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Fantasy Mystery of the Magi [Characters]

[A young thief who learned the hard way that one's man's trash doesn't have to be another's treasure. For treasure is valueble to anyone, so snatch that instead.]

Name: Maxine Hough

Age: 20

Physique: Standing at 5"5, Maxine has meditarianian skin and a thin torso. Maxine, who tends to go by Max, has brown wavy hair that ends at her upperback, green eyes, which she inherited from her mother, and freckles across her cheeks. She has scars on her arms from the deep cuts she recieved from her first knife fight.

Place of Birth: Fyelli

Background: Maxine grew up with her father, and only her father. Thier family wasn't rich, but had enough money that they could get by with something on thier plates every night. Since her mother died at such a young age, and her father was always at work, Maxine learned to take care of herself. At the age of 12, Maxine's father died, and the landlord kicked her out of thier small house. This led to Maxine not only becoming a thief, using lust and manipulation to earn cash on her own, but also started to go by 'Max'.

-Father's Machete Knife
-Backpack which carries most of the stolen valuebles she has, such as watches, trinkets and cash
-Sometimes she's got some food.​
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[A cautious young woman, she waits patiently for the moment to strike. More than any other, she understands the importance of subtlety as a means of combat.]

Bryanna Cornelia Belsante (neé Morales)

Age: Twenty-seven

Bryanna possesses wavy, light auburn locks that cling to her heart-shaped face, ending just above her shoudlers in messy layers. Her eyes are a vibrant baby blue framed by a set of naturally thick eyelashes, while her skin is a warm ivory color, hinting that she spends a moderate amount of time in and out of the sunlight. In spite of her inherently petite and slender figure, Bryanna keeps up her physique, sporting a rather muscular build which is more often than not concealed by the clothing she wears on a daily basis, for good reason, too. She has terrible burn scars across her neck, breasts, and leg.

Place of Birth:
The Kingdom of Fyelli

Background: Many years ago, Bryanna was but an ordinary seven year old girl living in a small town in Fyelli. There was a great fire caused by the spark of a baker's oven spilling out at the end of a long, hot summer, killing her mother and father and leaving her wounded within the blaze. She was rescued by Edmond Morales, who was a soldier hardened by his experience on the battlefield, wishing to actually "save" someone for the first time in his life, came to her rescue by pulling her out of the rubble and tending to her wounds. He then later asked the recovering Bryanna if she would like to become his adopted daughter, fully disclosing his identity as a serviceman. She had agreed, having nothing to return to, and spent the next two years persistently asking her father to teach her combat. Edmond eventually complied, and though he disapproved of her desire to learn the craft, he advised applying it in secret, where it could only benefit people and not attract confusion or suspicion. The knowledge he imparted to Bryanna consisted primarily of close quarters combat, leaving her weapon handling with much to be desired until later on in life. Furthermore, and perhaps inadvertently, Edmond passed on his philosophy of waiting for things to fall into place to her. Three years later, her father had died due to the weakening of his nervous system.

As of now, Bryanna is a well-respected soldier of her country, just as her father was before her. Having seen her fair share of the battlefield, she is now rather proficient with firearms, though not quite as much as she is with physical combat. While that does put a rift between her and many other troopers, it makes her well-suited for infiltration and silent killing. Aside from her status as a soldier, she is also the wife and mother to Alexander and Alexandra Belsante respectively. She had met her husband while on leave five years ago, and the two of them almost immediately hit it off with each other, marrying three years later and having their daughter two years afterwards. She is currently back in the military a few months after birthing her daughter.

  • One Bolt-Action Rifle
  • Two Combat Knives
  • Three Packs of Ammo
  • Battle Suit/Military Uniform
  • Pouch of Bronze and Silver Coins
Leitmotif: N/A
I'm not. You should have done this to begin with. I think I deleted the conversation with the sheet (((when we didnt use the conversation to rp))), and I'm not typing it up for the *3rd time* because you randomly want it somewhere else. I've been screaming threads all along. Sorry.
[Carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, Curtis eventually stopped, dropped his worries, and took a very bad turn. Now wandering as the self-proclaimed 'Wight,' Curtis avenges all the wrongs in the world, while adding some of his own to the pile.]
Name: Curtis 'Wight' Sadrinn

Age: 27

Physique: Tall and lithe, Curtis has crimson skin, a dark contrast to his bright, pinkish eyes. A black pair of horns curve back from his head, matching his curly, dark brown hair. He has no tail, but he does have claws and sharp teeth, and his skin is a bit rough and thicker than human skin. He also has a high body temperature, so while he may overheat if he isn't careful he fares well in colder climates.

