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Character Form: You are not required to write your character in any specific form but you must include the following list, preferably in the order given.

  • Character name
  • Screen name
  • Gender
  • Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian)
  • General Appereance
  • Usual outfit(s)
  • General personality/backstory
  • Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation)
  • If Cian, specify your single physcial advancement and also specify your actual form. (being a mix of angel and demon you have a single true form which is a mix of both. You may have wings in this form. Do not confuse this with you usual, shapeshifted form which you will be in most of the time since the main benefit of the Cian is there ability to blend in.)
  • If Enid, specify whether you control flame, electricity, or light.
  • If Variant, I ask that you specify your job in the world if you are a bounty hunter, assassin, or agent. If you are not any of these, give the reason why you are able to survive without contacting the clans
  • If you wish to have a character picture, it would be awesome if you could size it down a bit so it doesn't take up the whole page. Thank you :wink:

Cian: You are an evolution of a mix of angel and demon. You are able to read minds, have a single physical adaptation, and are very perceptive and clever.

Enid: You are an evolution of humanity, caused by experimentation. You are highly energetic, enabling you to function without eating and enabling you to heal very quickly. You are adapted in every way physically and mentally. You are able to release your excess energy through either flame, electricity, or light. Your touch releases energy in whichever form you are able to release energy in, though it will not harm other Enid.

  • Character Name: Lucius Faraday
    Screen Name: Nalakitty01
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Personality/History: Lucius is usually a rather calm, spacey person, someone quiet that doesn't say too much unless he knows you well. He's withdrawn a bit from getting close to anyone, mostly because of his race, but is friendly with most everyone, percieved as small and weak and so sometimes protected and doted on. He reads and spends a lot of his time drawing by himself, even though he doesn't truly enjoy being alone. If he does get to close to someone, he can be very protective. He's the type of person that will smile for someone else, even if he's sad.
    Lucius' family all either left him or died off before he did so he's grown up with more than a few attachment issues. He had to fight a little for it but was able to keep his parents' house and stayed there, living on his own and just going quietly about his life. He wanders around the town and so knows most people in it, if only in passing, and is generally well-liked because he always smiles for people. He doesn't truly let himself grow attached to anyone, and it took a lot of work and time before he finally let Kaine in. At this point in time, Kaine is the only person that he considers a real friend and so let's Kaine stay in his home sometimes even though the older man is a Variant. Lucius has never been the type for prejudice anyway.
    Species: Enid. His energy manifests as fire, something that makes him a little afraid of himself.
    Description: Lucius isn't very tall, at 5 foot nothing, and is sort of scrawny for his species, generally walking around looking a little lost and unkempt. He has blonde hair and occasionally sad but bright light brown eyes. He tends to walk around in clothes that are too big for him, which only makes him look smaller, because he can't be bothered to buy better ones and just lives with his family's left behind clothes.

