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Fantasy Mystic

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In a futuristic world, where wolves and humans live in harmony, there is little doubt of the magic in our world. 


 This magical world, one full of amazement and wonder, is called Kotomoria. When the fossil fuels that the human race sustained themselves with ran out, their race quickly deteriorated. The world's dominant race had fallen. With this fall, came the rise of the wolves. Werewolves had been around since the beginning of time. Where humans evolved from apes, werewolves evolved from wolves. The solid origin of their race is unknown, but there are stories and tales passed down the generations. Packs rose and fell over the centuries, but they were peaceful creatures. They liked the human race, and never sought to harm them. They only sought to live in harmony with them. Once, in 1475, they revealed their existence to the Medieval Empires. The humans, unable to accept the existence of a being they believed couldn't exist, they began hunting the wolves. After a long and bloody war, known to the humans as some forgotten war in their long history and known to the wolves as the War of Races, the wolves renounced the truth of their existence and receded into life in the woods, where the humans never harmed them. They lived this way for years. Until a century ago, when the Alpha of the Mystic Wolves--a pack of wolves with special powers far greater than that of a normal wolf--decided to reveal their existence again.


It took a decade, and a few years of suffering in labs, before the humans finally accepted the truth. The wolves were real, and they had never sought to inflict harm on humans. Their goal was peace, and the freedom to live where they wanted, instead of being kept in the woods forever. The human king quickly arranged the citizenship of the wolves. He spoke to the Werewolf King, and the two arranged a government plan. Soon enough, one joint empire, ruled by two kings and two royal families (each with their own Royal Advisors Council, consisting of humans and wolves), had formed. Human schools opened to wolves, wolf schools opened to humans. After another decade, wolves and humans were deeply ingrained in each other's societies. The two quickly became one. And all was at peace.


Until now. Not all members of either race agreed with the joining of the two societies. There were some wolves who were disgusted by humans., believing them to be putrid beings, inferior to the majesty and grace of even the lowest ranking wolf. They wanted the races to remain separate. They wanted the original ways of the wolves to return. The Wild Days, as they are now called. When wolves lived most of their lives in their natural form; that of a wolf. And there were humans who hated the wolves, believing them to be dangerous, unnatural creatures deserving of nothing more than death and extinction. The two factions joined forces to bring the Kings down and separate society. Now, they are known as the Reapers 


In panic, the two Kings met up and discussed a plan of action. For the sake of Kotomoria, they called on the pack of wolves who had caused the joining of the societies in the first place to sniff out the Reapers and stop them, no matter the cost.


Can the Mystic Wolves save Kotomoria? Or will the Reapers destroy everything they strived for?
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@Anyone who's interested

I will make the an official roleplay for this if and when I get enough interest. At least 8-10 people, including myself.
Mind editing the main post? It's impossible to read on Night Life.

Anyway, somewhat interested if there's a bit of clarification.

1) Is this medieval? Sounds like it but I'm not all that sure.

2a)How powerful are these mystic wolves? I mean, being a werewolf is one thing. Being a werewolf that can destroy a human army with a flick of a tail is another. >.>

2b) That being said, are they standard wolves when shifted? Anthro? Horror movie-esc? When human what physical characteristics set them apart or do they blend in seamlessly?

3) Are all sides going to be played? Or just the wolves?

4) How detailed is this? One paragraph per post? Two? 

Didn't mean to sound like an ass... Sorry if I came off that way. >.<
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Mind editing the main post? It's impossible to read on Night Life.

Anyway, somewhat interested if there's a bit of clarification.

1) Is this medieval? Sounds like it but I'm not all that sure.

2a)How powerful are these mystic wolves? I mean, being a werewolf is one thing. Being a werewolf that can destroy a human army with a flick of a tail is another. >.>

2b) That being said, are they standard wolves when shifted? Anthro? Horror movie-esc? When human what physical characteristics set them apart or do they blend in seamlessly?

3) Are all sides going to be played? Or just the wolves?

4) How detailed is this? One paragraph per post? Two? 

Didn't mean to sound like an ass... Sorry if I came off that way. >.<

I edited it.

1) No. Their is medieval stuff in the history that is the background for the plot, but the roleplay is set in a future world, after modern humanity's fall. It's like a type of utopian society thing.

