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Realistic or Modern My soul mate


The Clawed Fauni
Role Play Rating:

  • T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

You have never been interested in anyone. Ever. Everyone is just uninteresting. That was, until someone passed by. It's like your field of vision was trained for them and only them. You instantly fall head over heels, whether you know it or not. What will be your fate?

1. Follow all Rpnation rules

2. No graphic stuff. Fade to black if you have to.

3. 3 lines minimum. I swear if you don't finish sentences, get out. The password at the bottom is fake. The real one is "Fate"

4. 3rd person. If you just speak in first person, get out.

5. Be nice. No outside of Role-play drama

6. No overly romantic stuff, fade to black.

7. Swearing is fine, but not every other word.

8. Have fun.

Password is "Soul mate"
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