  • Tempest (Tem) Burke :: Scrypt :: Male :: Enid (and Llyr but...it's complicated) :: 18 (not immortal)
    Tempest is a white china doll. His pigmentation has always been impossibly light, his skin alabaster and seamless over his toned muscles. His eyes are a blue of such an odd consistency that it can be mistaken for violet, and the lashes lining them are just darker than his hair. As for his hair, it is almost silver in it's color, with only a faint hint of blond in it. Tem is fairly tall, standing at about 6'1”. It's something he was told he inherited from his father...but that's about all anybody can use to relate him to his father. Either that or they simply don't want to mention him. Tem has resolved that his father must have been someone important to the Enid since so many people relate to Tem via his father. But Tempest can't really agree with any of their remarks since he never knew his father. He's always been alone, for as long as he can remember. Sure he was adopted by some of the family friends who took pity on him, his caretakers usually in the form of some upper class Enid who lived in a mansion large enough to house who knows how many people. Sure he went to school but all he remembered of it was a long stream of endless faces, usually with an appreciative smile upon them. People have always been abnormally kind to him and some paranoid part of his mind thinks there's something behind it. There was so much underground information among the upper class Enid that he wouldn't be surprised if something were wrong with him. He knows something is different about him. He's never been as capable with his abilities as others, but he's been unusually physically adapted. He's never had the damaging touch of the Enid, which would be a shock in his case since his energy is expelled in electricity. But he has no idea why. He's just been told that he must have mutated a little, that his father had always been more a man of force and ability, that everybody's different. But as of late he's observed some new oddities. He's been hit with sudden bouts of low body temperature, he's been completely unable to use generate electricity, and he's been hungry. But not a hunger for food. He has no idea what's causing his empty desire.
    What Tem is unaware of is his mother's heritage. She was Llyr. His father had been a military commander of the Enid when he'd fallen in love with a woman from the other side. They had escaped together to some place in the mountains while she was pregnant and the difficulties of the birth, which had been hard on her in the first place because of the nature of the child, she had died. Tem's father had cared for the child as best he could after burying the mother, but soon realized that Tem would die without some form of modern care. So as a last resort, he had presented Tem to the Enid and explained the situation, asking that they care for the child in return for his military service. His father had been exiled as soon as the agreement had been worked out and he has not been seen since, leaving Tem with only a name and a promise.
    Tem's hybrid capabilities would include a weak ability to freeze, electrocute, and darken things, but he would not be nearly as adept as a pure-bred Llyr or Enid. His physical capability is increased by almost a hundred percent however, making his adeptness in manipulating energy of no consequence. As he ages though, he will degenerate into a Llyr however, since his internal organs can only last so long producing that much energy. Which is why he is experiencing these new oddities. Ignorance has been bliss for Tem, even if he doesn't know it. As soon as others discover his true nature, he will either be shunned or hunted. Neither of which is a pleasant experience in this world.
    As for Tem's personality, he lacks all forms of self-control, though he does not desire much. He doesn't have a problem wreaking havoc every once in a while for his amusement however. The constant bombardment of affection he receives he also finds to be boring. He likes to interact with people who grab his attention, and kindness is no way to do so.

  • Character name: Crome Vultur
    Screen name: GoddessOfGod
    Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian):16
    General Appearance

    Usual outfit(s)She usual wears baggy black pants with chains on both and front , back sides. Just liike her shirt in the picture she wears it with that, sometimes she wear a black tank.
    General personality/backstory:: Crome is calm, taciturn, level-headed and analytical, preferring not to engage in combat; If she must, she will jump into battle without hesitation.she is content with silently observing both parties until the fighting reaches its conclusion, and refuses to fight unless she is ordered superiors . She strongly opposes the notion of killing others, especially if done to gain power. Even under this calm side, she can be very brutal and aggressive . When she,s not busy, she is either having tea and snacks, or sleeping.
    Backstory: Being the youngest of the three siblings, she was born last. Her procedure was delicate and the mother had only a few minutes to live. Taking her out, the little girl opens her eyes to not a normal hospital with loving nurses and doctors but a cell. There was one light hanging from the ceiling while there was bars everywhere. Noticing something she looked down and saw an older boy holding a younger boy's hand. The doctor pointed as he smiled. " those are siblings." The boy gritted his teeth as he clenched the bars. Her small hands reaching for him as the older one entered. Taking her into his hands he smiled down at her.
    Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation):Enid, she uses electricity
  • Character name: Cline Vultur
    Screen name: GoddessOfGod
    Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian):17
    General Appearance

    Usual outfit(s) A long sweater, either blue or black with black pants and a chain hanging from the belt loop. He would usually wear headsets around his neck and carry a box of poxy sticks
    General personality/backstory:: Cline is a tall silent type. he doesn't talk much and only nods when he understands something. even though hes quiet he can be loud and the first to pop off. Because of this he is easily the one to leave someone behind whether their weak or inferior to him..
    Backstory: Being the second born he was birthed after his older brother , two years after him. The process dealing with him was quick and gentle. He was taken away by his brother from the doctors hand and was led to a room with nothing but white. The small boy was confused as he smacked around his brother's face. Before he could laugh the doctors came in and stripped him away leading him to another room, with the same white walls but a table with tools beside it. There the doctors began to experiment on him.
    Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation):Enid, he uses light
  • Character name: Code Vultur
    Screen name: GoddessOfGod
    Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian):19
    General Appereance

