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Fantasy mythic rose characters


Four Thousand Club
(a like means accepted)

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"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to, honey"

| Ms. Birette Sissel Lyderdotter | Born in the dark ages |

| Cis Female | Asexual, aromantic | Huldra | Nurse |



Birette is tall and skinny, has high cheekbones and filled lips. Her eyes are filled with longing and

a silent cry after more to life. She is a quiet being, does not really move when she speaks and prefers

the spot in the corner, where she likes hovering, watching. Even though her body is still her eyes moves

with every move the room does. She sees everything, and adding it to her knowledge. When taking her

place, either talking or acting out or what else it would be, she often comes of strong and independent

giving out a feeling of power and dedication. She works towards knowing her every move, though her past

shows in her the way she talks and acts towards the masculine; such as touching them and acting romantic.

Birette has a tail, looks a little like the typical trolls tail, and her back has an hole in it, where you can see

into the dark deeps of her woods, where she grew up. It is dark, dead and truly scary.

Face Claim: 

Daria Werbowy




Birette is a quiet woman, studying others moves and she does not talk more then she needs to. Though she

would never let anyone talk down to her, her friends or anything like that. Her silence is not shyness, nor is it

that she is introverted, her silence is something she worked on ever since she got herself out of her life before

becoming a nurse. On the inside Birette often lashes out, she hates what the world has come to and works so

hard to get it beautiful again. She avoids her past, and works so hard to not mention it to anyone, nor show

anything about it. This does not mean she hides the fact that she is a huldra. She is strong, and does never

hesitate when she thinks she does the right thing. Her way of thinking about good and bad is very black and

white, making her work rather harsh on her. She uses sweet words to make others feel good, honey being her

favourite. Birette can come of as a total bitch, this because she is often clueless about others emotions and

their thinking. Though she tries to learn, to understand, to see.



Birette was born in the dark ages, by Sissel and Lyder. She was hidden from their god, and therefore also hidden

from humanity. Taken to the woods and raised by those who live in it she developed the traits and life as a huldra.

Her life before, in the woods in mostly unknown, even to herself. She did what a huldra was supposed to do, and

she liked it. She lured young men to bed and kidnapped them to the woods, she made them fall in love with her

and leave their families. She danced in the woods, living on the energy of the damned. Until one day she met

a young man named Rubin, who saw her tail. He did not run like the others had, nor did he attack her. They

talked, for hours. This was the time she understood that her life was bad, evil. Rubin was neither a human, and

he showed her the world he was living, the world she could live if she wanted to. They rolled into a school together,

to get an education and now Birette is a nurse at the school, and Rubin is away living his own life. 



full name: Calliah

nicknames: Calli, Cal

age: 300-ish(appears/human equivalent of 17)

gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

species: Wood Nymph

Student or staff: Student



Personality: Cal is offset by most humans, usually receding to nature, and it takes a lot for her to fully trust you. She thrives when alone, but can handle social situations for brief periods of time. Although she doesn't understand human emotion and social cues, she tries to learn.

History: Cal has lived in the forest for hundreds of years, as Nymphs are immortal, but has the appearance of 17 year old human. She befriended the animals and plants in the forest and was part of the thriving ecosystem; That is, until humans intervened and cut down the trees and destroyed the habitats of the animals. She fled to the school for protection and is learning how to be part of the human world.

Other: She has Schizophrenia((Don't worry, I'm not stigmatizing, I actually have schizophrenia irl)).
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Luke, Lukey, Ass hat {From His Brother]
Jax, J, Mouse, Dumbass {From His brother..}

They are both 17, but Lukas is two minutes older


Luke is straight as Jaxon is bisexual {Though Jax hasn't told his brother}


Student or Staff

Lukas is about 5, 6 and weighing 163 lbs. His hair is bright orange with red eyes that make him look demon, yet he's not.He usually wears a white or black tee with blue jeans and his red plaid jacket.

Jaxon is a sweet looking little guy, ranging at 5,5 and 1/2, and 143 lbs. With a near sided, blue eyed boy, his hipster, black glasses help with that. With his short, brown hair, many people have said he looks like a mouse. His clothing ranging from different graphic tees and black jeans with his blue chucks all wrapped up in his black jacked and blue plaid scarf. 

Besides their normal forms, the brothers can take different forms With Lukas taking form of other people, and Jaxon with animals, they work together to try and keep this a secret. Though this can be hard at certain points because they have to practice on their voices as they stay the same.

Lukas can be your typical bad boy, causing mischief {until his brother sends him straight}, but he can be a sweetheart if he's around the right people. 

Jaxon is pretty shy. He is an absolute sweetheart around just about everyone. He is never really a guy to go around and starting or finishing fights. He only considers doing this if its his brother or closest friends.

The two brothers have always lived with their mother in an apartment , sharing a room. As the two got older though their mother couldnt care for  them any longer as she had gotten sick and slowly died. So, both brothers have looked out for each other and never let the other one down or go anywhere without the other. 

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Name: Bob

Nickname: Bob

Age: Unknown but looks 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Student or staff: Staff

Job: Janitor

Species: Former God of Madness

Appearance: 6"8, 170 pounds, one yellow eye left, one grey eye right, shaggy shoulder length hair dark purple hair, wears a black and wight checkered tux and a silver bow tie, he carries around a satchel that is made of worn brown leather, black steel toed dress shoes, black and white checkered dress pants.

Personality: Good hearted but as crazy as they come Bob will try to help even if it doesn't seem like it. He is hard headed and loyal but is very blunt and will tell the truth even when it hurts. His wise advice often comes off as crazy ramblings Likes squids.

History: He was kicked out of the pantheon for stoping the gods from killing a mortal child for what the father did, he has been doing odd jobs as a janitor ever since.

Other: He can pull any thing from his bag.

full name: fiolan nightfire

nicknames: fi

age: unknown

gender: male

Sexuality: pansexual homoromantic

species: necromancer

job/subjects: headmaster





very well mannered and quite 



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