Story My story: Two Worlds, chapter 1~

Should I have made it longer? O.o

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Brownie Goddess
Sitting in the passenger seat of the Jeep I couldn’t help but look at my ‘new’ home with a look of horror on my face.

“Where in the world does this place look new to you?” I spoke with the sound of disbelief clearly showing to my happy-go-lucky mother and my nonchalant best friend. Some people would find it weird that their best friend is moving in with them but as of last year my mom had officially adopted my best friend Temperance that I’ve known since elementary school.

Of course Temperance is definitely not a normal person, longer then when I met her in 4th grade. She said that ever since she was born she’s been able to see the future whenever she touches something, which is why she always wears gloves. She had long curly brown hair that was usually in either a bun or a braid, her hazel brown eyes always glowed with a special hue that I enjoyed looking at. During summer she had gotten a light tan that showed we hadn’t stayed inside the entire time.

“Well technically it is new… to us that is. It doesn’t look so bad to me plus it your previous ancestors use to live here in the past right? Isn’t that awesome?” Temperance tried to persuade me about my idea of living in a house that looked ready to break down.

“I know your angry Kitty but the lawyer said that since the land now belongs to us then we can do whatever we want. Living here seemed like a good idea,” Mom piped in with a puppy look on her face. There will be no one who could change my mind on this subject.

“Pray that my bed doesn’t fall through the roof while I’m here,” I huffed before opening the door to the car and jumping out. Who in the world would be happy to live here?! The wood of the house looked old and probably covered in mold in most places, the white paint was chipped off with grey areas showing easily. Looking up more I could see a window on the third floor had a huge hole in it. The grass would probably easily reach my knees, who knew what sort of things were hiding in it?

I just have to deal with this until we eventually move, right? Right? I could feel my throat getting smaller and it was now almost impossible for me to get happy about this house. No turning back. Running a hand through my short blonde hair I went around the car when I heard the ‘pop!’ for the trunk being unlocked. Lifting it open I take the large black suitcase out of the trunk and angrily walk toward the door that my mom was now trying to open with the key.

“I think its stuck…” The beautiful blonde woman I know my ‘mom’ had a frown on her face as she tried to wiggle the key around to unlock it. Looking at her with a hopeless look I waited for her to make an accomplishment. Of course I didn’t have to wait long before she gave the wooden door a nice push and it made a loud ‘crack!’ sound. Mom froze in her spot with her green eyes stuck on our entrance before slowly looking over at me.

“Did it break? Please don’t tell me it broke,” I whined with a pleading look on my face, what in the world are we supposed to do if it was broken?

“Um… its not exactly broken?” Mom hesitated before she let go of the door knob and the wooden door was then hanging half-way off its hinges.

“Wow, impressive,” Temp snorted as she passed by me with her luggage, without slowing down she went past my mom without a care in the world.

“Watch out for any part of the floor that looks like it’ll end up making you fall through the floor, I’m not driving anyone to the hospital,” Were the words I spoke when I finally managed to convince myself to actually enter the house. The inside was worse than the outside and some sort of foul smell wasn’t helping it.

“I’m leaving,” I said instantly after my eyes had scanned the cluttered and dreary house, it was like a nightmare especially looking at a giant hole in the wall that was too dark to see into.

“Wait! Please, Kitty?!” Mom panicked as she ran in front of me when I turned around to leave, there’s no reason for me to stay here.

“Give me one reason why I should risk my life in a death hazard,” Were the only words that fell out of my lips as I concentrated on her clearly.

“This is the house that your aunty and I grew up in, I want you to have some sort of memories in the place that I worshipped,” She sighed as her eyes practically begged me to just deal with this and I couldn’t help but feel my will on this bending faster and faster.

“Fine. But you owe me double time,” I rolled my eyes before turning around toward the case of stairs.

“Last one there is a rotten egg!” Temperance shouted as she picked up the luggage she had and ran past me and upstairs. The moment she was a couple steps up a scream of surprise left her lips as her foot suddenly went through the stairs and made a new hole.

“Holy shit!” Mom laughed out seconds later and I couldn’t help but quickly turn around and let a laugh escape my lips. Truthfully I was only talking about watching out to not fall through the floor but I didn’t think it would actually happen.

“Okay, we should probably hurry up and fix this place before we get all the furniture here. Let’s go to Home Depot tomorrow,” Temp grumbled as she yanked her foot away from the rotten wood. Grabbing my luggage I chose to carefully step on the wood that still looked a bit stable. Obviously rushing upstairs would give the house even more damage than it already has.

Once I reached upstairs I opened the first door that came across my path and when I opened it I couldn’t help but look at the room that was empty but spacious. The closet was a walk in closet and even though the whole room looked ready to collapse, I could see that it would be a good room for me.

“Kitty! We’re staying at a hotel for tonight then tomorrow we’re fixing the place up. School starts in 2 weeks!” Mom shouted from downstairs and the only positive thing coming from this place was that her voice was barely audible. Maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad after all

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