    Usual outfit(s)He usualwears black tank tops, some red others blue and white. He wears black and blue baggy jeans with conversers. Like his brother he wears chains but on both sides.
    General personality/backstory:: Code is described as an arrogant, sarcastic, cold who is resourceful and opportunistic. He doesn't wait for things to happen, rather, he causes them to happen. He is the leader of the siblings, so he is very level headed and mature. He is very harsh on his brethren, as he is not hesitant on knocking out Cline and slapping Crome. Despite this, he cares deeply for his brother and sister. he often appears somewhat morbid & ominous towards those who speak to him. He also possesses a dark sense of humor
    Backstory: Being born first the handling for him was rougher and more forcefully since they didn't know how he would react. They quickly removed him from the view of his mother who the kept barely alive and sent him to a room with all white. Unlike the other tables there was a coffin type bed with sharp tools and needles. Thrashing around the baby refused to be put down. Knocking him out with gas they managed to hold him and experimenter. After a year he was able to freely move around, then when the second year came around he was able to see his mother give birth two another child.
    Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation):Enid, he uses fire

Llyr: You are an evolved vampire. You are able to absorb the energy around you, allowing you to survive without feeding on blood. This also enable you to freeze things and darken the area around you. You are highly physically adapted and your touch freezes things, and able to teleport since your lack of energy makes your physical form remarkably unstable.

  • Character Name: Blue Kadith

    Screen Name: .Autumn.

    Gender: Female

    Age: 260, Looks 16

    Species: Llyr

    General Apperance: Blue has pale skin, almost the exact colour of paper. Her eyes are big, and they are a stark contrast against her skin, being blood red. Her mouth is quite small, she hadly talks or shows any emotion. Blue's hair is a deep, midnight black and falls in curls down her back. She also has electric-blue highlights that stand out completely. Blue is 5'5" with long legs. She has long nails- normally painted black or the same blue as her highlights. Her teeth are white and shiny, perfect from years of not using them. She has a pair of delicate fangs, but only uses them when she needs to harm someone by ripping their skin.

    Usual Outfit(s): Blue wears a black dress. It has no staps, and has a lace corset-type look at the top. The skirt of it puffs out slightly due to multiple layers of ruffles. She wears knee-high black socks to match her dress, along with matching gloves.

    General background: Blue was delivered to an un-suspecting family at the age of two. She was abused whilst with them. Her 'parents' used to put her in a metal crate filled with large metal spikes. Later in life, she was bullied for her strangely large teeth. She stopped ageing when she was able to live on her own, and before leaving made a startling discovery. Blue found out that she was not human. She killed her foster parents and dissolved their bodies in acid. Since then, she has been on the run for suspected murder.
    Personality: Blue is an outgoing person, who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She often chooses how she's going to act to you when Blue meets you. The rest you'll find out later...

Variants: You can be either of the three species above, or a new species, but you do not live in the bases of any of the clans. You are most likely a bounty hunter, assassin, or agent for one of the three classes.

  • Esme Damaris :: Scrypt :: Female :: Variant of Cian :: 17
    Esme is remarkably fragile looking. She doesn't have much shape to her, her skin has a mildly yellowish tint to it, like an off-white. She is Asian and French in heritage, with a few more European countries mixed in. Her hair is the darkest of browns and cut incredibly short, so that it falls to just past her ears. It is fairly choppy, like a longer pixie cut, and her bangs are swept to the right side of her face. Her eyes are perfectly almond shaped and the most vibrantly gold and copper hazel color. Her eyes are like a firework show of yellow, orange, and green, flecked with gold and copper that make them always seem to shimmer when they move. The way she moves is almost as if she floats across the ground, never making a sound. Her lithe form is what allows her her increased agility, making her quick and quiet. She's a bit awkwardly shaped, her eyes a little too big for her head, her feet almost too small, her limbs lanky despite her being only 5'3”. She usually wears an old gray cardigan she scavenged from the city that hangs off of her form in a way that accents her tininess. Beneath the cardigan she wears a navy tee that she scavenged that actually fits her. She wears stone colored cargo shorts that are fraying at the ends that only fit thanks to her thick brown leather belt which is most likely men's belt, but it was all she could find. Her shoes are brown,worn, leather, cargo boots that are just a bit too big. In her belt she keeps a small, sharp, survival knife with a black handle. She is camped in the forest, where she was born. Her parents had been Cian who fled the base after her mother realized she was different. They wanted to keep her safe, just in case the Cian judged her as a threat since they are the least merciful with Variants. She was raised with her parents between the border of the Cian and Enid forests until she was six, at which point their little family camp was found and destroyed by a group of Enid. Her parents had fought their best, but they were outnumbered and she was only spared because of the cruelty of the leader of the group. She would rather have died, and he knew it. But she remembered him lifting her by her scrawny neck and holding her against a tree and the heat of his hand slowly burned her neck. And he spat in her face: “This is what happens to the weak,” as he pointed to the bodies of her parents, “and this is what will happen to you.” The despicable smile he'd held in his eyes when he'd said that has stayed with her forever. It's shaped her into who she is, which is a hateful person. She's forgotten how to love, she's hated everyone around her so long. Her logic has been that since everyone hurts her, she might as well return the favor. It's rare she finds a person she's willing to compromise with. She has a few trade agreements with other variants for food and other supplies. But she can't remember the last time someone has reached her heart. Her variation from the Cian is her mind is even more advanced, giving her the ability of Telekinesis as well as advanced Telepathy. She's also remarkably perceptive and clever. Her camp is surrounded by traps and disguises, making the only ones who reach her either the equally smart, or the incredibly lucky...or perhaps unlucky. She shies away from bounty hunting or spying for the clans, but she will if she needs something they have. But she never has relations with the Enid. She hates them with a passion. She does have a true form which looks just like her usual shifted form except she has wings that's span are even longer than she is tall. They are feathered, and charcoal black, except for a few white feathers scattered in the midst of the black. She remembered them being the purest white when she was young but they've blackened with her hate.
    As for a picture /pointstoprofilepicture