2a) Where they are stronger than the average wolf, especially at the rank of Alpha, they are not all powerful. Mystics have distinct abilities gifted to them. So, one Mystic could have the ability to control an element while another is gifted with unmatched intelligence. Supersenses and the ability to shift are something that come with every wolf, Mystic or not.

2b) Average werewolves are standard wolves when shifted. Mystic wolves are triple the size. Their wolves are anywhere from 6 to 9 feet tall. In human form, average wolves have weird tattoos signifying their pack origin. These tattoos seem to glimmer or move to the human eyes. Mystic wolves all have golden eyes in human form, as well as their own tattoos. 

3) All sides are available to play. You can be anything from a Reaper, to one of the two Kings. I'm going for diversity.
4) One paragraph per post, but I do encourage my members to strive for more than that.

Does that clear it up for you? And you don't sound like an ass. You simply wanted clarification.
I edited it.

1) No. Their is medieval stuff in the history that is the background for the plot, but the roleplay is set in a future world, after modern humanity's fall. It's like a type of utopian society thing.

2a) Where they are stronger than the average wolf, especially at the rank of Alpha, they are not all powerful. Mystics have distinct abilities gifted to them. So, one Mystic could have the ability to control an element while another is gifted with unmatched intelligence. Supersenses and the ability to shift are something that come with every wolf, Mystic or not.

2b) Average werewolves are standard wolves when shifted. Mystic wolves are triple the size. Their wolves are anywhere from 6 to 9 feet tall. In human form, average wolves have weird tattoos signifying their pack origin. These tattoos seem to glimmer or move to the human eyes. Mystic wolves all have golden eyes in human form, as well as their own tattoos. 

3) All sides are available to play. You can be anything from a Reaper, to one of the two Kings. I'm going for diversity.
4) One paragraph per post, but I do encourage my members to strive for more than that.

Does that clear it up for you? And you don't sound like an ass. You simply wanted clarification.

Quite a bit actually. The THREE concerns I have is are large mystic wolves are, the government and the abilities. 

1) They would need to be GIGANTIC in human form to compensate for that. Don't mean to bring in logic here but I don't see a reason in having them be the size of small buildings. >.>

2) If there are still "kings" then I would assume this utopia/dystopia is still a monarchy and not like our world today. Which wouldn't make all that much sense but -shrugs-

3) There are going to be limits, yes? Godmoding and being overpowered as fuck tends to happen when powers get thrown into the mix.
Quite a bit actually. The THREE concerns I have is are large mystic wolves are, the government and the abilities. 

1) They would need to be GIGANTIC in human form to compensate for that. Don't mean to bring in logic here but I don't see a reason in having them be the size of small buildings. >.>

2) If there are still "kings" then I would assume this utopia/dystopia is still a monarchy and not like our world today. Which wouldn't make all that much sense but -shrugs-

3) There are going to be limits, yes? Godmoding and being overpowered as fuck tends to happen when powers get thrown into the mix.

1) Pertaining to that, the lack of logic is the point. They're called mystic wolves for a reason. Logic doesn't apply to their existence. Their size can be smaller than this for your character if you wish, but no smaller the 4.5 feet on all fours.
2) Yes, it is a monarchy. There are reasons for that that do make sense. To me, at least. When humanity fell, humans decided having a different government may work better. They established a monarchy, and the wolves have always been a monarchy. It made sense for it to remain that way in the ruling of Kotomoria.

3) Yes, there are most definitely rules and limits. As I said, mystics are not all-powerful. Anyone who attempts to godmod or make their powerful basically unstoppable will be given one warning. If they do not stop, they will be removed from the roleplay.
1) Pertaining to that, the lack of logic is the point. They're called mystic wolves for a reason. Logic doesn't apply to their existence. Their size can be smaller than this for your character if you wish, but no smaller the 4.5 feet on all fours.
2) Yes, it is a monarchy. There are reasons for that that do make sense. To me, at least. When humanity fell, humans decided having a different government may work better. They established a monarchy, and the wolves have always been a monarchy. It made sense for it to remain that way in the ruling of Kotomoria.

3) Yes, there are most definitely rules and limits. As I said, mystics are not all-powerful. Anyone who attempts to godmod or make their powerful basically unstoppable will be given one warning. If they do not stop, they will be removed from the roleplay.

Hmmm...alright.... One last question! Technology level? 

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