ Healing Abilities:

Along with her sensory abilities, Karin also possesses a unique healing ability which seemingly stems from the powerful life-force granted from her lineage. With this power, she can heal others by letting them bite her and absorb her chakra. However, it is dangerous for her to use this ability more than once a day. As a consequence, she is left with permanent bite marks on her forearms.

♣ Intelligence:

Karin is shown to be quite intelligent. During Hebi's hunt for Itachi, she was able notice the Konoha shinobi's way of tracking them was by Sasuke's scent. From this, she quickly came up with a method of throwing them off Hebi's tail, by tearing up Sasuke's sweat-soaked shirt and tying it to many birds and having them fly in multiple directions. She was capable of quickly deducing the basics of a complex technique such as Izanagi during Sasuke's battle against Danzō. She is also resourceful, as seen during her imprisonment, hiding a blade in the frame of her glasses as well as a lock-pick set within a portrait that she seemingly carries around with her, all the while putting up an act of fluctuating feelings for Sasuke in order to lessen the guards' sense of security on her.

♣ Kyojin Gunbai no Kaze Kami: Jurōjin | Giant War Fan of the Wind God: Jurōjin:

Karin is proficient in the use of war fans especially one she had custom made while in Sunagakure. She carries this large gunbai fan, which she calls Jurōjin, which is about 3/4 of her height and almost of his width, with the pole being twice that length. This fan is similar to the one worn by Madara Uchiha and Tobi. Karin carries this on her back.

Kyojin Gunbai no Kaze Kami: Jurōjin | Giant War Fan of the Wind God: Jurōjin

Type: Weapon

Rank: S

Range: Short-Long

Chakra: (-30 to Increase/Decrease size of fan blades)

Damage: 80 (+5 to Fan Jutsu when in Expanded Mode)

Description: Jurōjin is a Giant non-folding war fan (Gunbai) about 3/4 the height of the wielder and almost of their width, with the pole being twice that length. It is made of a special strong steel that resonates with only wind chakra which allows the user to expand/shorten the size of the fan blades and increase the range of Wind techniques that require a fan. When wind chakra is channeled into it, the size of the fan blades increases about double their size. When in Expanded Mode, the range of all Fan Jutsu is increased by one, damage is increased, and lasts for 2 turns. Because of the size of the expanded fan the wielder cannot perform any jutsu that require handseals because both hands are required to hold the immense fan. To decrease the size of the fan the wielder must channel chakra into it again. Also because of the scope of the weapon when in Expanded Mode, it is able to block projectiles, paper bombs, and normal, non-jutsu,weapon attacks such as sword slashes.

~Increasing/Decreasing the size of the fan counts as a move

~Can only be wielded by Koto or those with her express permission

~If anyone other than those with permission wields the fan their chakra is drained and receive severe cuts around their body

~Because of the scope of the weapons abilities, the user must be of Sannin Rank and above

Expanded Mode:

~Expanded Mode can only be used if infused with wind chakra

~While in Expanded Mode if the user is physically hit with A Rank & above Fire Jutsu the damage caused is x2

~Requires the use of both hands; can't use jutsu that requires handseals during this mode

~Damage of all Wind Jutsu that require a fan is increased by +5

~Range of all Wind Jutsu that require a fan is increased by +1

~Mode lasts for 2 turns and requires 3 turns to cool down after which the mode can be used again

♣ Ninja Weaponry:

Karin carries in her pouch basic ninja weapons such as Shurikens, Kunais, Metal Wire, Metal Spikes (Makibishi), Cigarettes, and a Lighter (for smoking).

♣ Will of Sand:

Karin has a strong willpower and carries the Will of Sand inside from her very proud village of Sunagakure. Having such strong willpower means that in a fight, small injuries are not enough to stop her. Her will to live for the village is enormously strong, and it has helped her many times in fights.




Win[ ] Loss[ ]

Hey welcome to the Naruto RP :) looking forward to working with you
  • Name: Amaya Tsuyoi
  • Affiliation: None
  • Ninja status(missing nin, jonin, etc.): Jonin
  • clan: Tsuyoi
  • age: 16
  • appearance:

  • kekkei genkai(if any.):
  • release styles: Lightning/Medical/Summoning(Eagle)
  • ultimate jutsu: Lightning Style: Four Pillar Bind
  • backstory: Amaya's life wasn't easy. For as long as she can remember, she had to train, train, and train. Growing up as a kid, Amaya's father let her attend the academy, but even after school she would go home to more training with her father. Her father is the head of the Tsuyoi clan, the clan that is known for their lightning capability. The first thing Amaya was ever taught was how to control her chakra nature. After that was medical ninjutsu, then summoning soon after. At the academy, Amaya felt left out because of her capabilities, she was like Sasuke, but all the girls admired him. She had a crush on Sasuke, she still does. When she became a jonin, her parents were very proud and couldn't be happier, but now Amaya's mother is expecting a baby boy, which means Amaya will have to help her baby brother train. That should be fun though.
  • personality: Amaya is a very outgoing type of girl. She never backs down from a fight is always willing to give her life for another person. She is very entergetic and loves to keep enhancing her skills. She never lets a person down and always keeps her promises.

