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Multiple Settings Narrowing to the Cravings A Fandom or Two and a Couple Originals.


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Because this is meant to help me narrow it down to my super duper desired cravings at the moment I am going to keep this section pretty simple. ^^

About Me:
-Shizuki Nirokuma is the name, but you can call me Shizu. :3
-I am female (She/her pronouns) and in my thirties
-Been roleplaying off and on for 15+ years or so
-I'm 'picky' but chill (Don't worry you'll see what I mean...Apologies in advance.)
-I am know to cuss like a sailor sometimes so if that bothers you...please leave. XD

What I would like from you:
-Be 18+ preferably 25+ considering I am an old lady (XD) I prefer to talk to those in the more mature age range.
-Read through the rules/regs a bit before approaching...I promise I lay out as much stuff as clearly as possible to avoid any confusion and let you know exactly what I want/hope from you as an rp partner.
-Introduce yourself when approaching me, it actually puts me at a bit more ease when you do because of past (mildly traumatizing and that's just being a bit dramatic) events that makes me nervous about discussing things with you as a potential rp partner.

Rules and Regs
(Still gonna try to keep this short and sweet and simple but still as clear as possible.

Generic rules:
-Introduce yourself!!! (I know I said it above, but this is to reiterate how important this is to me)

-Be 18+ (preferably 25+)

-No one liners!! i get that sometimes it's hard to come up with stuff, but if I worked hard on sending you a three chucky paragraph post and you send back a one sentence response that gives me NOTHING to use for a response...imma be big mad and drop the rp immediately. (I also understand being completely new to rping, however...just put in some effort.

-Plotting/Planning: I don't do extensive let's build out the entire world and the history of the past up to where our characters have come in type of stuff. For me the plotting/planning stage typically consists of who are we playing, what's the time frame, and is there any pre-established history between our characters and what that might be. I also tend to plot things that will happen to my character as far as potentially traumatic events go and what not. IF I come up with something for yours I will ask you about it first.

-I only play MxF pairings! Nothing against same sex relationships, I just never got into them. I find them boring to write but I do enjoy reading them.

-In conjunction with the above, I also require romance in all rps. I find platonic pairings boring and I will end up losing interest in it.

-However! My romance needs to be a slow burn, I get bored if we start with them already dating/together. I also get bored with love at first sight trope and prefer an attraction at first sight. Something that pings in the back of the character's mind that keeps them thinking about the other and interest in learning more about them.

-Third Person Perspective only!!! I've had rp partners in the past that used first person while I use third and I don't like it. It clashes and I personally NEED that separation of person and character otherwise I get creeped out. So please...third person only. Thank you! As a note on tenses...I've been told I mix tenses...so if this is a huge deal breaker to you than please leave...I'm not trying to work a job for free to make sure my tenses match.

-Speaking of job....This is supposed to be fun, so please take your time. However! I would appreciate it if you could let me know if you're no longer interested in continuing or if it may take you longer than usual to get a reply out. I will try to do the same.

Although I will end up sending a quick check in message if I haven't heard back from you in like four months or so if you're also not letting me know ooc that it's taking you a bit longer. If I have to send one of these messages, please respond as I WILL end up deleting the rp under the assumption you no longer wish to continue if I hear nothing back from you within two weeks. because if your so busy you can't take two minutes to send a quick yes still interested or something like that, then I doubt you'll have time to actually get a response out and I don't want to be waiting forever...I do that enough with a couple rp partners that I have and I am trying to use these hopefully more active rps to fill that void of waiting in the meantime.

Fandom Specific Rules/Regulations
-I only rp Canon x OC pairings!!!
To me a fandom is this, making an oc to toss into a canon world and explore that relationship with a character crush. Canon x Canon is just a ship and OC x OC is just an inspired by. Both of those being things I am not as interested in ( I would specify if I am next to the fandom listed in that case.)

-Doubling is required!!! I will not ask you to play a canon character for you without offering to do the same, so please do not try to ask me to only play a canon character for you and you're not going to play one for me using the excuses of I don't like to play canons or I'm not good at it.
-I WILL NOT AGE CHARACTERS UP TO 18!!!! This is another huge one for me. i am so tired of people asking this because they say they are not comfortable with playing teen aged characters (basically 15-17) when that is not the case, it's that you don't seem to be comfortable with writing out a cutesy teen romance between to age appropriate teens because you define romance as what you're used to seeing in those spicy books you like to read....heathens...Anyways...Unless you can provide a good plot point that requires them being aged up...I will not do this. I'm so tired of this because i make my OCs to be around the same age as the character during the start of most of the fandoms I have listed because I look forward to the shenanigans but now I have to plot/plan a whole history for them because you can't handle the idea of playing a FICTIONAL character as a teenager against another teenager....

Originals Rules/Regulations
-I play the female role.
I am tired of being stuck playing the male character all the time, so unless otherwise discussed and agreed upon, I play the female role. and if you're pitching an idea of your own...you better make it clear which role/gender you are wanting me to play....

