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Realistic or Modern ` my lil aussie guy needs a friend [search!]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hello, hello, hello! My name is Stephanie and I’ve been here since September last year. I'm 27 (*cries*) and I'm one of those people who has been writing for forever! I’ve only had one roleplay whilst here (my decision), but my roleplay partner seems to have gone on hiatus (I shall wait for you forever my love!) and I’m left with an itch to write! I’ve been roleplaying since 2003 (starting with Neopets, yooo), and completed NaNoWriMo last year! I’m currently a full-time worker, along with full-time university online, so there’s no knowing how much writing I can get done during the week. But I’m on the hunt for another roleplay to test out a new character for my next NaNoWriMo book!


  • Like I mentioned before, I am a full-time worker and university student. If you’re consistent with your replies, I will be more prone to replying to them quicker.
  • Roleplay on here, not on discord. I’m old. I have no idea what discord is nor do I have the ambition to learn.
  • I’m not huge on BBCode but I love experimenting so I may be a bit extra on my replies.
  • The roleplay pairing for what I’m hunting for is F X M. My character is a male and he likes the boobies.
  • I’m on the hunt for someone to play the female role for this story
  • I am an old school lit writer. This means my first post is an introduction post to give background on the character (flashbacks and reflective monologue) and they’ll tend to be about 5,000 words. My posts can reach up to 1,000 words with 6-8 paragraphs. It’d be nice if people can paragraph match (I’m a sucker for in-depth character descriptions like flashbacks!)
  • For the love of God, grammar, please. And 3rd person too. I prefer past tense over present (so intead of saying "she walks over", I prefer "she walked over").
  • I’m a big old fan of mood boards, face claims, gifs, and OOC antics via PMs! Communication is the key!
  • Below you can see my character, Ant, which I will be using. I will also post a plot idea, but I’m open to suggestions and brainstorming. I’ve just had this character stuck in my head for many, many years, and haven’t had the chance to properly roleplay him.

Name: Anthony “Ant” Smith
Birthday: 27th April 1990 (28 years old this year)
Place of birth: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
In a nutshell: Ant is a classic Aussie lad living in LA, California with his family. He loves his beers, man buns, beards and ciggies. He’s an inspiring singer-songwriter, focusing on the indie rock and acoustic genre.
Why is he in California? His older brother, Frankie Smith, is a famous star in the pop boy band Thirst Panic. His brother has been rising to fame since they were teenagers and has been living in California with their parents for the last couple of years. After going completely broke and homeless, Ant had no choice but to reach out to his family. They, in return, flew him over to California to live with them.
So, do Ant and Frankie get along? HELL NO - AND ITS SO JUICY HOW MUCH THEY FIGHT. Frankie is the polar opposite of his younger brother. Ant is still sour over the fact that Frankie got signed with a label through Australian Idol. The pair of them both auditioned for the show but only Frankie got through the first round. The judges said that Ant had no talent and should really just give up. Frankie, on the other hand, was worshipped for his good looks and apparently, for his great vocals and dance moves.
What’s Ant’s personality like? Ant can be slightly sadistic when it comes to his brother (for example, he once sold his brother’s underwear online so he could buy a pack of smokes). He hates it when people mention his brother around him so he rather not tell people who his brother is. Lucky for Ant, Frankie was embarrassed when Ant became homeless and told the media that his brother had died. Therefore, the media has no clue who he is. When he’s not around his brother, he’s a complete sweetheart and romantic at heart. He loves the idea of romance and being in love but struggles to stay in relationships. He can be salty and get into moods, but that’d just be the nicotine cravings. He's an extrovert, out-going, and loves hanging around people. Heck, he'll pull a stranger from the street and have an hour-long conversation with them.
So, what does he do for a living? Mostly mooch off his brother. But he spends his days writing songs, playing his guitar or piano in his room, or exploring LA. To get some money, he tends to play in coffee shops or busk on the streets. It helps to get him by and puts his name and face out there to hopefully get signed without his brother’s help.


  • Your character is a massive fan of Frankie and his band. She meets Ant one day outside a concert venue as your character is waiting to see Thirst Panic live. Ant tries to sell your character things that belong to Frankie (like his undies) for some money to buy some smokes and beer. Ant from there on out becomes a source of information for your character who regularly pays him money for items or information about Frankie and the band.
  • Ant and your character meet each other randomly (party, coffee shop etc wherever) and they become friends. As you begin to grow closer, Ant finds out she’s a massive Frankie fan and he turns a bit sour about it all. Your character is like wtf is your problem.
  • Like the first one, your character and Ant meet outside a concert venue. Ant tells her that he can get her backstage for a packet of cigarettes. He brings her backstage and lets her snoop around. Afterwards, he asks for her number (straight up, yo) and informs her that he doesn’t have any friends because he’s just moved to California (which is true). So, they exchange numbers and he tells her to ring him next time she goes to a party
  • Not a main plot idea, but I think it’d be sweet if after they meet and they’re still sort of learning more about each other, she sees him either busking on the streets or performing at a coffee shop and she has this sort of crystalizing moment about his talent.
  • Your character could be a massive bitch and just use Ant to get to Frankie. Like, they’re a journalist who thinks that Frankie is hiding something and thinks that Ant works for Frankie. Therefore, seduces Ant to get to Frankie to find out more about their family. Break Ant’s friggen heart so he can then write sad songs about betrayal cause none of his relationships ever work out well for him due to his brother being famous and all.
  • Up for any suggestions or ideas! I really just want to work with Ant to develop his character so I'm ready for NaNoWriMo this year
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This sounds so fun! I would love to roleplay with you!

I like the third idea about him getting her backstage best.

Please let me know :):)

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