( Akio do you mind if Amaya and Nix are like best friends?)
Last edited by a moderator:
name: hidan

village: yagakure

affiliation: Akatsuki

ninja status: criminal, servant of jashin

clan: unknown

age: 22


kekkai genkai: jashinisim


After Yugakure deteriorated from a shinobi village to a tourist site, Hidan became infuriated with how things were turning out. He believed that the shinobi that resided there were meant to kill, and thus slaughtered his neighbours before leaving Yugakure, and joining the cult-like faith known as jashin, a religion that worshipped a deity of the same name.[1] The primary teaching of this faith appears to be outright slaughter, where anything less than utter destruction is considered a sin.[4] Through experiments with Jashin's secret technique, Hidan was granted immortality. Eventually, he joined Akatsuki after seeing Kakuzu, a man who he saw as a pioneer in immortality, and he was later partnered with him. Sometime later in the anime, Hidan and kakuzu met with sasori and deidara to discuss their new missions assigned by Akatsuki. After Kakuzu said they had a choice between a money-making mission and a war-mission, he chose the money mission after Sasori and Deidara showed no interest in it, much to Hidan's annoyance.


Hidan was one of the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful characters in the series; he frequently swore and complained at allies and opponents alike, contrary to being a "religious" person. He rarely used honourifics when speaking, and, even then, usually as a form of sarcasm, for example when he called deidara "Deidara-chan".He was the only member of Akatsuki who did not respect their leader, Pain, and openly declared his willingness to kill him around others. The only respect he ever seemed to give was to his god, and, even then, he was quite willing to use his name as an insult. He openly held his partner, Kakuzu, in contempt for his habit of blasphemy, love of money, and Kakuzu's frequent ridicule of Hidan's religion and battle style. Despite this, whenever Hidan was in the mood to kill, the two worked together flawlessly in battle, and one can infer that he did care somewhat for his partner, from his panicked reaction when he almost killed Kakuzu while being possessed by Shikamaru's technique.

Hidan had absolutely no moral restraints regarding the people he killed; he considered slaughter a religious calling, and often took considerable pleasure in making his opponents' deaths as painful as possible. The amulet around his neck was a symbol of Jashin, and he used it to pray to his god before battling, requesting a good kill, or (when he was not allowed to) for forgiveness.Given the requirements of his voodoo-like curse ritual, he was quite willing to inflict pain and injuries on himself, and showing a masochist side as he openly relished the shared pain between him and the cursed victim. Despite this, he reacted "normally" (that is, he didn't enjoy the pain) to being injured by someone else, or when the opponent didn't share the pain.

Hidan's behaviour in the anime bordered on insanity; he was frequently heard shrieking loudly while attacking, and laughed maniacally when he was about to kill asuma sarutobi Hidan also appeared to be quite spiteful towards his enemies (and nearly everyone else), even commenting to shikamaru nara that "I've been waiting for this" ("this" referring to using his ceremony to kill Shikamaru).

However, his immortality had made him arrogant, and he frequently engaged opponents with no regard for strategy, save to acquire some of their blood. Although ridiculed for his foolishness by Kakuzu and Shikamaru alike, being obviously inferior in tactical genius to either of them, and even admitting that he was not very intelligent himself, he was able to analyse the nature and limits of Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique and conducted battle accordingly (though he retained his arrogant attitude even under these circumstances). Interestingly, he seemed to panic when Shikamaru took control of his body, shouting at Kakuzu to do something in a rather frantic voice. He didn't particularly like it when Kakuzu assisted in his battles, and only called for his help when he decided he needed it. Kakuzu tended to return the favour by coming in "late" and letting Hidan be wounded (though still alive) as punishment for underestimating his opponents. After his head was reattached, he showed a great hatred towards Asuma. In the anime, after being recreated, Hidan stated that being controlled by kabuto yakushi was the worst.

appearence :


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