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Answered My interest check vanished


The Omnitopped Nachos.
Hey i just posted my story idea “Paladins- Warriors of the gods”

And it vanished right after can anyone help me find out whats going on? I kinda typed it off of the top of my head and fear losing it.
Heya! You joined just recently, so in all likelihood it just got caught in the spam filter and is waiting for manual approval from a mod. Once someone gets to it, it should pop right back up just where you put it, and it'll be all good! The filter tends to get overzealous with new accounts, but when you have some more posts racked up, it shouldn't bother you anymore :)
Heya! You joined just recently, so in all likelihood it just got caught in the spam filter and is waiting for manual approval from a mod. Once someone gets to it, it should pop right back up just where you put it, and it'll be all good! The filter tends to get overzealous with new accounts, but when you have some more posts racked up, it shouldn't bother you anymore :)
Thank you very much. I had hoped it was something like that. I had typed out a whole mythology about the realms deities so it was a good bit of text. Again thanks for the answer.
Has it been moved because of a ticket? My roleplay about Hell was ticketed. I did away with it. Also they might have took them down if it violate the sites rules??

Im sorry, thats all I got. Im kindof new here too and dont understand all the rules and stuff.
Has it been moved because of a ticket? My roleplay about Hell was ticketed. I did away with it. Also they might have took them down if it violate the sites rules??

Im sorry, thats all I got. Im kindof new here too and dont understand all the rules and stuff.
Hi! This was resolved last month.

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