My Resurrection


Shadow Prince
Hello and greetings to all who inhabit this wonderful website,

For those who have never met me, I am Sicarius: the vigilant veteran; the eloquent enthusiast. It has been some time since I have offered my writings to RpN, and unfortunately it was due to some unnecessary events. However, I am happy to announce that I have made a potentially permanent return. I look forward to continue role playing with you all, and I hope we may enjoy all the unique writing styles everyone gives to the table.

With Utmost Sincerity,

Jsmn said:
@Sicarius I never met you, Lol but welcome back to RPN. Hope we could RP together sometime
I could not help but noticing your profile says you're from the Philippines. Are you Filipino? Contrary to my appearance, I am half White, half Filipino. Although for some reason I look hispanic.
Hello, my name is Nyr. I like your name. I'm glad to hear that you've made a return to this site. It's a new experience for me, but I thought I'd just stop by and say hello. I shall see you around!

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