[*]Character Name: Kaine McAllister

Screen Name: Nalakitty01

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Personality/History: Kaine has never been quite like other people. While most cling to others of their species for familiarity and companionship, he never really had a species like others', and so he was detached for most of his life, viewing other beings as interesting things to study rather than as people. He doesn't really think himself above others, just likes to toy with them to see what reactions he gets, antagonizes on purpose because people and their attachments and sensitivities amuse him.

He was never tied to one Clan, though most never realize he's not allied with them. He gathers information on anyone and everyone, sweet talks and sneaks his way into the places he wants to be and uses everything he can to his advantage before moving on, usually with some sort of precious stone or other currency in his pockets. He sells both his information and his self to anyone that will pay for it that he finds interesting enough. His services include anything and everything - from spying to slave work - and he'll do anything for anyone, so long as you have the money and keep his attention. He makes himself useful and it's the only reason he's alive and able to move through most Clans' territory without much harm.

Species: Variant of Cian. He's more of an empath than a mind reader, catching images and feelings rather than thoughts in word form. He can read body language, speech patterns and micro-expressions well enough to make up for any loss of that particular ability. He's not really stronger than other species, but his strength is hidden in a slim form that most think weak until it hits them. Generally, though, he doesn't need to rely on strength.

Description: Kaine has short cut, dark red hair and piercing auburn eyes. He's slim but not skinny and generally carries himself with his back straight and his head high because he makes sure he has the upper hand wherever he goes. His usual attire is like in the picture seen below, because looking respectable helps him not to be noticed so much - and also because a well tailored suit is like lingerie for men, and attraction puts people off guard.


[*]Character Name: (Original Name: Selphir) Alexandria "Alex" Gabriel

Screen Name: Greyson Ross

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Species: Variant of Cian: She can remember things that she has seen, read, heard, or "Read in someone's mind" and can relay them as if it just happened; this usually goes back a couple years, for her. (Example: Lets say she went to a birthday party as a "Kid", she can remember all of those events and relay them to someone, either by saying or by telepathic thoughts, as if it just happened.) As said in the "Example", she can relay things by projecting it into someone's mind, or by just telling them, which would come in handy in certain things. She still has all other abilities of a regular Cian.

General Appearance:

Usual outfit(s): (Humanoid Form:

Personality: Alex is the quiet type, not much bothers her, and she's very tolerant. There's a plethora of things that she can tolerate, considering she doesn't care what people do, nor does she care about sexuality. There's one thing that bothers Alex: Physical...-ness...No, Alex isn't a fat lazy slob, but she's not too skinny. She rarely works out, she rarely runs, and she rarely sweats.

Alex likes to dance, eat cake, pie, and ice cream, she also like skateboarding and, rarely, smoking weed. She loves the look of "Indie Boys" and she also loves the look of "Hipster Boys". They look cute to her. Due to her intelligence, she sometimes intimidates people and often shoo's them away. Which is one reason she only "Hangs Out" with intelligent "Indies & Hipsters".

Backstory: Being born in a supernatural lifestyle was hectic and chaotic for Alex. Due to her powers she often had headaches as a "kid" and she was taken to the hospital, a lot. Also, as a "kid", she would she had an aggression that scared kids and made teachers fret. Since Alex is Immortal, she has had many lifetimes and she has had to run away from her home. Now that she looks around 18 or 19, she has chosen to live alone. She only goes to college to keep his disguise in check.

