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Fandom ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 - a pjo roleplay. [closed]


bite the hand that feeds.
Roleplay Availability
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" humans see what they
want to see. "

imagine dragons


_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

look, you didn’t want to be a half-blood.

it’s scary. it’s dangerous. and, let’s be honest, you were lucky to make it this far without becoming a monsters’ snack. but you’ve survived. thrived, even. camp half-blood is a safe haven, and for however long you've been here, you've made it your home.

something’s changing, though. it started with small things- woodland creatures passed through the barrier that normally wouldn't be able to. a rogue storm that wiped out half the strawberry fields. stuff that was weird, sure, but not too concerning.

but now... mortals are starting to see things that they shouldn’t. mass paranoia, they call it- because who could believe that a snake-haired woman would be roaming central park, or that a lap dog could transform into a giant hound, or that a gang of orange-clad teenagers pulled out ancient weapons to stop them?

the mist is failing- that much is obvious. and when five strange mortals stumble upon camp, it becomes glaringly obvious that you need to fix it, before the mortal and ancient worlds irreversibly collide, and the safe haven you know now will cease to exist.

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look, you didn’t want to be a hero.

you were just a normal kid. you worried about normal things, like homework, and friends, and who would win the superbowl. myths and legends were contained to the classroom and the dusty old books in the library.

but things have been less normal lately. maybe you're one of the people who experienced what the news called 'mass paranoia'. maybe you just heard whispers about it in school- people who thought they saw things that couldn't possibly exist, but did.

well, they definitely exist. you had to admit that when you and four other students from your school stumbled upon a full-fledged summer camp hidden in what should've been an empty field. and the kids at the summer camp? well, they weren't exactly fully human.

you got answers, but you can't go back to your own world. not yet. something's happening, something bad, and you're apparently the key to help stop it. not only that, but you might just be connected to the souls of five ancient heroes that went missing from the underworld years ago.

so, whether you like it or not, you're in this now. only question is, are you gonna make it out?

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

hello, hello, and welcome to mystbound, a roleplay set in the percy jackson universe!

so, show's over, but my hyperfixation remains. what better to do than roleplay? i know there have been so many pjo interest checks lately so hopefully this one is at least a little bit original, lol.

note: you do not need to have read the books or watched the show in order to participate! as long as you know the basic gist of the series you're gucci.

some little lore things:
• this doesn't take place in the main pjo-verse! so no canon characters, no pact, only 12 cabins, etc.
• the border around camp still exists, but it's instead generated by the mist, which is why it's acting up
• spoiler alert, sorry, but the mortals will be reincarnations of the five missing heroes! why the heroes were reborn without any prior notice or explanation is still up in the air, however
• not really a lore thing, but depending on the amount of interest this gets, i'm open to adding more roles!
• i seriously don't know what else to mention, but if you have any questions, don't be shy to ask! i don't bite, usually

but that's about it! read the rules, check out the roles, and let me know if you're interested! i cannot wait to roleplay with you all!


the nexus - you've been at camp longer than some of the younger campers have been alive. you're the one everyone looks up to, the head counselor, the one who knows what they're doing. but do you, though? because oh, do you have a lot of pressure on you, and i'd hate to see you crumble. taken by yokai.

the crux - you've always been the golden child. the strongest, the smartest, the most popular. life's been easy for you, almost painfully so. but you’re hiding something, aren’t you? a secret weakness, something that could bring not only your own downfall, but the downfall of everyone around you. it's shadow lurks over you, and you wonder if this quest will be the thing that makes it all come crashing down. [the soul of achilles.] taken by aeneas.

the seeker - you've never felt fulfilled at camp, not really. sure, it's nice and all, and it's safe, but doing the same thing, over and over, years on end, just hoping you'll make it to eighteen? nah. you're the first to volunteer for quests, the last to return from patrols. sneaking out is a weekly occurrence, because damn, do you just want to see the world. well, now you'll get to- but it might not be the world you were expecting. - taken by starlight.

the trireme - you've always known you're meant for something more. maybe that's why you have this insatiable wanderlust, the need to blow this popsicle stand and find what you're really meant for. could this quest be it? or is it just another distraction? [the soul of jason.]

the canvas - you've never been much of a fighter. sure, you can hold your own, like any demigod, but your real skill lies beyond the battlefield. maybe it's at the arts-and-crafts table, or around the bonfire at night. but there's a reason you don't fight. something happened the last time you did- something that still terrifies you. but chin up, because face it, there's fighting to be done- whether you like it or not. -

the lyre - you’re always had the ability to weave words into tapestries, songs that all would stop to listen to. but what most don’t realize is that the songs you sing spell your own grief, something- or someone- you’ve lost. and quest or not, you’ll do anything to get them back. [the soul of orpheus.]