Trigger Warnings!!!

Depending on the content of roleplay we are doing… I tend to like to include some dark themes. Some of those being torture..to keep it a bit light..so if dark themes are triggering to you…1. I am not the RP partner for you…and 2. Certain subjects are mentioned as part of my character's background and that is it and others may pop up every now and again depending on the context.

I DO NOT EXPECT YOU TO PLAY ANY OF THESE THEMES OUT WITH ME! I usually will handle writing out any scenes involving torture for my character. I usually like to get more to the point of where the character you are playing for me sees the torture for a bit before the rescue or at the very least witnesses the aftermath after the rescue.

Have An Idea or Ideas

This is only here because I hate getting that one sentence approach of "Hey wanna RP?". I find this not only lackluster but makes me feel like you haven't read the thread at all and it's just gonna be pulling fucking teeth to get a proper response out of you.

If you see this thread…especially if I have recent updates. I am looking. So come at me with an idea of what you want. Was there an original that caught your eye? Or maybe I have a fandom listed that you've been looking for as well? Maybe you'd like to try to pitch an idea of your own? Whatever the case may be…come prepared with an offer or two. Otherwise I will assume you haven't read this thread and will ignore the message. Which it will only suck if it would have turned out that you were a great rp partner..just couldn't give me something to work with that makes me feel like you at least did a good skim through.


I'm not asking for you to tell me about every minute of your day. Nor am I asking for you to message me OOC every day. I just ask that if you have lost interest in the roleplay or are going to take a bit longer to reply for whatever reason. I try to do the same, and I am working on being more consistent with it to extend the same courtesy to you.

Final Notes

If you made it this far, congrats!! Now go drink some water!! XD

But in closing this section, I just want to add some last minute things.

Please do not respond to this thread. Just shoot me a Conversation. I don't like my thread getting unnecessarily getting cluttered and I don't think I have the ability to delete someone else's post...only mine and I don't want to have to bug the admins to remove stuff just because I got into a mood to clean up the way my thread looks.

Please remember, like you I am a human being. Not some AI robot that can bust out responses for you everyday all day..respect that I will have days I am busier than others or just mentally tapped out because I happen to have done too much juggling of work and hobbies. Sometimes my hyper fixation kicks in and I only want to focus on something not rp related. So give me time to get to the reply as I always will do for you.

Some minor things to remember as well.

Please don't God mod or control my characters and I will do the same for you.

Please be fair. If there is something being planned whether it is for my character, yours or both. Let's try to stick to the plans and not do this whole…you get everything you want…sure I get some of what I want…but you still somehow make all the limelight shine on your oc when it shouldn't based on the plans we made, discussed and agreed upon.​
Just a quick reminder
-Unless otherwise specified all pairings are OC x Canon only
-All pairings are M x F (I will lose interest in main pairings that are anything else)
-Doubling is required (Trade-offs are also acceptable)
-I will NOT age characters up to 18 unless YOU can provide a good plot line that explains why this is necessary.
-Be fair when we plan stuff. If it was planned to happen to your character it will, if it was planned to happen to my character it will...do not go adding stuff in to bring attention to your character when that was not how it was planned.

A quick guide to read this section:

-I will list the fandoms in no particular order, but the *'s you see next to one the more I want to do it.
-I will list the character I would like you to play for me in order of preference (Or only one listed if that is all I am looking for)
-I will not list characters I will play for you because I am willing to give anyone a try.
-I will list characters I will NOT play as and why however.
-Finally: If I have a character profile ready for a fandom, I will include the link to the profile as well.
-I will also list the pairings if I have more than one character on the doc.

Legend of Vox Machina ***********

I'm caught up on the anime from Amazon and on episode 66 of the campaign it was inspired from.

Play for me: (In order of preference)

-Vaxildan or Percy

Meet my OCs: Legend of Vox Machina OCs/D&Desque roleplays

((A quick note for Revina, she is technically a pathfinder character that I haven't copied over any of her higher level stuff yet as I know in the show/campaign they are at least level 10/11 maybe 12? since they were playing the campaign that was originally a homebrewed played at home game before they started streaming it. I will eventually get around to putting in the rest of the information..I just have to take the time to do it and I keep forgetting. XD))

I don't have any specific pairings like I have with some other fandoms where I have multiple ocs, and please feel free to let me know which oc you want me to use with the pairing because I like to see where things might go. XD (Also part of the reason I don't have a specific in mind hehehehe.)

One Piece ****

I have been slowly working on catching up on this one. I believe I am in the beginning few episodes of season 3 durnig the Alabasta Arc wit Princess Vi Vi. They just left the island with the two fighting giants.

Play for me:

Zoro or Sanji

Meet my Oc: One Piece Character(s)
Just a quick reminder
-I play the female role. You can ask but the answer is most likely going to be no on playing the male role.
-Again MxF pairings for mains please.
- I prefer action ,adventure, fantasy, and romance
-I am incredibly picky with slice of life

I have listed these originals based on most craving to craving. XD

KEYWORDS: Vampires, Romance, Obsession, Fantasy, Hunters' Daughter x Vampire

Basic Concept: When the daughter of a hunter family is spared from a gruesome fate, and a dream happening over and over again, does this obsession lead somewhere? Is it dangerous? Is it safe?

