Nabari no Ou


Primordial of Abstract Logic
Nabari no Ou

Have you seen it?

I was thinking about how to port some of the powers over to Exalted, especially the "leaf-whirlwind teleport".

I think Travel Without Distance (Core Book, page 256) would work great for this, but I want to use it as a Charm, not a Spell, so how would one go about changing it from Spell to Charm?

Maybe a leafy version of Ebon Shadow Style's Shadow-Stepping motion (SotM, page 94)?

Also, what Ability would you base it on?


An improvement on Racing Hare Method (Core Book, page 224)?

Survival doesn't make sense.

Travel Without Distance moves you 10 miles per point of Essence, which is a lot farther than is needed and it's a Celestial Sorcery Spell and I don't want to go with Sorcery.

Shadow-Stepping Motion moves you [Essence] in miles, which works fine, though it's a Essence 5, MA 5 Charm.

Racing Hare Method moves you [stamina + Essence]x10 miles in an hour. Bumping that from an hour's time down to one action, but reducing it to [Essence] in miles seems odd.

Maybe if I made a whole new offshoot of the Athletics tree...
I'd go with the an upgrade to Racing Hare Method since your other options are adapting a spell that you need essence 4 just to learn and the final tier of a celestial martial art.

Maybe something with the same cost of 5 motes and one willpower, bump up the permanent essence requirement to 3, and shorten the range. Instead of moving yourself Racing Hare Method allows you to go x amount of miles an hour for and hour or however long you want to burn essence. Maybe put this charm with a range of (essence x100) yards or line of sight (I haven't seen that anime so I'm just improvising). That makes it a pretty amazing charm that will definitely be very useful but the willpower cost will keep you from over using it.

Though that doesn't seem to really go along with the theme of the Solars. Their charms tend to be regular skills given a super charge of essence, even the one flying ability they have (at least for themselves) is really just a really long jump. So randomly teleporting is kind of non-solar like. But that's just my opinion, feel free to ignore it.
My post thanking you seems to have vanished...

So, I reitterate.

Thank you for your response.

Maybe I should run up a Sidereal setup for the Charm.
My post thanking you seems to have vanished...

So, I reitterate.

Thank you for your response.

Maybe I should run up a Sidereal setup for the Charm.
No problem, me and my friends have gotten to where we need custom charms to keep things interesting.

Infernal might be a better bet (since syderials have that no new charm thing). Look at these in Adjoran's section, Wind-Born Stride (pg 138), Death Dealing Journey (pg 139), and Faster Then Sight (pg 144). A combo of these might be close to something you're looking for or at least be good prerequisites for your charm.
I don't know. Sidereal* Martial Arts aren't really something that will show up in your average Sidereal PC's arsenal, as most games take place in the Essence 2-5 range. The not being able to make custom Charms will directly impact the game no matter the Essence range.

This however has no bearing on the OP's topic, so this discussion should be moved elsewhere, or stopped.

*please for the love of god, start spelling this correctly terrormortus
I don't know. Sidereal* Martial Arts aren't really something that will show up in your average Sidereal PC's arsenal, as most games take place in the Essence 2-5 range. The not being able to make custom Charms will directly impact the game no matter the Essence range.
This however has no bearing on the OP's topic, so this discussion should be moved elsewhere, or stopped.

*please for the love of god, start spelling this correctly terrormortus
Why not? You may not master most Sidereal Martial Arts at those essence levels, but that doesn't prevent you from learning some of the charms before Essence 6 or 7. Prismatic Arrangement of Creation can be fully mastered at Essence 5, for that matter. Do I think that Sidereal Martial Arts balance out a lack of custom charms? No. On the other hand, the rule is no custom charms without the Maiden's direct approval. While such should certainly be...interesting to aquire, I don't consider such impossible, like many assume.
The only way to use it in game would be with consent of the Storyteller, so it probably couldn't be Sidereal in nature, even though it would fit their methods best, but if Solars can do everything better and easier, then you know some Night caste out there would have tried his damndest to make a teleporting charm to combine Athletics and Stealth.

And as for the misspell, hasn't the new millenium taught you anything? Everything's better with a "y" in it...

Syderials, Syfy, Sarah Pylin...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, so I'm not even falling for this one.

Yeah, it's just Side-real, but that's ok, there are a lot of people on the board who make speeling errors.

And yes, I did that on purpose. Just not for the reasons you're thinking.
The only way to use it in game would be with consent of the Storyteller, so it probably couldn't be Sidereal in nature, even though it would fit their methods best, but if Solars can do everything better and easier, then you know some Night caste out there would have tried his damndest to make a teleporting charm to combine Athletics and Stealth.
And as for the misspell, hasn't the new millenium taught you anything? Everything's better with a "y" in it...

Syderials, Syfy, Sarah Pylin...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok, so I'm not even falling for this one.

Yeah, it's just Side-real, but that's ok, there are a lot of people on the board who make speeling errors.

And yes, I did that on purpose. Just not for the reasons you're thinking.
Remind me to tell you about me raging about the evils feminism has committed upon the English language sometime.
Chaka said:
Remind me to tell you about me raging about the evils feminism has committed upon the English language sometime.
Yes, radicals are trying to alter the language to fit what they want. Radical feminists, radical rednecks, radical gangbangers, radical conservatives, radical liberals. Stupid friggin' humans.
This post seems oddly familiar...

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