Wandering Adventurer...
A Gentle breeze was in the air as the clatter of computer and electronic sensors and keys were being pecked away at and beginning to come to life as the silent equipment slowly started to groan itself into a useful state as if it was being dragged out of its bed for the first time in weeks "why do they feel the need to supply me all the inadequate, outdated reject scraps of the lot..." Nozaki said to himself almost wishing subconsciously someone at the college was listening to his remarks as his fingers hovered over the keys waiting to perform the majestic dance they had been trained to do.
A wall of light barraged Nozakis dim face in the cold night giving his eyes the signal to focus in and get to work as he systematically ordered each and every electronic station to life, he then turned his head to the wet suit and approached it as he got ready for the great below.
A wall of light barraged Nozakis dim face in the cold night giving his eyes the signal to focus in and get to work as he systematically ordered each and every electronic station to life, he then turned his head to the wet suit and approached it as he got ready for the great below.