Mia Heartfilia

KEYWORDS: Gangster x Club Entertainer/Singer, Romance, Action

Basic Concept: When a young girl is struck with bad luck in life she sets out to do better, but that luck continues. Always with a passion for singing, lies about her age to work at a rather seedy seeming Strip Club that honestly didn't bother to fully check on her background. Barely legal to drink, she does so with a group who is offering to pay her for her company until something doesn't feel right. Last thing he remembers is that she was in the back ally being felt up by the very same guys. And then someone seemed to rescue her...little would she be aware in that moment this man was a part of the gang that ran in the background of the club.

**TRIGGER WARNING: This character's profile does hold themes of child abuse, molestation and rape/almost rape....Beyond the mention of such acts as a part of her history for the character, no such themes will be further mentioned/played out.

Falling for the Gangster (Character)

Keywords: Fantasy, Action, Princess (Royal/Leader) x Knight (Personal Guard), Arrianged Marriage, Mildly Dark themes (Long drawn out wars causing a shift in people's emotions), Romance, "Forbidden" romance (In that I was intending it to be a supernatural being falling in love with a human. This is not necessary if you wish to play as a supernatural being as well. ^^))

Basic Concept: What happens when people, especially those of the supernatural world, are involved in a long drawn out war created when fear begins to take hold in one particular races hearts. Add into it that your people are losing more and more thanks to that fear; the fear of the humans driving them harder, the fear from the supernatural weakening them into fearful beings trying to hide in order to survive. What happens when one strong willed person decides it is enough of people being afraid, that there has to be a way for them all to live in peace once again, as they did long ago? Will it work? Will it fail? Will all be lost?

KEYWORDS: Cursed being x Pirate (Or sea farer of some sort), Soul Mates

Basic concept: A woman was killed for trying to run away off a pirate ship, while water filled her lungs and claimed her life, she was given a second chance by a stranger who upon agreeing to take this chance for a second life and became a sea dragon. A fierce protector of the waters. One that has also tried to remain in the shadows as much as possible to avoid being hunted herself. That is until a shipwreck leaves her finding and saving one of the men that still had a chance to live.

For the Love of the Sea

KEYWORDS: Human x Deity, Reincarnation, History Repeating, Arranged Marriage Gone Wrong

Basic Concept: When two lives cross in the past, when plans made change due to factors of love and chaos, when those souls meet again in this new life and similar events begin to happen? Can they change what happened?

Entangled Fates
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Ghosting and Posting "Timelines" New
- I understand life gets busy and things happen. Maybe you've lost interest. But because I am constantly trying to write, IF we are roleplaying together and suddenly responses stop. I will end up leaving the rp with or without saying a word.

-I know this seems harsh but I don't like clutter. But I will add this as well. While I am a patient person, that patience is reserved.

-It is reserved for people I have been roleplaying with for a while AND have kept ooc contact even if it's just a "hey how's it going?" Kind of message.

-If we're new partners...my patience is not as strong. Because I was excited about getting to write something I enjoy and now I'm having to wait or I look like the impatient asshole when it shows I've been reading and reading the same replies over and over again.

Time frames and when I will leave an RP with or without a word.

New RP partners.

Again I understand being busy, or maybe you lost interest because I took two weeks to get a reply or starter out to you. HOWEVER!!!

If about a month goes by with no story response and no ooc, especially if I have reached out for whatever. (I typically use the last date of ooc contact for that month timeframe versus the last story reply date.) I will just drop the rp. I'll assume you lost interest and I'll remove our rps from my lists and open up that space for someone else.

If there has been rather consistent ooc chatter even if just short conversation. I'll hang onto it and after like 6 months of no response to the story I will send an interest check on if you were intending to continue the story whenever you had some free time.

For partners I've had for at LEAST a year. I'll hang onto it until you either tell me you don't plan to continue it or I drop it because I'm no longer interested since too much time passed. But I usually will always tell you I've lost interest because you deserve that much at least.

As for interest check drops? It'll probably still follow that sixth month time frame. Just to see if I am keeping it or not. But I usually extend it to a year for you guys.
Probably going to only accept inquiries for Vox Machina from here on out until the itch is scratched or I've finally moved on.
Still craving Vox Machina for fandoms and pretty much all of my Original plots with the following being the ones I am most interested in: Mia Heartfilia/ Who Are You?, Falling for the Gangster, For the Love of the Sea, and Lady Luna.
Still craving Vox Machina....will be relentless in search for this until the itch is scratched.

For Originals really craving Mia Heartfilia, Lady Luna and Falling for the Gangster.
Still seeking Vox Machina for fandoms.

For originals really looking for Mia Heartfilia and Falling for the Gangster. :3
Vox Machina is still the current fandom obsession....

And originals haven't changed. XD

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