Place of Birth: A vague village in Barbaros

Background: Curtis had always suffered from a violent imagination and morbid curiosity, although as a young child he'd quickly realized the danger of revealing this and learned to disguise and repress it. After watching his village get sacked by bandits after begging for aid and getting none, Curtis began his downward spiral. He began traveling, trying to get away from his growing urges and from his sensitivity to the world's wrongs, only to see more bad things than good things. Finally he had enough and snapped. What followed was a string of murders, ending in messy and almost unrecognizable bodies that may have been eaten somewhat, barely at first and much more later in a demonstration of growing addiction, that tormented a city in the nearby Vaars for almost a decade.

These spontaneously stopped, and Curtis moved on. His next move was a slave ring back in Barbaros. There were no survivors, not even slaves, as if his violence may have gotten out of control.

After a few other incidents in Barbaros, Curtis moved onto Grendel. He has reigned in his impulses, however, as he has matured, and now targeted crime affects the Empire's more corrupt members. The Wight terrorizes the streets of the Empire who have dirty hands and dirtier dealings.

  • A beautiful, wickedly sharp sabre, aptly named Heartseeker
  • A maroon cloak to disguise his appearance, often shadowing his face
  • Multiple daggers sheathed in different areas on his person
  • A single revolver at the side opposite his sabre
Couldn't keep the formatting but meh. Here is Ingrid.

- - -

"An engineer and smart as a whip. The empire would never suspect who she really is."

Ingrid Follette




Ingrid is tall, of a slim build, and a ginger. She has long red hair that is curly and frizzy in its texture. It's often kept tied back because of her work. Her eyes are green and her skin is pale and freckled. She is usually wearing a long white lab coat over her clothes.

Place of Birth:

The Empire


Ingrid was always a bright young lady. She discovered her advanced mathematical ability at a young age, and this led to her being well educated. Ingrid is a magi herself, and began experiementing with magi while studying engineering. It was here she met her future husband, and together the two of them began building the first prototypes of magi technology. Although Ingrid did not realize it herself, she suffered numerous forms of abuse from her husband. Most notably, he used her for her power, and extracted the magi of hiw own wife to invent magitek. It was later her husband died in a tragic accident, and in his name Ingrid took over his research. Ingrid was eventually recruited by the Empire to develop bigger, more dangerous magitek weaponry. This is where she still resides today using her awarded grant money and government facilities to further the expansion of this technology. The truth about her history is kept hidden from her comrades because she fears she would lose her job if the wrong person discovers the truth.

  • Tool kit
  • Keys to lab facilities
  • safety goggles
  • gloves
And now for the characters I have more formally introduced.

[A soldier of Fyelli whose entire career is wrapped in controversy. On one hand, he is an exceptional fighter, but his love of violence sees no shortage of reprimands.]

Name: Jaeger Watson

Age: 25

Physique: Standing at Standing at 6"3, Jaeger is tall and imposing. He is built with lean muscle, ideal for Judo. He has cold, piercing eyes that are usually obscured by his visor, as well as sun-burnt skin and black hair.

Place of Birth: Fyelli

Background: As soon as he was old enough to be tried as an adult, Jaeger spent most of his time in jail for repeat physical assaults; on men, women and minors. It didn't really matter who he beat up; as he had and still has a love of violence. But before he became a soldier, his temper would flare explosively at any perceived slight. He was given one last chance of redemption in the Fyelli military, where Jaeger successfully curbed his foul temper with unwavering stoicism, and channeling his love of violence into his swordplay and marksmanship

- Scimitar
- F-3 Lever Action Rifle
- Rifle Ammunition
- Fyelli Armor and duster
- Armored visor
[The King of Fyelli, and an accomplished engineer. Beneath his smart, confident and womanizing demeanor, however, lies the symptoms of age and fatigue.]

Name: King Joseph Raphael Fyelli II

Age: 28

Physique: Joseph stands at 6'1, and though a life of cozy royalty has slimmed his musculature, his body still shows signs of strength; from callused hands, bulged veins, and numerous scars, most of these relics of his work remain beneath his royal robes. His face is fair, his hair blonde, and his eyes blue.

Place of Birth: Fyelli

Background: Joseph grew up under his father, who was King before him. His mother died when he was at an age too young to comprehend the loss, and instead bonded further with his younger brother. He was taught everything there was to know about machinery, and Joseph's teen years were spent mastering the art of Fyelli engineering.

On his 18th birthday, his father died of disease. When talk of an heir arose, Joseph's younger brother walked away from the Kingdom, towards Romosh, leaving Joseph alone to rule.

- Crown
- Leather Cuirass
- Burstfire Crossbow
- Mythril Pike

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