Mystic Midnight Academy for The Gifted.


One Thousand Club
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You guys know what to do! I'll start.

Amanda walked into the school ground with a misty aura. The foggy tension of the school slightly scared her. The mysteriously creaking of the gate when she pushed it startled her. So she got out of control? Her parents didn't have to send her here, but of course they were too scared to say no to the headmaster of a powered school. They made her she didn't want to lash out again so Amanda had packed my bags and went. They didn't cry, they didn't even hug her. They left Amanda to go to this school without a second thought, they didn't say anything like, 'Hey, call us every now and then in the next 3 years, Kay?' Nope. Nothing. Zip. Zelcho. You get the picture.

Acel didn't see the point in this "gifted" school, or at least, he didn't see the point for himself to have to go. It wasn't like he had any trouble controlling himself or his gift. He doing perfectly fine on his own. But the closer to got to the school and saw more young people just like himself, the more the idea grew on him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. A school of gifted children would certainly be more interesting that a school of normal children. 'Besides,' he thought to himself, a slight grin beginning to form on his lips, 'it's just a year. Might as well make it memorable.'

Tobias stood warily at the school gate. He didn't know anyone here and he didn't know how long he had to stay. He bit his lip, deep in thought. His gift wasn't a threat to anyone, just somewhat unexplainable when he randomly disappeared. Realizing there was nothing he could do at this point, he shuffled through the gate, toting his things behind him.
Mark lugged his suitcase behind him stepping to the side so he could get a good enough look of what would be his new home for the next few years. It wasn't his fault he was here since it was protection but who would really believe him when I almost killed my step dad" he thought sighing as he slowly began his trek towards the school again.

He made his way into the gate and quickly broke off away from the crows not that much of the social type especially with people who was dangerous or even more dangerous than he was.
Amanda headed up to the office to fetch her key. She sighed as she lugged her old memories up the spiral staircase. It was ceramic, and I really don't think anyone would want to break it with their suitcase. She sighed up another stair, being careful that not even a chip was taken out of the marbled stone. She pulled it up the final stair and walked into the office. "Kid, we heard your thuding from up here, be careful of the stairs!" the rude admin scolded, "I was trying to be careful, Miss! You don't underst-", the admin shushed her, "Name," she glared, "Amanda," the secretary handed her the key. "Have a great 3 years!" she voiced, dripping with sarcasm.
Belroug watched as the new students walked into the school. He eyed the competition. 'noobs' he thought. He saw a girl walk into the main office. He smiled. 'she's pretty' he thought. He got up and walked up to her. "don't mind her" he said lifting his hands behind his head. "she's always like that." he said smiling. "the names Balroug." he said still smiling. "who might you be?" he asked.
Mark was pulling his belongings up the office fore his key wondering why they put the students through so much work. He gave one more grunt as he pulled his suitcase and other bags up the last flight of stairs panting lightly. He headed into the room to receive his key when he was scolded almost the exact same way. He sighed taking his key "I cant believe I'm going to be stuck here for the next few years" he said to himself sitting on a bench before carrying everything back down the stairs.
(([MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION], You talking to Amanda?))

"Amanda, nice to meet you Balroug," she said smiling, extending her hand. "I'm stuck here for the next few years because I made scary things happen. How'd you get stuck in this hell-hole?" she asked cheerily. "In other words, what's your apparent, 'gift'?" she clarified. His grin was catchy.

((@Wingal, Don't worry Wingal, Mark and Amanda are still with each other. xD ))
Balroug shook her hand. "How i got stuck in here?" he repeated. "Well I was sent here by my father." he started. "Yeah, he was freaked out when I turned the family dog into bbq." he smirked a bit. "Yeah my gift is phoenix magic." he said. "At least that's what I call it." he said.
"That equals in my world, something to do with fire, and that tops my power any day..." she replied modestly. She didn't exactly love her gift. In fact you could say she absolutely despised it, but that's going a tid bit to far. She picked up her suitcase, "It tops mine so much you probably don't even want to know what it is," she smirked and walked down the stairs.
Acel jogged up the steps, his bag bouncing on his shoulders. He offered a charming grin to the secretary at the top then gave his name. Once receiving his key, he went off in search of his room. Nothing interesting seemed to be happening, he would meet others later.

Tobi stood at the bottom of the staircase, watching the other students pass with a slight frown on his face. He wasn't sure what to expect when he had been asked to the school, and still wasn't sure even know. Slowly, he began the climb up the staircase, avoiding eye contact with the other students.
Ran walked slowly through the school's double-doors. She feared that she would get lost if she would run to get something, or her "powers" as the school called it, would act up and she wouldn't touch the ground. Ran didn't have to hide her wings. They weren't angelic, more futuristic looking in her eyes. She wasn't sure why her powers were given to her. She could simply raise her hand and her wings (that are not attached, but somehow hold her up) would appear, but she hasn't been able to channel her healing powers yet.

She thanked the lady at the desk for her key and began looking around the school. It's really big. I wonder what happens if a human sees this. She tugged the hem of her dress. She almost likes the unfamilliarness of the halls. Almost. Ran felt hopelessly lost as she wandered around.
Balroug walked back to the main hall. 'oh look another new girl' he thought. he walked over to her. "Hello miss." he said bowing. "Are you in need of assistance?" he asked with a smile as he looked up at her.
Ran jumped. Someone just spoke to her, she turned around. The man bowed and asked the golden question. Her eyes sparkled. "Oh, yes! I need to find the female dorm rooms. What direction is it?" She tugged her blond hair, a habit she wishes she could break. Looking around, she sees that she hasn't gotten very far away fom where she started.
Amanda smiled and walked off, bumping into someone, dropping all her bags and falling back slightly with her head hitting the railing with a slight Clonk! "Oh sorry, I'm a bit of a klutz." She admitted, rubbing her head. Those raling hurt. She looked up and saw it was a dude. Seriously?! She'd seen one other girl today. ONE! Now she'd seen two boys. She looked back to see another two. "This is great..." she muttered. She hated this school and she'd only been here, what? 1 hour? 2 tops?

([MENTION=2757]inkling[/MENTION], I hope it's okay with you, but Amanda bumped into Tobi...))
((Yeah that's fine~. Post inna sec..))

Tobi jumped back a bit, surprised. "Er, it's fine. No big deal," he mumbled, attempting to help gather her things. "Are you alright? Sounded like you hit your head pretty hard.." he asked with a somewhat concerned look on his face. He felt guilty, like it was somehow his fault she had ran into him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. As I said. I'm a klutz. It's my nature." she laughed, rubbign her head. The pain was fading. She didn't want the guy to feel guilty. "I'm absolutely fine."

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