Welcome to Equestria!
Equestria, a place of beauty, harmony, and not to forget... friendship! Princess Celestia has ruled the land for years, rising the sun and the moon each and every day. Here lives the ponies that brought together the elements of harmony with the power of friendship, the Mane 6! Twilight Sparkle,Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. They stopped the Mare in the Moon, also known as Nightmare Moon, from darkness in Equestria for all eternity. In this roleplay, you can play as one of Mane 6, and also make a pony of your own! Give your pony his or her own story, and customize it just your liking! The main goal in the RP is to have fun! I promise I will do whatever it takes to make sure this roleplay is exciting and enjoyable as possible. So, if you want to join this fun-filled RP, keep reading, and it will give all the information you need! Enjoy!
Granted, rules aren't very fun, but they will keep the roleplay under control and in check, so I insist that you read and follow them for the best experience possible.
1.) Be kind with your words. When I say this, I mean OOC (Out of Character). If someone is being rude, tell me, and I will take care of the problem. (I guess some people haven't grasped the magic of friendship. :I)
2.) Keep romance PG-13! I hope most of you know this already, but just to make sure, I'm adding this rule.
3.) No killing someone without their agreement first. It's unfair!
4.) Don't make yourself over powered. Granted, unicorns have magic, but don't put yourself above others.
Mane 6 and Other Ponies!
This area states all the Mane 6, other playable pony characters, and if and who they are being played by.
Princess Celestia - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Twilight Sparkle - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Spike - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Applejack - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Rainbow Dash - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Pinkie Pie - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Rarity - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Fluttershy - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
The Cutie Mark Crusaders (Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom) - None Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Zicora - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Mr. And Mrs. Cake - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
The Wonderbolts (Soarin' and Spitfire) - Not Taken! Fill out a form and ask me!
Places to Live!
In Equestria, you have 4 places to choose to call home! Note that whatever home you pick, you can always move away, or visit other towns!
A small town where everypony knows each other, also the home of Mane 6!
A large city for ponies who enjoy the finer things in life. Also home to Princess Celestia.
A large city on the coast full of British ponies
A town floating on a cloud above Ponyville, where the weather is made. Pegasus only. Home to the famous Wonderbolts.
Evergreen Forest
A damp and eerie forest, filled with various dangers. Home to Zincora the zebra.
This is the form you fill out to create a pony! It asks some simple questions, and has lots of possibilities!
Name - (What name does your pony go by?)
Gender - (If a foal, is your pony a filly or a colt? If an adult, is your pony a mare of a stallion?)
Age - (Is your pony a foal, or is she/he all grown up?) **
Appearance - (What does your pony look like? You can give a detailed description, or you can go to Pony Creator on, and post a picture of your pony!)
Personality - (How does your pony act, what is her/his personality?)
Type of Pony - (Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth Pony?)
Home - (What type of home does your pony have, and where does he/she live?)
Cutie Mark - (What is your pony's cutie mark? He/she can only be a blank flank is they are a foal and haven'y discover their talent.)
Bio - (What is your pony's past like? Its optional, but good to have.)
Other - (Anything I missed? Anything you wanna say?)
**The ages are a little weird, I know. But if you'd like to be the same age as one of the tv characters, be somewhere around 17 or 18... if you're a filly, be somewhere in your 9's, 10's... something like that
Weather and Season!
It is currently Spring in Equestria, Fluttershy's favorite time of year! So everypony grab your watering cans and get gardening!
Ponyville - It is a bright, and sunny day in Ponyville! Not a cloud in the sky thanks to Rainbow Dash!
Canterlot - It is bright and sunny as well! A bit cloudy, and dark in the far distance, slight chance of rain!
Cloudsdale - Sunny, and extra hot today!
Thanks for reading! I look forward to roleplaying with you guys!
- Madi
Here is the site for the roleplay itself
Credit for all info towards AlanaYeahWhatever, Jan 1, 2012
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