Alex hovers above the cities and alleys for people to hijack and steal money, she's a little lazy and places herself higher than humans to do any labor of any sort.

The main reason she keeps a disguise is to hide her true identity of being the Daughter of a Great Evil...

Character Name: Blue Kadith

Screen Name: .Autumn.

Gender: Female

Age: 260, Looks 16

Species: Llyr

General Apperance: Blue has pale skin, almost the exact colour of paper. Her eyes are big, and they are a stark contrast against her skin, being blood red. Her mouth is quite small, she hadly talks or shows any emotion. Blue's hair is a deep, midnight black and falls in curls down her back. She also has electric-blue highlights that stand out completely. Blue is 5'5" with long legs. She has long nails- normally painted black or the same blue as her highlights. Her teeth are white and shiny, perfect from years of not using them. She has a pair of delicate fangs, but only uses them when she needs to harm someone by ripping their skin.

Usual Outfit(s): Blue wears a black dress. It has no staps, and has a lace corset-type look at the top. The skirt of it puffs out slightly due to multiple layers of ruffles. She wears knee-high black socks to match her dress, along with matching gloves.

General personality/background: (( Can I post the rest later? I've got to go out right now ))
I will totally join this rp because its creative and unique and awesome :) but it'll have to be later on in the afternoon, as I will be pretty busy for the next four hours or so. Ill try to weasel a bio in before I leave, but if I can't do so and still make it decent I won't. Just letting you know you'll have another charrie ^_^
Awesome! Thanks...I spent a long time thinking about all these different species. I'm really glad to see someone interested :3 And don't worry about getting a bio in. I should be on and off all day so there's no pressure.
Character Name: Kaine McAllister

Screen Name: Nalakitty01

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Personality/History: Kaine has never been quite like other people. While most cling to others of their species for familiarity and companionship, he never really had a species like others', and so he was detached for most of his life, viewing other beings as interesting things to study rather than as people. He doesn't really think himself above others, just likes to toy with them to see what reactions he gets, antagonizes on purpose because people and their attachments and sensitivities amuse him.

He was never tied to one Clan, though most never realize he's not allied with them. He gathers information on anyone and everyone, sweet talks and sneaks his way into the places he wants to be and uses everything he can to his advantage before moving on, usually with some sort of precious stone or other currency in his pockets. He sells both his information and his self to anyone that will pay for it that he finds interesting enough. His services include anything and everything - from spying to slave work - and he'll do anything for anyone, so long as you have the money and keep his attention. He makes himself useful and it's the only reason he's alive and able to move through most Clans' territory without much harm.

Species: Variant of Cian. He's more of an empath than a mind reader, catching images and feelings rather than thoughts in word form. He can read body language, speech patterns and micro-expressions well enough to make up for any loss of that particular ability. He's not really stronger than other species, but his strength is hidden in a slim form that most think weak until it hits them. Generally, though, he doesn't need to rely on strength.

Description: Kaine has short cut, dark red hair and piercing auburn eyes. He's slim but not skinny and generally carries himself with his back straight and his head high because he makes sure he has the upper hand wherever he goes. His usual attire is like in the picture seen below, because looking respectable helps him not to be noticed so much - and also because a well tailored suit is like lingerie for men, and attraction puts people off guard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd998e248_AkashiSeijuurou-KurokuNoBasket.jpg.ce17c8d774c71323f59f89804e94fd80.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd998e248_AkashiSeijuurou-KurokuNoBasket.jpg.ce17c8d774c71323f59f89804e94fd80.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: (And also, yes, he does like cats like the picture suggests)

((Hooray! I got it done in a timely manner ^_^ Hope that's all the info you needed. If not I can fix it when I come home.

Also, I hope the pics not too big 'cause I have no idea how to make it smaller O_O))



  • Akashi Seijuurou - Kuroku No Basket.jpg
    Akashi Seijuurou - Kuroku No Basket.jpg
    253.4 KB · Views: 48
(Looks great, I'll add him.

