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Realistic or Modern Mystery Man


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is the story of a man accused of a rape and murder in Las Vegas. Witnesses saw the suspect leaving the scene. But their description was rather vague. About 6’6” tall, caucasian, dark hair, muscular.

1% or men are 6’7” or above
75-85% of people have black hair
60% of the US is Caucasian
49.5% of Americans are Male
Las Vegas metro area has a population of nearly 3 million

That allowed for about 7650 possible suspects. It would seem like an impossible search. But police went out in force on the streets. From behind desks many possible suspects were eliminated by locations. By the end of the day they had whittled the number down to less than 100 and brought in a few suspects.

One of them was a man who had no ID, no fingerprints on file, and offered the name Jon Rhand. There was no Jon Rhand with Rhand spelled with an H. He offered no address, declared himself to be a migrant worker. And three shelters confirmed that he had been staying there. He was otherwise an ideal suspect. He was run through all the usual tests and fingerprinted. But he wasn’t picked out in the lineup by anyone. His alibi of working for cash held up.

In the end the police had to let him go.

Your Character
These are only suggestions. But as this is an MxF your Main Character should be female.

Detective that is part of the investigation
Defense Lawyer assigned to him for his interview.
Psychiatrist to evaluate him
Case worker assigned to him
Worker at the college bookstore

(You are actually welcome to run all of these. If you do, some could be male.)

My Character
He has amnesia. He has been supporting himself with manual labor jobs and augmenting that with gambling. He harbors secrets, some of which even he doesn’t know.

3rd Person Past Tense
Decent literacy
I typically manage about a page per post.
This will be run in PM threads: one for OOC; one for IC.

PM if interested.

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