the tempest - you weren't always powerful. it's something you had to work for, train for, make sacrifices for. and make sacrifices, you have- the first and biggest still makes them see you as less. but you don't mind. you know you're worth- and whether they want to admit it or not, they do, too. taken by phnx.

the fleet - throughout your life, you've survived by being independent. underestimated, overlooked, and unvalued, you've worked had to carve out your own place in the world. though this quest is most definitely scary, and undoubtedly dangerous, you can't help but see it as an opportunity- a chance to prove yourself, and make them all eat their words. [the soul of atalanta.] - taken by uxie

the page - maybe you're stereotypically smart, like the cabin six kids. maybe your intelligence is of a different kind- the kind that lets you read people, open their hearts and minds as though they were just another book. you've always been invaluable around camp, your mind unparalleled. and now, everyone's looking to you for answers about the mist. but you don't have them. or at least, you claim you don't. - taken by pearjuice

the compass - you're smart. some might call you cunning. others likely don't have such nice names to give. but you've learned to be that way, because life has taught you that bravery was never enough. you might not be as strong or tough as the others, but nobody could match you for turn of phrase, and in the arena of the mind, you always come out on top. that's good- because if what's been going on recently is any indicator, we're going to need more than just strength to make it through this. [the soul of odysseus.]

the reputation - you've made something of a name for yourself around camp. wherever you go, stares follow- whether it be for reasons good, bad, or some combination of both. will you be forced to change amongst what's to come, or will you be determined in your resolve to prove that everyone was right about you? taken by reverice

the prize - due to the circumstances of your birth, you've always been seen as less of a human, and more of a trophy. something to put on a mantle, to admire and wish for. but you're more than just a pretty face, aren't you? you take advantage of the situations you find yourself in, convincing and conniving. and, even though you may not realize it yet, the choices you make could build nations- or burn down empires. [the soul of helen.]

the forge - you have a golden touch when it comes to crafting, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. golden hands and a silver tongue, you hold the ability to topple kingdoms either with your words or with your skill. well, maybe not to that extent, though... have you tried? every hero needs their weapon, and it's your time to prove you've decisively got yours.

the winged - you've always seen yourself as being on top of the world. your work is unparalleled, and you're ought to be someone great one day. your ambition is commendable- but be wary, for it may just be your downfall. try not to fly too close to the sun; you wouldn't want to get burnt. [the soul of icarus.]


001. just some housekeeping rules, you know the drill. this is a safe space for everyone, so no ooc racism, homophobia, antisemitism, transphobia, and anti-capybara propaganda. any negative biases irp should be portrayed in a negative light.

002. since this rp is going to be a bit more mature, i prefer that everyone will be 18+! this is just for the comfort of me and everyone else in the roleplay.

003. please try and post at least once a week so we can keep this thing schmooving! being active ooc is also a super big plus :)

004. discord will be required for this roleplay! i just prefer doing ooc on there ^^

005. and, most importantly: have fun!

ooc - xxx.
characters - xxx.
ic - xxx.
discord - xxx.
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Your code looks so cool!

Count me in, definitely eyeing the role of THE LYRE. By the way, will we be using realistic face-claims for this?
Your code looks so cool!

Count me in, definitely eyeing the role of THE LYRE. By the way, will we be using realistic face-claims for this?
ty saviii !! i am so hyped to have you here! and yep, realistic fcs :)
Interested in the Canvas role, already have an idea in mind for backstory
omg this looks so fun, been looking for a pjo rp!! def interested for the role of the seeker
I am also interested in this, can we apply for any role or is this first come first serve?
you can apply for any role you'd like! the only one you can't apply for is the tempest, since i've taken it c:
hey hey! dropping by to let you know that you didn't add a text colour to the buttons and many of the textboxes, so the code is pretty difficult to read on light mode (*μ_μ)
at the same time, might possibly toss in my interest for the fleet! will see if i manage to push through with a cs (/▿\ )
hey hey! dropping by to let you know that you didn't add a text colour to the buttons and many of the textboxes, so the code is pretty difficult to read on light mode (*μ_μ)
uhhh light mode? deserved /j but seriously ty for letting me know !!

and hiii uxie! don’t stress it too much, but looking forward to seeing it if you do ^^
bump! planning on adding more roles, so feel free to put up a cs! :D
HUZAH! I'd like to express interest in the Compass or the Forge!
Would love to take the role of "the canvas"!
hey, I’m sorry but that role was actually just taken, my bad for not updating the ic! but if you want I know fraxiom’s chb roleplay “exodus” is still accepting !!

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