As for the pic, I can make it smaller so no worries :]

But actually, I just realized re-sizing it would take much longer than I want so...my OCD will just have to live with it :/ )
Character Name: (Original Name: Selphir) Alexandria "Alex" Gabriel

Screen Name: Greyson Ross

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Species: Variant of Cian: She can remember things that she has seen, read, heard, or "Read in someone's mind" and can relay them as if it just happened; this usually goes back a couple years, for her. (Example: Lets say she went to a birthday party as a "Kid", she can remember all of those events and relay them to someone, either by saying or by telepathic thoughts, as if it just happened.) As said in the "Example", she can relay things by projecting it into someone's mind, or by just telling them, which would come in handy in certain things. She still has all other abilities of a regular Cian.

General Appearance:

Usual outfit(s): (Humanoid Form:

Personality: Alex is the quiet type, not much bothers her, and she's very tolerant. There's a plethora of things that she can tolerate, considering she doesn't care what people do, nor does she care about sexuality. There's one thing that bothers Alex: Physical...-ness...No, Alex isn't a fat lazy slob, but she's not too skinny. She rarely works out, she rarely runs, and she rarely sweats.

Alex likes to dance, eat cake, pie, and ice cream, she also like skateboarding and, rarely, smoking weed. She loves the look of "Indie Boys" and she also loves the look of "Hipster Boys". They look cute to her. Due to her intelligence, she sometimes intimidates people and often shoo's them away. Which is one reason she only "Hangs Out" with intelligent "Indies & Hipsters".

Backstory: Being born in a supernatural lifestyle was hectic and chaotic for Alex. Due to her powers she often had headaches as a "kid" and she was taken to the hospital, a lot. Also, as a "kid", she would she had an aggression that scared kids and made teachers fret. Since Alex is Immortal, she has had many lifetimes and she has had to run away from her home. Now that she looks around 18 or 19, she has chosen to live alone. She only goes to college to keep his disguise in check.

Alex hovers above the cities and alleys for people to hijack and steal money, she's a little lazy and places herself higher than humans to do any labor of any sort.

The main reason she keeps a disguise is to hide her true identity of being the Daughter of a Great Evil...
((Sorry! Is this better? xD ))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd99e6c9e_AkashiSeijuurou-KurokuNoBasket-Copy.jpg.340d09678e5d4c652524187a39483b3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd99e6c9e_AkashiSeijuurou-KurokuNoBasket-Copy.jpg.340d09678e5d4c652524187a39483b3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((I shrunk it with Paint so it's just kinda fuzzy))



  • Akashi Seijuurou - Kuroku No Basket - Copy.jpg
    Akashi Seijuurou - Kuroku No Basket - Copy.jpg
    58.5 KB · Views: 24
(I'll just keep the old one since it's better quality. As for roleplaying, I'll try to be on the main page in about an hour if that's okay? You can write a starter if you'd like or wait for me to write one.)
((Uhhh, well if you want we could have Kaine give Esme some information to use against the Enid? Like maybe he sometimes gives her info, just to see what she does with it? He could ask for some little thing in return so it's not as suspicious to her lol))
Character name: Crome Vultur

Screen name: GoddessOfGod


Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian):16

General Appereance

Usual outfit(s)She usual wears baggy black pants with chains on both and front , back sides. Just liike her shirt in the picture she wears it with that, sometimes she wear a black tank.

General personality/backstory::Towa is calm, taciturn, level-headed and analytical, preferring not to engage in combat; If she must, she will jump into battle without hesitation.she is content with silently observing both parties until the fighting reaches its conclusion, and refuses to fight unless she is ordered superiors . She strongly opposes the notion of killing others, especially if done to gain power. Even under this calm side, she can be very brutal and aggresive . When she,s not busy, she is either having tea and snacks, or sleeping.

Backstory:Being the youngest of the three siblings, she was born last. HHer procedure was delicate and the mother had only a few minutes to live. Taking her out, the little girl opens her eyes to not a normal hospital with loving nurses and doctors but a cell. There was one light hanging from the ciling while there was bars everywhere. Noticing something she looked down and saw an older boy holding a yougner boy's hand. The doctor pointed as he smiled. " those are siblings." The boy gritted his teeth as he clenched the bars. Her small hands reaching for him as the older one entered. TTaking her into his hands he smiled down at her.

Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation):Enid, she uses electriciy

Character name: Cline Vultur

Screen name: GoddessOfGod


Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian):17

General Appereance

Usual outfit(s) A long sweater, either blue or black with black pants and a chanin hanging from the belt loop. He would usually wear headsets around his neck and cary a box of poxy sticks

General personality/backstory::Cain is a tall silent type. he doesn't talk much and only nods when he understnads something. even though hes quiet he can be loud and the first to pop off. Because of this he is easily the one to leave someone behind wether there weak or inferior to him..

