Mystic Midnight Academy for The Gifted... Sign up and Stuff


One Thousand Club
Powers. You didn't know you had them. But the school has cameras in every house. One day you snapped. You got sooo angry you couldn't stand it anymore. You used your 'powers' whatever they may be on your family, they were horrifed. In the next hour or so, you get a letter. In the letter it said;

Dear *Insert name here*,

We know you have powers,

You are now required to go to Mystic Midnight Academy for The Gifted. ((MMAFTG)),

In the application below, please say whether you are in white or red class. I will further explain the meaning.

White class: The people who need help controlling their powers. They don't know what to do with it.

Red Class: You just need a few touch-ups. Basically the seniors of the school.

Now, follow the instructions on below and you'll be fine...

Yours sincerely,

Head Mistress Bartholomew

You have no choice but to go to the school now. Your family doesn't want you in the house until you can control your powers...


○○ Any requests shall be OOC'd.

○○ Have as many charries as you can handle

○○ No God-modding, I will not be afraid to kick you out...

○○ Any romantic scenes, *Fades to black* please.

○○ Have fun!!









Name: Taro

Age: 14

Gender: male

Appearance: (coming soon)

Power: control over wind and metal

Class: white

Love: strait

Hallo ~ ^.^

Name: Karliah

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Karliah's skin is a deep, dark blue, such as the night sky or the ocean viewed in the evening. She carries long, full braids of white hair that creep down to her lower back. She has a sharp featured face with bright crimson eyes, and holds a very slim but short figure (5'0). Her wardrobe is a brown leather skin-tight outfit and a dark purple cloak. View attachment 5266

Power: Karliah has the ability to manipulate light around her as she travels through the shadows. Whether that be dimming down a lamp in the room or gathering up reflections of light to form a ball of energy. She has not yet fully gained control of this power and has much to learn.

Class: White

Love: What is this 'love' you speak of?

Other: Karliah is an outsider to the modern world and to the kind hearts of others. Her background forms from a dark and dreary underground that she wishes not to give detail to. Because of this, she is very bitter, sarcastic, and stubborn. She carries around a small bow that can fit in your hands and shoot more like a gun than an actual bow and arrow. She uses it mostly for sport, but she always carries it around and you can never part her from it.
Name: Ava- Rose

Age: 18

Gender: Female



Power: She can make Illusions and if she has enough energy, they can become real

Class: Red

Love: None

Her favoite Illusion is Black and blue butterflies
Name: Mark




Power: Can manipulate Ice into different objects. Only has the ability to create barriers with it and other sharp objects. It takes extra time and energy for him to convert Water into ice if he has too.



Other: Mark is a good kid at heart but is a pushover mostly. In groups he is more shy and secluded but with one on one or just a few people he can be a bit more open. If he finds someone he considers a friend in trouble he will try his best to defend the person to the best of his ability.
Hello~. I don't have any pictures, that's ok right? :b

Name: Acel

Age: 18

Gender: male

Appearance: Tall [6'3''] and skinny, with pale, slightly grayish skin. His hair is jaggedly cut with the longest parts reaching just past his ears. It is a dark brown, almost black color. He has a square jaw with a rounded nose and thin lips. His eyes are deep set and amber colored.

Power: fire elemental

Class: red

Crush: none yet~

Other: x


Name: Tobias, or Tobi

Age: 16

Gender: male

Appearance: He is somewhat short for a boy, around 5' 9'' and averagely built. His skin is lightly tanned, randomly spattered with dark brown freckles, mostly on his cheeks/nose and shoulders. His hair is straight and golden brown, and falls into his eyes. He has pointed, almost elflike features with large pale blue eyes.

Power: invisibility, because he hasn't controlled it yet, he sometimes disappears randomly, usually when feeling strong emotions.

Class: white

Crush: no one at the moment

Other: x
Name: Aislinn

Age: 17

Gender: female

Appearance: 5'1" and slim. She has green eyes. Her hair reaches the middle of her back and is dyed a light pink. She has pale skin and a heart shaped face.

Power: Shape shifts into animals.

Class: white

Crush: no one at the moment

Other: --
Are you still accepting members?

Name: Eva Gatewood

Age: 17

Gender: Female


View attachment 5823

Power: Earth Manipulation. She can grow things at will, but her powers are affected by her emotions. When she's happy, flower's spring beneath her feet.

Class: White

Crush: None yet

She has a pet Flower named Peony. It's the first plant she ever grew with her powers. She has an older brother who also attends her school.

Name: Aiden Gatewood

Age: 18

Gender: Male


View attachment 5824

Power: Shadow Manipulation

Class: Red

Crush: N/A

Other: He's very protective of his younger sister.
Name: Brady Harrison

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Power: He has power over wine. Such as being able to manipulate wine,conjure wine, turn his body into wine. He also has an intoxication touch.


Crush: No

Other: Enjoys to Show off.
View attachment 6023

Name: Aria Davis.

Age: 18.

Gender: Female.

Power: She has the power to communicate with animals through language. (Meaning she can talk to them, and they can talk back.)

Class: Red.

Crush: None yet.

Other: She became friends with a rabbit named Ollie when she was very little and they've stayed together ever since. He follows her around everywhere and is a complete goofball.


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