Backstory: Being the second born he was birthed afte his older brother , two years after him. The procsess dealing with him was quick and gente. He was taken away by his brother from the doctors hand and was led to a room with nothing but white. The small boy was confused as he smacked around his brother's face. BBefore he could laugh the doctors came in and stripped him away leading him to another room, with the same white walls but a table with tools beside it. There the doctors began to exiperment on him.

Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation):Enid, he uses light

Character name: Code Vultur

Screen name: GoddessOfGod


Age (Llyr are immortal, as well as Cian):19

General Appereance

Usual outfit(s)He usualwears black tank tops, some red others blue and white. He wears black and blue baggy jeans with conversers. Like his brother he wears chains but on both sides.

General personality/backstory:: Code is described as an arrogant, sarcastic, cold who is resourceful and opportunistic. He doesn't wait for things to happen, rather, he causes them to happen. He is the leader of the siblings, so he is very level headed and mature. He is very harsh on his brethren, as he is not hesitant on knocking out Cain and slapping Crome.Despite this, he cares deeply for his brother and sister. he often appears somewhat morbid & ominous towards those who speak to him. He also possesses a dark sense of humor

Backstory: BBeing born first the handlement for him was rougher and more forcefuly since they didn't know how he would react. They quickly removed him from the view of his mother who the kept barly alive and sent him to a room with all white. Unlike the other tables there was a coffin type bed with sharp tools and needles. Thrashing around the baby refused to be put down. Knocking him out with gas they managed to hold him and expierement. After a year he was able to feely move around, then when the second year came around he was able to see his mother give birth two another child.

Species (if a variant of a different species than the main three, specify abilities and give an explanation):Enid, he uses fire
(I'm sorry Goddess but your bio's are a bit confusing...I would love to have you join and your characters look like they could deepen the roleplay very much, but I'm afraid the repetition of their backstories is hard to understand and there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes that make it hard to understand. Please don't take offense to this, I only wish for your characters to be the best they can be. If you want any assistance in revising them, message me and I'll do my best to help :big grin:

And the names are a bit similar...but if you're set on it we can come to a compromise I'm sure.

And that sounds like a good idea to start with Nala. Do you want to type the starter or should I?)
(( 2nd part to my post for Blue ))

General backgroud: Blue was delivered to an un-suspecting family at the age of two. She was abused whilst with them. Her 'parents' used to put her in a metal crate filled with llarge metal spikes. Later in life, she was bullied for her strangely large teeth. She stopped ageing when she was able to live on her own, and before leaving made a startling discovery. Blue found out that she was not human. She killed her foster parents and dissolved their bodies in acid. Since then, she has been on the run for suspected murder.

Personality: Blue is an outgoing person, who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She often chooses how she's going to act to you when Blue meets you. The rest you'll find out later...
Character Name: Lucius Faraday

Screen Name: Nalakitty01

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality/History: Lucius is usually a rather calm, spacey person, someone quiet that doesn't say too much unless he knows you well. He's withdrawn a bit from getting close to anyone, mostly because of his race, but is friendly with most everyone, percieved as small and weak and so sometimes protected and doted on. He reads and spends a lot of his time drawing by himself, even though he doesn't truly enjoy being alone. If he does get to close to someone, he can be very protective. He's the type of person that will smile for someone else, even if he's sad.

Lucius' family all either left him or died off before he did so he's grown up with more than a few attachment issues. He had to fight a little for it but was able to keep his parents' house and stayed there, living on his own and just going quietly about his life. He wanders around the town and so knows most people in it, if only in passing, and is generally well-liked because he always smiles for people. He doesn't truly let himself grow attached to anyone, and it took a lot of work and time before he finally let Kaine in. At this point in time, Kaine is the only person that he considers a real friend and so let's Kaine stay in his home sometimes even though the older man is a Variant. Lucius has never been the type for prejudice anyway.

Species: Enid. His energy manifests as fire, something that makes him a little afraid of himself.

Description: Lucius isn't very tall, at 5 foot nothing, and is sort of scrawny for his species, generally walking around looking a little lost and unkempt. He has blonde hair and occasionally sad but bright light brown eyes. He tends to walk around in clothes that are too big for him, which only makes him look smaller, because he can't be bothered to buy better ones and just lives with his family's left behind clothes.

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